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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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When I read this passage a few years ago, my heart must have been racing at about 200bpm. I haven't followed the show since the end of the first season, and even though I'll probably do a marathon one of these days, tomorrow I'll be watching this episode with a cousin who's a massive fan of the show. I'm curious about both the show's depiction of the events and his reaction!

Edit: Also, fuck the Freys!
Your uncle picked possibly the absolute worst episode to start you on. :p Do yourself a favor and abandon thread now, and start the series, then join back once you catch up! You'll thank us for it! :)

Eh I don't think my uncle knew what was coming. He just wanted for me to sit and watch it with him and his son to see if I'd like it at all. Yeah I'll abandon this thread and start the series.

This is just one hell of an episode to start watching is all.

Yeah. I haven't a clue what the fuck happened or why people are so crazy about it. Since I don't know the fucking plot at all. Welp time to marathon Season 1 and 2. I shall return.... eventually
the worst thing about this is sam's the dumbest character and he gets to wander around with not-Anna Kendrick while everyone else gets gruesomely murdered. he should've been sacrificed instead.

who's the heir now? Bran's before Jon, right?


That music was eerie as fuck. Was it one of the house songs? Catelyn seemed to know what was up as soon as it started playing


Roose Bolton also made a strong case for himself as scummiest fuck in Westeros. Joffrey would be proud.

I'm feeling like I got gut punched man. Can't even explain. Where's that Jim Carrey cry GIF from Dumb and Dumber.

I don't even get it, I can't even comprehend this. Why? What was the point? To take the piss? Invest all this time into these character, hoping things will get better, that they'll get vengeance for Ned, for this?

To have Roose Bolton betray them? To kill Robb and kill his mom? Why kill Catelyn? The matriarch of the Starks? As if they didn't have enough problems what are Bran, Rickon, Arya going to do without their mom?

Why did they die as far as the story itself? Politics and war. Why did GRRM choose to kill them off? Story and emotional impact. There's something to be said for highly pessimistic and brutal fantasy given that the genre is so often the opposite. It keeps the stakes very high and magnifies the importance of every event, big and small.


This place is hopping, compared to my usual foray into Boardwalk Empire threads. :)

Anyway, two things:
1) Great ending. It has been building for so long, and we all knew that was coming. If you didn't know that bad things had to happen, you really were deluding yourself. I had that same feeling we all had back before (Boardwalk Empire spoiler)
Jimmy bit the bullet in Boardwalk Empire's S2 finale
. You just have a deep sense of forboding. I'm just glad it wasn't Arya. That would have really demoralized me.

2) Also, the relationship between Rickon and Bran reminds me a lot of the relationship between the brothers in "The Martian Agent: A Planetary Romance" by Michael Chabon. That story brought tears to my eyes, just from the brotherly dedication the boys had, and I felt that tonight watching Bran and Rickon saying goodbye. It's hard to put into words, but if you get a chance I completely recommend Chabon's short story. (I read it in John Kessel's anthology, the The Secret History of Science Fiction which has a reasonable Kindle version.)

Anyway, haven't read any of the GRRM books, but this dramatization is top notch TV. Cannot wait for season finale!



I really hope he's still alive, he's gotta be, that would be the only shining light in this nightmare
Oh shit I forgot about him. I hope they just don't assume he's dead.

Also did they kill Edmure or what?

Velcro Fly

Knew it was coming and it still feels like a gut punch.

I've read the books so this didn't deter me and I won't stop watching the show.

I knew this would be controversial and that people would be mad about it and everyone has that right.


Wow. I got spoiled several weeks ago on Frey killing Robb (was reading a thread on another site that had NOTHING to do with Game of Thrones, and someone just randomly blurted "Walder Frey kills Robb Stark!"), so that sucked. But I didn't think it would be everyone!! I kinda figured when the couple left and the doors closed that it might be Robb's time, so I was mentally preparing myself with the fact that at least he has a kid brewing. But nope. Wife's gone. Baby kid's gone. Mom's gone. And Arya was SO FUCKING CLOSE!

OH MY GOD. And like, I KNOW this is Robb's fault for breaking the oath so I can't even say he didn't deserve this a little, but this was too much. Just. Guh.

That music was eerie as fuck. Was it one of the house songs? Catelyn seemed to know what was up as soon as it started playing

It was the Rains of Castermere. The name of the episode and the song Cersei explained to Margorey an episode or two ago. Its a song about how the Lannister's destroyed this other house


Some one called it our earlier that Roose might be in Tywin's pocket and I never saw it. I don't even want to speculate what happens next. Just kill them all and be done with it.
Honestly? It was pretty well telegraphed. Roose let Jaime go. What more evidence did you need?


It's going to be harder for them to stop because HBO actually keeps a regular schedule. Book readers who said "I'm going to stop reading this shit!" after Storm of Swords actually meant it. Because there was nothing to read for years after that! Fffff. Lol.

yeah, but this was in the MIDDLE of Storm of Swords, not the end, so the next chapter was right there waiting to be read.
... FUCK!

That was AWESOME! I thought Rob was going to wife one of the girls at the start of the episode and just try to pull an Imp and keep his side girl along with doing his job.

But THIS ... was amazing!

Was this the result of the blood curse?!?!


That music was eerie as fuck. Was it one of the house songs? Catelyn seemed to know what was up as soon as it started playing

Remember the episode where Cersei was explaining what happened to House Reyne? Well, the song was made in remembrance of it. When Catelyn heard it, she knew something was wrong immediately because it's a Lannister song, made as a warning for their adversaries.

The song describes a rivalry between House Reyne and the Lannisters, and Tywin destroyed their entire line - man, women, child, down through all generations, until there was nothing left but rain falling over their destroyed halls at Castamere.

See the parallels?


The song was the Rains of Castamere =)

It was the Rains of Castermere. The name of the episode and the song Cersei explained to Margorey an episode or two ago. Its a song about how the Lannister's destroyed this other house

Thanks, it did actually cross my mind that it might be the song Cersei described

Man, I kind of figured they'd kill Robb's wife, but I did not see the slaughter coming


I guess so, but it puts any kind of realistic resistance so far out it's hard to see any sort of light in the tunnel.

As far as my avatar quote, yes I like Tyrion, but I feel like he's always family first.

What's not realistic about this?

The good guys die every day, and sometimes the bad guys aren't so bad as you initially thought, once you get to know them.

man holy shit, was this like at the end of the book? I can't imagine reading that with this ending and waiting years for the next book. I would have definitely peaced the fuck out

There is another episode and a season 4. The "book" is only about half over.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I'm feeling like I got gut punched man. Can't even explain. Where's that Jim Carrey cry GIF from Dumb and Dumber.

I don't even get it, I can't even comprehend this. Why? What was the point? To take the piss? Invest all this time into these character, hoping things will get better, that they'll get vengeance for Ned, for this?

To have Roose Bolton betray them? To kill Robb and kill his mom? Why kill Catelyn? The matriarch of the Starks? As if they didn't have enough problems what are Bran, Rickon, Arya going to do without their mom?

So much for taking Casterly Rock, killing Tywin, rebuilding Winterfell. I can't even think about this. I don't even want to watch next week. To see that smug little shit Joffrey or that asshole Tywin. The Lannisters send their regards. Fucking Roose knew it this whole time.

Some one called it our earlier that Roose might be in Tywin's pocket and I never saw it. I don't even want to speculate what happens next. Just kill them all and be done with it.
I remember you got spoiled on this a while back and RatskyWatsky and I tried to ease your fears back then. Hope you feel better soon.


Man, I think I love the show even more now - can't wait to see where they take this next! It's comforting in a way knowing absolutely no one is safe.


Posts like this make me feel bad that I looked forward to the reactions to the episode :(

It wouldn't be so bad if you guys came into the thread to discuss the actual show more often, vs letting everyone know you read the book and just want to see how we react to things at the end of episodes and/or guess how the general public is going to like episodes based on our reactions. Had this been the first thread though we would have had about 2 or 3 posters with survey questions about the episode asking what our thoughts were, so you guys are improving at least.
i'm not a book-reader but i was spoiled about the red wedding last summer by a coworker. even knowing what was coming, it still fucking hurt. just a brutal scene.

i feel so bad for arya . . . first she had to be there when her father died, and now a year (?) later after being missing she is finally about to be reunited with her family, and her mother and brother die when she is just a few yards away! unreal. hopefully she starts warming up to the hound, i think the guy deserves it, even though he's a murderous cunt.

oh, and fuck the boltons. i guess this confirms who theon's torturer is, and who sacked winterfell, right? goddamn boltons. i wasn't spoiled that they were a party to the massacre, i thought it was just frey so that came as a surprise.

dont worry guys THE NORTH REMEMBERS lol

ah, it's just like the first time seeing the reactions

That the world is cruel, and this is what happens in a world that plays by these rules. See: War of the Roses in our world.

war of the roses? lannisters v. starks . . . lancasters v. yorks . . . is this actually a thing!?
When reading ASOS I had to reread the Red Wedding to make sure that what I read actually happened. I then just stared blankly at the book for a moment and literally chucked it across the room in a rage.

big ander


idk I honestly just wanted a bloodbath to happen soon, this entire season on most fronts has felt like mild teasing and random moving around. there are exceptions, the brienne/jamie stuff was excellent and fun, but the rest felt like single chess moves. Now this! awesome.

I guess it's that I'm not the biggest fan of this show and don't really have an intense connection to any single character. Everyone pretty much lies on the spectrum of "sucks" to "like". Probably just Tyrion, Brienne, and Arya above "like" (seems like jamie will be there eventually). I'd say it's the large cast, but I watched The Wire and had plenty of favorite characters there. Think the characterization's just not quite as intricate and endearing here.

So while I liked Robb, Cat, etc., it's a nice shake-up for them to die and for the starks to be just so completely fucked. It would be hilarious to go back to season 1 after this, because knowing now that a Stark will never sit on the throne will make it more fun. At least I hope none ever will, Bran and John are boring as hell (though Bran's getting better). Hell, it's a longshot for them to even rule in the north now. Plus now we get another person to hate viciously, who will hopefully be torched eventually and it'll feel good.

Though now I don't really know who to root for. Fucking hate the Lannister family despite liking a few members, Stannis is a boring character to me and I don't really care if he's technically the next in line because I don't feel like rooting for him either way, Dany seems so far away and has been sort of spinning her wheels for 2 seasons now. Don't really give a shit who lands on the iron anymore. Just want to see people like Arya and Tyrion exact personal revenge on a few people. Hopefully that alongside a changed landscape now that the north is basically a plane of ash will fuel my interest enough.
Great episode. Though part of me wishes I went in fresh. My girlfriend has pretty much given me all the footnotes from the books while she read through all of them.

The reactions make me think of this... lol.

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