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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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It really is crazy. He's just everywhere on the internet. Youtube, twitter, Facebook, etc. And always with these shitty but extremely verbose comments.

I don't know how the dude even finds time to play games, as his online presence must be such a time-consuming endeavor. I guess us mere mortals just aren't able to be on tb's level though.

Hmmm... my ability to gauge tone/sarcasm is truly broken so I apologise if I mis-understand your post.

I too am online everywhere I guess, just seems (like Beelzebufo mentioned above) he loudly announces when he arrives and it just creates the effect that anywhere "GG" is being mentioned he will be there, giving his opinion. which is fine.

I still like my idea that he is being summoned.


i dunno, i don't really see it as dumb. they're background objects designed to titillate, and the only way you can play with them is by killing them and dragging around their corpses. the game (hell the entire series really) is about messing with everything around you and seeing how the game systems react, and in that level one of the systems is a "sexy" little toy.
I mean obviously those are all real concerns that should be in the back of any designers mind. But the real question seems like it should be "Do we need to got to this strip club in our game?" because as soon as you've decided that it follows that there should be strippers at the club and they can be interacted with in the same way that you can with all the other NPCs.

But yes in so far as the game makes it possible it's problematic in a broader social context


From Matt Binder on Twitter
gamergaters finally have the gaming site they deserve...courtesy of Roosh of Return of Kings http://t.co/AOyS1Ky7I6



I don't know how someone can have their head so far up their own ass that they think Milo getting temporarily suspended from Twitter is an attack on free speech...

...while also promoting mass emailing advertisers of sites to kill them because you don't like what they said.

Seems like a lot of this is dying down. I know at least I'm not paying as much attention to it, I've seen enough ugliness from it.

I just wish there was something to do for those that are going to experience continued harassment from this perpetual hate machine even when the hashtag drifts into the deeper corners of the net.
I just wish there was something to do for those that are going to experience continued harassment from this perpetual hate machine even when the hashtag drifts into the deeper corners of the net.

There is. Condemn those who you witness harassing another. Support those who are victims. And try to correct a medium in which an attack is being vectored through.
return of kings is a quality site this new gamergate venture should yield some amazing garbage


I love in the comments some guy uses drosophila research to try and say that if a woman has had sex before marriage, the babies will look like her previous partners.

Ignoring the fact that several drosophila males will mate with a single female in a relatively short timespan and that the female will lay dozens of eggs, also within that timespan.
A very honest post from GamerGhazi mod who can't take this shit anymore
This is gonna be a long one, #GamerGate, but it’ll be worth it.

So #GamerGate forced me to view pictures of a dead woman that were posted on one of the chans because I’m a mod of /r/GamerGhazi.
Someone who dislikes our criticism of #GamerGate sent a PM to each mod with a screen cap of the pictures and thread of the dead woman.
Then, almost two nights ago, #GamerGate forced me to witness users posting pictures of a naked 10 year old girl.
GamerGate made me watch as users justified why it was ok for them to view these pictures so that I could report this to the FBI.

Before getting involved and taking a stance against #GamerGate, I thought I knew the depravity of mankind.
But I have never witnessed anything on the internet more depraved of its humanity than #GamerGate.

I’ve watched as #GamerGate celebrates the harassment of women and men who dare disagree with them.
I’ve seen #GamerGate hoist the most vile creatures onto their shoulders and praise them as kings.
GamerGate has shown me that transphobia, homophobia, racism and hatred are ok if you say it’s about ethics in games journalism.

I can’t handle it any more. If I continue to watch #GamerGate in action, I’m going to kill myself or at least try.
Here is where I found out that the internet isn’t just a bunch of assholes and some nice people and a lot of disagreement, but the internet is a big and scary fucking hellhole where rotten cunts (yes I’m using that word, I haven’t gotten to use it for so long here) with the most hollowed and desensitized definitions of morality and ethics will link you to pictures of dead women for fun and will try and justify why it’s ok for them to share and look at a little girl in the nude.
None of you caused that.
and THATS THE THING is that it doesn’t matter if you engage or not! JUST BY BEING OUTSIDE OF THEIR CIRCLE, YOU’RE A FUCKING TARGET.


At this point I think TB needs to get his Sarkeesian stuff out of his system and just make the critical video he clearly wants to make and has accused the media of silencing. He has the audience, and clearly they won't leave him at this point. He's in random comment sections just spouting the usual Thunderf00t stuff so, c'mon, just take her on directly already. It'll be funny.


A very honest post from GamerGhazi mod who can't take this shit anymore

#GamerGate started as a harassment campaign, duped a whole bunch of naïve followers into supporting it through "ethics in games journalism", and then eventually coalesced into the disgusting thing we see in front of ourselves.

As someone who's played video games for 30 years, this is the most horrible thing that's happened to out pastime. Ever.

Even fucking parental ratings improved our public image by admitting faults. #GamerGate is wearing those faults on their shoulder with pride.


At this point I think TB needs to get his Sarkeesian stuff out of his system and just make the critical video he clearly wants to make and has accused the media of silencing. He has the audience, and clearly they won't leave him at this point. He's in random comment sections just spouting the usual Thunderf00t stuff so, c'mon, just take her on directly already. It'll be funny.

Or he should see if she'd be willing to do a video together, like the mutual post he made with wolfire. I don't see why'd she would want to with someone who said her threats aren't credible since she's still breathing, but I think it'd be worth him reaching out and maybe even allow her to address some of the ridiculous claims against her work in one shot.

I glanced at KiA and feel gross now because I found myself agreeing with Milo of all people. He's a sleazy transphobic douchecanoe, but he asked for the Gaters to maybe stop being hyperbolic and to start ignoring women who they hate and instead focus on real ethical concerns so they can be reported on. The label is still toxic beyond redemption, but if he could get them to focus on the thing that they claim to be about that'd be nice.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Roosh V, owner of Return of Kings, just opened up a video game site. He admits that he's not a gamer and hasn't played a game since 2000. :|

Goal of the website:
Our goal is simple: create a safe space for heterosexual males who play video games. We won’t exclude homosexuals or attractive women from commenting on our articles, and we sincerely hope they find value in what we have to say, but understand that this site will be written by male gamers for male gamers. It aims to be a place where men can be themselves without SJW infiltration, judgement, and influence. In the year 2014, surprisingly, there are very few spaces for men online where their message isn’t attacked by white knights, man-haters, and SJW’s. I know an unmet need when I see one.

JC Sera

Or he should see if she'd be willing to do a video together, like the mutual post he made with wolfire. I don't see why'd she would want to with someone who said her threats aren't credible since she's still breathing, but I think it'd be worth him reaching out and maybe even allow her to address some of the ridiculous claims against her work in one shot.

I glanced at KiA and feel gross now because I found myself agreeing with Milo of all people. He's a sleazy transphobic douchecanoe, but he asked for the Gaters to maybe stop being hyperbolic and to start ignoring women who they hate and instead focus on real ethical concerns so they can be reported on. The label is still toxic beyond redemption, but if he could get them to focus on the thing that they claim to be about that'd be nice.
I'd like to see that too, but I'd feel its unfair to subject Anita to that just to teach a lesson to TB or make a fool out of him.
He's got a new bone to latch onto now with the AC:U debacle. He's probably going to focus all his anti-Anita energy into that
thank god
. Unfortunately I think everything shitty he said is going to be forgotten after this and once again he is going to be seen as the reasonable voice of ethics. Which sucks.


Neo Member
Roosh V, owner of Return of Kings, just opened up a video game site. He admits that he's not a gamer and hasn't played a game since 2000. :|

Goal of the website:

So what happens if your SJW happens to be a het male?

Also, why would you'd get less judgement if it was primarily for het males? Het males are completely capable of being overly judgmental and white knighting on their own.

You may as well just have made a site for gamers that don't want to argue at all and where only positive thoughts can be posted. At least then you'd be a hell of a lot closer to the goal you wanted.

L Thammy

I'm glad that we have journalists with integrity like TotalBiscuit. Journalists have been silent on issues like feminism for too long. The entirety of journalism is corrupt. We need someone who isn't a journalist, like journalist TotalBiscuit, to tell us what the journalists won't. Namely, that feminist are wrong. You just can't get criticism like this anywhere else.
return of kings is a quality site this new gamergate venture should yield some amazing garbage


I just showed that website to a friend, he asked me whether it's a parody or people are just that poor in expressing their ideas. It's a nice reality check to see that MRAs do make that much sense to people not familiar with them.

I love in the comments some guy uses drosophila research to try and say that if a woman has had sex before marriage, the babies will look like her previous partners.

Ignoring the fact that several drosophila males will mate with a single female in a relatively short timespan and that the female will lay dozens of eggs, also within that timespan.

That's called telegony. It is a sad pseudoscientific theory (sad for me because it is fairly widespread in the country I come from), mostly used by conservative religious people to promote celibacy among women. But it's nice to see that RoK people are adopting it as well!

L Thammy


Poe's law reaching critical mass.

I love in the comments some guy uses drosophila research to try and say that if a woman has had sex before marriage, the babies will look like her previous partners.

Ignoring the fact that several drosophila males will mate with a single female in a relatively short timespan and that the female will lay dozens of eggs, also within that timespan.


As a slight tangent, does anyone else feel that Gamergate behaviour taken a turn for the absurd ? It was terrible before, hateful stuff, it's still hateful stuff. But beyond that motivation, it was only irrational in order to justify that hatred and to brainwash people. Now, it's... even if I was a misogynist, racist and whatever, why would I think this would work? Why would I say this stuff?

A month ago it wouldn't even occur to me that this could be anything but a parody. If you told me that a Gamergater would pretend to be black in order to convince digital money proponents to join their causes, I'd ask you to tone it down.
That's called telegony. It is a sad pseudoscientific theory (sad for me because it is fairly widespread in the country I come from), mostly used by conservative religious people to promote celibacy among women. But it's nice to see that RoK people are adopting it as well!

I'd honestly never heard of that before today and it just kinda makes me really pissed that people are using good science to promote ridiculous ideas.
It's just pathetic how bent out of shape TB gets over Anita Sarkeesian. You know he would love to make a big 'ol video regurgitating the same kind of weaksauce arguments you see in a Thunderfoot video.

He's a fucking adult with a wife and kid but he acts like a petulant child over a video on virtual strippers.


So what happens if your SJW happens to be a het male?

Also, why would you'd get less judgement if it was primarily for het males? Het males are completely capable of being overly judgmental and white knighting on their own.
Want me to join up and see what happens?

He's a fucking adult with a wife and kid but he acts like a petulant child over a video on virtual strippers.
Some days I wonder if his interactions with Genna are actually as in jest as they seem. It's probably fine though right?
Who knows how well TB's mental state is right now, the guy is dealing with trying to get rid of his cancer. Sure, it's early-stages cancer that is fairly manageable and can be removed completely via treatment over time and surgery, but it's the main reason why his content output has been rather slow over the past several months. If I remember correctly, it's bowel cancer. Nasty.

From what he's actually said about the subject, chemo isn't exactly pleasant. Not something I'd wish on anyone.


Roosh V, owner of Return of Kings, just opened up a video game site. He admits that he's not a gamer and hasn't played a game since 2000. :|

Goal of the website:
Gotta admire their ambition, though.

Creating a safe space for men? Like, another one? Because the entire Internet and western civilization aren't enough?

Unless they mean creating a safe space to be unreconstructed shit-drinkers, in which case, sure, OK.


Reddit's R/video sub currently has a Christina Sommers video with like 2k upvotes. That's your safe space for men guys, when someone from the AEI can get nearly universal praise from a default reddit sub.
Reddit's R/video sub currently has a Christina Sommers video with like 2k upvotes. That's your safe space for men guys, when someone from the AEI can get nearly universal praise from a default reddit sub.

Same thing happened to her last 2 videos.

Default subs are full of twats, especially /r/videos. The mods know exactly what happens when someone posts a genderbait or racebait video but they allow it to happen every time.



I've read people defending Vox Day saying that he shouldn't be called a racists because his indiginoues people have suffered, and Vox Day claiming that 400 years of oppression is a heavy burden to bear. Vox fucking Day. A gater holocaust denier either lied or got tricked into thinking Totilo was feeding them information about taking down Gawker. Juiced lawyer who says date rape doesn't exist called Arthur Chu a rape-enabler and dog piled on him for days. And that's just stuff from one week.

I don't know that there's anything now that I'd be surprised about related to any of this. Like I said GG blew up Poe's Law and created a derp singularity.

As for that safe place for men they just mean a safe place for being assholes without anyone telling them they're being assholes. That's what all the concern about tone policing within the campaign and censorship has been about, they don't want anyone to make them call them out when they say something stupid and/or gross.


Reddit's R/video sub currently has a Christina Sommers video with like 2k upvotes. That's your safe space for men guys, when someone from the AEI can get nearly universal praise from a default reddit sub.

I noticed this occurring out of nowhere a few months back. I used to sub to /r/pcgaming and over-fucking-night it was an MRA hangout.
Is this guy at all related to RapeyLawyer? He reminds me a little too much of RapeyLawyer. Also, what adult uses the term "my jam"? But hey, at least he's not at all hiding that he's trying to create a men's rights group, so he gets a little credit for honesty.

Plus, check out his awesome site, http://publicshaming.tumblr.com/!

I'd honestly never heard of that before today and it just kinda makes me really pissed that people are using good science to promote ridiculous ideas.
That is some seriously messed up shit, however I now have an understanding of Greek myths that play with mortal/immortal as being a result of "double fatherhood". I learned something today!


Neo Member
Want me to join up and see what happens?

If you're willing to make the sacrifice, I wouldn't mind having an insider from here to find out what goes on over there.

Okay, really, I don't think it's smart of you to say "masculine behaviours that are normal" then immediately use the examples of what people want to be labelled as rape and harassment of things that are normal masculine behaviours. That just makes the entire argument sound completely wrong.


The mods know exactly what happens when someone posts a genderbait or racebait video but they allow it to happen every time.
Libertarian moderation policy will do that

If you're willing to make the sacrifice, I wouldn't mind having an insider from here to find out what goes on over there.
I want to, but I don't want to end up like Reddit mod up there... and I'm probably spending more time than GG deserves just reading this thread every day. One day...


Neo Member
I want to, but I don't want to end up like Reddit mod up there... and I'm probably spending more time than GG deserves just reading this thread every day. One day...

It's fine. Don't put yourself out for this. And I know what you mean, some of the things here really suck you in more than you'd expect.
Who knows how well TB's mental state is right now, the guy is dealing with trying to get rid of his cancer. Sure, it's early-stages cancer that is fairly manageable and can be removed completely via treatment over time and surgery, but it's the main reason why his content output has been rather slow over the past several months. If I remember correctly, it's bowel cancer. Nasty.

From what he's actually said about the subject, chemo isn't exactly pleasant. Not something I'd wish on anyone.

his cancer has nothing to do with him being a dick
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