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Greenberg: Expect to see more Japanese games coming to Xbox One

Out of those Nier, I am Setsuna, the remastered Kingdom Hearts games, & the Dragon Quest Builders really should be on Xbox One. The remastered Final Fantasy games would be great too but I don't know if SE has some sort of deal in place during the PS2 era that prevents them from going to the Xbox platforms.
I think it is more simple than that.
I am extremely surprised Code Vein and Monster Hunter World are coming to XB1.

But I'm hesitant to give credit to the Phil Spencer effect(TM)
Code Vein isn't surprising; despite the art style, the game is heavily inspired by Dark Souls, which has always done well on Xbox. Monster Hunter World isn't that surprising either, given that it's Capcom and they almost always support Xbox (they still make Xbox exclusives).


I am extremely surprised Code Vein and Monster Hunter World are coming to XB1.

But I'm hesitant to give credit to the Phil Spencer effect(TM)

Not really I feel like those games had a chance anyway. It's the other titles that Xbox needs. Nier was a surprise to not come to Xbox IMO.
I find weird that Nier Automata didn't come out on XBX1 even though the original game did. I guess they thought this game wouldn't do well sale wise because how original NieR did.

Me too.

Makes me wonder if it was a sales decision or if Sony made an agreement with them.


I am extremely surprised Code Vein and Monster Hunter World are coming to XB1.

But I'm hesitant to give credit to the Phil Spencer effect(TM)

Souls games sell on on Xbox and Souls fans might be interested in those.

I know I bought my very first MH game few years ago just beaus it kinda reminded me of Souls.


I am extremely surprised Code Vein and Monster Hunter World are coming to XB1.

But I'm hesitant to give credit to the Phil Spencer effect(TM)

Pretty sure MHW is mostly from the years and years of MS/Capcom partnership. I was equally surprised they snagged Code Vein. Didn't think that had any chance.


Would like to see Xbox X get Yakuza. Doubt it, but would be nice. That's exclusive due to circumstance, so it's possible.


Code Vein is the fast and cheap Bandai solution for not having a new Souls on the horizon. I don't know why people can be surprised about it getting a XBO version.
Didn't Phil say something about FFXV being a big get for Xbox/him?

Not really sure if throwing out relatively niche titles in hopes they come over means much if so.


Not gonna happen, and I don't think those games would do well on Xbox. They are extremely Japanese, plus up until recently they weren't very successful even on Sony platforms in the west.

Yeah that's most likely, but like other Japanese publishers, if they want to grow thier Western audience bringing it over to more consoles makes sense.

But realistically I don't see it coming over unless MS fund it, like they did Shenmue 2.
Code Vein is the fast and cheap Bandai solution for not having a new Souls on the horizon. I don't know why people can be surprised about it getting a XBO version.
It's the art style that has people surprised, since it looks so much like God Eater. But yes, it shouldn't be a surprise because it's a Souls-like and Souls sells well on Xbox.
I wonder if Phil got any ports of the Kingdom Hearts games before 3 to Xbox? That would be something to build up to KH3 if he cared while on his trip to Japan.

Always felt like since they got FFXV / KH3 back during 360 era, they just sat back and thought that was enough.


I have even less confidence in Greenberg saying this stuff. Sorry, but the dudes a hype man.

Phil has a HUGE hill to climb and he's not getting anywhere fast. Greenberg saying this is an empty statement.


Out of those Nier, I am Setsuna, the remastered Kingdom Hearts games, & the Dragon Quest Builders really should be on Xbox One. The remastered Final Fantasy games would be great too but I don't know if SE has some sort of deal in place during the PS2 era that prevents them from going to the Xbox platforms.

I don't think there's a deal, it may be not be known to some but games that come to Xbox within certain context can actually devalue the game and/or franchise itself and from a business standpoint you don't want that which is why partial exclusivity incentivizes and strengthens purchasing decisions and caters to purchasing power. Xbox being a failure of a console globally means it has a platform image problem and that rubs off games itself, the majority of the western-Japanese game fanbase are on PC, PS4 and Nintendo, it's a balance that tilts when publishers cater to what is seen as a global failure platform (Xbox) and consumers unintentionally will attach it's image to it's games and thus devalue them. It's sad but that's how it is and if the Xbox was in PS4's position this generation the PS4 would be the one left out of Japanese games with Xbox getting Japanese exclusives, there's no discrimination other than success vs failure.
Yeah that's most likely, but like other Japanese publishers, if they want to grow thier Western audience bringing it over to more consoles makes sense.

But realistically I don't see it coming over unless MS fund it, like they did Shenmue 2.
If they want to grow their western audience, they need to market the games properly. They did this with Yakuza 0, and it was successful. Porting to Xbox would not do much to expand their audience, because an audience for niche Japanese games doesn't really exist on Xbox One.


Those games would not have sold on Xbox One (Nier is the only one which might have sold OK). As for the remasters, they clearly can't appear on Xbox, but yes they probably would've done OK.

If Nier & KH remasters would have sold OK then there's a decent reason to port them to there. Dragon Quest builders is a crafting game, there are enough crafting games on the console (Minecraft, Roblox, Astroneer, Portal Knights, Trove) to show that there is an audience for them on there.

Airship Syndicate is releasing a JRPG style RPG on Xbox One with Battle Chasers Nightwar and yet SE can't release I am Setsuna (which isn't a AAA title and is on the PC/Switch) on the console? That's shitty.
Code Vein isn't surprising; despite the art style, the game is heavily inspired by Dark Souls, which has always done well on Xbox. Monster Hunter World isn't that surprising either, given that it's Capcom and they almost always support Xbox (they still make Xbox exclusives).

Not really I feel like those games had a chance anyway. It's the other titles that Xbox needs. Nier was a surprise to not come to Xbox IMO.

Souls games sell on on Xbox and Souls fans might be interested in those.

I know I bought my very first MH game few years ago just beaus it kinda reminded me of Souls.

I'm pretty sure it's mainly because of the art style that it's weird it's even coming to the XB1.

I can see Monster Hunter being successful to some extend but Code Vein? I'm confident half the XB1 Souls customers would be turned off by Anime.

And as we learned from Salt & Sanctuary as well as the recent Nidhogg 2, art style is half the battle.


The nicest person on this forum
Me too.

Makes me wonder if it was a sales decision or if Sony made an agreement with them.

I really think That MS thought NieR Automata wasn't much investment for them base how original NieR did. on business side Scalebound looks much more like AAA game compare to Nier and not only that Hideki Kamiya is better known than Yoko Taro.


I don't think there's a deal, it may be not be known to some but games that come to Xbox within certain context can actually devalue the game and/or franchise itself and from a business standpoint you don't want that which is why partial exclusivity incentivizes and strengthens purchasing decisions and caters to purchasing power. Xbox being a failure of a console globally means it has a platform image problem and that rubs off games itself, the majority of the western-Japanese game fanbase are on PC, PS4 and Nintendo, it's a balance that tilts when publishers cater to what is seen as a global failure platform (Xbox) and consumers unintentionally will attach it's image to it's games and thus devalue them. It's sad but that's how it is and if the Xbox was in PS4's position this generation the PS4 would be the one left out of Japanese games with Xbox getting Japanese exclusives, there's no discrimination other than success vs failure.
I see what you're saying but I highly doubt that's the case.
If Nier & KH remasters would have sold OK then there's a decent reason to port them to there. Dragon Quest builders is a crafting game, there are enough crafting games on the console (Minecraft, Roblox, Astroneer, Portal Knights, Trove) to show that there is an audience for them on there.

Airship Syndicate is releasing a similar JRPG style RPG on Xbox One with Battle Chasers Nightwar and yet SE can't release I am Setsuna (which isn't a AAA title and is on the PC/Switch) on the console? That's shitty.
Dragon Quest would not do well on Xbox One. DQ has a hard enough time selling in the West as is, you do not want to increase the costs associated with bringing DQ games to the West, because if you do they just aren't coming.

Battlechasers and I am Setsuna are not comparable. Battlechasers has a western fantasy comic book art style, it's a Western IP, so obviously it has more Western appeal. Also, Battlechasers is not out yet, so you can't use that as an example of success. That game could easily bomb on Xbox (it will probably sell fine).
Some of the games people are mentioning would sell 5-10k in NA on XB1, the consoles biggest market.

That's why they aren't being ported.
Yeah....i'll just simply say ''we'll see about that'' to this. On the other hand only a few months after Phil Spencer visited Japan we got games like Monster Hunter World, Code Vein, Sword Art Online and Dynasty Warriors 9 confirmed. And he did claim that there was a lot of interest and excitement for Scorpio/One X from Japanese publishers. But as exciting as this sound, i'm not gonna expect to see a ton of more Japanese games coming to Xbox. The simple sad fact remains that there's hardly any profit to be had there. I hope Monster Hunter World sells well otherwise i can see Capcom eventually decide to not bother with Xbox anymore either for Japanese games...

okay, c'mon now - does anyone seriously believe this? :) ...


So was the marketing deal with Bandai Namco (DB FighterZ deal and Code: Vein) the only thing that he brought with the japan business trip?


Dragon Quest would not do well on Xbox One. DQ has a hard enough time selling in the West as is, you do not want to increase the costs associated with bringing DQ games to the West, because if you do they just aren't coming.

Battlechasers and I am Setsuna are not comparable. Battlechasers has a western fantasy comic book art style, it's a Western IP, so obviously it has more Western appeal. Also, Battlechasers is not out yet, so you can't use that as an example of success. That game could easily bomb on Xbox (it will probably sell fine).
DQB is a spin off game though, its not the traditional Dragon Quest JRPG's that have struggled in the West. Given it's crafting gameplay it has a much better shot on the Xbox platforms than a JRPG. If SE has to bite the bullet to spread the DQ name more so be it but they would at least be catering DQB to the right crowd.

Regarding Battle Chasers & I am Setsuna, I don't see how they aren't aren't comparable. They are pretty much going for the same JRPG audience despite their stylistic trappings. Whether Battle Chasers bombs isn't really the point, the attempt in putting that type of game on there is still being made and from an indy studio at that.


Not to be a complete Debbie Downer but the fact that several 360 Japanese games still aren't BC gives the appearance that these publishers don't care.
DQB is a spin off game though, its not the traditional Dragon Quest JRPG's that have struggled in the West. Given it's crafting gameplay it has a much better shot on the Xbox platforms than a JRPG. If SE has to bite the bullet to spread the DQ name more so be it but they would at least be catering DQB to the right crowd.

Regarding Battle Chasers & I am Setsuna, I don't see how they aren't aren't comparable. They are pretty much going for the same JRPG audience despite their stylistic trappings. Whether Battle Chasers bombs isn't really the point, the attempt in putting that type of game on there is still being made and from an indy studio at that.
Square Enix has no interest in building the audience for DQ on Xbox, as the entire purpose of that would be to increase sales of the mainline RPGs, and those will never come to Xbox. DQB would probably do better than other DQ options, sure, but that might mean 10k sales which isn't worth it, especially when the Xbox version will NOT sell in Japan.

Battlechasers and I Am Setsuna are not targeting the same audience, sorry. One is an adaption of a popular western fantasy comic by a popular western artist. The other is a very traditional JRPG. The gameplay similarities (they don't seem that similar in gameplay outside of being turn-based RPGs) don't really matter at that point.



One of the reasons I bought a 360 at the beginning of its life and why i havent bought a XB1.

Stop talking and just do it.


"People pick Xbox because we have the biggest franchises, the biggest exclusives"-Greenberg

Then you realize they are getting beat 2 to 1 worldwide to ps4 and have less exclusives.


They would probably be better off porting and publishing the games themselves for the XBO however I don't know if they would see the returns they would need to pay for an initiative like that. Also one of the benefits for the 360 last gen was the ease of development and communication they had over the PS3. The PS4 seems to have solved most of those issues by not being an esoteric design and contacting devs proactively.


Not to be too blunt, but if Phil said it I wouldn't buy it but would at least think it might happen.

If Aaron Greenberg says it? The guy who has consistently and repeatedly lied about many things Xbox? I'm inclined to believe that it's definitely not happening.


I hope so. Would add a good bit of variety to the platform.

I'll always love Microsoft for having shenmue II on the OG.

THAT'S your positive MS JP example!? Shenmue II?...

Not something like Lost Odyssey, or various Team Ninja/Itagaki offerings... no... instead, let's give them props for actively taking a completed Dreamcast game away from US Dreamcast owners, and potentially contributing to the lack of Shenmue III for the next decade and a half.

Shenmue probably would have hit PS2 and done enough to survive if that hadn't happened. Fucking Headhunter got a sequel over it, not to mention Yakuza.


I personally think nier would have sold great on xbox. Xbox fans like actiom games

Great is subjective though. Developing for the XBO is an extra cost that will probably only see a moderate return in the US if at all. So yes they are missing out on sales in the US but is that made up for by the reduced dev costs? Selling on PS4/PC reaches a great deal of players.
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