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Geoff Keighley hyping this years E3 as the Best One Ever!

they're all too much. i think it hurts the medium actually. for decades now we've been trying to shake off that "man child" stigma from gaming.. i had to argue with my mom about gaming for years that gaming wasn't just a "kids thing" and actually viable entertainment and a hobby for all ages. it wasn't until she got addicted to candy crush that she stopped with the jabs....

then we see these full grown adults go and act like 10 year olds opening up a christmas present. it's embarrassing.
Honestly, who cares what others think? If you enjoy something, why does it matter if society feels another way?

Uff duh



I can't believe this is a real tweet. Love Geoff.

Came to post this LOL its so funny.


With the hype of neo amd scoprio I can see it being the biggest hyped e3 ever. When no news is released on either the meltdown shall be glorious. RETURN OF THE DORITO POPE


I've always liked Geoff. I don't care if he is the Dorito pope and quenches his thirst with a tasty Mountain Dew. He is by far the least awkward video game event host and he actually cares about games and even sticks up for folks like us who love to play videogames.


Can't stand this guy! He hypes everything.

Its E3...everything about E3 is hype lol...and his new Game Awards where pretty good last year also and will only getting bigger and better(Ihope) so its ok,hype hype hype...I like hype,I can control myself lol...

Panda Rin

Love Geoff, don't get some of the dislike..he's done fantastic things for the industry. Remember him during the mass effect fiasco with fox, always thought he was a cool dude after that.


i want geoff to nonchalantly pull out a packet of Doritos during an interview, continue nodding as the dev talks about their new game while slowly eating them. thats how you own it


Hahaha not a damn chance. Nintendo's absence and lack of any dream announcements like last year makes that impossible. And finally no new consoles except those shitty revisions that are basically a big fuck you to early adapters.


Hahaha not a damn chance. Nintendo's absence and lack of any dream announcements like last year makes that impossible. And finally no new consoles except those shitty revisions that are basically a big fuck you to early adapters.

Tbh if Nintendo were "absent" last year, the event would have essentially been the same for me.

The show can still be great without Sony giving us dream announcements of games we won't play for years anyway. But then again these conferences are all about the moments regardless if the games are multiplatform or releasing far into the future, so it'll be damn hard to top last year's moments if that's what people want.


Can't stand this guy! He hypes everything.

He does sometimes maybe oversell things, although he does have a personal investment in a lot of these events so it's expected. But Geoff is a positive force in the gaming industry and he means nothing but good.


He does sometimes maybe oversell things, although he does have a personal investment in a lot of these events so it's expected. But Geoff is a positive force in the gaming industry and he means nothing but good.

That's what I love most about him. I have no negative thoughts of the man and he's someone trying to bring good to this whole industry. Which is something it really needs.
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