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Gunplay in F.E.A.R. 2 puts 99% of shooters out there to SHAME!

I got fear 3 for free, I don't want to play it because of the weird alternating FOV and the guns feel like poop. Not to mention the motion can't be shut off.


i'm a big baby so i can't stand the horror/shock scare sections

though at the same time i really enjoy that pointman can fucking shoot and kung fu ghosts to death like it ain't nothin'.

the only real downside to fear for me was that the dust clouds kicked up from guns in the game are like... too solid, if that makes any sense? you can't shoot shit through them but enemies can blast you through it.

also that the sounds for the guns don't seem 'great', but that's probably fixable with a mod.

overall fear 1 is pretty cool and a nice kinda 'last hurrah' from monolith's fps gods


Unconfirmed Member
Feel free to disagree, but the combination of really good weapon sounds, being able to run, slide and shoot, combined with the solid FEAR AI made it much much better than FEAR 1 and 2 for me.

Nah that's fair enough, I know my reply was a bit dismissive and I apologise for that. I don't really agree with the weapon sounds being better in FEAR 3 and especially not the effects on enemies (for example I prefer that in FEAR 2 it splits the enemies on half whilst still attached to their spine) but I don't dislike it either. A lot of my complaints about FEAR 3 are more about how its structured and how messy it all feels. That and the mechs were nowhere as good as FEAR 2s either.


Gunplay and Gore you say?


Have you played soldier of fortune 2 by chance

Yes all games should be like this and Gears, Super Mario games could use some gore too.


The 2 in the thread title is an intruder. Fear 2 destroyed everything good the first one did. Except the level design, it was as shitty.


Played through FEAR 1 and 2 recently, they're alright. Gameplay is pretty good overall, but aside from the shotgun most weapons aren't really fun to use. The lack of diversity in both environments and enemy types also really hurts the game. Fighting squads of SWAT dudes in office buildings for three hours straight gets a bit old.

I definitely liked the first game the best, though. It has next to no fluff which keeps things going at a nice pace. Plus, it plays really smooth and doesn't constantly take control away from you like most shooters these days.


Unconfirmed Member
F.E.A.R. 2 is amazing, despite some things being dumbed down for consoles (only one save slot, no manual saving, contextual "use" button pop-ups telling you what it will do). I love it, but I think the first game is even better.

And yes, the gunplay is excellent in both. It's still good in F.E.A.R. 3, which I consider a competent shooter but a terrible entry in the franchise.


I always preferred FEAR 2 to the first one. The level design in the first game was so confusing, one bland office corridor looks much like another. And it didn't help that they appeared to have built about 50 assets for the whole game. "Oh, it's that bin. There is the filing cabinet. There is another three of them. Oh look, the monitor."

FEAR 2 was just much more varied in it's locales, looked so much nicer, and had ADS. Screw the haters, I like ADS.

So yeah, I agree OP, top drawer shooter, and best game in the franchise.
I'm totally with you OP. Personally, i'm surprised at all the people preferring the gunplay in F.E.A.R. The first one, I will give it the atmosphere but the gunplay? Nahhh
Love the series though, even enjoyed the 3rd one.

Kydd BlaZe


Time to buy the FEAR games from the Steam sale. Played both the original FEAR and the sequels on Xbox 360 last generation. FEAR has always been my third favorite FPS of all time (Right behind Half-Life 2, and Perfect Dark). The original FEAR has the best gunplay known to man. Project Origin dropped the ball in a lot of areas but was still pretty solid. F3AR was a complete shit-show...

Wtf happened to Monolith???
Fear has an energy sniper that turns dudes in to burnt skeletons, so that always wins for me.

Yes! I loved sniping a guy in a window far away, then finding myself in that same room a while later, seeing his charred corpse. Morbid, but hilarious.

I'm on team FEAR 1



Time to buy the FEAR games from the Steam sale. Played both the original FEAR and the sequels on Xbox 360 last generation. FEAR has always been my third favorite FPS of all time (Right behind Half-Life 2, and Perfect Dark). The original FEAR has the best gunplay known to man. Project Origin dropped the ball in a lot of areas but was still pretty solid. F3AR was a complete shit-show...

Wtf happened to Monolith???

Apparently there were actually two "FEAR 2's" in production. One was a proper PC sequel and the other was a console-focused spin-off made by someone else (not sure if it was an offshoot of Monolith or another company). In the end the PC one got scrapped and the one we got was essentially the main Monolith team's attempt to salvage the console one into as good a sequel as they could.

FEAR 3 wasn't made by Monolith.

In other words I still have hope, a little :( .


Heard a story once that F.E.A.R. 1 was N.O.L.F. 3 at one point, but the publisher didn't want another humorous shooter from MONOLITH after lackluster sales of NOLF2.
Anyone with insider info if this is true?



Time to buy the FEAR games from the Steam sale. Played both the original FEAR and the sequels on Xbox 360 last generation. FEAR has always been my third favorite FPS of all time (Right behind Half-Life 2, and Perfect Dark). The original FEAR has the best gunplay known to man. Project Origin dropped the ball in a lot of areas but was still pretty solid. F3AR was a complete shit-show...

Wtf happened to Monolith???

They are doing a LOTR game now. Looks cool so far


Recently replayed F.E.A.R 1, and I was surprised how well it still holds up after all these years.

F.E.A.R. was released on PC a month before the Xbox 360 came out, and it still puts almost that entire generation of FPS to shame. Monolith really knocked it out of the park, back then.


I put SO many hours into FEAR, especially the multiplayer. There were always competitions going on and the scene was thriving. I think it was the last of the great PC FPS multiplayer era. I remember the Sierra forums in the early days it was absolute insanity. The single player wasn't too bad as well :p

SoF was super fun, I hope they make a successor to it, the MP was great.

F.3.A.R. made me sad :(

If only Raven would listen to this :( Between SOF2, FEAR, RTCW, COD/2, MoH etc it was one hell of a time for first person shooter fans. It was a neverending assault of absolute gems.


If only Raven would listen to this :( Between SOF2, FEAR, RTCW, COD/2, MoH etc it was one hell of a time for first person shooter fans. It was a neverending assault of absolute gems.

So many people were laid off from Raven after Wolfenstein and Singularity bombed back to back, that there is no way there are enough people working there to make a full game.

Activision just has them on the Call of Duty train, helping out with MP design and making overpriced map packs. I wouldn't be surprised if they just vanish completely, so sad. Wolverine is still one of the best hack-n-slash games of last gen, and one of the best licensed games ever.


Part 1 is one of the best FPS ever.

Part 2 is a downgrade in every single area. Even some of the visuals aren't as good. Incredibly disappointing game.

Link please?

You can clearly see this in the early gameplay shown for FEAR 2. Things like the lighting and shadows were so much better then what we received. Game got dumbed down hard.


Looking back, the fire groupings in 2 felt like they were created out of the limitations of the thumb stick and didn't feel precise or under your control like in 1 for the mouse. 3 ended up having the most well-rounded gunplay out of the series but 1 was at it's best when it came to simply point-and-shoot. That series of games really enabled you to be one with your firearm.


I used to play a lot of FEAR 1 Multiplayer and COOP (Yes, there is a COOP mod). My favorite gun is the RPL Sub Machine Gun, and the single pistol. There is also a trick with the shotgun. Since the game is so old now, I will share my secrets.

SMG: Most people just used the Assault Rifle online, but the SMG had a unique strength. Within 9 shot burst, it horribly knocks who ever you are shooting at aim off enough to give you an significant edge. It causes them to flinch basically. My favorite weapon. Lacks range, but FEAR 1 is mostly offices anyway.

Single Pistol: You can only spawn with Dual Pistol, but there is a unbound drop button in the game. Spawn with double pistol and drop them both, pick up only a single pistol. This allows you to shoot more accurately, the best of all: You run at near Un-armed speed. Even better, Pistol Whip kills in a single headshot regardless of armor unlike a normal punch. You are basically a melee fighter with a gun. You can only carry half the max ammo of dual pistol though.

Shotgun: Just shooting someone in the thigh can oneshot kill regardless of how much Armor or Med Kits they have.. The thigh hitbox is unarmored.


Part 1 is one of the best FPS ever.

Part 2 is a downgrade in every single area.
I seriously don't get what people hate about 2 so much. They basically took the first game, made it prettier, added ADS, made the locations at least remotely interesting and added some variety.

Also, lol at hyperbole of "downgrade in every area". You don't get turned around and lost in an identikit office corridor every ten minutes for a start.


I seriously don't get what people hate about 2 so much. They basically took the first game, made it prettier, added ADS, made the locations at least remotely interesting and added some variety.

Also, lol at hyperbole of "downgrade in every area". You don't get turned around and lost in an identikit office corridor every ten minutes for a start.

Do you not remember the lobotomy the AI got at all? Gunplay is only as satisfying as the encounters allow it to be the the crap in FEAR 2 was beyond dull. Who gives shit about scenery when the important parts of the game got stripped away?


Do you not remember the lobotomy the AI got at all? Gunplay is only as satisfying as the encounters allow it to be the the crap in FEAR 2 was beyond dull. Who gives shit about scenery when the important parts of the game got stripped away?

That too. F.E.A.R. 2's enemies pretty much stand there and die.

1's will flank you, knock over tables, and straight up overwhelm you.

Also, that dialogue.

-He's trying to flank! GET BEHIND HIM!


Do you not remember the lobotomy the AI got at all? Gunplay is only as satisfying as the encounters allow it to be the the crap in FEAR 2 was beyond dull. Who gives shit about scenery when the important parts of the game got stripped away?

Enemies still jump behind or flip tables for cover, hide and wait for me around corners, roll away and try to flush me out with grenades, etc

Ai seems pretty good to me.


I actually think the more unique theme of FEAR 2 works against it somewhat; despite the psychic ghosts and bullet time superhumans the mundane facilities of the original game (outside of the endgame which is implied to be an exception rather than the rule) gives it a "this could be happening now" feeling that adds to the unnerving "off" atmosphere of all the places you visit in the game.

Then in the second game you're suddenly in some sort of cyberpunk city with stuff like giant anime mechs walking around (as opposed to the comparatively small ones in the first game), and that grounded feeling gets lost. It's like the problem Invisible War had.

That also applies to Armachan; in the first game, while they're obviously big, stuff like the vault at the end is implied to be a very special exception rather than the rule. In the second game they're some crazy Umbrella type corporation with giant underground lairs and brainwashing/general evil facilities everywhere.
As apparently everyone else has said, FEAR 2's gunplay is way, way worse than the first game's, and was incredibly disappointing going from 1 to 2. If you think 2's gunplay puts everything else to shame, you either have really low standards or havent played 1 yet, in which case play 1, hell, its a far better game overall.


As apparently everyone else has said, FEAR 2's gunplay is way, way worse than the first game's, and was incredibly disappointing going from 1 to 2. If you think 2's gunplay puts everything else to shame, you either have really low standards or havent played 1 yet, in which case play 1, hell, its a far better game overall.

I have low standards if I think FEAR 2's gunplay puts most shooters to shame??


I'm still waiting for a step by step explanation on what exactly F2 did so much worse than F1, and especially what makes it bad in general (with that low standards comment and all).

You can't lean anymore? They toned down the particle/clowd effects? That can't be responsible for such a strong negative response...

Evo X

F.E.A.R 1 is what got me into PC gaming. Such an amazingly satisfying game. Must have played through it a dozen times.


I have low standards if I think FEAR 2's gunplay puts most shooters to shame??


I'm still waiting for a step by step explanation on what exactly F2 did so much worse than F1, and especially what makes it bad in general (with that low standards comment and all).

You can't lean anymore? They toned down the particle/clowd effects? That can't be responsible for such a strong negative response...

F2 isn't a bad game. But F1 just did it all better, IMO. The AI was smarter. The enemy dialogue was wittier.

Even the scares were more effective.

I also prefer the audio files that played while you were in the game, rather than forcing you to stop and read them.
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