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Guild Wars 2 News And Information Thread [Large Beta Weekends In March/April]


Tragic victim of fan death
Called the Open Beta window. Anyway, glad to see that this is coming out this year. I wouldn't doubt it if this is for holiday season. I know what I'm going to be doing this winter.


The main direction is actually personal quests and those work like any traditional quest. But you run into a thousand dynamic events on your way to your destination.
Yeah, but I'd question how you define "main" if it's very likely that the average player will spend more time on world events than total on personal story missions. They still make up the majority of the content, but the personal story is the mechanic used to lead the player into them.


So glad to hear a release date will be this year, and an open beta in a few months.

I've been getting that MMO itch again, wanting to play a game with a living world again, persistant, others around to help, etc etc. I resubbed to WoW just for something to do, but it's just past the point of no return, I need something.

TOR has me itching to play it, just because the universe appeals to me so much and the sci-fi setting would be a great change of pace, but hearing how Guild Wars 2 is changing so many MMO cliches has me so excited for this. And it'll likely run well on my current laptop! woo.


Tragic victim of fan death
So you think the semi-open beta will last from march/april to november/december?
It will be summer at the latest.

I don't think they're idiotic as Bioware to try and put the beta so close to the release and rush the stupid game with little change. After all the information they've received from the beta, which I think will go from Late March into Mid-April, they will do some more tweaking, finesing and prep it up for a Q3 or Q4 launch.
I don't think their idiotic as Bioware to try and put the beta so close to the release and rush the stupid game with little change. After all the information they've received from the beta, which I think will go from Late March into Mid-April, they will do some more tweaking, finesing and prep it up for a Q3 or Q4 launch.

Didn't SWTOR beta weekends (along with other permanent beta) start in August? That's 4 months of constant tests before release. Bioware dropped the ball because they changed very little, even with feedback.


Tragic victim of fan death
Didn't SWTOR beta weekends (along with other permanent beta) start in August? That's 4 months of constant tests before release. Bioware dropped the ball because they changed very little, even with feedback.

Sorry, I guess I should've specified, while their beta was long I don't think it helped them any. They ran it until basically a week before launch and didn't do anything about it. Anet, or I expect them to, will do a better job and probably cut it off and have a long window of coding and working out to do.


I'm feeling a September release myself. Usually a pretty quiet month, and it's cool to start Q4 with something amazing.


I could see GW2 being a Summer release. The game is already extremely polished by the videos I've seen. I'm curious how it will all come together in the end. Hope to get in to do some beta testing.
Sorry, I guess I should've specified, while their beta was long I don't think it helped them any. They ran it until basically a week before launch and didn't do anything about it. Anet, or I expect them to, will do a better job and probably cut it off and have a long window of coding and working out to do.

Having played the beta for many months, they did fix a ton of things and continually added. The main issue with TOR is that many major things that people wanted were not even in the beta and didn't make it for launch.


Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?


They should qualify at least some spots in the beta for GW1 fans. Like put in your GW1 user name as part of a sign-up form. Get a nice split of old hat PvP/elite-PvE based on tracking. That will make the beta testing that much more efficient. Ratio of new players with no GW1 experience is balanced into the equation.

...e.g. gimme beta ANET.
Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?
I'll play everything and harass PvP.



This is perfect.


Ugh, it's still too soon for me to be this hyped about this game. Going by my past beta experience I won't even make it in, so I'm going to ignore this thread now until we are close to launch.
Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?

I'd try different races to determine which I will play. Right now I'm thinking either Asura, female Sylvari, or male Charr.


Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?

Planning on going full alt-oholic during beta to help inform my decisions for the actual release. Probably going to remake my favorite human Ranger and Elementalist from GW1, but other characters are anyone's guess.


Tragic victim of fan death
Having played the beta for many months, they did fix a ton of things and continually added. The main issue with TOR is that many major things that people wanted were not even in the beta and didn't make it for launch.

I would've hated to see how TOR was in early stages of the beta then. Regardless, I'm trying to say Anet is most likely not going to pull the same shennanigans as Bioware with Guild Wars 2.



Oh the joy! I can't believe it, finally, after so many years we are so close, oh man, my heart, i just hope to have more luck and have an invite not like with DOTA2, give me a beta invite arena.net, PLEASE ;_ ;

Complistic said:
Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?

I will mix classes/races and try everything of the classes, doing a focus on Elementalist and Mesmer that will be my mains, oh man, gotta finish a few project that i have to commit to the game fully.



Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?

I'd rather experiment but playing the main isn't out of the question. Each time you go through the events will differ greatly so you probably will enjoy it just as much a 2nd time.


Let's not go all revolutionnary with this game guys,Rift has been doing the World and Zone event battles and attacking NPC's and the like for almost 1 year now,the only reason GW2 will be more popular then Rift was at launch(and it still is,although they are starting to have to merge servers)is that it has no monthly fees...that being said,they probably will improve on what Rift is doing and I can't wait to play it.

Watch that video I quoted that Jira originally posted. It explains dynamic events in detail, problems they had with them and how they got around them.

It's broken up into sections, so it's extremely easy to watch 10 minutes here and there. But really, watch it.

The difference between rift events and dynamic events is pretty big. Rift events in Rift are secondary, with them just being a minor annoyance to people wanting to do the meat of the game - quests. Dynamic events are the bulk of the content in GW2, outside of the personal story (which is the primary leveling experience).


Arenanet stated a while ago that the open beta will be very short, 2 weeks if i remember correctly. They weren't going to have one at all until high demand from the fans and it's pretty much solely for publicity and to give people a chance to try out the game, an eloborate demo if you will.

The fact that they are opening up the closed beta 'aggresively' in march/april pretty much means the open beta will begin early april and i can put money on the game being released at the end of april/early may. You heard it here first guys, don't forget to quote me when i'm inevitably right! ;)


Neo Member
This is genuinely one of the games I'm most looking forward to this year. Hell, I even installed the original and jumped in for the first time in a long time just in some attempt to ready myself.


Arenanet stated a while ago that the open beta will be very short, 2 weeks if i remember correctly. They weren't going to have one at all until high demand from the fans and it's pretty much solely for publicity and to give people a chance to try out the game, an eloborate demo if you will.

The fact that they are opening up the closed beta 'aggresively' in march/april pretty much means the open beta will begin early april and i can put money on the game being released at the end of april/early may. You heard it here first guys, don't forget to quote me when i'm inevitably right! ;)

I'd believe it. One can only assume that ANet's internal testing has been extremely robust leading up to this point, so I don't imagine there would be any huge changes left to be made by the time open beta starts.


I know I'm going to be so disappointing by PvP. :( Yet just it being GW2 over-writes with hype. I hope gaf isn't all PvE though.


Tragic victim of fan death
Arenanet stated a while ago that the open beta will be very short, 2 weeks if i remember correctly. They weren't going to have one at all until high demand from the fans and it's pretty much solely for publicity and to give people a chance to try out the game, an eloborate demo if you will.

The fact that they are opening up the closed beta 'aggresively' in march/april pretty much means the open beta will begin early april and i can put money on the game being released at the end of april/early may. You heard it here first guys, don't forget to quote me when i'm inevitably right! ;)

I think you're partially right. Right now the NDA is still up on closed beta but I think the Open Beta for the press in February is supposed to get a lot of content out there whether it be articles, videos, or whatever. That's a lot of marketing, PR stuff, and other advertisement. Also during this time I think Anet wants a lot of feedback from the gaming press about what's really working and what needs work. The public open beta will start in late March until what I assume to be Early or late April. At this time the beta will end and see if the issues really are issues or just preferences. By now I assume many of the fundamentals and core mechanics are already set in stone, they just need to chisel it to make perfect. While this is sort of a publicity/marketing stunt, I think it's much more than that. They're definitely nearing the point where they want to show the majority of the content set for GW2 but they're not there yet.

I feel like the Non-Public Closed beta will go through until Late January and Early February. After that they'll go through some more internal changes which will be until around March. I expect a Public Closed Beta by Late March and that'll go through for maybe a month or less. After that more correction, tweaking and changing but much longer since they've had a lot of internal closed feedback. After that it'll probably be around June or July and then we'll have our Open Beta. If nothing goes wrong we should have the game by late next year or by Q2 next year. Assuming nothing goes wrong. It's become a staple of MMOs to have it go open beta nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if Anet adopts this idea with GW2.

Wrong about the release date and open but I essentially called it.


.... YES. 2012 really is the last year we'll all spend on earth; this sucker is gonna pull us all in.

Would you guys consider playing what you're planning on being your main in the beta or would you experiment a little bit with other races/classes if you got in?

I still have absolutely no idea what profession I want to play, period; all of them look interesting to me. I tend to favor heavily armored melee classes, so Warrior or Guardian jump out immediately (especially guardians since I tend towards the supportive nature of Paladins)... but all of the other professions look amazing as well.

I tend not to enjoy caster classes, so if there's any professions that I'm pretty sure I won't play, it's Elementalist and Necromancer. Not too crazy about ranged classes in general, but we'll see if the Ranger lures me in.

The wife is FINALLY interested in the game enough that I have a commitment she'll be picking it up, so whatever profession she picks (she prefers casters) I will likely pick something to compliment it. Here's hoping the Necromancer can slip into a support role, she LOVED Vanguard's Blood Mage class and if they manage to sneak something like that into GW2 she'd flip out. Too bad I haven't seen anything solid on it yet.


I know I'm going to be so disappointing by PvP. :( Yet just it being GW2 over-writes with hype. I hope gaf isn't all PvE though.

I dunno, enormous castle sieges with hundreds of players and multiple other events happening around you to give you options in how you want to aid in the battle sounds amazing. Plus you can just drop in and out between pve and pvp practically seamlessly.

That's not to mention structured pvp which they even put a server browser in for. Gonna be great.


I dunno, enormous castle sieges with hundreds of players and multiple other events happening around you to give you options in how you want to aid in the battle sounds amazing. Plus you can just drop in and out between pve and pvp practically seamlessly.

That's not to mention structured pvp which they even put a server browser in for. Gonna be great.

Yeah.. looks and sounds the most promising PvP since DAoC. With the tournament ladders and everything else on top in competitive PvP, I'm not sure what you're disappointed about?


Yeah.. looks and sounds the most promising PvP since DAoC. With the tournament ladders and everything else on top in competitive PvP, I'm not sure what you're disappointed about?

Ganking/spontaneous PvP on the normal world map is the only prominent type of PvP it doesn't have.


Yeah.. looks and sounds the most promising PvP since DAoC. With the tournament ladders and everything else on top in competitive PvP, I'm not sure what you're disappointed about?
The move towards the FPS style with PvP.

I only play "structured" PvP. I want an entire team or sub-team to be on voice chat coordinating. If your players have the talent, you then can succeed. So if any of the modes offer that, then I'm good. That includes large scale battles as long as it is properly "structured." How will these modes end up? We'll see. Anything chaotic or disorganized though is an immediate pass.


The move towards the FPS style with PvP.

I only play "structured" PvP. I want an entire team or sub-team to be on voice chat coordinating. If your players have the talent, you then can succeed. So if any of the modes offer that, then I'm good. That includes large scale battles as long as it is properly "structured." How will these modes end up? We'll see. Anything chaotic or disorganized though is an immediate pass.

Their business model is consistently adding expansions that add both pve and pvp content so I wouldn't be surprised at all to see some of the things you guys are concerned about be added down the road. And you know the new campaigns are coming because they just won't make enough money otherwise.

There's three sorts of pvp I think at release, that's wvwvw, 10 v 10 and the thirds called structured 5v5 and that's where you'll get your team chat ultra coordination games.


Ganking/spontaneous PvP on the normal world map is the only prominent type of PvP it doesn't have

Yeah. I admit that i will miss this to an extent as i've always loved open world pvp/ganking but WvWvW is almost the same considering the number of players and size of the maps.

The move towards the FPS style with PvP.

I only play "structured" PvP. I want an entire team or sub-team to be on voice chat coordinating. If your players have the talent, you then can succeed. So if any of the modes offer that, then I'm good. That includes large scale battles as long as it is properly "structured." How will these modes end up? We'll see. Anything chaotic or disorganized though is an immediate pass.

You dislike the move towards FPS style PvP? I don't think that really coincides with wanting it to be skill based.. the fact that the combat is much more responsive and tactical allows more room for skilled players to excell as opposed to the average whack-a-mole MMO combat.

In terms of WvWvW combat, it will sure as hell be chaotic and no doubt unbalanced which Arenanet are well aware of, but there is nothing to stop you organising your guild to seige a castle and hold it off from foes. As stated in my point above, for example, if your guild party are 50 strong and you are holding off a castle against 100, with the right amount of tactics and communication there is no reason for you not to succeed. It will be great fun either way. :)


Their business model is consistently adding expansions that add both pve and pvp content so I wouldn't be surprised at all to see some of the things you guys are concerned about be added down the road. And you know the new campaigns are coming because they just won't make enough money otherwise.

There's three sorts of pvp I think at release, that's wvwvw, 10 v 10 and the thirds called structured 5v5 and that's where you'll get your team chat ultra coordination games.
Anything that doesn't come day1 loses a ton of steam. I'm aware of the modes but the play-style is the concern.
You dislike the move towards FPS style PvP? I don't think that really coincides with wanting it to be skill based.. the fact that the combat is much more responsive and tactical allows more room for skilled players to excell as opposed to the average whack-a-mole MMO combat.
That's wrong. Moving the style towards FPS style doesn't not automatically entail more skill based gameplay. Build wars gets a bad stigma because people incorrectly assume it is a game of math. Tactical skill usage is not objectively simpler then the shown FPS style. They are both simply different. And the concern is not about skill based gameplay but coordination. Different styles entail different types of possible coordination. The general idea being that poor map spacing and very fast paced gameplay will lower coordination. It is a valid concern.
In terms of WvWvW combat, it will sure as hell be chaotic and no doubt unbalanced which Arenanet are well aware of, but there is nothing to stop you organising your guild to seige a castle and hold it off from foes. As stated in my point above, for example, if your guild party are 50 strong and you are holding off a castle against 100, with the right amount of tactics and communication there is no reason for you not to succeed. It will be great fun either way. :)
I'm not discounting any mode as being unable to have organized gameplay. Again, it comes down to how the play-style works with it. In GW1, every tactical action was coordinated in high level play. If GW2 is more about player observations rather then strats, it is a step down in coordination.
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