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EA teases PvZ: Garden Warfare for PlayStation


It was always a timed exclusive, since they said the dirty word called "first on platform."

Probably was 6 months exclusivity. Pretty normal.

Yeah, though it was obvious. Guess not, you can thank MS for that.

That said, I lost some interest in the game as soon as micro transaction were introduced.

Can someone here who has played the game tell us if micro transactions ruin the experience?


How does thy logic flow?

More likely ms paid for them to focus development on the xbox one version so that it would come first not have to wait a later date of simultaneous release. Infact the game getting new maps and the implementation of micro transactions rather quick post launch kind of proves this

Found something to support that -

When asked if Garden Warfare was conceived for other platforms originally, Lindley added, “It didn’t really come about that way. We’d always envisaged ourselves as a very focused game, and I think the relationship with Microsoft just made it a convenient place to start. Additionally, we’re kind of a small team. We’re not really staffed to just launch on five or six platforms at once, so we really needed to focus on a couple of platforms to start with, and then the relationship with Microsoft has made those choices easier for us.”

We know split-screen is exclusive to Xbox One mainly because of power so we should expect it to come to PS4 if that's the case-

“The Xbox One gives us the horsepower to do proper split-screen mode, whereas on Xbox 360 it wouldn’t have been possible without severely compromising frame rate and quality and stuff like that,” PopCap Producer Brian Lindley told Examiner.

“It’s one of those things where with next-generation hardware we’re like, ‘yeah we can do split-screen and we can hold the frame rate and make it look really good.’ That’s the primary reason that it exists on Xbox One only.”

But we all know of that unprecedented partnership between those two which also has a game from the same studio been on Xbox platforms first Peggle 2 ( Am sure they can do a simultaneous release with that), there is also things like FIFA 14 Ultimate Team exclusive content and in the beginning it was announced as launching "exclusively first on the Xbox platforms"

Also this

“We haven’t announced any plans yet for any additional platforms outside of the PC, but the way I typically answer that question is we want to get this game in the hands of as many people as possible. Obviously, we’re exclusively first on the Xbox platforms, but I think in the coming months players will see some announcements that will please them depending on their platform of choice.”


Wow, one less reason to keep my Xbox One now.. I only have this, titanfall, forza left.. And we know TF2 is going to ps4.. Oh Microsoft, please have some great exclusives at e3..Otherwise farewell!

May you explain what you will do when you have a PS4 and a One no more with timed exclusives on PS4 coming to One at a later date? Do you switch back then? :p


Amazing game! Played it for hundreds of hours already. Great news for Playstation owners.

Didn't Respawn give a similar answer when asked about Xbox exclusivity?
The Final Hours of Titanfall revealed that only because of MS investment Titanfall exists. So ... No.


Wow, one less reason to keep my Xbox One now.. I only have this, titanfall, forza left.. And we know TF2 is going to ps4.. Oh Microsoft, please have some great exclusives at e3..Otherwise farewell!
I'd keep your Xbox one I you may say farewell to it. So then I could have two Xbox ones
It was always announced to be a timed exclusive.
It still managed to fool some people even in this thread, now think of the general public. That mind share is what they want to buy.

Always expect IPs that MS don't actually own to be released on other platforms, in one way or another.


Ooh Sly getting that promo. Sly 5 announcement at E3 I can feel it
not really

If Sly 5 happens, it will be a 2016 release. They'll want to get it out when the movie releases.

Also, Sanzaru has been quite busy lately, they've been working on three projects already


MS' third party exclusives are, most of the time, timed...

It wouldn't surprise me if we'll see Titanfall, Dead Raising or even Sunset Overdrive in PS4, with an addition in the title, like: "Definitive Edition" or "Super HQ version"


This is PR bullcrap to me. Didn't Respawn give a similar answer when asked about Xbox exclusivity?

It does not make the developer look like a sellout, and it doesn't make Microsoft look like they money hatted. Its a very well-thought out PR rhetoric.

Respawn did go to Sony. Sony basically told them "hey we can't talk about PS4 yet, how about we out titanfall on the Vita?"

When they went to Microsoft, they were very interested in the project, a lot of communication between MS and Respawn, etc.

Originally, it was meant to be a times exclusive. Focus on Xbox One and PC first, then shift focus to PS4 once the game was out. And Respawn does have a small staff. Look at how many people worked on BF4, then looked at the staff at Respawn.
MS' third party exclusives are, most of the time, timed...

It wouldn't surprise me if we'll see Titanfall, Dead Raising or even Sunset Overdrive in PS4, with an addition in the title, like: "Definitive Edition" or "Super HQ version"

Microsoft published the last two and funded dr3, insomniac have said multiple times sunset overdrive is an Xbox one exclusive and not timed.


I don't have an Xbox. But if Sunset Overdrive is as fun as it looks, keep your X1 until you've played that game.

It looks like Ratchet and Clank + Infamous... what's not to love there?

That does sound good. Too bad it's obviously Tony Hawk + Crackdown.

Nope, it's totally R&C + Infamous. :p
Mass Effect. Nothing is for sure.

Bioware got bought but ea. Insomniac want to remain independent otherwise they'd have been bought years ago (probably by Sony) and Capcom aren't about to get bought by ea or anyone else either, different situation and look how long it took for mass effect to come to ps3. Don't bet on it.


Respawn did go to Sony. Sony basically told them "hey we can't talk about PS4 yet, how about we out titanfall on the Vita?"

When they went to Microsoft, they were very interested in the project, a lot of communication between MS and Respawn, etc.

Originally, it was meant to be a times exclusive. Focus on Xbox One and PC first, then shift focus to PS4 once the game was out. And Respawn does have a small staff. Look at how many people worked on BF4, then looked at the staff at Respawn.

So, Microsoft didn't pay extra to keep PvZ and Titanfall away from the PlayStation? If Microsoft paid PopCap/Respawn/EA extra for Xbox console exclusivity..... my opinion is the same. PR rhetoric.

Its funny that both studios work with EA. Now that I think about it, didn't Insomniac give a similar answer when asked about Sunset Overdrive and Xbox exclusivity? Its like they're reading a script.
Bioware got bought but ea. Insomniac want to remain independent otherwise they'd have been bought years ago (probably by Sony) and Capcom aren't about to get bought by ea either, different situation and look how long it took for mass effect to come to ps3. Don't bet on it.

You'll forgive me if I choose to not believe any one who claims never.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
MS' third party exclusives are, most of the time, timed...

It wouldn't surprise me if we'll see Titanfall, Dead Raising or even Sunset Overdrive in PS4, with an addition in the title, like: "Definitive Edition" or "Super HQ version"

My bet is that Sunset Overdrive 2 will be on everything: xbox, playstation and pc.

Insomniac wants the IP for a reason.
What are the chances of someone buying Insomniac, though?

No one knows. That's kinda the point.

Nothing us sure, true.

But if the chances are low, like in the 5-10% chances low,why hold your breath?

There's a better chance for Titanfall 1 to come to PS4 than there are the chances for Sunset Overdrive.

I'm not holding my breath. I saw evidence posted and that was my reply. None of that really matters. I don't believe that funding or publishing a game matters in the end.


MS' third party exclusives are, most of the time, timed...

It wouldn't surprise me if we'll see Titanfall, Dead Raising or even Sunset Overdrive in PS4, with an addition in the title, like: "Definitive Edition" or "Super HQ version"
Dead Rising 3, Titanfall. (1) and Sunset Overdrive (1) were games that mainly exist due to MSs investements. You guys keep only seeing one side of the medal. But often enough MS simply believes in a game and makes it possible by investing in its developement. Like Sony does, too. So, ... No.


Junior Member
Wow, one less reason to keep my Xbox One now.. I only have this, titanfall, forza left.. And we know TF2 is going to ps4.. Oh Microsoft, please have some great exclusives at e3..Otherwise farewell!

Well you should have bought an xbone for first party exclusives like QB. Third party exclusives from people like EA are not going to be permanent. This will come to ps4. Similarly the next titanfall will come to ps4. Eventually Sunset Overdrive will come to ps4 as well along with its sequels.

I didn't say never. I said based on the different situations involved, don't bet on it.

Its actually a farily safe bet. There is a reason Insomniac wants ownership of the IP. It will come to PS4 but the question is when. It could come as a pack in at the end of the console life cycle for all you know. Mass Effect, Titanfall and now this are reasons why Sony never invest in IP they dont own because they know it will eventually come to PS4 in some form or the other. That is why I feel MS should own their IP if they want to differentiate themselves like QB etc.. Titanfall sequel coming to PS4 will be a huge blow.


No one knows. That's kinda the point.

You're just a no absolutes type of guy, huh?

Well you should have bought an xbone for first party exclusives like QB. Third party exclusives from people like EA are not going to be permanent. This will come to ps4. Similarly the next titanfall will come to ps4. Eventually Sunset Overdrive will come to ps4 as well along with its sequels.

Titanfall is a strong possibility. Sunset Overdrive, I really doubt.


insomniac have said multiple times sunset overdrive is an Xbox one exclusive and not timed.
Though since Insomniac actually owns the Sunset Overdrive IP, I wouldn't be surprised to see a sequel release everywhere (PS4/PC) if the first one is a big success.

Unless of course MS throws money at Insomniac to keep the franchise exclusive.
You're just a no absolutes type of guy, huh?

Read above. I never said it was coming, or that it was likely. I'm saying none of the posted evidence really matters. To that I got don't hold your breath and absolutes guy. No matter.

And really with Insomniac with the way they've been tracking, if SO isn't a giant hit, they really need to start looking for options, including being purchased.


Though since Insomniac actually owns the Sunset Overdrive IP, I wouldn't be surprised to see a sequel release everywhere (PS4/PC) if the first one is a big success.

Unless of course MS throws money at Insomniac to keep the franchise exclusive.

Also depends on publishing deals
The Final Hours of Titanfall revealed that only because of MS investment Titanfall exists. So ... No.

Actually in the GI where it was revealed they mentioned that their small size was one of the reasons that it was exclusive. They wanted to focus all of their attention on one platform so that there resources weren't spread too thin.
I could see them announcing a release date for September or so. I think that would make it a six month exclusive window. Assuming Microsoft did have exclusive rights to the game for a while. Would be awesome if they didn't and that June release date was true though.
Let's get back on topic, shall we?

After seeing that teaser shot,I wish there's skins of the plants and zombies to the themes of Playstation IPs.

A Clicker themed Zombie!


Pretty cool teaser image to be fair. I'm definitely interested, but I did read about a fair few complaints about online and matchmaking issues, as well as miss-balanced sides. Any truth to that? Because if they can tweak these things, I'll probably get it tbh. Certainly looks fun.


I already own this on the Xbox One, but I was kind of thinking I might double dip and get it on PC, but now I wonder if maybe I should aim for PS4 instead. It's hard to tell where the player base is going to be bigger.
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