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Good god, what did IGN do to this review?

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Confirmed Asshole
He really shouldn't have bothered with the review. I mean, I wouldn't dare to ever touch a baseball manager because I know null about the essentials.

"MSFS X is utter garbage because all the gauges are making my head spin -- and what's with the vast and confusing database of airports?"


Time Traveler
Now we have the only game that can participate in both GOTY and worst GOTY.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Someone is going to get fired for such stupidity


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Shalashaska said:
I think FM is an amazing game, I'm not debating that :lol

I understand your point, but you've got to admit that severely marking down a game because it has too much detail - a function that can be reduced in the game by selecting fewer countries and a smaller database - is bullshit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ive always thought someone who enjoys a genre should review the game. If I like shooters, what do I care what a guy that hates shooters thinks of a game?
Leonsito said:
Well, if you are not a fan of football/soccer of course it will destroy you, and you can throw the game through a window, but it's a very impressive achievement for the football fans, of course it can be a bit more friendly in the interface and options, but what the game tries to do, it does it awesome, the only problem are the bugs, as always :(
I don't think the interface is that bad actually. But not being a fan of soccer is probably my downfall for this. I always go in excited but get slapped in the face because I realize how little I know about football.

JonathanEx said:
It's overwhelming as hell - and the most assistance you really get is that assistant box which is as useful as Clippy, telling you that you can't move on to the next day because there are things that need doing.
I think the problem I have is that I only know who the top players are and I don't want to spend 10 hours just trying to figure out who is good on my team :lol

Hazaro said:
I think the main point is that the review expects you to play soccer instead of manage it, like the other 3 games out there.
Yeah, that's what I said as well.

Industrian said:
I understand that, but you've got to admit that severely marking down a game because it has too much detail - a function that can be reduced in the game by selecting fewer countries and a smaller database - is bullshit.
Yup, I agreed with wmat on that.


I don't even care for sports games. But that review is the most embarrassing review I've ever read.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
IGN said:
Yes, the depth of management in this game is impressive. But, it’s not impressive enough to make up for the fact that you aren’t actually playing soccer.

yeah... no. Its a management game !

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
industrian said:
I understand your point, but you've got to admit that severely marking down a game because it has too much detail - a function that can be reduced in the game by selecting fewer countries and a smaller database - is bullshit.

OK, wait... I thought it was absurd enough to mark down a management game for having too much detail, but when it can be reduced. he needs his reviewer badge taken away.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Fio said:



This review is, BY FAR, one of the most embarassing things I've ever read on the internet, and I've wasting my time with this for more than a decade.

"I couldn’t imagine why anybody would prefer Worldwide Soccer Manager to FIFA 09 or Pro Evolution Soccer 2009."

FUCK, I can't believe I read this. That's the most embarassing thing ever written on a review. The reviewer didn't have any clue about what the game is about.

Seriously, tell that's a joke.
I read the review fully again, not that it took long, but I failed to see that this guy has actually done much more than skipped to a game, wondered why he wasn't playing and turned the game off before storming to his PC to write his "review".

Apart from the fact that Avi Burk completely misunderstood the title of the game, it is clear that he hasn't even come close to scratching the surface of the game. FM is all about making your dream team with the team you support (or choose), this takes many seasons of clever tactics, media and player handling, training regimes and a lot of work in the transfer market, none of this is mentioned in this "review".

I have actually saved this review as I am sure (Or at least I hope) that this review will be pulled very quickly, I haven't seen a review miss the point like this....ever.

I would love to see this guys view on RTS games like say RA3, after all, you don't get to shoot anyone or build anything, you have to tell the people to do it for you? that's bollocks; 2/10!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Galactic Fork said:
OK, wait... I thought it was obsurd enough to mark down a management game for having too much detail, but when it can be reduced. he needs his reviewer badge taken away.

If it couldn't be reduced, it would only run on PCs with over 3GB of RAM. The database is fucking huge. And it's that detailed that some IRL managers have used it as a scouting tool to get information on players.


I don't know why anyone wanted to write such review.

I tells nothing about the game by a lot about reviewer's (lack of)inteligence.

Who would want to proove his own stupidity?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Stop It said:
FM is all about making your dream team with the team you support (or choose), this takes many seasons of clever tactics, media and player handling, training regimes and a lot of work in the transfer market, none of this is mentioned in this "review".

My Inverness Caledonian Thistle team that won the 2010 UEFA Cup agrees with you.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
samratty said:
Never been a fan of IGN's reviews, but this one is just plain awful.

Seriously? Out of this world.

lets not forget...

you can't spell Ignorant without Ign.


Don't you have something like a NFL, NBL or NHL manager in the US which would be comparable to FM? I always read that American sports tends to be covered by mags full of statistics, and FM is pretty much that for soccer in game form.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
My Review of Final Fantasy VII

Upon loading this game, I was very excited to see the high quality graphics, audio and presentation. Character designs were exciting and original and the music was truly startling.

HOWEVER, the game soon revealed itself to be nothing more than a FRAUD! At no point was I able to control my sword swings, and aiming of the spells was clumsy to say the least. The controls are, to say the least, vague and inaccurate.

I have no idea why anyone would wish to play this over say, Soul Calibur or Pac Man.

Also, Aeris dies.

The reviewer doesn't like that type of game. It's his opinion. I don't see the big deal. Would you rather it get a higher score because he thinks someone else might enjoy that type of game a lot?


This review is a disgrace, everyone can see that but even worse is it the review for the game on Game Rankings and one of the IGN reviews on metacritic.

Sports Interactive and SEGA should get this removed a lot companies now are having their bonus' and other stuff tied to their metacritic score a reviewer having his brain replaced by a lemon should not be responsible for damaging their work.

http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/footballmanager2009?q=football manager 2009 (Review classed as IGN, IGN UK review also present)

http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/953033.asp (Only review is the US 2/10 which is just named IGN with no IGN UK review)
I couldn’t imagine why anybody would prefer Worldwide Soccer Manager to FIFA 09 or Pro Evolution Soccer 2009.

Wait... what? :lol

tfg9000 said:
The reviewer doesn't like that type of game. It's his opinion. I don't see the big deal. Would you rather it get a higher score because he thinks someone else might enjoy that type of game a lot?

It would be fine if he didn't like this type of game. But he doesn't appear to know what a management game is.

He got a mangement game, wanted a sports simulation game. So slaughtered it for not being in the genre he wanted to play.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
tfg9000 said:
The reviewer doesn't like that type of game. It's his opinion. I don't see the big deal. Would you rather it get a higher score because he thinks someone else might enjoy that type of game a lot?

I think they'd like to see the review given to a reviewer who understands the genre. It would be like me reviewing RPGs. See above for exactly the kind of RPG review I would do.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
tfg9000 said:
The reviewer doesn't like that type of game. It's his opinion. I don't see the big deal. Would you rather it get a higher score because he thinks someone else might enjoy that type of game a lot?
He compared the game to FIFA and Pro Evo, he didn't "not like the game" he didn't know what he was playing.

Read his review, then read the UK review to get a review written by someone who played the game properly. I agree that not all reviews agree with the "norm" but when someone lashes out on a management game because you can't control the players, that's when I call a reviewer an idiot.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
SupahBlah said:
This review is a disgrace, everyone can see that but even worse is it the review for the game on Game Rankings and one of the IGN reviews on metacritic.

Sports Interactive and SEGA should get this removed a lot companies now are having their bonus' and other stuff tied to their metacritic score a reviewer having his brain replaced by a lemon should not be responsible for damaging their work.

http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/footballmanager2009?q=football manager 2009 (Review classed as IGN, IGN UK review also present)

http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/953033.asp (Only review is the US 2/10 which is just named IGN with no IGN UK review)

My thoughts exactly.

And with a review score like that, god only knows what sort of shit would have been going down right now if Sports Interactive were still with Eidos.


Stop It said:
I read the review fully again, not that it took long, but I failed to see that this guy has actually done much more than skipped to a game, wondered why he wasn't playing and turned the game off before storming to his PC to write his "review".

Yeah, you nailed it. It's exactly what he did. There's no way he did something different from that. I mean, if someone spends 10 minutes playing the game (unless it's a retarded) that person would notice that it's not a soccer gamer, it's a simulation game about soccer. It has nothing to do with PES or FIFA.

I hope IGN let this guy review Starcraft 2, I can almost foresee:

I couldn’t imagine why anybody would prefer Starcraft 2 to Mass Effect or Killzone 2.

Yeah, for anyone here that don't know what WSM is about, that's the kind of comparison that the reviewer did.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
OuterWorldVoice said:
I think they'd like to see the review given to a reviewer who understands the genre. It would be like me reviewing RPGs. See above for exactly the kind of RPG review I would do.

Was it you who wrote the Neverwinter Nights 2 review for 1UP? :lol


This is completely ridiculous! no wonder reviews are all messed up nowadays, they are made by people who don't understand the games.. it's like getting a fps fanatic reviewing a JRPG.. which im sure it happened before
tfg9000 said:
The reviewer doesn't like that type of game. It's his opinion. I don't see the big deal. Would you rather it get a higher score because he thinks someone else might enjoy that type of game a lot?

I think this is a fine take on the subject, but I think IGN has the responsibility to find someone with at least an affinity or some knowledge on the subject to do the review.

I remember when there was a shitstorm at CGW over a Neverwinter Nights II review written by some dude who ripped on the game for having elves and gnomes. Who would want to play around with that retarded shit? Well, a lot of people, so they took down the review and replaced it with someone who was at least into the subject matter. The game still wasn't great, but you get the idea.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I think they'd like to see the review given to a reviewer who understands the genre.

Where are you going to find a soccer management sim fan in the United States? It might be easier to find a cricket fan.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Cobra84 said:
Where are you going to find a soccer management sim fan in the United States? It might be easier to find a cricket fan.

I knew a guy in the Borders who follows the NFL and buys Madden every year, so you never know.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Cobra84 said:
Where are you going to find a soccer management sim fan in the United States? It might be easier to find a cricket fan.
I thought most US sports were VERY stat heavy. I would say that anyone with a penchant for statistic and delving into the finer details of management (of any sport) would enjoy FM, regardless of their nationality.
industrian said:
I knew a guy in the Borders who follows the NFL and buys Madden every year, so you never know.
Heh, While I like watching NFL matches I haven't a clue what the hell is going on half the time. NHL on the other hand....

Go Ducks!


I couldn’t imagine why anybody would prefer Worldwide Soccer Manager to FIFA 09 or Pro Evolution Soccer 2009.


Yes, the depth of management in this game is impressive. But, it’s not impressive enough to make up for the fact that you aren’t actually playing soccer.



don't ask me for codes
It's not that damaging as it's such a niche genre in the US that the people who are already fans can easily disregard that review, and have read other, more capable, reviews.

And it's also not a game that would dissuade someone who's not interested in the genre either.

But daaaaammmnnn....


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Stop It said:
I thought most US sports were VERY stat heavy. I would say that anyone with a penchant for statistic and delving into the finer details of management (of any sport) would enjoy FM, regardless of their nationality.

Heh, While I like wtahcing NFL matches I haven't a clue what the hell is going on half the time. NHL on the other hand....

Go Ducks!

Exactly. Any half-assed baseball fan would completely get the basic principles.
Stop It said:
He compared the game to FIFA and Pro Evo, he didn't "not like the game" he didn't know what he was playing.

Read his review, then read the UK review to get a review written by someone who played the game properly. I agree that not all reviews agree with the "norm" but when someone lashes out on a management game because you can't control the players, that's when I call a reviewer an idiot.

It's not the reviewers fault that he doesn't have a large knowledge of management games. Blame IGN management for giving the review to the wrong person. Ideally they would have several people people with different tastes review each game, but thats not realistic. If you have a fan of a series or genre reviewing only those types of games then they would have inflated scores since they love those games.

I bet there are a lot of people that would share the reviewers feelings for both reviews.
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