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GAF VOTES: The 1000-track game music battle of all eternity. (actual voting itt)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.

10) Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith - Native Faith (82)

9) Timesplitters 2 - Wild West (88)

8) Terranigma - Opening (92)

6) Unlimited SaGa - Battle Theme 1 (128)

6) The World Ends With You - Three Minutes Clapping (128)

5) Viewtiful Joe - Standing Ovations (135)

4) The World Ends With You - Twister Remix (141)

3) Trauma Center 2 - Severing the Chains of Fate (143)

2) The World Ends With You - Calling (173)

1) Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Savato X7 (202)

Complete results for round 19 can be found here.

I'm kind of preoccupied this evening, so no comments on the top 10 this time. This thread seems to be running out of steam as far as the total number of actual votes is concerned. I hope things pick up a bit for the semifinals, and I plan on asking for a sticky again before next week.

Round 20 is still up and the Bonus Round has also been posted. The next set won't be posted until next Monday, as I want to make sure that the late nominations get a full week of voting.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I also couldn't find a Youtube link for that Toobin' game. If anyone has something I could use for that, I'd appreciate it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"

Ah well, at least the late nomination round has tons of epic stuff.

PoP's Tower of Dawn, Duke Nukem 3D, Mirror's Edge Still Alive, and Cornered better all make it. I'm serious. All 4. You people are on watch.

I also just want to call special attention to Myst III, Contra Stage 1, and Fighting of the Spirit (both versions).

Yes, I'm aware those are all my late noms, but they're all so awesome! GAF, I'll forgive all of your other past sins (Bemani, Jack's Theme, Monty on the Run, Pacific Coast, Turrican) if you let that stuff go through!

This thread seems to be running out of steam as far as the total number of actual votes is concerned. I hope things pick up a bit for the semifinals, and I plan on asking for a sticky again before next week.

Try and get a mod to change the thread title at the very least.


Is there any way to get some sort of consolidation for The Prelude and Fighting of the Spirit? Seems silly to split the vote on two versions of the same song.

Fuck, if I knew the 3 song limit would be waived I would have nominated the ever-living crap out of Pokey Means Business. /vent


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
twinturbo2 said:
Everybody who didn't vote for the Daytona USA 2 tracks don't know good video game music. So awful... :-(
Where the hell were you guys when I needed you, huh?


Regarding round 19 - Sad to see that Turrican II's intro didn't make it in. That's shameful, really.

Also, Enthusia's "AWAKENING ~Nürburgring Suite~" is one of the best video game songs I've ever heard. Ever. I'm glad Cosmozone enjoyed it; hopefully some other people actually listened to it as well. I suppose it's silly to think that a nearly 10 minute long song from a game most people don't care about has any chance in this contest (there's also the fact that it's hard to fully appreciate with one listen), but it's still a bit disappointing to see it place so low. It has probably the best development of any vg song I've heard. Listen to the beginning and listen to the end, and you'll think, "This is the same song? How the heck does it get there?" 6:16 of engaging buildup and subtle change in feel, followed by a Hotel California-esque segment (anyone else hear this?), then the awesome climax and change-up at 7:48, then back to Hotel California for the outro. Excellent quality all around production-wise as well. I recommend listening to this one a few times; you probably won't fully appreciate it the first time.
Drakken said:
Regarding round 19 - Sad to see that Turrican II's intro didn't make it in. That's shameful, really.

Also, Enthusia's "AWAKENING ~Nürburgring Suite~" is one of the best video game songs I've ever heard. Ever. I'm glad Cosmozone enjoyed it; hopefully some other people actually listened to it as well. I suppose it's silly to think that a nearly 10 minute long song from a game most people don't care about has any chance in this contest, but it's still a bit disappointing to see it place so low. It has probably the best development of any vg song I've heard. 6:16 of slow (but still engaging!) buildup, followed by a Hotel California-esque segment (anyone else hear this?), then the awesome climax and change-up at 7:48, then back to Hotel California for the outro. Excellent quality all around production-wise as well.




Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
1. Mirror's Edge - Still Alive
2. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Tower of Dawn
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Cornered
4. Duke Nukem 3D - Grabbag (Main Theme)
5. Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the Spirit
6. Zero Wing - Intro
7. Myst III - Main Theme
8. F-Zero GX - Zen
9. Aquaria - Open Waters 1
10. Tales of Symphonia - American Opening
11. Red Steel - Katana Giri
12. Tales of Legendia - The Birds Chirp, I Sing
13. Tales of Phantasia - Fighting of the Spirits
14. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Solaris Phase 2
15. Warcraft 2 - Orc 2
16. Contra - Stage 1
17. Metroid Fusion - Sector 1
18. Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap - Temple of Droplets
19. Sonic Rush - Right There, Ride On
20. Metroid 2: Return of Samus - SR388

God this was a difficult round for me. I know that pretty much everything I voted for was stuff that I nominated, but I just really didn't feel comfortable dropping them, even though I tried to be open minded and listen to everybody's picks. I think it's because I didn't but too much thought into my first set of nominations in the original thread and I never made another list. The only one I dropped was the Dr. Mario Fever theme, and I think I only dropped it because I thought it was peculiar that it was skipped in favor of Chill in the initial batch.

I'm going ahead and giving the point to Death_Born on Zen though. I'm glad he tossed that in there. Also giving nerd points to M00 for picking the Stinkoman theme, even though it has absolutely no chance.

As for my song expectations, I feel almost guilty for putting some of those songs as low as I did, as they'd be top 5 material in most other rounds. Especially Myst III, Aquaria, and Red Steel. I don't imagine GAF will be too kind to them...

Zero Wing's intro is going to be a total wild card. I think it's this round's "Eternity". People are either going to hate it because they're sick of All Your Base or they're going to vote for it because they love All Your Base (and maybe realize it's a legitimately awesome track).

The Final Fantasy preludes are going to do a lot better than they deserve, I think. The notes just go up and down and that's fucking it. If they get up there it'll be due to nostalgia alone.

I also have to take back M00's nerd points because he included those Super Princess Peach tracks. They made me actually say "Really?" out loud.

Lastly, is there a particular reason that Chun Li's theme was cut, or was it an accident? I'm not too mad since we already have 3 awesome SF2 tracks but it would have certainly placed high on my list otherwise.
ZealousD said:
1. Mirror's Edge - Still Alive
2. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Tower of Dawn
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Cornered
4. Duke Nukem 3D - Grabbag (Main Theme)
5. Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the Spirit
6. Zero Wing - Intro
7. Myst III - Main Theme
8. F-Zero GX - Zen
9. Aquaria - Open Waters 1
10. Tales of Symphonia - American Opening
11. Red Steel - Katana Giri
12. Tales of Legendia - The Birds Chirp, I Sing
13. Tales of Phantasia - Fighting of the Spirits
14. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Solaris Phase 2
15. Warcraft 2 - Orc 2
16. Contra - Stage 1
17. Metroid Fusion - Sector 1
18. Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap - Temple of Droplets
19. Sonic Rush - Right There, Ride On
20. Metroid 2: Return of Samus - SR388

Thanks for realizing the genius of Zen. But I'm going to have to dock 10,000 points for not voting for Earth City. It's sad that the only Halo track in here is the main theme. Also, no "Mind of a Thief" or Grandia 2.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Death_Born said:
Thanks for realizing the genius of Zen. But I'm going to have to dock 10,000 points for not voting for Earth City. It's sad that the only Halo track in here is the main theme. Also, no "Mind of a Thief" or Grandia 2.

Covenant Dance probably had the best shot out of the Halo tracks to make it (besides the main theme of course) and GAF decided not to go that route. I don't think Earth City is going to make it either.

I probably would have voted for Mind of a Thief and Grandia 2 in any other round.


ZealousD said:
The Final Fantasy preludes are going to do a lot better than they deserve, I think. The notes just go up and down and that's fucking it. If they get up there it'll be due to nostalgia alone.

That's why you vote for the FFV version, people. The extended version from FFIV onward, not the NES version. It's when the flute comes in that freaking makes the song. It's a very haunting song which I believe has merit to stand on its own, regardless of nostalgia.

Also, let's see some Mind of a Thief and Crystal Chronicles votes out there people. C'mon! Yeah! /pompoms
Found this browsing through game music youtube comments.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I knew it! There are aliens on earth!

The preceding was an excuse to bump this topic so more people could vote.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You people don't seem to like talking much!

Anyway, today is the last day to vote for set 20. So go do it!


Maybe for the final selections there should be a new thread, as the amount of entries has been dwindling by the week. A new thread (possibly stickied) should be a good way to encourage the rest of GAF to select the overall winners.


Sixfortyfive: I would randomize the semifinalists...there's no point in having sets with large clusters of games, again. If you wanted to dilute the finals to one representative per game, then you might as well have restricted the preliminaries to picking the favourite track per game and letting only the #1 advance.


Wow, somehow I lost sight of the thread in the last days (didn't subscribe it). Good to see the extra round is on, going to listen to it now.

No comment for round 19's results other than that they're not totally horrible, but still.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
grandjedi6 said:
Virtua Fighter swept the top 10 causing Sixfortyfive to collapse in shock.

Actually, the power went out here last night. I assume nobody will be upset about having an extra day to vote.


10) Xenosaga Episode 2 - Fatal Fight (113)

9) Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - BAHRAM Battleship (118)

8) Xenogears - Balto (126)

7) World of Warcraft - Call to Arms (127)

6) World of Warcraft - Stormwind Theme (131)

5) Zack & Wiki - Staff Roll (159)

4) Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Beyond the Bounds (163)

3) Yoshi's Story - Love Is In The Air (220)

2) Yoshi's Island - Battle with Baby Bowser (237)

1) Yoshi's Island - Athletic (394)

Complete results for round 20 can be found here. The Bonus Round is still up and will stay up until Monday evening.


I'm seriously considering postponing the semifinals for a week and a half. Final exams are coming up and I'd like to focus on those. I'm probably going to make a new thread for the semifinals either way.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Michan said:
Maybe for the final selections there should be a new thread, as the amount of entries has been dwindling by the week. A new thread (possibly stickied) should be a good way to encourage the rest of GAF to select the overall winners.

Thinking about it I think I agree. Seems like threads are always most active when they start up. Seems easier than getting a mod/admin to help us out with the sticker/title change anyway. I think a new thread for the Ultra Fiinal Round of the Forever would be great too.

Ah, results!

WTF With all the Yoshi stuff. Seriously GAF? Athletic is nice but the other stuff being as high as it is is crazy. At least the ZOE2 stuff and Xenosaga 2 made it.
Wait, woah, what? I was almost certain that Communication Breakdown would break the top 10. Sheesh people, talk about not listening to all the tracks!
Now what? This entire contest is rendered null and void by the lack of Communication Breakdown! I think it's best if we abandoned this endeavor here and now, to save it from further embarrasment!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Not only did Communication Breakdown not make the Top 10, it was last place amongst the Xenosaga tracks.

Fatal Fight did the best of them though, which makes me happy.


Very interesting set, this bonus round. Although there's nothing I fell in love with, the overall standard is pretty high. To a level that I can't really recommend tracks over others. The differences are pretty minimal. So I just let my vote speak for itself. Only some side comments:
- I've dropped tracks that were basically clones of other tracks, so they don't take up space and squeeze out other deserving music.
- I could've voted the FF prelude higher, if it was from the right game (e.g. FF6), the melody evolved over the time, and apparently at first it wasn't even there.
- Before listening I didn't expect anything from Princess Peach, but the game surprised me. It actually wiped the floor with the Yoshi stuff totally underservedly winning the previous set.
- Seventh Seal - What is this anyway? I don't even know what type of game it is! :)
- Toobin: Too bad there was no way to listen to this, it could have been THE shit, and I wouldn't even know. :) All I know it was an arcade game where you ride water courses in tubes.
- Minish Cap: Wrong song, should've been Minish Village, don't know if it would've made my vote, though.

The vote:
1. Red Steel - Katana Giri
2. Seventh Seal - Rhythm of Red
3. Sonic Adventure - Crazy Robo (E-101 Beta)
4. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Tower of Dawn
5. Panzer Dragoon Orta - Ancient Weapon
6. Super Princess Peach - Fury Volcano 1
7. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Unite, Descent
8. Megaman Zero 4 - Nothing Beats
9. Toejam & Earl - Toejam Jammin'
10. Megaman ZX - Sky High
11. Tales of Phantasia - Fighting of the Spirits
12. Kirby Air Ride - Checker Knights
13. Plok - Beach
14. Final Fantasy 5 - Prelude
15. Dr. Mario - Fever
16. Super Princess Peach - Giddy Sky 1
17. Cave Story - Final Battle
18. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Cornered
19. Zero Wing - Intro
20. Eternal Sonata - Leap the Precipice


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Death_Born said:
Now what? This entire contest is rendered null and void by the lack of Communication Breakdown! I think it's best if we abandoned this endeavor here and now, to save it from further embarrasment!
Ah well. We had a good run.

But seriously, you guys fine with a little break before we finish this?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Cosmozone said:
- Minish Cap: Wrong song, should've been Minish Village, don't know if it would've made my vote, though.

I felt kinda bad that Minish Cap was left out of the initial nominations, since it really does have a good soundtrack overall. Temple of Droplets, Minish Village, Hyrule Town, and Minish Woods are all top notch. However, since it was a late nomination round, I really only felt comfortable nominating 1, and Temple of Droplets was my personal favorite.

The vote:




Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Remember guys! Tommorow is the last day to vote until the semifinals! Make sure your voice is heard for the late nominations!

And make sure your voice is saying stuff about Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Phoenix Wright, and Duke Nukem!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.

12) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Tower of Dawn (135)

11) Aquaria - Open Waters 1 (139)

10) Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap - Temple of Droplets (140)

9) Kirby Air Ride - Checker Knights (146)

8) Final Fantasy 5 - Prelude (147)

7) Duke Nukem 3D - Grabbag (Main Theme) (148)

6) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Solaris Phase 2 (152)

5) Mirror's Edge - Still Alive (180)

4) Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the Spirit (192)

3) Dr. Mario - Fever (226)

2) Star Fox Assault - Star Wolf (228)

1) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Cornered (286)

Complete results for the bonus round can be found here.

- Remember, the top 12 advance for this round (not just 10) due to the slightly larger tracklist and the convenience of ending with a total number of semifinalists divisible by 4.
- Phoenix Wright mops up once more and ZealousD is vindicated.
- Mario, Sonic, and Final Fantasy each add 1 more song to the semifinalist roster, totaling 11 tracks for each franchise.
- The most diverse round ever also produces the most diverse top list ever. No two songs in the top 12 hail from the same franchise.

And that's all for now. I'm going to update the OP soon with the entire semifinalist list. Voting for the rest of the contest will wait until the end of next week.

EDIT: Done.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Sixfortyfive said:
- Phoenix Wright mops up once more and ZealousD is vindicated.


Also, 9 of the 12 final picks were from my nomination pool. You guys even managed to slip in Aquaria, which surprised the hell out of me.

You guys even voted in my big 4! (Duke, PoP, Mirror's Edge, Cornered) I hereby absolve GAF of all previous sins.

Dr. Mario is good, but not that good, and Myst III scoring so low is kind of disheatening.


Master of the Google Search
Sixfortyfive said:
6) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Solaris Phase 2 (152)
One of the worst Sonic songs nominated yet makes it in? For shame Gaf, for shame. It would have been acceptable had the Sonic Rush or Sonic Adventure song made it in, but this? I'm disappointed.

Everything else is good though


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
grandjedi6 said:
One of the worst Sonic songs nominated yet makes it in? For shame Gaf, for shame. It would have been acceptable had the Sonic Rush or Sonic Adventure song made it in, but this? I'm disappointed.

Everything else is good though

What? It's only shitty with the lyrics. Which is why I didn't nominate "His World".

I mean it's not like GAF has a raging nostalgia hard-on for Sonic 2006 to help or anything.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
ZealousD said:
So when is this starting back up?
Later today, maybe late this evening if I'm busy. I'm getting some of this stuff ready right now. There will be a new thread for it.

The only thing I haven't decided on yet is how to go about scheduling the votes for the 4 separate semifinal blocks: either continue doing it in the staggered manner we've been doing, or just putting all 4 sets up for voting at once and leave them up for 2 weeks.
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