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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Think back to when Trump was just that angry orange goblin firing sycophantic narcissists on prime-time TV.

Now imagine future-you telling past-you what just happened.


Fuck every so-called "liberal" who spent the better part of a year demonizing her and parroting the vomit being spewed by the right.

Fuck your purity tests. Fuck your protest votes. You played a part in electing a monster by being a useful idiot for his campaign. By refusing to play politics, you've doomed us to decades of a right-wing SCOTUS peeling back every bit of progress we've made.
And fuck your condescending attitude. You learned nothing from this failed election. The way forward was in going together not forcing people into compliance while belittling them.
Anything can happen right, but she won't though because she has no allies and people will rally against her party again.

I'm not even sure right now, she most likely will get to the 2nd turn but everything that is happening is enabling the far right.

I'm not optimistic.

Fuck every so-called "liberal" who spent the better part of a year demonizing her and parroting the vomit being spewed by the right.

Fuck your purity tests. Fuck your protest votes. You played a part in electing a monster by being a useful idiot for his campaign. By refusing to play politics, you've doomed us to decades of a right-wing SCOTUS peeling back every bit of progress we've made.

You should take a good look at yourself and understand that your antagonistic attitude is really not helping your case.

People will tune out when getting insulted and won't take you seriously.
The day America disappointed the entire world.

Mexican economy has already begun to feel the consequences. The Peso has fallen to historical levels.

Fuck this. I can't believe it was allowed for a cartoon villain to inhabit the White House.

A dark day in history for sure...

Yeah that sucks but a good side to this is that the Calderona was banking on Hillary, and hopefully this classist is out of the 2018 race now. Also the TPP is hopefully dead too. AMLO looking even better too!


I know this is a mean thing to say but I honestly thought that there was no way Americans would be dumb enough to elect Trump, was 100% sure it wouldn't happen.

Wishing all the best to you guys.


And fuck your condescending attitude. You learned nothing from this failed election. The way forward was in going together not forcing people into compliance while belittling them.

Pretty much. The left has plenty of soul searching to do in the next four years.
Can the democrats stall on confirming judges like the GOP did? Just sit out and don't vote.

They don't have the majority in the Senate. If they had held the majority this term(2014-16)...there'd be a ninth justice already! I think you can filibuster Supreme Court nominees...isn't going to do much...Alito is there and he went through that process if memory serves me right.


My god can you imagine what Trump will do if there is another 9/11-scale terror attack?

He would literally nuke the Middle East.

Jesus Christ...

How about your country already does everything it can to prevent such an attack, lets not speculate about one just to be able to post "what would Trump do?!".

I don't know how much more of the nuclear weapons hyperbole I can take. Nor seemingly using the atrocity and deaths of 9/11 to try and talk about Trump.
Fuck every so-called "liberal" who spent the better part of a year demonizing her and parroting the vomit being spewed by the right.

Fuck your purity tests. Fuck your protest votes. You played a part in electing a monster by being a useful idiot for his campaign. By refusing to play politics, you've doomed us to decades of a right-wing SCOTUS peeling back every bit of progress we've made.

I voted for her. After voting for Bernie. However, she was the worst possible candidate that could have been nominated by the Democrats. She can't escape her past, whether true or not, those things make people dislike her. I blame the DNC. They wanted their star pupil to get on stage knowing she was not well liked, hoping they could change things. Twenty years of accusations and controversy don't go away because it's her turn.


They don't have the majority in the Senate. If they had held the majority this term(2014-16)...there'd be a ninth justice already! I think you can filibuster Supreme Court nominees...isn't going to do much...Alito is there and he went through that process if memory serves me right.

Does that stop them from getting a seat?? I say do it. If they don't, America is about to get very dark on social issues.


Junior Member
Nah.. blame it on DNC for stacking the cards against Bernie heavily. How an established politician like Hillary can't beat a the most unappealing presidential candidate in recent history is on her and the party. They fucked it up for the world real bad.

It isn't on her or her party, it's literally for the dumb fucks and electorates who voted against her. That how voting fucking works here, the majority rules.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And fuck your condescending attitude. You learned nothing from this failed election. The way forward was in going together not forcing people into compliance while belittling them.

The Clinton platform was on coming together. It was the most progressive platform ever on climate change. The most progressive platform ever on LGBTQ rights. The most progressive platform ever on protections for the disabled. On education reform. On environmental protection. On all these issues people claim to care about. Ohhhh but she was too shrill, too unlikable, too much of a woman to get "so called" progressives out to vote against Donald Fucking Trump
Fuck every so-called "liberal" who spent the better part of a year demonizing her and parroting the vomit being spewed by the right.

Fuck your purity tests. Fuck your protest votes. You played a part in electing a monster by being a useful idiot for his campaign. By refusing to play politics, you've doomed us to decades of a right-wing SCOTUS peeling back every bit of progress we've made.
Yes, blame anyone but the shitty candidate who got beaten by an openly racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic reality show host with a terrible wig.


With a Republican controlled House and Senate - the dude literally has the world in his hands.

no he doesn't. He doesn't have super majorities in either house. That fact will keep much of the hyper partisan stuff at bay, but you will see strong overtures in areas like the budget and going after the ACA.

I highly doubt immigration will even be touched in trump's first four years unless rubio makes it his pet project again for another play at the white house. However day one, Trump is probably gonna erase every single active Executive Order Obama has done.


I have never visited USA (european here). I see US as one of the greatest nations in the world.

Yet, since I woke up and saw the election results I have been shocked and disgusted.

I'm afraid how much bad stuff Trump can cause in his era. Climate and environment stuff, LBGT rights...

Fuck this. Fuck Trump big time. :(


I took off work today because I am home, crying. I cannot believe this fucking country elected this asshat.

I love my parents, and this is going to sound really, really bad, but this country is going to be so much better off once the baby boomers are gone, and that old mindset hopefully goes with it, but it probably won't now that you have a man in place that carries the embodiment of that exact mindset.

What a fucking disgrace.


As a sports fan, I think America is just tanking for the better draft pick. Somebody better tell them that there isn't a draft. The Trump victory has XFL written all over it.
If you live in the south or midwest hate NEVER stopped being ok. The idea that Trump has brought it all back is simply another one of those "Yaaass Queen You better vote for Hillary" memes.

Theres no pretending. Trump just says nationally what they say/think locally.

Racially motivated incidents between members of the public will go up. There's a difference between being a closet racist in your own home and doing it outside directly at minorities.p

I'm in the UK but the sort of thing I mean is something like what I saw happen on Monday while waiting for the bus home from work, where I was sat next to someone of Asian descent and some prick who was clearly born here told him to 'Get out of the fucking country, fucking foreigner' or something along those lines.

That sort of thing is more common since the EU referendum and I'm certain the scumbags in America will respond in a similar fashion.


I'm sad for many reasons today.

I'm sad that the very human right I have to marry my boyfriend is now possibly going to be destroyed. I'm sad for the women who have to live with the terror of Roe v Wade possibly being overturned. I'm sad for all of my AA friends that will continue to face prejudice in the judicial system and continue to face disenfranchisement. I'm sad for all my Hispanic and Latino friends who could lose their families. I'm sad for my Muslim friends who are going to have to face a racist climate that wants to pin down blame on them and bar them from entering the country. I'm sad for Hillary Clinton, who has spent her life helping women and children through the government, losing to the very face of an uneducated misogyny.

I hope I can feel better tomorrow but I doubt it.
Please rise for the new National Anthem...
Where is the moment we needed the most?
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey, they tell me your passion's gone away and I don't need no carryin' on...

You stand in the line just to hit a new low, you're faking a smile with the coffee to go, you tell me your life's been way off line, you're falling to pieces every time and I don't need no carryin' on...
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