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Ex-STALKER devs want to kickstart its "definitive spiritual successor", named Areal


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I'm actually throwing money at the screen, but then I saw the kickstarter isn't live yet. So who took it? Give it back, I need it!


I have a bad feelign that announcing ti as PC/Console means PC gamers arent going to back it because they fear 'consolization', and console owners wont back it because they have no experience or love for Stalker.

Oh, everybody who loved the series is going to back this, regardless of "fear of consolization". The thirst for STALKER is real.
I don't even buy "AAA" games on day one because they may not be what I imagined them to be, much less blindly fund a Kickstarter project, but this has piqued my interest. I will keep an eye on it.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
What happened to the other Stalker-like game from the other Ex-Stalker devs? It looked pretty cool, but it was a multiplayer game IIRC which kinda turned me off.


STALKER is easily my favorite game series

So im excited for this

EDIT: I watched the trailer on their Kickstarter page and they just reuse footage from SoC. Really hope they do have a new engine and are not going to recycle the x-ray engine...


This is why people get burned on kickstarter. They dont see anything wrong with something that looks wrong.

edit: you know what? Throw your money at it if you are so sure.

I've never backed any kickstarter game or otherwise, but this is something special and depending on the cost and what they include. I'm totally in. I dont see any reason why this won't go all the way. These guys are the real deal. I'm hoping more people feel the same way.


I thought that STALKER 2 would have followed a couple years after Call of Pripyat, it's been over 4 now. I'm dying for more STALKER.

Makarov Cubone

Neo Member
I thought that STALKER 2 would have followed a couple years after Call of Pripyat, it's been over 4 now. I'm dying for more STALKER.

Recent minor patches for the Stalker games' Gamespy MP dependency aside, GSC's basically dead as a developer at this point.


I recently finished up Far Cry 3 and went back to start 2; I won't lie, it's really making me want a new, hardcore open-world or open-ish-world shooter.

Might have to throw a few bucks at this.

I thought that STALKER 2 would have followed a couple years after Call of Pripyat, it's been over 4 now. I'm dying for more STALKER.

GSC Game World dissolved in December 2011. Some people went on to Vostok Games, and apparently there's a skeleton crew using the name and making some minor patches, but the studio no longer exists in its previous form.
Only bummer is that consoles will not have the comfort of user generated mods (which is essential for an advanced Stalker experience). Having this said, please take some of my money and design a beautiful spiritual successor.


25$ for the digital version? Dampened my hype a little.

Eh, maybe I bite on that. But I need more information about it first.
I haven't played much of the STALKER games, but this interests me. However, they have used some content from other games to promote this, which kinda gives me doubts about it. Maybe that will change when they allow people to back but they've just taken things from another game and used it to try to get people to support theirs (e.g. some of the pictures in their backer rewards are from STALKER).

Not Spaceghost

25$ for the digital version? Dampened my hype a little.

Eh, maybe I bite on that. But I need more information about it first.

I wouldn't be so worried about the low price, these guys probably know how much their fans are willing to pay and this is likely something they're doing more for them. But yeah I'd like to know more.

If I remember right, Call of Pripyat launched at $40, with a price tag of $20 if you already owned SOC or CS


wants to fuck an Asian grill.

I know that's an early build but that looked like shit. Why even have a competitive multiplayer? That's not really why people play Stalker and Metro, people play them for the survival aspects and atmosphere. If it was a more open ended multiplayer like a Day Z then sure (although it wouldn't be my cup of tea) but that looked like straight up deathmatch.


I know that's an early build but that looked like shit. Why even have a competitive multiplayer? That's not really why people play Stalker and Metro, people play them for the survival aspects and atmosphere. If it was a more open ended multiplayer like a Day Z then sure (although it wouldn't be my cup of tea) but that looked like straight up deathmatch.

Their plan is to eventually go for something that's large, open-ended, and blends PvE with PvP and sandbox elements. I imagine they're just focusing on the competitive multiplayer first because the environments are smaller, the time scale is shorter, and there aren't any AI or A-Life elements to contend with, but the engine work, assets, and tuning will still carry over to some extent.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Their plan is to eventually go for something that's large, open-ended, and blends PvE with PvP and sandbox elements. I imagine they're just focusing on the competitive multiplayer first because the environments are smaller, the time scale is shorter, and there aren't any AI or A-Life elements to contend with, but the engine work, assets, and tuning will still carry over to some extent.

Yeah I read the description after postin'. That's good to hear.


The only thing that makes me slightly hesitant is how PvP/multiplayer oriented their stretch goals are. I feel like based on the most popular parts of the previous games, they would be trying to entice people to pledge more by using the opposite of what made people love the series. I was hoping to see more goals related to the world building, new engine they mentioned, npcs and their own personalized activities they can carry out and mod support on a greater level. Things like that would resonate most and be best for generating the most money imo. Then again, if they do it like dayz and nail the persistent world and keep the atmosphere, I could warm up to multiplayer. Best of all though is they noted multiple times that there will be a new engine. The recycled footage just tells me that the project is in its infancy.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I'm growing sick of seeing developers with multiple games in their belts pan handling through Kickstarter. They've made 3+ games in this same vein. Why do they need to ask for money upfront this time?!

Exactly what games has this specific developer made previously?

The studio that made STALKER is no more.


For those wondering about he low base goal:
From the Kickstarter page
Why is our base goal so modest?

We've invested all of our savings into making Areal, and don't have funds to go any further. Unlike most companies, every one of our employees has invested their time and money into making Areal. That's why we think Kickstarter is the perfect platform to help us get our game done. If we are successful on Kickstarter, then we know we can finish the game. And having a successful crowd-funding campaign opens up a ton of financial options for us that will make sure that Areal becomes the AAA title that it was always envisioned as. All we need is for the Kickstarter and S.T.AL.K.E.R. community to support our Kickstarter, and Areal is guaranteed an unhurried and complete release.

Also in the trailer

We are using a brand new proprietary engine...that is fully scalable allowing us to bring this to Wii U
Several things suggest they aren't a good choice to make this game; mainly using graphics and content taken directly from other games to promote their own, the things they've done themselves look pretty bad (although it is early and the concept art is ok) and their site looks like it had no effort put into it. People are going to jump all over it because it's similar to STALKER, though.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
yikes do not want

death animation looks like he's going to sleep lol

go ly dow

it was shot a year ago in a very early alpha.
Stalker with that huge fan patch is some of the best FPS you'll ever play. I can't believe how good it was. Haven't played an FPS remotely as good ever since.



Haha yes.

I absolutely loved the original series. The fact that we would never see a STALKER 2 really saddened me. Hopefully this turns out good. I'll definitely back it. I do hope they don't consolise the PC version though. I really dislike when shooters are balanced with a controller in mind and aren't adapted to kb/m.


Game looks like it definitely has some potential and those credentials are looking pretty good.

WiiU support as well to boot, gotta say i'm pleasantly surprised at that although it seems that in regards to Kickstarters the WiiU does well enough for itself. I thought the Metro Last Light devs (4A games if i'm not mistaken) disliked its hardware?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
$25 minimum to get a copy of the game and a ludicrously low goal is going to doom this one to an early grave.
Ironically got an email to join the survarium beta yesterday after reading this thread. Can't say my KB+M are even nearly up to par for competitive gaming but pretty interested in this.


$25 minimum to get a copy of the game and a ludicrously low goal is going to doom this one to an early grave.

Wouldn't those two sort of cancel each other out to an extent? Their explanation for the low goal really made it sound like they had some other options for external funding, and this is just to keep them up and running long enough to get access to those.
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