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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT5| Our Golden Anniversary Brings Us Hope


Went hunting for 2B, got 2nd A2, which I'm okay with since they can chain together. Also hard pulled for 9S on my GF's account, got an A2 on it as well. 2B evades me.
By now I've got a wide variety of chain units to pick from and have also kinda just moved on to being more interested in TDH stuff.

OK has always seemed like a very bland unit to me, bland sprite, bland no-nonsense skillset, bland TM reward. It's all practical and he is prob still one of the better units for story events with his LB aoe def break, but I'd much rather be using other units.

Current banner unit is CG Lid who has a massive, useful, full break and is perfect for TDH setup, was hoping I'd get that.

Dammit now I am gonna keep pulling for her.


My Tm farming has been going all whack since the update again. I found it asking me to "please log in again", in the Tactics Love banner, and the app completely closed. lol?

Is there a new error screen or something?

Yeah we all are getting same error and cursing it in Discord.
Been so many times in Arena and few times in King Mog event today :p. TM farming is not stable at the moment. You need to keep close eye to it.

Fohlen 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Crimson Blood +128ATK+Dragon Killer
Left Hand: Gungnir +90ATK
Head: Imperial Helm +18ATK+15DEF+15%Fire
Body: Crimson Slayer +52DEF+25%Fire +30%ATK With Fist Weapon
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 2: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 3: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 4: ATK +30% +30%ATK
Pot Stats: HP: 450 MP: 75 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 SPR: 30
Esper: Diabolos HP:4300 MP:6000 ATK:1500 DEF:2300 MAG:5300 SPR:3100
Total Stats: HP: 5776 MP: 313 ATK: 823 DEF: 315 MAG: 212 SPR: 183
Crit Rate: 10% P. Evasion: 60% M. Evasion: 0% P. Counter: 20% M. Counter: 0%

Mine is this exact build but only 787 ATK, not sure why.

Is yours max potted?


Next banner will be another raid banner on JP so I won't chase Lid, that dupe Aranea was a fair warning. Considering we get enough lapis for a multi pretty much every month, I've decided to just use resources on raid banners for the free TMs and Mog King events for the bonuses as long as the units are not trash.


For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.

For over a year now I've been part of this community, although I've never been a prominent member ( I know I have a rep for having bad luck). Its been a great community and everybody has been welcoming and supportive, but reading everyone's constant successes just makes me feel down. I'm happy so many of you are getting the units that you want, but Gumi know how to play this social aspect up and apply pressure to those missing out, and I'm just finding it shitty.

I do enjoy the mechanics and gameplay of FFBE, which I actually find to be deep. It also camouflages the fact that it's a gatcha game well enough, but the RNG and price of lapris have just ruined it for me. It's too expensive and too unfair. My luck peaked last December when I got Noctis, and for anybody who has me on their friends list will know I've been rocking Noctis ever since. He's done well to be fair. Since then, every attempt I have made to get a chainer (5* or not) has been a near disaster on every occasion, only saved by my TMRs which have kept my team competitive.

To clarify, I'm not a whale and at the best of times a small fish - probably spent just over £100 over the year playing - so I always tried to keep reasonable expectations like not pulling for 5*s. Yet, with recent developments pulling for 4*s seems near hopeless.

For Nier, I did over 130 pulls (5 10+1 pull and over 70 tickets) and I got 1 9s, 2 Eves and plenty of trash. Admittedly I had fooled my self into thinking I had a chance of getting 2B or A2, and I'm finding myself actually pretty annoyed and upset that I failed to pull either. Both are quirky characters with interesting play mechanics which I would have liked to have in my team. Instead, they have now been added to my growing list of failed unit attempts. I would probably stay if I could actually get one of them lol.

I've subsequently deleted all versions of this app, and I have drawn 2 conclusions from today. Firstly, I am surprised at how disappointed I am in not pulling A2/B2 and as such my realisation about how attached I am to this game. Secondly, I am addicted to this game, despite thinking I was not. Don't fool yourselves, Gumi has been successfully conditioning us into this state by prompting us to use this game daily to encourage a routine, and then a reliance by rewarding those who check in consistency. It's a little fucked up, although I realise this is the gacha game genre.

So I probably won't be posting here again. As mentioned, alot of you are cool, so if you want to keep loose contact on Switch, Stream, PSN or twitter just pm me. (I won't be offended if you don't)

TLDR: I won't be offended if you add this post to a compilation of rage posts.
You going to pull again before the banner ends? Grats though you still had a heck of a haul it looked like.

That is the very question I'm asking myself constantly. At most I'll probably do just the dailies and the tickets won from this raid event. I'm really fighting the fanboy in me to not buy that $25 Bundle.

And thanks!! I'm really happy with the pulls that I got. I've been stuck with my current team for the longest time and I'm ready for some fresh faces!! (Current Team: Orlandeu [my first Rainbow pull], Warrior of Light, Chizuru, Rikku, and Lenna)

Yeah, man. It's great, but sucks at the same time. Ugh. Gonna try again in a couple of days after I build up some stock again.
:: salutes :: GLORY!! TO MANKIND!!

For Nier, I did over 130 pulls (5 10+1 pull and over 70 tickets) and I got 1 9s, 2 Eves and plenty of trash.
Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch, I don't blame you one bit. Even though I'm new at this I can admit that Gumi is really good at grabbing our wallets. Good luck out there Chinner, and I'm happy that someone is making their escape with their lives...and wallets.
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.

For over a year now I've been part of this community, although I've never been a prominent member (although I know I have a rep for having bad luck). Its been a great community and everybody had been welcoming and supportive, but reading everyone's constant successes just makes me feel down. I'm happy so many of you are getting the units that you want, but Gumi know how to play this social aspect up and apply pressure to those missing out, and I'm just finding it shitty.

I do enjoy the mechanics and gameplay of FFBE, which I actually find to be deep. It also camouflages the fact that it's a gatcha game well enough, but the RNG and price of lapris have just ruined it for me. It's too expensive and too unfair. My luck peaked last December, and for anybody who had me on their friends list I've been rocking Noctis as my companion unit ever since. He's done well to be fair. Since then, every attempt I have made to get a chainer (5* or not) has been near disaster on every occasion, only saved by my TMRs which had kept my team competitive.

To clarify, I'm not a whale and at the best of times a small fish - probably spent just over £100 over the year playing - so I always tried to keep reasonable expectations like not pulling for 5*s. Yet, with recent developments pulling for 4*s seems near pointless.

For Nier, I did over 130 pulls (5 10+1 pull and over 70 tickets) and I got 1 9s, 2 Eves and plenty of trash. Admittedly I had fooled my self into thinking I had a chance of getting 2B or A2, and I'm finding myself actually pretty annoyed and upset that I failed to pull either. Both are quirky characters with interesting play mechanics which I would have liked to have in my team. Instead, they have now been added to my growing list of failed unit attempts. (I would probably stay if I could actually get one of them lol).

I've subsequently deleted all versions of this app, and I have drawn 2 conclusions from today. Firstly, I am surprised at how disappointed I am in not managing to pull one of the 5* units Nd how attached I am to this game. Secondly, I am addicted to this game, despite thinking I was not. Don't fool yourselves, Gumi had been successfully conditioninf us into this state by making our involvement of this app into our routine, and them a reliance by rewarding those who check in consistency. It's a little fucked up, although I realise this is the gacha game genre.

So I probably won't be posting here again. As mentioned, alot of you are cool, so if you want to keep loose contact on Switch, Stream, PSN or twitter just pm me.

TLDR: I won't be offended if you add this post to a compilation of rage posts.

Sorry to see you go chinner. Wish it would have turned out different. You had plenty of resources to obtain something good even if it was off banner but rng decided otherwise. Best of luck to you. Personally I am done with gatcha games after ffbe.


For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.

Damn Chinner, the official rage quit post. I know you said it in discord this morning but wasn't sure if you would see it through. Sad to see another regular leave. But as I said in discord just post in the thread anyways, like fuck it lol! NFL starts in like 4 weeks and me Hippo Muku Squall etc will probably be flooding the thread with nonsense anyways lmao. We always go off topic here so even if you don't play there's always something to talk about. And once Exvius GAF always Exvius GAF!


By now I've got a wide variety of chain units to pick from and have also kinda just moved on to being more interested in TDH stuff.

OK has always seemed like a very bland unit to me, bland sprite, bland no-nonsense skillset, bland TM reward. It's all practical and he is prob still one of the better units for story events with his LB aoe def break, but I'd much rather be using other units.

Current banner unit is CG Lid who has a massive, useful, full break and is perfect for TDH setup, was hoping I'd get that.

Ah, if you have a variety I understand. I have a small handful, so not really much of a choice on my end. Couple weeks ago got a Rainbow for daily but was something that I imagine is meh since I don't really hear anything about the unit.

I guess for me my OK chains with my Tidus right now so it's actually worked out well there.

I want CG Lid but I know I won't get her. Haha.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Sucks to hear Chinner...cant blame you though - Gacha can be a horrible experience. Could believe some result i read today in this threads. Thats exactly why i dont hoard too much tickets or Lapis...its just not worth the stress and the RNG will screw you over on some level anyway.

I never had much more than 5k Lapis and 20 tickets at once...the more you save them the higher your expectations and the likely hood that you get screwed over and pissed. I think we have all been there...though i think that you will come back in a couple months, its def. time for a break for you so that move makes sense. Once you come back you will adapt your playstyle so that something like this wont happen again...well or not that easy.

Hell i dropped my funds before Nier because i didnt wanna have "expectations" ....its just more fun for me this way. Though ill try to save something for Ayaka or Cloud if i get to it.

Also even though i like the community...you really have to play the game at your own pace - if you always compare yourself with the lucky guys or whales you will never be satisfied and low-key expect the same outcome. Not saying that you did that....but many players are like that.


Need some help on who you guys think I should put on my team or what to work for. I pulled Fryevia during the anniversary period and was working on stuff for her and most likely still will. Here's what I got

WoL (really my only tank, but he's good so I'm happy)
Y'shtola (my only decent healer)

Gear is 100% my biggest problem but I've been tmr farming nonstop to get what I can. Reberta's was done awhile ago and I have an excalibur / Dual wield / bowie knife. Aileen and Fryevia's are both at 50% and have Chizuru going for blade mastery and its around 30. I have all the stuff needed to make Fry great it will just take time. Just curious what others think I should make my team because I really have NO clue on who to put on there.
Need some help on who you guys think I should put on my team or what to work for. I pulled Fryevia during the anniversary period and was working on stuff for her and most likely still will. Here's what I got

WoL (really my only tank, but he's good so I'm happy)
Y'shtola (my only decent healer)

Gear is 100% my biggest problem but I've been tmr farming nonstop to get what I can. Reberta's was done awhile ago and I have an excalibur / Dual wield / bowie knife. Aileen and Fryevia's are both at 50% and have Chizuru going for blade mastery and its around 30. I have all the stuff needed to make Fry great it will just take time. Just curious what others think I should make my team because I really have NO clue on who to put on there.

I would prioritize Fry and then Aileen since shes looking at enhancements in the near future


Sorry to see you go Chinner. :( But in all honesty, I really cannot blame you. I've been in that position before where I've been so fed up with this game. To point I talk about quitting. I was ready to drop my alt account when they dropped Fohlen, then shortly after DKC in my lap. /salute I wish you the best to whatever games you go to next.

Damn Chinner, the official rage quit post. I know you said it in discord this morning but wasn't sure if you would see it through. Sad to see another regular leave. But as I said in discord just post in the thread anyways, like fuck it lol! NFL starts in like 4 weeks and me Hippo Muku Squall etc will probably be flooding the thread with nonsense anyways lmao. We always go off topic here so even if you don't play there's always something to talk about. And once Exvius GAF always Exvius GAF!

Dude we could talk about preseason stuff. LOL XD Everyone cheering their first preseason game wins. Fools.

Edit: SO MANY ERRORS /bangs head against desk
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.


You're a much stronger willed person than I am. I broke a long time ago and dropped major money into this experience. I commend you for never doing that. Best wishes and I completely understand what you're saying. This is a dark game that's trapped many of us.


Professional Schmuck
Oh man Chinner, I'm sorry. I don't blame you one bit. Hope to see you around OT.

This game is absolutely addictive and despite being 'just' a game, really can impact your day. I think the only way to play is F2P, which I learned the hard way around Christmas.


Damn Chinner, the official rage quit post. I know you said it in discord this morning but wasn't sure if you would see it through. Sad to see another regular leave. But as I said in discord just post in the thread anyways, like fuck it lol! NFL starts in like 4 weeks and me Hippo Muku Squall etc will probably be flooding the thread with nonsense anyways lmao. We always go off topic here so even if you don't play there's always something to talk about. And once Exvius GAF always Exvius GAF!

NFL stuff goes into NFL thread if you're gonna go off-topic a lot. A little bit is fine but it shouldn't be going for long periods.

Anyway, I picked up S2 Lid and Killian. Lid's kit is pretty self-explanatory.

Killian is super interesting though. He's a TDH Axe user with a skill that increases in strength as you use it called Gear Up. It makes out at 520% which further increases when you land his LB, which is -84% Fire Resist at Max LB) for the Imperil or get someone else to. He can use Igniter the previous turn to give himself an 80% Attack buff and fire damage along with access to Transmission next turn. Transmission lets him cast Gear Up up 4 times for that turn which means he can easily cap his Gear up. His biggest bottleneck is his MP though, unfortunately. However, it feels like he could unload some serious damage for a 4-star unit potentially.


I'm a bit frustrated with A2, her immense attack doesn't really make up for the amount of set up she needs to work above the level of our other chainers.


Sorry to see you go Chinner. This game can be a real downer when luck goes against you, I totally get that.


NFL stuff goes into NFL thread if you're gonna go off-topic a lot. A little bit is fine but it shouldn't be going for long periods.

Ah I didn't mean it like that :( was more a jokey tone, but I guess you can't really convey that on the internet lol.

Warning acknowledged.


Sad to see old players go, even though I've only been playing for a week. I play a couple of other gacha games, and I'm surprised how little this game gives away. The 10+1 tickets are great, but there isn't a ton of lapis given.

Anyway, I decided to pull and got 2B. Seems like a fun character, hopefully it's enough to keep my interest in this game until FF7 and more FFX characters come out.
I'm honestly not surprised to see people quit now.

Yeah people can say "expectations should be in check", but I don't buy it. In many cases the frustration is coming from a 4* banner unit. Yes, you're reading that right, A 4* BANNER UNIT.

If you pull 70 times, it shouldn't be a chance. At that point it should be a guarantee.

A game can't survive long term if the aim is to screw anyone who doesn't spend hundreds of dollars. Right now the rates are some of the worst I have ever seen and a pull costs ~$4 each.

Not buying lapis at high amounts in order to get these units? Fat chance of getting them at all. We're talking hundreds of dollars worth of saved up pulls to get nothing?

No, that's not right at all. These rates need to improve and fast. I myself have little patience left after today. I likely would have quit today if not for that compensation ticket getting me a 9S. Would have been over (80) pulls with nothing to show for it. And I got tons of old ass units from 6+ months ago. Heck I didn't even get a single Veritas banner unit today.

Nobody should be accepting of that, even in a Gacha title.

Make lapis cheaper, increase rates or have rates for banner units increase as you pull on the banner up to a certain %. There has to be reward.
They could certainly stand to increase the banner gold rate and allow old blues to retire to the friend summon pool

Maybe have a Unit pool cap

Or A separate banner to pull for outdated units

I dunno
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.

As others have said, sorry to see you go. Your post really got me thinking about my own habits with this game, and how my unique situation has pretty much turned this into the one game I actually have the time for. I try to budget my spending and use the gift cards my work hands out here and there but the excitement can get you. I think with this banner and the DV, if major changes aren't made, I will be focusing solely on improving my current roster, tackling my long list of TMs, and skipping out on most banners for the near future.

Shame that you didn't get at least one 5* chainer to keep things fun. Since the anniversary, which was so bountiful, it really feels like Gumi has been kind of scummy with some things. Shitty bundles, altering rewards, dumb banner decisions, etc.

There are many different things they could do to change the way people pull for the better. Major boost in rates, my ass. Things definitely need to change because a lot of people are fed up. I really love this game but also curse some of the things i fall for in a damn mobile game.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Yeah I was looking at using all I had for him but constant feedback from Japan (= he's pretty bad) bummed me out and I'll just skip it.

What's his issue?

He was the one chainer I was saving tickets for (I'm hurting real bad for a 6 star strong chainer). Isn't he 2nd place on Altema?
They could certainly stand to increase the banner gold rate and allow old blues to retire to the friend summon pool

Maybe have a Unit pool cap

Or A separate banner to pull for outdated units

I dunno

In 80 or so pulls I have about 6 units from there who cap out at 4*. That shouldn't be available anymore if Gumi doesn't care enough to improve them, which we know they won't since they are now making "season 2" units.

Edgar and Shadows of the world will get their improvements the same way Kain did. A completely new unit, while the old pollutes the pool.


I'm honestly not surprised to see people quit now.

For me personally it's difficult. Not because I'm addicted. It's more the fact of how much time I've invested into this game. It's hard to just let all of that go. I've never played an mmo or something similar so I've never put this much time and effort into a video game before.

What doesn't help is time limited units and gear. I know that if I quit and decide to come back there will be things that I will never be able to obtain. And in a game that's all about optimizing that's just frustrating. I play JP and every guide for a boss is like "I used 9s' TM" and I'm just here like I can never have that in JP so what do I do now? I don't want to be in that situation in GL when I'm a day one player.

But I said this when I joined the thread: once they announce 7*s I'm out. It's why I'm not putting more money into the game because it feels like we're getting close.

They could certainly stand to increase the banner gold rate

Been saying this for too long. So tired of struggling to obtain what are supposedly f2p units.


  • Any unit stuck at 4* with no 5* upgrade in sight? Chuck 'em in the friend unit pool.
  • Stop clogging the unit pool with endless Lid and Fina variants, give them to everyone as story/event rewards.
  • Bring the 3% Rainbow chance update sooner rather than later.
  • Whenever you don't get a rainbow, every time you pull you should steadily get an increasing chance of getting one, which then resets when you eventually get one.
For me personally it's difficult. Not because I'm addicted. It's more the fact of how much time I've invested into this game. It's hard to just let all of that go. I've never played an mmo or something similar so I've never put this much time and effort into a video game before.

What doesn't help is time limited units and gear. I know that if I quit and decide to come back there will be things that I will never be able to obtain. And in a game that's all about optimizing that's just frustrating. I play JP and every guide for a boss is like "I used 9s' TM" and I'm just here like I can never have that in JP so what do I do now? I don't want to be in that situation in GL when I'm a day one player.

But I said this when I joined the thread: once they announce 7*s I'm out. It's why I'm not putting more money into the game because it feels like we're getting close.
Yea these are some great points. Giving up my account is just, not something I can do right now. I'd rather gradually lose interest, or slowly watch as the game dies. Its tougher when you put money into it.

One thing I do like is them bringing back old events that I personally missed. Even if just for moogles or something.

And as the game gets harder and new units are needed, it's just completely unacceptable to have to deal with this. Whether you get lucky and pull all, some, or none.


What's his issue?

He was the one chainer I was saving tickets for (I'm hurting real bad for a 6 star strong chainer). Isn't he 2nd place on Altema?

No imperils
Chain break all the time so no chaining (dual wielding make his second attack launch to early)
Enough to prevent him from reaching Orlandeau/Aileen tier


Professional Schmuck
-- real talk: the banner rates in this dumb game have always ALWAYS been horrendous. and they always will be, regardless of what they're promising in whatever future.

-- for me as F2P I personally find quite a bit of joy in the game itself. shocking i know. but the story events, the main line game, and the weekly events are all actually pretty fun. the difficulty in these while not having the newest OP units is part of the challenge and the fun, for me at least. and yeah i know there's a limit to this, at some point if you can't complete certain challenges without those great units it's just not fun.

-- i think if you're giving gumi money, you either give them hundreds or you give them nothing. there is no reasonable in between. i personally do have the money to waste on this dumb game but their model is straight up thievery and i can't justify the spend. as for me: NOTHING.

-- why is the arena traaaaaaaaaash
Game crashed during a raid battle. Now when I reload the game is crashes if I choose to go back into the battle...

I bet it doesn't crash if I choose to give up on the battle.

Again, fuck Gumi today.

Edit - Yup, had to quit and lose my Raid coins in order for the game to work again. Fuck this shit company, their shit practices and everything else about them. Such a bad day for me.

This is a day from hell.
I still haven't seen a single trust moogle from the raid coin banner.

The rates have dropped considerably. So much for free TMs. Gonna have to put in work :/


Well, no A2 or 2B, but I think it was a good roll anyway:



I'd actually prefer a banner rate up than a 3% rainbow change. 5*s can stay in the realm of whales and extreme luck but 4* units are f2p's bread and butter. If Gumi is deliberately sabotaging everyone's ability to get them it's going to blow up in their face sooner rather than later. You can get through this game just fine with 4* base units, you absolutely cannot with only 3* base. The idea that 8 months from now (in JP) there is zero improvement to the gold or general banner rates is very defeating.
I still haven't seen a single trust moogle from the raid coin banner.

The rates have dropped considerably. So much for free TMs. Gonna have to put in work :/

Wouldn't surprise me if they did that. Eve and 5* units will be the Moogles everyone sees.

They want you to spend Lapis in raid refreshes so you can Raid Gacha more.

Gumi is scum. Always has been, I've learned that during the years that I played Brave Frontier.

Same damn companies too. Alim and Gumi, but Gumi is the one who is the worst, by far.


That's a great pull. You should be proud.

"Proud" might be a bit strong, since this is the first time I've spent money on the game outside of the really good bundles. ;) (Speaking of, aren't those coming around again in a week or two?)

Yeah, though, it's a really nice roll. Was gonna be happy to get 1 9S, much less 3 and Aileen. Gonna have to farm the hell out of the raid to TM up all three of them 9S.
Hellllllll no. You just get way more Lapis in that version lol.


"Proud" might be a bit strong, since this is the first time I've spent money on the game outside of the really good bundles. ;) (Speaking of, aren't those coming around again in a week or two?)

Yeah, though, it's a really nice roll. Was gonna be happy to get 1 9S, much less 3 and Aileen. Gonna have to farm the hell out of the raid to TM up all three of them 9S.

Lol you're right, proud is definitely not the right word. But great roll none the less!
JPN gives more lapis because people spend less money there.

That should be a signal to everyone on Global.

Once their wallets are hit, Gumi will change.
JPN gives more lapis because people spend less money there.

That should be a signal to everyone on Global.

Once their wallets are hit, Gumi will change.

That would take quite the collaborative effort. But I'm in. I'm seriously and honestly not going hard on anything else until the rates change. I will try my absolute hardest to stay strong. No more money will be shed. This Nier banner was it for me.

Still want a2..... Will do dailies......
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