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Enlightened Season 2 |OT| Even agents of change get cancelled sometimes.

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Hunky Nostradamus
Those ratings are worse than I even imagined. Truly beyond terrible. If HBO gives this show another season, they are crazy. I will of course be rooting for a renewal, but I don't expect it.

I mean, those are pretty damn bad, but they're higher than the first season's ratings' average and critical acclaim is much higher too this year. I feel like the show is steadily building - building is the key word - its audience, so I think HBO would be remiss in cancelling it this year. HBO can easily afford to keep shows like this going so as long as they have big hits like True Blood and Game of Thrones, so I don't think a renewal would be that crazy.


Neo Member
Currently half-way through the first season, gotta say I am liking it episode by episode - charming little show. Having gone through the whole personal/self development phase myself the past years, there's a lot I can relate to here and it's freak how some of it is true. I like how they are taking a slow approach with Amy, it's personal growth a tiny step at a time but also steps backwards, recanting and then back into it.

Laura Dern is just amazing in this! I do hope it gets picked up for a third season and my my, it's so short -- 10 episodes then 8.


Currently half-way through the first season, gotta say I am liking it episode by episode - charming little show. Having gone through the whole personal/self development phase myself the past years, there's a lot I can relate to here and it's freak how some of it is true. I like how they are taking a slow approach with Amy, it's personal growth a tiny step at a time but also steps backwards, recanting and then back into it.

Laura Dern is just amazing in this! I do hope it gets picked up for a third season and my my, it's so short -- 10 episodes then 8.

Keep us posted, I love hearing reactions to episode 9.
They renewed it with a much weaker average in season 1. It's more encouraging than not.

HBO gives every show a second season now, unless it kills multiple horses.

I hope Enlightened comes back, and it might, but I would totally understand if HBO decided to cancel it.


Neo Member
Keep us posted, I love hearing reactions to episode 9.

Just finished off season one, episode 9 is definitely my favourite and something I wasn't expecting. Love how they portray the ghosts of the past rather than a flashback and helps us empathize with Helen more since she seemed cold throughout the season -- all that disappointment and regret, what happened to her husband (
"what's the worst that could happen?", damn chilling with the garage
) and how it's shaped Amy. Levi and Helen's talk was brilliant!

The final episode of season one, awesome stuff -- looks like season two will get interesting. I love Mike White in this, he doesn't have the biggest role in this but it's enough :)


i love helen after that episode, it's a great piece of storytelling.

when i rewatched the episode one scene in 'consider levi' that i thought was great was the opening letter stuff and helen's curiosity to know how levi's getting on. her checking the post and trying to read it without opening it instead of just talking to amy, then amy not wanting to talk to her about it when she does ask and getting annoyed is a really nice microcosm of their relationship. there's also a very well directed shot with both helen in the living room (sitting and surrounded by the familiar comforts of her old fashioned furniture and her dog) and amy in the kitchen (which is very white and bright and heavenly, where she tries to force the letters existence away by tearing it up and throwing it in the bin) in the same frame, talking while separated clearly by a thick wall.


i love helen after that episode.

when i rewatched the episode one scene in 'consider levi' that i thought was great was the opening letter stuff and helen's curiosity to know how levi's getting on. her checking the post and trying to read it without opening it instead of just talking to amy, then amy not wanting to talk to her about it when she does ask and getting annoyed is a really nice microcosm of their relationship. there's also a very well directed shot with both helen in the sitting room (surrounded by the old fashioned comforts of her furniture) and amy in the kitchen (which is very white and bright and heavenly) in the same frame, talking while separated clearly by a thick wall.

and the connecting isolation transition from Helen to Levi in the chair was wonderful too.

I just saw a screencap for episode 2x04, and Amy's
"this is my first twit"
I can't fucking wait, LOL
Was on at a hotel last week when I was traveling for work and saw the episode of Levi in rehab. Hooked me. I've now seen the entire series, absolutely great. Really hope this doesn't get cancelled.


new episode!

it was pretty funny this week with all the 'hey do you have twitter' stuff and helen's conversation at the door. janice is still the devil.

the social networking themes this week were quite interesting. i like that it showed both sides well - the way the internet can democratize things so that woman can break into the charity elite and its power to spread information but also how it can separate people like in the ending voiceover and leave them obsessed with traffic numbers or how many followers they have and liking on facebook as a substitute for real action.

It's very Enlightened.

I think it's an episode that deserves more of a conversation than Higher Power (which is still amazing) just because there are some themes that I'd love to tease out. So if anyone has HBO GO, I'd love to hear what you thought.

Can Amy
exist in this world of do gooders? Are they actually agents of change, in this large house with all of this power, or is it more of an institution of do gooders? I'm inclined to think that's there's an agenda to each of these people and that they don't always work in tandem and towards one goal, like Amy might think. It's messier and realer... but I do think that Amy will be there. At least one day. She has a purpose.
i definitely had a strong reaction that amy was out of place at the charity place (and in place using twitter!). she's such pure energy and everyone there fits more into the structures comparable to the one at abbadon that she struggled with where you need what highly successful people have. i think she can evolve to being there though with her good intentions and desire to help, it's just going to take time (idk if the show has it).


Neo Member
Great episode. I loved the character development with Dougie, or at least the way we learned a bit more about him.

Loved it! That small interaction between Dougie and Tyler
after he was on board was gold
Loved how they portrayed Amy using Twitter too, definitely know how that feels haha.


Hunky Nostradamus
Fab stuff this week. I loved how excited Amy was about Twitter. "Hey, are you on Twitter? I'm on Twitter! I followed you so you should follow me!"

D'awww. XD

Also, fuck yeah Dougie!


If the hospital scene wasn't further proof that Amy's politeness and overzealous nature are a clear response to the negativity, hostility, coldness, and rudeness of people like Janice, I'm not sure what is.

Amy is a passionate person, and she's trying to compensate for the nasty behavior of others around her.

God I hate that Janice bitch.


Good episode last night.

But not as good as last week. God, that episode was a standout. Like the "Consider Helen" episode last season.


Me too, and it's even worse because I know people irl that are just like her. :/

Me too, both male and female.

That's why I sympathize with Amy. I can imagine what it's like to be surrounded by negative, nasty, passive aggressive people who project all their faults and poor behavior onto one person.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I love how delusional Amy can be, but how right she also is. It's an interesting mix of altruism and selfish motivation.

I also liked how the writers brought in the digital/online stuff into it.


Something that I really hope they do in the future is a flashback episode to before Amy had to go to the program. Show us how she was back then, how people treated her, how the affair started, etc. Just an idea I think would be cool and could be done really well. If there is a season 3, I also expect an episode starring Tyler or perhaps Krista. Speaking of Krista, she's kind of a bitch too, just not as outward as Janice.


Neo Member
Fab stuff this week. I loved how excited Amy was about Twitter. "Hey, are you on Twitter? I'm on Twitter! I followed you so you should follow me!"

D'awww. XD

Also, fuck yeah Dougie!



nice. might use that as an 'i agree' gif elsewhere on gaf. partly because it's awesome but also to help spread the show.


I feel weird about bout Dougie being converted so quickly. I mean, it makes complete sense that he would considering the emails and all, but for everything to come together the way it did in just one episode, I can't help but see it as being almost too easy?

I loved mostly everything else though. It showcased Amy's shitty snobby side beautifully, with my favourite one being through her little moment with the Chili's server.

And +1 to letting us see Amy prior Meltdown. I need to see that version of her.


I feel weird about bout Dougie being converted so quickly. I mean, it makes complete sense that he would considering the emails and all, but for everything to come together the way it did in just one episode, I can't help but see it as being almost too easy?




Dougie takes his job and position seriously. He thought he was on good terms with the upper executives. When Amy showed him the emails, everything fell apart for him, and his reaction was to turn against them and side with Amy.


Dougie takes his job and position seriously. He thought he was on good terms with the upper executives. When Amy showed him the emails, everything fell apart for him, and his reaction was to turn against them and side with Amy.

This, and there's only 8 episodes, so they can't really move things along slowly.


Dougie takes his job and position seriously. He thought he was on good terms with the upper executives. When Amy showed him the emails, everything fell apart for him, and his reaction was to turn against them and side with Amy.

I know that it technically makes sense, it's just, the progression -- for me at least -- feels really fast.


I know that it technically makes sense, it's just, the progression -- for me at least -- feels really fast.

But it's not really fast.

Find email.
Show boss.
Boss gets pissed, has emotional reaction.
Boss changes mind.

Seems normal to me. Dougie's not going to sit on the fence for a week.


Neo Member
Consider Tyler?!?


Haha basically. What an incredible episode, love them showing a little about Tyler's life and how he feels. It's depressing from our point of view but his come to accept it. The scenes with Tyler and the assistant, so awkward and awesome! :D

I hope this show gets a shot at a third season -- Amy is so damn charming, though looks like the main plot is coming to an end soon. *fingers crossed*


Great guest spot by Molly Shannon. When she said she was too old to be kicked in the face, it was so sad and sincere. Felt terrible for Tyler being in a tough spot like that.


Hunky Nostradamus
Holy fuck this episode was amazing. Mike White and Molly Shannon killed. I am constantly in awe of this show.

Took the words right out of my mouth. Tonight's episode was amazing. Oh my god. I'm without words. *Bow* Easily one of the best episodes of the series. Tyler's life is so pathetic and sad and relatable and the way they portrayed it was so beautiful and affecting. And Mike White's voice over was so great. Good lord what an episode.


that was incredible. this show has just so much humanity and empathy it's bursting from the seams, without feeling cheesy or dishonest. i love how it's showing loads of different perspectives this season, really fleshing out its world. it was also as funny as its ever been this week too, amy's expression in that gif, tyler's when amy tells him how much they admire dougie, the cogntiva guys listening in on amy being all 'i love you' to dougie. all the awkward humor.

idk if it's the best episode as there's a few great ones, but it's certainly the one that cut deepest for me personally. from the little things like the way tyler had his loose change in his neat flat perfectly stacked like i do because being alone means there's no-one to disrupt it, or that bit in the closing narration about looking back and being haunted by 'all those years invisible' and 'why he didn't try or care or be', and the tragedy of seeing the wider story and the mistakes tyler has made for understandable but bad reasons that's going to really hurt both of them ;_;

also that joanna newsom song at the end. *swoon*
Fantastic episode! I caught up with the first season when it came out and have been watching the second season through Comcast's On Demand. This season has been really solid, and it's sad to think that's it more than half way over.

My sister walked in while I was watching it this morning and sat down for the last 15 minutes or so. She had never watched an episode before, but she still got teary eyed at the end, which speaks to great editing, writing, and acting the show has.

I agree with what other posters have said about how the show can take it out of you after watching it. Sometimes you feel empowered, sometimes you feel encouraged, and sometimes you feel like shit after watching. Regardless, it can be an emotionally draining show if you allow yourself to relate to the characters which is not an easy thing to sell to an audience. However, I love it, and it hasn't been since Six Feet Under that a TV show has felt so close, honest, and transparent while making me reflect like this show does. It deserves all the critical acclaim and I wish more people gave it a chance.


Wow. I mean, WOW. Simply incredible episode. I'm actually a little speechless. If HBO doesn't renew this, I will be gutted.
Been behind the last few weeks, but just caught up. Such an amazing season so far.

Last weeks Twitter scenes and Amy's delusional monologues had me dying from laughter. This show is so brilliant at making me shift between being genuinely moved by Amy's plight and then cringing or laughing at her complete obliviousness.

Loved seeing Dougie come into the fold. The puzzled reactions from co-workers as he, Amy, and Tyler act all chummy in his office were hilarious.

"What do they do in movies and stuff? They go through the vents!" Amy had so many ridiculous lines, but they somehow all worked. LOL

Tyler's scenes were heartbreaking. I almost teared up a couple times.


Hunky Nostradamus
Read 'em and weep:

Enlightened episode 2(HBO)
-9:31 PM: 0.202 million viewers, 0.10 A18-49
-10:31 PM: 0.233 million viewers, 0.09 A18-49

From page 3 of the comments on this TVbTN article: Link

Enlightened episode 3(HBO)
-9:31 PM: 0.247 million viewers, 0.13 A18-49
-10:32 PM: 0.247 million viewers, 0.10 A18-49

Enlightened episode 4 (HBO)
-10:38 PM: 0.204 million viewers, 0.11 A18-49

Enlightened episode 5(HBO)
-9:31 PM: 0.217 million viewers, 0.10 A18-49



I'm so behind on TV, I still need to watch this Sunday's episode.

I also wouldn't get too hung up on the ratings. We really have no idea when it comes to HBO.
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