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Giantbomb E3 thread

MattyGrovesOrMe said:
Your quote was used not because it used gender-disparaging language, but because it suggested that you found it offensive that she might believe people disliked her because she was female. I think the other quotes show that there is certainly a lot of antagonism here (not to mention the far worse stream comments) that suggest otherwise.

How about last year she got drunk and acted like a jerk and this year did the same exact thing? You know, the whole insanity is repeating actions, expecting diff results, etc. etc. The internet people being cunty isn't what makes her drunk personality obnoxious. I'm sure she's a fine person when sober and that makes it seem even more ridiculous to again put yourself in the same situation. I remember Garnett getting drunk before on a podcast and being very angry and combative during the entire thing and the next week apologized and hasn't done it since (he obviously still drinks but not to that extent before being on fake radio, which is my point). Responsibility, grown-ass adults should know it. Drinking is fine, but nobody likes a drunk jerk.
StuBurns said:
I don't believe it's sexism at all for the vast majority of people. The truth is, most men adore women.
i adore intelligence.

leigh alexander has none. she plays the vagina card every other time she chooses to vomit something up on her blog. if anyone makes it about gender, its her.

also: anyone who thinks gbomb invited her back expecting different results is insane. they invited her for that VERY reason. they obviously had such a reaction from her appearance last year, they wanted more of her garbled nonsense.


Htown said:
There is something worthwhile to play month to month, there are tons of great games for the system, and the fact that you want to be fanboyish over your console of choice doesn't negate that fact.

I think that it's true there are more worthwhile games on the Wii than a lot of people say.

My issue with wii games in general however, is that they cost almost as much as the ps3 and 360 titles. Yet they look like games from last gen, there's no surround sound support, there is also no worthwhile online support and they don't have trophies/achievements.

I mean...don't get me wrong, there's plenty of games I want for my wii. But then I think that, instead of buying a game I want for my wii. I could get the prettier and better sounding game on the 360. A game that in most cases also has multiplayer of some kind, as well as some achievements to hunt once I've completed the singleplayer once.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Rabbitwork said:
also: anyone who thinks gbomb invited her back expecting different results is insane. they invited her for that VERY reason. they obviously had such a reaction from her appearance last year, they wanted more of her garbled nonsense.
I could see them inviting a joke character back, but frankly, I'm sure what happened was a trainwreck even for those who were expecting a little mayhem. It was not good content, and no one in the room seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Really, I think they just wanted an encore of last years guests: whatever that meant... a change for Leigh to redeem herself, whatever. She is "a friend of the show" as they say. I don't think they expected Meltdown 2: The Meltening... and I would say it was an unexpected disappointment to the GB crew... not their brand of humorous hijinx at all. This wasn't a good show... it was just a debacle to all involved.
BocoDragon said:
As proven by their strange defense of a loud, interruptive, incoherent, drunken mess of a female.

Seriously, no one should be defending people because of gender, status, age, nationality, ethnicity, etc. The way she behaves on these podcasts is something that should be considered embarrassing by any person of any type.
Jax said:
Lol at that asstard in here trying to make this about gender. Maybe you missed last years e3 podcast with the drunk Scotsman. (might be 2 years ago).
I believe my proper title is captain asstard. Thread became about gender 500 posts ago, I'm just adding my two cents.

Is "insufferable cunt" really necessary?

BocoDragon said:
As proven by their strange defense of a loud, interruptive, incoherent, drunken mess of a female.
I think there needs to be a distinction between defending someones actions and criticizing the worst responses to those actions. I'm not defending her behaviour, which was horrible, but I am criticizing some of the unreasonable reactions to it and her.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
MattyGrovesOrMe said:
I think there needs to be a distinction between defending someones actions and criticizing the worst responses to those actions. I'm not defending her behaviour, which was horrible, but I am criticizing some of the unreasonable reactions to it and her.
If it was a male, people would certainly call them "A Giant Dick", as we do in our society. Sexist?
StuBurns said:
The Scottish guy? Yeah, it's necessary, that guy was a fucking cock. Far worse than this woman.

Scottish? Bigot. Man? Sexist. Guy? Sexist. Cock? Sexist. Woman? Sexist.

I've got you pegged, sir. You are a sexist, sexist, sexist, sexist bigot.

jax (old)

cr_blah_blah said:
Scottish? Bigot. Man? Sexist. Guy? Sexist. Cock? Sexist. Woman? Sexist.

I've got you pegged, sir. You are a sexist, sexist, sexist, sexist bigot.

:lol :lol :lol

someone give me a timestamp when the shrill goes away.


cr_blah_blah said:
Scottish? Bigot. Man? Sexist. Guy? Sexist. Cock? Sexist. Woman? Sexist.

I've got you pegged, sir. You are a sexist, sexist, sexist, sexist bigot.
Sheeeet outed.

I'm also a woman, the ultimate twist.


the worst thing is, if she had just shut her mouth on twitter or her blog or whatever, it probably wouldn't have been that bad.

she just fanned the flames with that shit.
i think you guys are overreacting a bit. there was a bit of awkwardness on the show, but it wasn't the catastrophic disaster that you're making it out to be. i thought it was nuts and crazy and I thoroughly enjoyed it. it was like a party and a good way to send off e3, I think.

Rabbitwork said:
also: anyone who thinks gbomb invited her back expecting different results is insane. they invited her for that VERY reason. they obviously had such a reaction from her appearance last year, they wanted more of her garbled nonsense.

i highly doubt giantbomb was that calculating in selecting some friends to shoot the shit about e3 after a long week's work.


EricDiesel said:
I come bearing GIFs.



In the words of the Partridge Family: C'mon, get happy!!

These are awesome btw.
I have nothing but respect for the Giant Bomb guys...but this last podcast is fucking horrendous. I know everyone is blaming Leigh and while I would be happy if this was her last podcast feature ever, that's only a small part of the disaster. I usually put on a podcast and put on a mindless game but the shouting and cross chatter was too distracting to even play peggle...I'm now about an hour and a half in and I have to stop this shit.

Looking forward to the regular show next week guts


GodfatherX said:
I have nothing but respect for the Giant Bomb guys...but this last podcast is fucking horrendous. I know everyone is blaming Leigh and while I would be happy if this was her last podcast feature ever, that's only a small part of the disaster. I usually put on a podcast and put on a mindless game but the shouting and cross chatter was too distracting to even play peggle...I'm now about an hour and a half in and I have to stop this shit.

Looking forward to the regular show next week guts
I disagree. She leaves about an hour before the end and it's just a normal great Bombcast. It was her.


GodfatherX said:
I have nothing but respect for the Giant Bomb guys...but this last podcast is fucking horrendous. I know everyone is blaming Leigh and while I would be happy if this was her last podcast feature ever, that's only a small part of the disaster. I usually put on a podcast and put on a mindless game but the shouting and cross chatter was too distracting to even play peggle...I'm now about an hour and a half in and I have to stop this shit.

Looking forward to the regular show next week guts

How was that not Leigh's fault? She constantly interrupted, killing the flow and the humor.
Also, most of the catastrophe (and resulting anger) came after the podcast.

I hate to continue piling on the subject, because I think it's been discussed to death (to the point where people began arguing over something no one really said), but did anyone else notice that Leigh tried to correct Ryan's usage of "unregardless" with "irregardless" which is actually also incorrect? They jokingly stuck with "unregardless" so it never really got any attention, but it bugged me since I'm sad and remember all the grammar exercises I've ever done in my life, including all the times I had to replace "irregardless" with "regardless".


I couldn`t care less if dealing with He/She/It, obnoxious and foul and contributing nothing means you get the scorn you deserve. Judging by the comments I`ll just ffwd to the last hour and listen from there, thus avoiding the nonsense.


Subete no aware
MegaKungFuRadio said:
Also, most of the catastrophe (and resulting anger) came after the podcast.

I hate to continue piling on the subject, because I think it's been discussed to death (to the point where people began arguing over something no one really said), but did anyone else notice that Leigh tried to correct Ryan's usage of "unregardless" with "irregardless" which is actually also incorrect? They jokingly stuck with "unregardless" so it never really got any attention, but it bugged me since I'm sad and remember all the grammar exercises I've ever done in my life, including all the times I had to replace "irregardless" with "regardless".

Yeah, someone pointed that out as soon as she said it. Funny enough, it's a mistake that I can't grow out of, irregardless of how hard I try.



Not touching this one with a 50 foot barge pole. But some of you guys need to calm the hell down. It's as bad as getting upset about review scores.

More proof that the internet + anonymity = flying douchebags.


I might have missed it but did Jeff ever mention what game he had an appointed for on Thursday and was excited to go see?


MegaKungFuRadio said:
Also, most of the catastrophe (and resulting anger) came after the podcast.

I hate to continue piling on the subject, because I think it's been discussed to death (to the point where people began arguing over something no one really said), but did anyone else notice that Leigh tried to correct Ryan's usage of "unregardless" with "irregardless" which is actually also incorrect? They jokingly stuck with "unregardless" so it never really got any attention, but it bugged me since I'm sad and remember all the grammar exercises I've ever done in my life, including all the times I had to replace "irregardless" with "regardless".
Ryan does this deliberately. A bit like Stewie provoking Brian in Family Guy. He always emphasizes the incorrect words/pronunciations, as well as a few that sound wrong but are actually correct, like 'fortza.' Her trying to correct him was just more of her trying to be a smart ass and failing.

Most people hated her during the live cast. She simply couldn't stop interrupting people. Man or woman, that's the action of an asshole.


all this conflict is making me a sad panda now.

i just want them to go back to normal and talk about some nerdy PC games #moredavequicklooks


The podcast wasn't so bad until the $775 million comment, then it just went off the rails. After that everyone in the room seemed to be doing their best to just ignore her, which added a new dimension of hilarious.

After Leigh left the podcast improved quite a lot so hopefully for next year GB sticks to having guests who can hold their booze a bit more. it will make the podcast much better.
Perhaps even 775 times better

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
okay, this has become embarrassing for every party.

alexander, giant bomb, gaf, the internet, twitter, ustream, itunes, gamasutra



Finally listening to the whole thing....oh man. This is so much funnier than last year because I was expecting a train wreck.

Leigh: "There is some real lag in kinect, I'll probably take some shit for this"
Ryan:: "What else is new, that is why you're here"



I really didn't think she was that bad. I was playing a game while I watched, so that might of been it. I only rolled my eyes a few times, but I found most of it really funny. 775 is classic.

It's clear to me that she just couldn't hold alcohol very well. She didn't get really annoying until about 25 minutes in; after she had a few.

But yeah, hope she never gets invited back.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
now this would be awesome

Davis: @robertashley @ollymoss consider it an open invite. lemme know!


Rez said:
now this would be awesome

Davis: @robertashley @ollymoss consider it an open invite. lemme know!

Twitter invites no longer mean anything to me. Twitter promised me a Troy Goodfellow/Chris Remo meet-up podcast, which would have been the most amazing show in PC strategy podcast history.


Leigh was great on the podcast for the same reason kids tape multiple firecrackers together. It's absurd to expect any less than the best from her. I say keep this tradition going.


35 minute in, and yep, she's basically ruining the show. There are few traits more obnoxious or immature than the need to constantly interrupt and talk over the other people engaged in a conversation.
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