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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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y do they meow at eachother?

It started when GamerGhazi posted a word cloud of the most used words on the subreddit and KiA thought that if they continually included the word meow then the word cloud would be messed up. They didn't realize that you could excludes words in the word cloud.


Well, of course. It's the game least connected to any actual ethical concerns whatsoever today.

Right. Relatively rare instance of a publisher setting an embargo before go-live, so people can actually cancel their pre-orders, and that's the one they spaz out about.

Not the one where the publisher set the embargo after go-live, giving people no possibility of cancelling their pre-orders.


Movie Bob done a video about censorship:


TotalBiscuit is commenting:

That was not directed to Movie Bob.

Christ. The Hitman thing? Again? Even though there isn't in fact any penalty for killing them because for whatever reason they're not civilians and so you can hide their bodies to negate the penalty? Even though every argument about how most people don't attack them is just further proof that they're there as background for titillation and nothing more?

And no references? Even though she provides a nice list of academic references with every video, references that directly support the things she says!



Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I love how video games are the only industry to operate on a functional review scale of 5-10.

The fanbase ties their identity to games so tightly that giving a game a 5 or less is seen as a direct, personal insult, and the death threats start going out. So the scores are shifted upwards to soften the blow.

Now the "virtual" 5, 7.5, is even viewed as an insult. They're going to have to move to a scale of 9-10, with 9.5 being the "virtual" 5.

Sadly, as the reactions to that GameSpot review of GTA V showed, even 9 is far too low.


It started when GamerGhazi posted a word cloud of the most used words on the subreddit and KiA thought that if they continually included the word meow then the word cloud would be messed up. They didn't realize that you could excludes words in the word cloud.
I love when #GamerGaters stupidity is on display without women being harassed and abused. I can safely laugh at them without feeling guilty.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I don't really get the people that fall back on that score thing for Hitman. It's not the be all end all of the game. By that logic, you should only ever kill the target right? Yet the game introduced mechanics like Splinter Cell's "Mark and kill a whole room full of bad guys." The game's design purposefully allows you to circumvent the scoring system to play how you want. There's entire weapons and ideas throughout the game that go against the score system. You're also discouraged from fucking around in Grand Theft Auto because the police will likely come kill you and you'll lose money. Does that mean GTA encourages acting like a law abiding citizen? No, because that's stupid. They're sandbox games. Most of the things you can do in sandbox games are encouraged.

And what does the score do? Does it actually affect the game at all? Is it just a ego stroking tool? Is a number at the corner of the screen really a penalization? Plus you aren't "penalized" for beating the women, you're "penalized" for leaving evidence. If you drag the woman and put her in a box, you get the points back.
Total Biscuit's tactics remind me of old Glenn Beck.

I wonder when people will start writing tweets like "Total Biscuit is in no shape or form involved with the KKK" to mock his tactics like the "Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a girl in 1990?" stuff did.


Sadly, as the reactions to that GameSpot review of GTA V showed, even 9 is far too low.

It's a mentality I still have a hard time understanding.

Back in the days when I was heavily involved in gaming, low scores got me upset at the developer, not the reviewer. And nowhere near upset enough to send hate mail.
so wait the moviebob video apparently had little or nothing to do with anita and/or GG, someone just positively mentioned her in relation to the whole "censorship" thing and TB creepily poked his head in, removed his top hat to reveal three fedoras stacked up on top of each other, and posted, "actually,"
so wait the moviebob video apparently had little or nothing to do with anita and/or GG, someone just positively mentioned her in relation to the whole "censorship" thing and TB creepily poked his head in, removed his top hat to reveal three fedoras stacked up on top of each other, and posted, "actually,"

Amazing isn't it?

An entire video dedicated to asking folks to stop using Jack Thompson as a comparison figure and TB walks in and compares Anita to him instantly, because of course he does.

Also have folks seen this?

A petition to EA/DICE that asks them to fire Anita from her consultant job on Mirror's Edge 2

I was previously unfamiliar with this "Moviebob" but I love his big picture video series.

This thread really introduced me to some interesting media critics.


Amazing isn't it?

An entire video dedicated to asking folks to stop using Jack Thompson as a comparison figure and TB walks in and compares Anita to him instantly, because of course he does.

Also have folks seen this?

A petition to EA/DICE that asks them to fire Anita from her consultant job on Mirror's Edge 2


LOL at some of these comments.

sexist douchebag said:
We need to remove the toxic influence of radical feminism from the gaming industry and media. Anita and her ilk are not passionate about games and they're not interested in helping women in any capacity

Yep totally about ethics in games journalism.


Amazing isn't it?

An entire video dedicated to asking folks to stop using Jack Thompson as a comparison figure and TB walks in and compares Anita to him instantly, because of course he does.

Also have folks seen this?

A petition to EA/DICE that asks them to fire Anita from her consultant job on Mirror's Edge 2


I didn't know she was involved with ME2. I also just assumed EA EA'd it and it stopped existing. This sounds good to me but of course idiots will want to stop her having an actual positive impact on a game with a female lead.




You know, this whole gamer gate business reminds me of the last verse in Aesop Rock's 1000 o'Clock.

Today a thousand sea lions got up and left a pier
They had successfully invaded and secured for 20 years
Some said it was the food supply or shifting weather patterns
Truthfully a whole community of scientists are baffled
In '89 maybe 10 showed up at the wharf
As if guided by the trident of poseidon to cavort
Each a lumbering and boisterous glutton
Like a half-ton annoyance ‘til the heart-warming story went public
You'll need a montage, animals arriving in droves
A bottom dollar turns a nuisance to the pride of your cove
Which bring us back up to this morning when the colony dove
I got a couple unsubstantiated thoughts of my own they go
Maybe it'd feel more majestic and less fatty
If a 12 year old wasn't beaning it with salt water taffy
Every 5 fucking seconds, sounds like your basic
Liberating moment of collective "fuck fame" shit


so wait the moviebob video apparently had little or nothing to do with anita and/or GG, someone just positively mentioned her in relation to the whole "censorship" thing and TB creepily poked his head in, removed his top hat to reveal three fedoras stacked up on top of each other, and posted, "actually,"

hahaha that's perfect
Crap I got MovieBob's videos mixed up but it really actually makes it worse. I thought it was in a reply to the Jack Thompson video instead TB's reply was to the one about what is and isn't censorship (spoilers Jack Thompson is censorship, analyzing/debating/critiquing isn't) and yet he managed to track down a pro Anita comment and accuse her of basically being too close to censorship, too Jack Thompson like.


Dragon Age is about as well-regarded as Sonic.

First one was well regarded, second one was rushed and you could feel it but it was decent if severely flawed. This last one is the dev pushing back on the publisher to make the game they wanted. They took years to make it and they poured their hearts into it to make up for DA:2.


pretty sure this is satire



Not sure if it's entirely GamerGate related but I really think it is. Some commenters on Polygon would like to see some coordination between outlets to make the policy about not excepting post-review embargoes a standard. What they don't realize is that would mean...



Oh hey the latest episode of "Yo is this racist?" talks about GamerGate and the deliberate dismantling of language related to it for a bit.

It's pretty interesting. Also covers the fact that GG has destroyed it's own brand by being a scorched earth campaign, particularly focused against women.

"They LOVE scorched earth."
"It's really easy to render."
Not sure if it's entirely GamerGate related but I really think it is. Some commenters on Polygon would like to see some coordination between outlets to make the policy about not excepting post-review embargoes a standard. What they don't realize is that would mean...


And literal collusion.


front page of kia: http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAct...not_just_about_ethics_in_game_journalism_for/

it's also about fighting skeletons wherever they appear because otherwise we might have to have safe spaces and expressly forbid rape

Hi :) You all don't know me. I've been afraid to comment in general here overall, but I wanted to toss this out -

This post in KiA literally just turned me from a 80ish% anti-GG to a full 100% anti-GG. They can go fuck themselves. They want to talk about how it's all about journalism, then stop throwing out that shit.

I've been reading Neogaf, KiA and Gamerghazi for a bit now, trying to wrap my head around it all and trying to be relatively fair... But after this post, that, for me was like, REALLY? You're RIGHT NOW admitting it's not about "ethics in gaming journalism"! They just stabbed themselves in the foot, and I think if a lot of the #NotYourShield people read this, I think they'd feel the same way I do. I never really took up the #NotYourShield mantle, despite being a gay dude myself, but I saw what they were trying to do with it and now I'm like "oh hell no."

So.... fuck 'em.

And thanks - I hadn't really gone to any of the subs lately - so I missed this post. But I'm glad it was pointed out here.


Hi :) You all don't know me. I've been afraid to comment in general here overall, but I wanted to toss this out -

This post in KiA literally just turned me from a 80ish% anti-GG to a full 100% anti-GG. They can go fuck themselves. They want to talk about how it's all about journalism, then stop throwing out that shit.

I've been reading Neogaf, KiA and Gamerghazi for a bit now, trying to wrap my head around it all and trying to be relatively fair... But after this post, that, for me was like, REALLY? You're RIGHT NOW admitting it's not about "ethics in gaming journalism"! They just stabbed themselves in the foot, and I think if a lot of the #NotYourShield people read this, I think they'd feel the same way I do. I never really took up the #NotYourShield mantle, despite being a gay dude myself, but I saw what they were trying to do with it and now I'm like "oh hell no."

So.... fuck 'em.

And thanks - I hadn't really gone to any of the subs lately - so I missed this post. But I'm glad it was pointed out here.

i got it from a gamergate_txt retweet: https://twitter.com/gamergatetxt

it's a good account to follow generally if you want to see some awful stuff
Hi :) You all don't know me. I've been afraid to comment in general here overall, but I wanted to toss this out -

This post in KiA literally just turned me from a 80ish% anti-GG to a full 100% anti-GG. They can go fuck themselves. They want to talk about how it's all about journalism, then stop throwing out that shit.

I've been reading Neogaf, KiA and Gamerghazi for a bit now, trying to wrap my head around it all and trying to be relatively fair... But after this post, that, for me was like, REALLY? You're RIGHT NOW admitting it's not about "ethics in gaming journalism"! They just stabbed themselves in the foot, and I think if a lot of the #NotYourShield people read this, I think they'd feel the same way I do. I never really took up the #NotYourShield mantle, despite being a gay dude myself, but I saw what they were trying to do with it and now I'm like "oh hell no."

So.... fuck 'em.

And thanks - I hadn't really gone to any of the subs lately - so I missed this post. But I'm glad it was pointed out here.

What I find interesting is the massive support that thread got. I admittedly didn't spend too long. But it's not like I found many posters saying "No, people, this is just about ethics in journalism, feminism has nothing to do with it! We support diversity and women in gaming!". It's pretty clear where they're coming from. The thing is. They can do what they want. There's been so many times they've posted/done stuff that completely contradicts the narrative they've been trying to sell, but it hasn't stopped them yet, and probably won't in a while. Hopefully this type of stuff will further drive out the few "moderate" GG:ers left, and we can get rid of the whole discussion about what GG is about because the GG:ers left will be ones who are open about the ideological foundation of GG.

I actually think Adam Baldwin's twitter interview a few days ago was pretty illuminating as well. He basically turned it into a progressive/conversative issue completely.
His 155 IQ gives him a brand of cunning to which the rest of us can only aspire.

And he stands alongside other gaming journalists as a not a gaming journalist in not accepting review copies for post-release embargoes.

His IQ is so high that reality literally bends to his will.


Ooooh Yo, Is This Racist looks like a neat podcast. I might make for a nice replacement for Skeptoid, which I stopped listening too after the host ironically got carted off to prison for fraud.

Thanks Gamergate! (I also found Dan Olsen through them)

so wait the moviebob video apparently had little or nothing to do with anita and/or GG, someone just positively mentioned her in relation to the whole "censorship" thing and TB creepily poked his head in, removed his top hat to reveal three fedoras stacked up on top of each other, and posted, "actually,"
The video is pretty clearly inspired by Gamergate, but it tackles the problem from the broadest possible level which makes it nice and futureproof.
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