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DriveClub PS+ Edition Has Been M.I.A. For 100 Days

Seems like Evolution is a small studio. They are doing their best to improve the game by adding new tracks, weather etc but game doesn't seem to be selling all that well.

their main priority should be making it free on PSN, so they can entice more customers. But they are wasting their time improving a game no one is buying similar to what GG does with Killzone SF



As someone who purchased it Day 1 and am very glad that I have done so, I actually get the argument here and think it is valid.

It can easily be remedied by some communication.

All Sony needs to do is provide a truthful update in regards to the status of the PS+ version. Problem solved.

No matter what they are going to piss some people off and already have. That is already done. So just be truthful about the situation and let those people who are still waiting for the + version know if they should keep waiting or move on.


Whether the game is good or bad, GOTY or the biggest pile of shit ever, is irrelevant to the real point here. This thread exists because a company did not deliver on a promise, and is failing to adequately communicate with their customers.

Oh, I agree. I'm just glad that I personally went ahead and bought it instead of waiting on the broken promise. But the egg is definitely on Sony's face because of this entire debacle. No arguing that.


Last I checked for US it's still 50 for full game. It's 20 lbs in UK for full game right now, but keep in mind, that's not 20 dollars...

Anyways, for those saying just buy it or worse, "You weren't interested anyways." You miss the point. They promised us something and they haven't given us something. It doesn't matter if it is "just a demo" or if we planned on buying the full version, they haven't lived up to their word and yes, people should hold them to their word. And not just reward them for not buy buying the game instead. Oh, and just so you know, just cause some one has patience to wait for a game doesn't mean they had no interest. Just cause you have no willpower doesn't mean others don't. Or it could mean that we are interested enough to try it out and see if we want it but not interested enough to risk the money (for some of us even 30 dollars is expensive so I'm picky what games I get with my money. And honestly, without Lamborghinis they will really have to wow me to get the game. But I'm willing to try it to see if they do wow me. I'm not willing to risk even 30 dollars though on whether it will or not).

Granted, I will give the people who are proposing that maybe they still don't think that the servers are ready for the PS+ version and this isn't some malicious way of not giving us what we promised (though I will admit at this point I wonder even if it wasn't malicious if they'll just think no one is interested anymore anyways and not give it to us). But I do think it's not unreasonable to ask that they give us a little something more than they were in apology for the fact that they messed up (on purpose or not, they still messed up. And why are the customers being yelled at for being upset at that?). Like a much better discount on the game than what you can get full price (not just 10 dollars off). Or if possible (I realize this may not be easy to change what they are offering), a little more in the demo than they were going to offer us. But I realize that one might not be feasable (I don't know much about programming and how hard it is to change what the demo gives us).

Just something as an apology for the wait would go a long way in good customer service and show us that they truly are sorry.

You are missing something too. And that is, we are not missing that point. We are just not caring. Because we bough the game and we dont have to worry about anything.

But it seems this needs to be repeated:
Evo didnt fail to keep their promise because they wanted to. They failed because there were unexpected problems that needed to be adressed.

Hell, Evo and Sony would have had enough of hard time already, and sure Evo is feeling bad about their mistakes. And while they are working hard to fix them, and to make the best racing game they can supporting it with new content each month, you are complaining and screaming because a failed promise.

What about some empathy? They are humans and can make mistakes. And sure they dont deserve this ammout of PS+ Edition shit they are getting, because they made a terrific game nonetheless.


In Yoshida's Facebook update he said, "we will be postponing the release of the PS Plus Edition until further notice." I took that to mean it ain't coming or it ain't coming anytime soon so don't sit around waiting on it.

I think the dev bit off more than they (or Sony) could chew when it came to this game's network requirements. The magnitude of that wasn't realized until the game was released. I don't think Sony is planing on upgrading their networking infrastructure to be able to support what this game would require. Despite the promise made earlier, it may be harmful to them in the short term to make that investment in infrastructure for this game. I figure we may eventually get Driveclub for PS+ but I'm not counting on it anymore. This is just my conjecture.
This is one aspect of Sony that i don't like. They often promise things or not give any updates on a fuck-up. PSN down ? they give you updates when the community is really mad and people talk about it on Twitter then they react. It's been like this since the PS3 and honestly they do a very bad job at it.

I think for Sony to react, people need to bring the thing to social media, maybe then Sony will get their ass kicked and do something about it.

I bought the game and the season pass day one but i can see why people are mad. I was also mad because the game didn't work online for the first month and even now, it doesn't always work. At least the game is very good so there's that.


Pretty bad on Evolution and Sony the way this game was handled. I've even skipped renting it from Redbox because I'm going to wait for Sony to give the promised PS+ version. Guess I'm weird like that. I've been tempted several times just because of the gameplay videos posted here. Dat global illumination be making my knees weak, man.

I think it's the Illuminati that caused this.

Global Illuminati


Do you think Sony is even aware of when exactly the product will be ready for the PS+ release, along with the added server load it'll bring? Do you think Evolution are?

I understand your point here; imagine the backlash that would come from putting out another bogus "release date".

But... apparently someone at Sony, or Evo, felt compelled enough over a year and a half ago they were "aware" enough to proclaim on the biggest stage that they game will release when it was supposed to. You are telling me that you genuinely think that after a solid delay for the entire game and 100+ days since that release... they don't have a clue to at least say "Fall 2015"?? Yikes... that is some blind faith... its ok to do it at E3 but not even give a hint now?


"I will not buy the full version of the game for 30 bucks and get all the free DLC. But I will spend 50 bucks on a year subscription just to try 1/5th of the game to see if I like it."


Joking aside, I do understand people are upset about this, it was promised and it's not here. But bottom line, servers aren't completely fixed yet, until that point, no PS+ edition. There's no conspiracy. They're still working on making online flawless. Until that point, no use in releasing this.


As someone who purchased it Day 1 and am very glad that I have done so, I actually get the argument here and think it is valid.

It can easily be remedied by some communication.

All Sony needs to do is provide a truthful update in regards to the status of the PS+ version. Problem solved.

No matter what they are going to piss some people off and already have. That is already done. So just be truthful about the situation and let those people who are still waiting for the + version know if they should keep waiting or move on.

Nailed it... the "problem" isn't the game... it's the communication that has been released have been lies and the truth, or some semblance of the truth, has not. Is it that hard to be honest? Just once??


If anyone really cared that much at this point they should probably just buy the game. If you care, you will care that you want more of the game. You can get it for $30 almost anywhere now..

Edit: mods please close this thread, this is nonsense


Master Chief Collection?? There are bungled releases from both camps. What does LBP3 have to do with a demo not being released yet anyway.

He didn't say anything about MS. No one is denying that MS fucked up big time with MCC. But just because one company has fucked up doesn't mean you can't criticize the other company too. It's ridiciolous how many people are defending Sony over this shit.

If anyone really cared that much at this point they should probably just buy the game. If you care, you will care that you want more of the game. You can get it for $30 almost anywhere now..

Edit: mods please close this thread, this is nonsense

Why is it nonsense? One of the selling points of PS+ pre launch was this free version of DC. I don't really care if it's server problems that's holding it back because that's on Sony. The "anyone who cared would've bought it by now" argument completely misses the point.
If anyone really cared that much at this point they should probably just buy the game. If you care, you will care that you want more of the game. You can get it for $30 almost anywhere now..

Edit: mods please close this thread, this is nonsense
Why should they buy the game? What if their interest was only in the Plus version? What if they bought Plus knowing this was coming? Sony and Evolution should own up to their promises and deliver.
But it seems this needs to be repeated:
Evo didnt fail to keep their promise because they wanted to. They failed because there were unexpected problems that needed to be addressed

Then don't promise it. That is the issue. It's very simple.

Instead they just brushed it aside, and lots of people are letting them do it. Just gives them justification for making promises they may or may not be able to fulfill in the future.

Sony does this sort of thing all the time and continually gets away with it so I'm not surprised. Doesn't mean those that are bothered by it shouldn't voice themselves.


It's very disappointing, but only because they said so many times it was coming. It was supposed to happen so long ago, and that we are still not there is legit embarrassing for Sony.

I will not buy it, I will wait for the trial version I was promised long ago, and then do so if I like it, as was the plan in November 2013.

If anyone really cared that much at this point they should probably just buy the game. If you care, you will care that you want more of the game. You can get it for $30 almost anywhere now..

Edit: mods please close this thread, this is nonsense

It's become a matter of principle. You don't tell customers they are going to get something included with a subscription they pay for, then over a year later they still do not have it. Anecdotal, but I didn't order a racer at launch because this was supposed to be coming, and so had none, because of their failure. Big deal? Not really, but it matters when they want my money, of which they have much already. I'm sure they would love people disappointed to just go out and buy it, but there are many that would rather say 'FU', and i include myself among them.


Why is it nonsense? One of the selling points of PS+ pre launch was this free version of DC. I don't really care if it's server problems that's holding it back because that's on Sony. The "anyone who cared would've bought it by now" argument completely misses the point.

E.g. thats true for me. Initially I already planed to get the season pass after trying out the free version. Now I'm not so sure anymore. Guess I'll wait until the free version is released and if by then my interest is not completely gone, I still might pick it up. But there's no way I'm buying before the free version is available. The clock is ticking and the more other games are released in the meantime the less likely I'm gonna buy the DC season pass.
That is absolutely ridiculous.

I want to try the game before I consider buying it. I was told I'd be able to do so; I signed up for PS+.

Honest question here since I read the above as you connecting those three points; Was the promise of the PS+ Edition what got you to sign up for the service?

If they don't hurry up people will just buy the game used.

Nah, people will always often opt for free given the chance. So the hope that a PS+ Edition/Demo is still in the cards which will let them try before they buy will prompt many (myself included) to keep their money in their wallets.

I don't know why, but the title of this thread reminds me of Keith Olbermann and his counting of the days that Bush declared mission accomplished in Iraq.

Hahaha now that I think about it, most GAF outrage threads read like the teleprompter for those shows with the pundits screaming into the camera.


Then don't promise it. That is the issue. It's very simple.

Instead they just brushed it aside, and lots of people are letting them do it. Just gives them justification for making promises they may or may not be able to fulfill in the future.

Sony does this sort of thing all the time and continually gets away with it so I'm not surprised. Doesn't mean those that are bothered by it shouldn't voice themselves.

Err.... no. They promised it because they though they could deliver and were not expecting problems.

You cant dont do things because things that you dont expect or dont know about. I must remember you that the beta worked as expected.

It's like if I promise I'll go to a friends town some afternoon and then that afternoon my car breaks for some reason. What should my friend do?

"Man, you primised me! You are a bad friend!"

Or what should I do?

"I cant promise you anything becasue there's a 1/10000 probability that my car brakes."

Unexpected plot twists happens, man.


Waiiiit a second ... it looks like some people, in this very thread, were never actually interested in playing Driveclub, but they just couldn't pass up on an opportunity to hate on a company they don't like.

I'm shocked that such a thing could happen. Shocked!

dwr budr

I really hope evo never release the ps+ version as a final kick in the teeth for the whiners. 'I only signed up to ps+ on the promise of a free driveclub demo' 'the free demo ps+ version of driveclub was what prompted me to get a ps4 over an Xbox' - was it bollox !
You can get the game for as little as £20 you tight set of twats, get it bought it's a fantastic game and enjoy the game rather turning into professional complainers.


If anyone really cared that much at this point they should probably just buy the game. If you care, you will care that you want more of the game. You can get it for $30 almost anywhere now..

Edit: mods please close this thread, this is nonsense

PM one and see if they agree.

I want to try the game to see if I really like it before buying it.
If anyone really cared that much at this point they should probably just buy the game. If you care, you will care that you want more of the game. You can get it for $30 almost anywhere now..

Edit: mods please close this thread, this is nonsense

You actually edited in thread whining?


bish gets all the credit :)
I don't know what's worse, people defending Nintendo not including accessories needed to get one of their products to work out of the box, people defending the Xbone's horrendous pre-launch DRM, or people defending Sony regarding Driveclub's missing PS+ edition. I guess that's why we're stuck with all the bullshit penetrating the game industry the last few years.


I don't know what's worse, people defending Nintendo not including accessories needed to get one of their products to work out of the box, people defending the Xbone's horrendous pre-launch DRM, or people defending Sony regarding Driveclub's missing PS+ edition. I guess that's why we're stuck with all the bullshit penetrating the game industry the last few years.

The only almost reasonable excuse I've seen in defense is the 'games get delayed' response, which is true. However, that is completely mooted by the fact the game has been out for months. So what is left to defend it?

'If you cared you would have already bought it'.

Which doesn't defend it at all.
You guys are getting weird about this. I'd just like to play a demo to see if I like the driving before I purchase this game that is all about driving.

I know. People here are pretending like we're going on some kind of hunger strike, starving ourselves of a game we suffer without just for the principle.

Jesus, it's just video games. We're waiting for a demo to hit to see if we're going to buy the game. That's why "just buy it!!!!" is a non-argument. We're interested enough towait for a demo, whenever it is that it hits, not interested enough to buy it outright. This narrative that we're starving ourselves of a game we secretly really want just to moan and bitch is extremely silly.
I really hope evo never release the ps+ version as a final kick in the teeth for the whiners. 'I only signed up to ps+ on the promise of a free driveclub demo' 'the free demo ps+ version of driveclub was what prompted me to get a ps4 over an Xbox' - was it bollox !
You can get the game for as little as £20 you tight set of twats, get it bought it's a fantastic game and enjoy the game rather turning into professional complainers.

Well that would hurt Evo more than the 'whiners' as they may generate a few extra sales off the back of the PS+ version if people agree with you that it is a fantastic game.

Calling people twats isn't a very smart move either...
For the people who don't show faux "concern" online this is just a glorified demo that has less than 20% of the full game. People who are genuinely waiting this to come out have little interest in the game to begin with.

Or they generally don't really care for racing titles, and won't buy new, but the game looks good and having a chance to demo it may have convinced them to purchase the full version.

*shrugs* That's just me, though.


If they ran that promo for the full game for like 20 bucks or whatever it was in the EU for the US I'd probably just buy it. I really just wanted to PS+ version to try out the game.


Maybe you didn't read the OP?
They deserve to be taken to task about no PS+ version being released, no firm date in sight. That is the topic of this thread. The Driveclub thread might have content you're more interested in if you don't want to hear about how people are dissatisfied with Sony and EVO, in particular their terrible QA
Sure, fair enough they do deserve flack for not updating people on the situation regarding the PS+ version.


I don't know how many times I've almost purchased this game just because I want to experience it. Can't believe the plus version isn't out yet. Who's gonna win this war of attrition, me or them?
I caved and bought it for £20 on PSN. Played about an hour of it and it's really good so far. I've given up on the plus version coming anytime soon and that price was too tempting.
I bought the upgrade on day one, and I love it. I like simulation games and can't wait for Project CARS but this has been the game I've most consistently gone back to on my PS4. It's a great game to jump on if I've only got 20 minutes or to sink hours into. I also have a club with friends and when we're all racing together with our headsets on, it's fantastic - how the game was supposed to be played.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
I hope no one is planning on getting a platinum on Driveclub with the PS+ edition. I can't imagine grinding to level 50 with 10 cars and 11 tracks.

Mini Cooper GP
Volkswagen Golf GTI
Bentley Continental GT V8
Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG
Maserati Gran Turismo MC Stradale
Audi R8 V10 Plus
BAC Mono
Pagani Zonda R
RUF CTR3 Clubsport
Seems like Evolution is a small studio. They are doing their best to improve the game by adding new tracks, weather etc but game doesn't seem to be selling all that well.

their main priority should be making it free on PSN, so they can entice more customers. But they are wasting their time improving a game no one is buying similar to what GG does with Killzone SF

I can't tell...is this a joke?

I mean this is crazy...why would you abandon the people that payed for your game and delay improvements just so they can put a free version out?
game still has small network issues so maybe they're happy with the slow growth of retail purchases but worried a single huge influx of PS+ subscribers will destroy the servers

i never have problems playing the game online but almost every night, updating stats and such from the servers can be slow. and at least a few times a week, i simply can't even load my club stats or personal stats. i can play MP fine which is most important, but based on how slow network data loading can be, the servers obviously are still rather busy.

that, and they probably want more DLC available to entice impulse buyers during their first month.

dwr budr

Well that would hurt Evo more than the 'whiners' as they may generate a few extra sales off the back of the PS+ version if people agree with you that it is a fantastic game.

Calling people twats isn't a very smart move either...

I'm not sure the ps+ version featuring India tracks plus a couple of cars would necessarily lead to a massive conversion to the full version as people may get bored by lack of variety/events
I think better selling points are better word of mouth, the any positive threads that are appearing on here for example and more competitive pricing of the game (as is being seen of late), for instance if you sell the game for £20 more people may feel inclined to drop a further £20 on a season pass.
As for what is and is not a smart move, thank you for your concern, the next time I require the smart police I will contact you.


So how many man hours have gone into trying to fix this bug? Because after 100 days it should be in the thousands.


As someone who purchased it Day 1 and am very glad that I have done so, I actually get the argument here and think it is valid.

It can easily be remedied by some communication.

All Sony needs to do is provide a truthful update in regards to the status of the PS+ version. Problem solved.

No matter what they are going to piss some people off and already have. That is already done. So just be truthful about the situation and let those people who are still waiting for the + version know if they should keep waiting or move on.

That's my main issue with the games industry in general. Despite knowing how well informed the enthusiast are, it continues using deceptive spin and outright lies, treating its consumers like gullible idiots. Some are far worse than others (MS and Ubisoft), some are getting worse (Nintendo pretending they are not including power cords as a favor), and some need to be kept in check though generally ok.

Sony has done a remarkable job giving gamers what they want. Just be honest Sony to avoid burning that good will. Though on this one issue, I do believe the honest answer is they never dreamed of giving 10 million copies away for free, and originally envisioned maybe a million tops. Then they spent an extra year developing it, costing them untold amounts of additional funds to develop. So for business reasons, they want to go back on their word.
I'm not sure the ps+ version featuring India tracks plus a couple of cars would necessarily lead to a massive conversion to the full version as people may get bored by lack of variety/events
I think better selling points are better word of mouth, the any positive threads that are appearing on here for example and more competitive pricing of the game (as is being seen of late), for instance if you sell the game for £20 more people may feel inclined to drop a further £20 on a season pass.
As for what is and is not a smart move, thank you for your concern, the next time I require the smart police I will contact you.

Ok, knock yourself out and call people what you like. See how you get on...


How people can excuse this by trying to make it anything but Sony not fulfilling their promises is beyond me. Afaic Sony needs to make good on their promise or compinsate all ps+ subscribers.

pretty much

They had technical issues for sure, but at this point it just looks to be a money grab.
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