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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Do we ever start getting abilities again for clearing events or is it always going to be motes? I miss getting free four and five star abilities. That saved some orbs on ability creation.


Orbfest final damage!

I did approximately 125 Mythril refreshes this orbfest with two specific goals in mind: to get every character at max level, and to try to get as many orbs as possible to both craft all of the current endgame stuff to r2/r3 (as appropriate) as well as future-proof as much as possible for upcoming abilities I want (Chain -agas, Gaia Cross & Chain Spellblades). My luck (as well documented in this thread) has largely been shit on 11-pulls for 6 months give or take, so I was more than happy to go all in on this event on refreshes to achieve these two goals.

My Major orb counts from when orbfest started to right now; this includes orb converting everything to Majors, but also includes any event rewards since then (FF12 etc). I could go back and do the math if I really really wanted to but ultimately a moot point.

Black 117 -> 193
Non-Elemental 111 -> 149
Dark 97 -> 137
Earth 96 -> 131
Wind 48 -> 118
Holy 81 -> 124
Power 90 -> 154
White 98 -> 125
Ice 50 -> 92
Fire 92 -> 118
Lightning 73 -> 124
Summon 58 -> 106

Overall going into this my tentative plan for what I wanted to craft/hone of the currently available skills was:

Craft to r3: Dark Bargain, Wind Jump, Ice Jump, Lightning Jump
Hone from r1 to r3: Dark Zone, Saint Cross, Dragoon Jump, Sky Grinder, Memento Mori, Blood of the Wyvern, Bio Grenade
Hone from r2 to r3: Powerchain, Full Charge, Thief’s Revenge, Banishing Strike
Hone from r3 to r4: Two copies of Lifesiphon

Then I'm also looking at these future abilities all to r3: Chain Blizzaga/Firega/Thundaga, Gaia Cross, Chain Spellblade Thunder/Bl75aze/Sparrow

So even if I include ALL of the upcoming abilities to r3, that puts me currently short: 23 Black, 3 Earth, 83 Wind, 175 Power, 58 Ice, 90 Fire, 106 Lightning. This seems pretty bad (and still is, especially on MPO) but a significant chunk/all of what I'm short right now (including 180 of the MPO) is from the 3 Chain Spellblades which just came out in Japan within the last few weeks. And we'll probably get another orbfest by then, AND I'm continuing to sit on a ton of greens. So long-term I feel pretty good that I will be able to maintain pace with the new abilities as they come out. And I may not do one or two of the hones, may pass on getting Bio Grenade from r1 to r3 and Thief's Revenge from r2 to r3 which would also reduce my overall costs.

In regards to leveling I pretty much met my goal; I got 59 characters from 65 to 80 even including Mustadio from the current FFT event! Literally the only characters I don't have at their current possible maximum is Delita at level 76 and Ovelia at 71. My long-term goal with the game from when I started playing it in late October was to get everyone to their level cap and I finally did it! On top of being happy OCD-wise, this gives me a lot of versatility with events and CM things as well as future proofs me for when MC3s start hitting etc. I'm also sitting on enough of a Growth Egg stash that I can easily continue to immediately level new characters to 65 (which I've been doing for a while now) but then also get new characters to 80 on the Sundaily in short order without creating a backlog or needing to do refreshes etc etc.

tl;dr Did ~125 refreshes and pretty much set myself for all current abilities I want to craft/hone as well as upcoming abilities, or close enough where by the time they come out I should have enough with events/dailies/greens. Also level capped everyone. Spending "only" 125 mythril to accomplish this was worth it a million times over in my opinion, especially considering my godawful pull luck where that mythril in equivalent pulls would probably have not gotten me jackshit, or certainly nothing worth all of that.
Catching up after orb festival. Tomorrow I'll start the FFT event. Anybody know when the next Mote Dungeon is supposed to be available?

My Celerity Nightmare video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoiTaPU-h7I

I think I should've given Tidus Blade Blitz instead of the paralyze one, to speed up the first group of three tonberries. Got to play with my new toys from the celerity lucky draw, though.
Shiteballs. Was certain in my head that there was one more orbfest phase...

First couple of orb fests the mats one was a distinct phase, for the last few it's run alongside the others.

Edit:I did two three pulls on the fft banner and got the shared regen staff and the poison rod. The poison rod has a small chance to poison, is that when Inflicitng some damage on the enemy, i.e. Spell damage or only when using the attack command, bc if it is the latter that is the most useless + in the game.
Pre-Orbfest Report
Notable 5*s:
Meteor (R3)
Full Charge (R3)
Powerchain (R3)
Dragoon Jump (R3)
Saint Cross (R3)
Dark Zone (R3)
Thief's Revenge (R2)
Flare Strike (R2)
Barrage (R2)
Full Break (R2)
Multi Break (R2)

Thief's Revenge (R2 -> R3)
Tornado Strike (R1 -> R2) (Have Celes' SSB)
Entrust (R1)
Meteor Crush (R3)
Sapphire Shot (R3)
Lightning Dive (R3)
Second Wind Cannon (R3)
Gaia Cross (R3)
Hailstorm (R3)
Deathscythe (R3)

Goal Totals:
168 Ice / 150 Power / 144 Earth / 132 Fire / 120 Lightning / 96 Holy / 84 Dark / 88 Wind / 42 White / 36 Non / 18 Black

Current Orbs (Majors + Conversion Equivalents):
Ice: 95 (80 + 15)
Power: 19 (10 + 9)
Earth: 31 (11 + 20)
Fire: 52 (13 + 39)
Lightning: 75 (35 + 40)
Holy: 67 (51 + 16)
Dark: 51 (32 + 19)
Wind: 16 (11 + 5)
White: 96 (51 + 45)
NonEle: 20 (10 + 10)
Black: 74 (53 + 21)
Summon: 119 (104 + 15)

Orbs Needed to reach all goals:
Power: 131
Earth: 113
Fire: 80
Ice: 73
Wind: 72
Lightning: 45
Dark: 33
Holy: 29
Non: 16
White: -54
Black: -56

Post-Orbfest Report:

Mythril Refreshes:
Phase 1: 9
Phase 2: 0
Phase 3: 25
Phase 4: 5

Current Orbs (Majors + Conversion Equivalents) | Amount gained (including concurrent events):
Ice: 111 (87 + 24) | +16
Power: 58 (10 + 9) | +39
Earth: 62 (29 + 33) | +31
Fire: 69 (25 + 44) | +17
Lightning: 94 (49 + 45) | +19
Holy: 85 (62 + 23) | +18
Dark: 77 (54 + 23) | +26
Wind: 53 (31 + 22) | +37
White: 107 (56 + 51) | +11
NonEle: 43 (24 + 19) | +23
Black: 118 (80 + 38) | +44
Summon: 144 (120 + 24) | +25

I made a nice progress towards my long term Orb Goals.

Orbs Needed to reach all goals:
Power: 92
Earth: 82
Fire: 63
Ice: 57
Wind: 35
Lightning: 26
Holy: 11
Dark: 7
Non: -7
White: -65
Black: -100

For immediate use, I now have enough orbs to take Thief's Revenge from R2 to R3 and Meteor Crush to R3 as soon as it releases next month. Nice boost for my Thieves + Monks will finally be useful in Cid Missions! :D
So how can I do the most possible damage to Squall in one attack?

I'm thinking Multi Break followed with Advance, Shout and Thief's Revenge with Prestidigitation?
My dudes and dudettes, I did a three pull nettg me garlands bsb and ex deaths ssb heavy armor. Changed my rw to garland, he is at 65 and will hit the exp daily hard tomorrow. 9gZF.

So my two bsbs are garland and pencil, quite a nice pair. Do I need to hone up sanguine cross and dark bargain, both r1? I also have Leon's ssb, bummer he doesn't get synergy in this event, his ssb is killer.


I don't think Sanguine Cross is worth the HP cost, but I guess it would synergize well with Garland's drain burst command.

Dark Bargain is good if you think you need the extra attack boost.


that puzzling face
The Keeper's Search has updated with new goal milestones, and they're asking us which enemy characters we'd like to see join our parties. (#VoteVossler)

I don't think Sanguine Cross is worth the HP cost, but I guess it would synergize well with Garland's drain burst command.

Dark Bargain is good if you think you need the extra attack boost.

I love Sanguine Cross, though I've had fewer opportunities to use it since Ultimate+ Cid Missions became a thing. Definitely don't recommend the dualcast darkness RM with it, though, because it always triggers at the worst time.
Garland has got something to tell us all:

So how can I do the most possible damage to Squall in one attack?

I'm thinking Multi Break followed with Advance, Shout and Thief's Revenge with Prestidigitation?
He has 27 def so number of hits is the most important factor which is Ivrine using the Fast Ammo SB (it's 10 hits) but I guess a double cast Theif's Revenge is also 10 hits. Dsicalimer: Unless I forgot some SB that does more hits...

The saddest thing in terms of most damage per action this is actually lower than one of those Over Soul Breaks over in Japan as here you're doing 99990 damage total while those can do up to 99999 as a single hit. Also you want to pat yourself on the back and get an idea of just how over the in-game caps you are then cast protect on your intended target first.


Kept running out of Shout trying to burst down Tonberry King - realized I could wait to cast it until after Phase 1 by keeping it stop locked.
Below are my FFT bonus battles. Assuming I set aside some time to experiment with different software, this will be the last time I use HyperCam, because it keeps giving me some audio sync headaches. Unsure if Fraps will be able to capture it, since it doesn't display framerate.

The Fall of Arrogance (Ultimate)
Deity of Filth (Ultimate+)

I overestimated Cuchulainn's slow, which only hit Zack once. As a result, Ingus's Earth Ward was never used and Zack could've been replaced or switched to Powerchain -> Full Charge. Not very threatening overall, but I haven't looked at his full kit yet, so I may've gotten lucky. Only used Curaja once. Anyway, didn't a zodiac stone turn the bishop dude into that monstrosity, or is my FFT memory that foggy? If so, they forgot to have his zodiac stone drop in his death animation, similar to Weigraf's demon form (Belias?) in the first FFT.


0/11 continues my streak of horrible pulls on FFT banners lol.

I'm just glad the chameleon robe isn't back on this banner to taunt me.

I don't even want Shout :(


Goddamnit. I know i just said i wasn't gonna pull again until all featured relics are unique sb or higher, but according to reddit a lot of the items on this banner never come back again, including Mustadio's gun which I really want...

I'm at 53 mythril, gotta hold out...


Geh! I should know better than to chase relics! That's what drove me to quit the first time months ago! Stupid platinum sword!!! I burnt 100 mithril and even bought some crystals to get it....and I got every stupid relic EXCEPT that sword!!! Sigh.....

Anyway, this game's got it's hooks into me again...so please re-add me if anyone dropped me from before.

Friend ID is: BUqh (I think??)



lol Argath, does he have the lowest HP of any Ultimate ever or what? Two SBs and he was down

This event just continuies the trend of dumbing down the difficulty. I did both Ultimate bosses without healing, finished both with over 75% of my health.
This event just continuies the trend of dumbing down the difficulty. I did both Ultimate bosses without healing, finished both with over 75% of my health.
To be fair, anybody that didn't whip themselves into a Platinum Sword frenzy probably has lousy Tactics synergy.
To be fair, anybody that didn't whip themselves into a Platinum Sword frenzy probably has lousy Tactics synergy.

I've got lousy Tactics synergy, having only the event-rewarded gear and a shared White Staff (or similar name), and I still found it very easy. I only healed once and probably didn't need to. Granted, I have the other stuff that matters, like Stoneskin.


that puzzling face
Think it's a combination of no-realm-synergy-ease-up (we had this for FFIII and FFXIV events) and the fact that fielding a full team of FFT characters means 3 of them are likely underleveled.


The FFT bosses seem intentionally tuned down, but they have been getting easier overall.

Still, U+ Bartz looks pretty challenging and U++ will start soon.

To be fair, anybody that didn't whip themselves into a Platinum Sword frenzy probably has lousy Tactics synergy.

Even then, the first FFT event banner was total garbage for reasons everyone already knows. I spent 200 mythril on it and got more non-FFT items than I did FFT ones.


Seeing as I have Agrias and Ramza SSB and two Kaiser Shield with a Platinum Armor I pretty much destroyed the missions. I imagine even without them it wouldnt be that hard.
Does anyone have any experience with trying to use FFRK on both Android and iOS at once? I know it cloud saves, but I'm wondering how reliable/safe it is.

Currently I play on iOS. It's synced to my Apple Game Center account and all that. I'm thinking of switching phone to an android device, but if I do, I still want to be able to play FFRK at home on the comfort of my iPad with minimum fuss, as I do now. Is that actually doable?
Does anyone have any experience with trying to use FFRK on both Android and iOS at once? I know it cloud saves, but I'm wondering how reliable/safe it is.

Currently I play on iOS. It's synced to my Apple Game Center account and all that. I'm thinking of switching phone to an android device, but if I do, I still want to be able to play FFRK at home on the comfort of my iPad with minimum fuss, as I do now. Is that actually doable?

There will be no problem. The only thing is gems bought on one of the OS won't show on the other one.


The U+ boss in the tactics event is very bizarrely named. I guess FF took many mythical creatures etc and encorporated FF versions of them into the games (Odin for example) but Cuchulainn? Its a cool sounding name so maybe it was just randomly tacked on to the creature without any connection to its origin? I haven't played Tactics so I don't know the context?

If it was a giant dog monster or something at least it might slightly make sense because Cu is Irish for hound (Cuchulainn literally means Hound of Cullen) but Cuchulainn was actually just a normal plain human warrior (not quite Oogiee Boogie from A Nightmare Before Christmas) The legends make him sound like he has some sort of superpowers, but it's mostly just exaggeration of stories passed on throughout history. He's like an Irish Robin Hood/Jesus...

...missed opportunity really. It's not like legendary Celtic Warrior wouldnt fit right into a final fantasy. Tactics even has that vibe from what I've seen.
So I did an 11 pull on the tactics 2 banner. Got myself an Adamant Vest which isn't bad since armour are less common pulls for me so natural 5* armour gets more mileage than weapons. I was honestly expecting 0/11 considering my lucky draws (3 burst relics over two of them).

As for the SB while on the surface it is another slow relic for me the does more damage to slowed targets is interesting but it's real value is when I'm brining a mechanist to a boss with a slow medal condition as I can save an ability slot, bringing Tidus (or my other characters with slow SBs) or bringing Celebration Blade.
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