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God Of War 4 art leaks (Norse setting, Kratos w/ beard) [Up2: Polygon says real]

Which part of God of War 4 are you most excited about?

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I think it wont be Kratos, it doesnt make sense. They just want to keep the asthethic of the new character (and possibly of new characters in future new mythos) to resamble him. After all, he is an iconic character and his design is pretty great honestly.

So, basically they will try to establish different Kratos for each new mythos from now on. Each with a new personality and his own motivations (but always violent and angry). Just my 2 cents though.

Actually, that would be the best direction to take. Keeps the Kratos fans happy and gives them enough leeway to make him different enough for those of us who are not big fans.
I'm cool with Norse mythology but I would have preferred a new character who fit's in with the Norse Mythology.
Hopefully this is just really early concept art and there is indeed a new character.
Nah it'll be Kratos it would be silly to base your whole concept art around beard Kratos only for it to be a new character.
I'm secretly hoping they do a MGS2, Kratos is just the main character of the prologue and during the bulk of the game we get to control Arngrim from Valkyrie Profile. A man can dream.

I want to unleash pain with Ragnar Lothbrok. I'm dreaming too.
Please tell me Kratos is the main character still. It would be absolutely fucking stupid for SSM to ditch Kratos and a huge slap to its fan base.

This. But hey, you gotta listen to the vocal minority that was never interested in gow to begin with. You know what? Also make it a charachter action game while you're at it (i have nothing against charachter action games, i love them, just not every game need to be one, exactly like not every protagonist needs to be likeable and have to appeal to everyone). And ditch the violence also, i want to see petals coming out of the enemies.

I will be really angry if all of this is true.


I wanted Goddess of War in Egypt but of course they went with Kratos 4.0 and Norse mythology. Boooring.

At least you know it'll look outstanding and they better deliver the gameplay trailer (for PS4!) in June.


This Kratos is probably a reincarnation so he could be a pretty different character to GOW1-3 Kratos. Just a thought for all the 'Fuck Kratos' people.


I wanted Goddess of War in Egypt but of course they went with Kratos 4.0 and Norse mythology. Boooring.

At least you know it'll look outstanding and they better deliver the gameplay trailer (for PS4!) in June.

Not everything has to be a Goddess of War either. You're already getting Hellblade later in the year, so you'll get your Goddess of War, or what's close to it.

Also, Horizon is coming out this year too apparently.

Jesus!, that Kratos is trofollisimo, he shouldn't eat that much after killing the greeks.


DerZuhälter;200191042 said:
Are people shitting up Zelda threads too on a constant basis asking for a Link replacement?

There's actually a different Link in nearly every Zelda game. Link is barely a character anyway, he's just an avatar for the player.


This Kratos is probably a reincarnation so he could be a pretty different character to GOW1-3 Kratos. Just a thought for all the 'Fuck Kratos' people.

That would be nice. It would be great if he was a reincarnation and he had a little more to his character.

I certainly didn't hate him during the first game, but it started to wear on me after a while. Not saying the games are bad, just that the character is simple and boring.
Are we sure this is the same Kratos and not just a character reboot to go with the new setting? If it is a new Kratos, they could make him a much better character.

Anyway, the GoW games to me are just about killing Gods and enjoying the crazy set pieces, so the new setting is really all I need.
Are we sure this is the same Kratos and not just a character reboot to go with the new setting? If it is a new Kratos, they could make him a much better character.

Anyway, the GoW games to me are just about killing Gods and enjoying the crazy set pieces, so the new setting is really all I need.

As others have suggested, it's certainly possible that they'll do something like Link in Zelda. Kratos in name and appearance only. So effectively a new character.
Because GoW costs substantially more to produced than those games and Sony needs substantially more sales for it to be a success. GoW has always been produced as a character action game for the mainsteam. And that's precisely what it is. It's never going to have combat on the level of a DMC or Platinum game because they need it to be immediately accessible and welcoming to anyone that picks up a controller. Right away in the original GoW you've got the Blades of Chaos and are whipping them around knocking enemies overboard on the ship, ripping others in half, and shortly after fighting a huge Hydra head. It's all done with simple button presses that anyone can do and all looks very cool.

I think this was highlighted rather well in the Elders React video to GoW3


They aren't people that spend much time playing games, but they're all having a blast with it because it's not only very easy to play but everything happening looks brutal and cool. It's basically a formula that no one else has managed to figure out. It's something that even Kamiya has expressed admiration for


Thanks for that. Kamiya has good taste!
I hope there's some substantial development for the character of Kratos. The hurr durr anger got tiring in the third game; there's no reason for it going forward seeing as he has had his revenge.


Because GoW costs substantially more to produced than those games and Sony needs substantially more sales for it to be a success. GoW has always been produced as a character action game for the mainsteam. And that's precisely what it is. It's never going to have combat on the level of a DMC or Platinum game because they need it to be immediately accessible and welcoming to anyone that picks up a controller. Right away in the original GoW you've got the Blades of Chaos and are whipping them around knocking enemies overboard on the ship, ripping others in half, and shortly after fighting a huge Hydra head. It's all done with simple button presses that anyone can do and all looks very cool.

I think this was highlighted rather well in the Elders React video to GoW3


They aren't people that spend much time playing games, but they're all having a blast with it because it's not only very easy to play but everything happening looks brutal and cool. It's basically a formula that no one else has managed to figure out. It's something that even Kamiya has expressed admiration for


While you are on the money, I wish they could achieve that accessibility while still having further layers of combat depth seen in Bayo or DMC. Easier said than done I know.


LOL at the people that think this a fake/hoax. It would take more than a month of hard work to create that much art in the same consistent style. No way someone would put that much work in for a quick laugh.

Much more likely this leak is similar to the Horizon leak which turned out to be pretty much all true.


LOL at the people that think this a fake/hoax. It would take more than a month of hard work to create that much art in the same consistent style. No way someone would put that much work in for a quick laugh.

Much more likely this leak is similar to the Horizon leak which turned out to be pretty much all true.
I don't think it's a fake but you underestimate the lengths people will go.
A God of war game with more emphasis on the platforming / puzzle solving side would be so ace. Add in a few rpg elements to add depth but keep the approachable battle mechanics intact and I think it would appeal to both the mainstream and more hardcore (who want more depth) audience.
It'd be like an R rated Zelda game, lol.


I don't think it's a fake but you underestimate the lengths people will go.

Yes, I understand after the 3D-printed fake model of a NX controller anything is possible in theory, but this is a big step even beyond that. You would have to be a very talented artist and spend hundreds of hours to create all of this.

I find it very far-fetched someone would do all that work just to troll us.
A God of war game with more emphasis on the platforming / puzzle solving side would be so ace. Add in a few rpg elements to add depth but keep the approachable battle mechanics intact and I think it would appeal to both the mainstream and more hardcore (who want more depth) audience.
It'd be like an R rated Zelda game, lol.

I think that's kinda what they have done with ascension, but everyone complained that there weren't enough epic moment/fights and that the pacing was bad lol.
I was a fan of wanting norse mythos, bht for some reason the art direction is terrible on this stuff. Hopefully its all very early crap - after seeing this its making me want egyptian instead even if the ruins and desert landcales have been relatively done


Not everything has to be a Goddess of War either. You're already getting Hellblade later in the year, so you'll get your Goddess of War, or what's close to it.

Also, Horizon is coming out this year too apparently.

I'm talking about this particular series: Kratos oversaturation. I don't mind it that much, I'm sure it'll be the next visual step for Sony's first party after Uncharted 4, but a radical change is sometimes welcome. Who knows, maybe they added some extra layers under that thick texture forming 'a character' (pun intended).

Can't wait for Hellblade but I highly doubt Horizon will come out in 2016.


I freaking love Kratos and can't wait.

After GoW3, they can take the character to new and interesting places.

That being said, I wouldn't be disappointed if he ended up starting a new life and Odin screws him out of it so he goes on another bloody rage quest.
People need to chill. There's nothing stopping them from adding more depth to Kratos' character in this instalment. It all depends on the writing.

Yup. Even if you hated Kratos in the earlier games, there is the chance that Santa Monica will have changed him enough this time around and he ends up your favorite video game character ever!
Well at least not your most hated one.


If it's real: WHY IS KRATOS BACK!? Die already.

If it's fake: Nice concept art.

It feels like we just had a bunch of friends talking about God of War 4 (or people bringing it up in threads) so this feels intentional "leak" could be real and someone is looking for reception and it could be fake and the person is just going off with discussions of God of War 4 game setting thread from the other day.


I still think he is Kratos' spiritual successor or rebirth or something.

Like an alternate reality? Story has definitely potential.

If you thnk it is the same old Kratos, only driven by rage, you are very probably dead wrong.
It's going to require some massive character work to get anyone to give a shit about "Kratos is mad again" after he handled his business over the last 3 games.

Without some reincarnation plotline or something, Greek Kratos makes no sense in Norselands, and Kratos is a stupid character

Also all the scifi norse shit they have here looks like MCU Asgard. I'm okay with this.

I don't know why, exactly, but I feel like Kratos could die at the end of God of War 4, to set the stage for a new protagonist for 5 and 6.

The idea of them sticking with Kratos for 2 more games seems unlikely, to me.

GOW3 spoilers

he already fucking died.

And for those calling for a new protagonist, this is also a joke. You might as well ask for Ninja Gaiden game without Ryu, DMC without Dante and Bayo without Bayo. FOH with the double standards just because you don't like the dude.

Ninja Gaiden has played with multiple protagonists and it's fine
DMC had Nero and Vergil, both characters people were totally fine with playing instead of Dante.
People like good characters regardless of who is the face of the franchise. Kratos gets so much backlash because he sucks
Ninja Gaiden has played with multiple protagonists and it's fine
DMC had Nero and Vergil, both characters people were totally fine with playing instead of Dante.
People like good characters regardless of who is the face of the franchise. Kratos gets so much backlash because he sucks

Oh man, I hated Nero so much, it's my least favourite DMC character/game, for me it's even worst than 2, I really really dislike that character.
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