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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Why the fuck would he write the book that way? Honestly.

Not a single fucking person wanted that.

There's no one to root for at this point. I suppose Dany and Bran, but that's so far out that it's not even worth it. This shit was way worse than Ned.

Fuck man.


Why the fuck would he write the book that way? Honestly.

Not a single fucking person wanted that.

There's no one to root for at this point. I suppose Dany and Bran, but that's so far out that it's not even worth it. This shit was way worse than Ned.

Fuck man.


I'm shocked and not shocked at the same time. It seems like anytime things get too cozy for anyone in this universe, things tend to start going badly.


I really don't get book readers in here. You guys are really ruining the visceral reactions. In fact, gloating and castigating the tv-only viewers in here is counterintuitive to the schaudenfraude you all desperately want.

ANYWAYS, awesome episode. Been waiting for this for 3 years now. Now to see if my prediction of people abandoning this show after the Red Wedding holds. I was always the one who thought HBO wouldn't split the seasons up and have the RW more or less cap off the first part of the season cause people would just be fucking pissed and might not come back to the show in a year. But they went and did it.

I can't believe there's still 1 more episode left. I wonder what they're going to do for that one...


By the way, I thought you guys would enjoy seeing the historical inspiration for this event, since this is now over here's a short little bit about that in this link. It's based off the legendary "Black Dinner". So, if you're wondering why this shit is so cruel, here's your reference point. Real life.

The above link has NO SPOILERS, except if you haven't seen episode 9.


Why the fuck would he write the book that way? Honestly.

Not a single fucking person wanted that.

There's no one to root for at this point. I suppose Dany and Bran, but that's so far out that it's not even worth it. This shit was way worse than Ned.

Fuck man.

Because it's way more interesting that way to read.
My uncle made me watch this with him today. I really enjoyed it despite being a bit lost. I think I shall go back and watch the past two seasons.


I'm feeling like I got gut punched man. Can't even explain. Where's that Jim Carrey cry GIF from Dumb and Dumber.

I don't even get it, I can't even comprehend this. Why? What was the point? To take the piss? Invest all this time into these character, hoping things will get better, that they'll get vengeance for Ned, for this?

To have Roose Bolton betray them? To kill Robb and kill his mom? Why kill Catelyn? The matriarch of the Starks? As if they didn't have enough problems what are Bran, Rickon, Arya going to do without their mom?

So much for taking Casterly Rock, killing Tywin, rebuilding Winterfell. I can't even think about this. I don't even want to watch next week. To see that smug little shit Joffrey or that asshole Tywin. The Lannisters send their regards. Fucking Roose knew it this whole time.

Some one called it our earlier that Roose might be in Tywin's pocket and I never saw it. I don't even want to speculate what happens next. Just kill them all and be done with it.


GRRM is one of this sadistic fucking writers. They did this shit with Ned in the first season and now this. I don't even want to watch anymore.

Might as well say fuck it, have Joffrey rape Sansa next episode, have the mutiny nights watch guys kill Jon, have some wildlings or white walkers kill Bran etc.

What's the point of this show? To watch our heros get slaughtered every season? To see evil win everytime? If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been watching. Good because I'm not watching anymore.

The fact that millions of readers are waiting for the sixth book (and what happened tonight is not even halfway through the third) should tell you that there are a shitton of reasons to continue watching.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I will point out that some book readers and people that already knew what was going to happen didn't think you guys would react as strongly to what happened to Robb as you did Ned. That of course didn't happen.


I'm not going to stop watching the show, but if you've ever had a thought about nice guys finishing last, this series sure as hell reinforces it.

I'm going to hang on, because Arya is still alive. And as long as she lives, I can pin all of my homes of vengeance on top of her.

God, I've got the shakes. I'm probably too emotionally invested in this series. The shock... I knew it was going to come back to bite him in his ass, but my GOD.

In the end theres only room for one queen.
To non-book readers who are saying they will stop watching: Many people who have read the books also stopped reading at that point, and some never return because of the heartbreak of seeing the good guys lose time and time again. But have courage and keep watching, just as most keep reading.

That is what this series is about: In real life, sometimes the good guys lose, and sometimes the bad guys lose. This entire series is filled with that. So far you are only through half of the published material, and there is so much more that is going to happen and be enjoyed (and to be hated). Life is like that, and these books present it unflinchingly.


I just roll with what the show throws at you, even the ugly stuff. For me, i'm still pissed at Rob and Renly for not following Stannis' claim to the throne, they ruined everything.


I don't even get it, I can't even comprehend this. Why? What was the point? To take the piss? Invest all this time into these character, hoping things will get better, that they'll get vengeance for Ned, for this?

I'll post this link once more for you. Here is an article about the REAL HISTORICAL EVENT that inspired tonight's episode. If you ever heard of the "Black Dinner", you should have a good idea, but... reality is fucked up. Again, no spoilers save what you saw in Episode 9, so it's a safe link.


come in my shame circle

I'm sitting here with a broken IKEA coffee table and catching feelings right now.

Fuck man! Why am I so invested in this?


I will point out that some book readers and people that already knew what was going to happen didn't think you guys would react as strongly to what happened to Robb as you did Ned. That of course didn't happen.

I'm more pissed about his wife getting killed, she was cool. Robb wasn't great though.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Hehe, the rage is great. Yeah, so what the fuck happens now?

My guess? Someone close to Starks gets back at Lannisters and then Daenerys fucks shit up real easy because everything is already in ruins. I hope when the dust settles that Tyrion is somehow the King. He's the only one with an intelligent mind that hasn't been corrupted.


lol@ people that are going to stop watching. Take a breath, calm down, and come back next week.

It's going to be harder for them to stop because HBO actually keeps a regular schedule. Book readers who said "I'm going to stop reading this shit!" after Storm of Swords actually meant it. Because there was nothing to read for years after that! Fffff. Lol.
The only condolence I'll offer is that however awful that scene was, it was much worse in the books reading it from Catelyn perspective, you guys got off easy compared the book readers.


Because it's way more interesting that way to read.
I guess so, but it puts any kind of realistic resistance so far out it's hard to see any sort of light in the tunnel.

As far as my avatar quote, yes I like Tyrion, but I feel like he's always family first.


I am in shock right now man... the same knot I felt in my stomach at Ned's beheading was back in full force tonight. God damn tragic. I thought something was up when that one guy started closing the doors but I did not expect what happened at all.

I feel so sorry for Arya, so close to seeing her family again. :( Wow man, and that last scene. I have no clue where the Stark story is going now. Jesus, I can't stop saying how tragic this episode was.


Earlier in the season I googled Robb Stark and it auto completed it to say Robb Stark dies season 3. Pissed me off and it was last time I bothered searching for anything Game of Thrones related. So I knew at some point this was going to happen, but I kind of forgot, and I certainly didn't see it coming, not like this. That was brutal.

Arya, so close to being reunited with her mum and brother. Heartbreaking episode.



edit: Apparently I walked in at a bad time. This was an example of a bad episode apparently? Why are people so upset?
Your uncle picked possibly the absolute worst episode to start you on. :p Do yourself a favor and abandon thread now, and start the series, then join back once you catch up! You'll thank us for it! :)

I really hope he's still alive, he's gotta be, that would be the only shining light in this nightmare
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