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GWENT closed beta now underway


Did they implement new matchmaking? Getting games has been a hassle these past few days. Just kicks me back over and over.


Did they implement new matchmaking? Getting games has been a hassle these past few days. Just kicks me back over and over.

Yeah, they tweaked matchmaking recently coz new players were being matched with high level players. It seems to be working better now, but it keeps kicking me out a lot more now.


After crashing opening keg a bunch of times, I realize there's no singleplayer yet.

Or am I just missing it?

I was perusing the job listings at CDPR and there is definitely a single player in the works.

http://en.cdprojektred.com/jobs/level-designer-gwent/ - Basically hiring a level designer for some kind of world map adventure thing it sounds like. Couple that with the fact that they're looking to hire a Comic Illustrator, there is a likely a story element to it as well.
Did they implement new matchmaking? Getting games has been a hassle these past few days. Just kicks me back over and over.

Having played again today I'm pretty sure they did. Keeps failing to find players, play the same people repeatedly and all the games are stupidly close with a lot of the best cards practically guaranteed.


The single player is going to be pretty in depth. I'm really looking forward to that.

So I asked Tomaszkiewicz what made Gwent unique. "It'll stand out in terms of single player because we're putting a lot of effort into it to make it the best it can be," he replied.


It's a full story--well, really, multiple stories. Each faction in the game (Scoia'tael, Skellige, Northern Kingdoms, and Monsters) will have its own fully voiced, 10+ hour campaign, with branching storylines and player choice. "It's not so simple to come up with a story for you playing as monsters," Tomaszkiewicz said. "But we have some ideas about it and I think it'll be pretty cool."

The game's story is presented in cutscenes that are somewhat similar to the storybook-like cel-shaded characters in games like The Banner Saga. At the moment, the characters in these scenes only have minor animation, but CDPR is looking to add more. Each of these scenes have dialogue options, and you'll have to make difficult choices that can impact the larger story.

But it doesn't end there. There is also a map you can walk around in. From a top-down perspective, you control a character moving through the map that CDPR claims is an open world. "There are events you can find, there are treasures you can find, some things might change in the map based on your decisions. There are secrets to find. As you progress through the map, it will evolve based on your choices.


"We always did hard choices, morally gray choices, with impactful consequences. And this time around we want to do the same thing."


"This time around you are building an army," he explained. The cards you find in the world will essentially be "soldiers" in your brigade. He continued: "It'll be a story told from the perspective of leaders, and this is a big challenge because we have to come up with a new way to introduce choices and a new way to introduce exploration, and how you solve sidequests and side activities."

I had a good day today, and only had two losses (both from bad draws). Surprisingly, I won against all weather abuse and monster control decks.
Also, looking at the hours, I'm over 100 hours in to this. The wipe, if it happens, is going to be rough.


Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain me how the resource system works to get new cards? Like I got some ore or something but the collection is crafted with something else.

Also how good are the starter decks to begin playing with?


I was perusing the job listings at CDPR and there is definitely a single player in the works.

http://en.cdprojektred.com/jobs/level-designer-gwent/ - Basically hiring a level designer for some kind of world map adventure thing it sounds like. Couple that with the fact that they're looking to hire a Comic Illustrator, there is a likely a story element to it as well.

Well yeah, they showed it off to people at E3. We definitely know there's a crazy ass singleplayer, so I was disappointed it wasn't in the CB.


Can someone explain me how the resource system works to get new cards? Like I got some ore or something but the collection is crafted with something else.

Also how good are the starter decks to begin playing with?

Ore is used to buy Kegs. You need 100 ore to buy 1 Keg. 1 Keg gives you 5 random cards.
Scraps are used to craft specific cards you want. Cards cost 30, 80, 200, or 800 scraps, with their classes being common, rare, epic and legendary respectively.

Starter decks for some factions are decent with some cheap purchases (Monsters and NR). A monster weather deck should be easy to make without much investment.


Unconfirmed Member
Ore is used to buy Kegs. You need 100 ore to buy 1 Keg. 1 Keg gives you 5 random cards.
Scraps are used to craft specific cards you want. Cards cost 30, 80, 200, or 800 scraps, with their classes being common, rare, epic and legendary respectively.

Starter decks for some factions are decent with some cheap purchases (Monsters and NR). A monster weather deck should be easy to make without much investment.

Is anyone else having problems finding a match? I am level 59 and I have never had issue with the matchmaking until now. It seems like I can't find a single opponent and has been something recurrent since yesterday, weird. I wonder if the number of Legendary cards you have in your deck or collection matters for your matchmaking.

I saved crafting materials and since crafting Geralt Igni and Regis, I am having problems finding a an opponent when that wasn't the case before crafting both cards.


Is anyone else having problems finding a match? I am level 59 and I have never had issue with the matchmaking until now. It seems like I can't find a single opponent and has been something recurrent since yesterday, weird. I wonder if the number of Legendary cards you have in your deck or collection matters for your matchmaking.

I saved crafting materials and since crafting Geralt Igni and Regis, I am having problems finding a an opponent when that wasn't the case before crafting both cards.

Had issues yesterday as well, haven't had the time to play today, lvl 49


Is anyone else having problems finding a match? I am level 59 and I have never had issue with the matchmaking until now.

Level 34, can't find a match either. I think it's bugged overall right now. I don't think it's about not finding a an opponent to match. Could be wrong though.

Edit: Just found a match!

Edit 2: And can't find anymore matches.
man, weather works toooo weird

like, theres the dimeritium bomb thing which im not sure i like

then if you use clear skies and youve got a dude that was affected by weather but has since been buffed above his base strength, he loses the buffs?
Had issues yesterday as well, haven't had the time to play today, lvl 49

Level 34, can't find a match either. I think it's bugged overall right now. I don't think it's about not finding a an opponent to match. Could be wrong though.

Edit: Just found a match!

Edit 2: And can't find anymore matches.

Uhmm I keep having issues, I wonder if CDRP know that there is a problem with matchmaking now, since the start of the beta I have never had a single issue with finding a game (though I did have problems with matches ending with connection issues) but now for the last hours I haven't been able to find a match and the one I did it got disconnected in seconds

man, weather works toooo weird

like, theres the dimeritium bomb thing which im not sure i like

then if you use clear skies and youve got a dude that was affected by weather but has since been buffed above his base strength, he loses the buffs?

Yeah pretty much. If you buff someone in weather when removing the weather (either by clear sky or the ending of the round) the unit will return to it base level unless they are promoted before the clear sky. The same applies to buff made when the weather is still on the battlefield if you used Dimeritium Bomb.

Dimeritium bomb is better for when you are ready to finish the game or your opponent passed. Clear Sky should always be used first if you want to buff the units, though that will leave you open for more weather.


Uhmm I keep having issues, I wonder if CDRP know that there is a problem with matchmaking now, since the start of the beta I have never had a single issue with finding a game (though I did have problems with matches ending with connection issues) but now for the last hours I haven't been able to find a match and the one I did it got disconnected in seconds

Browsed the official forums a bit, seems to be widespread issue. This similar thing happened to me yesterday or day before also.

Edit: Also talked about in Reddit, even people with low levels having the same issues. So it's definitely a bug and not that there aren't worthy opponents.


There is some kind of auto-win method if you use Eithne on Regis. Game gives an out of sync message and ends the match, granting the win to the Eithne user.


Unconfirmed Member
Played around a bit I like how Gwent feels, way less outrageous rng swing like in Hearthstone.
That doesn't mean rng doesn't happen but right now it rarely feels like total bs, rly the only time that I called foul in 10-15 games is when a monster player somehow had their Eredin survive 3 rounds among a shit ton of minions every time.

All the other cases it feels more like ok it he got a little lucky but I can still make up for it with good play. Only other thing though is that I've faced 2 enemies that just seemed to have far better card quality than me. Dunno maybe they just totally countered my shitty monster deck by coincidence but both of those decks(northern realm/skellige) just demolished my monster deck cleanly. Didn't really feel like I could counter play them with the stuff I had.
Games are getting super tough now, I don't think I can do 3 levels a day anymore unless I play for hours on end going 50/50 like this. Should have just settled on making 1 good deck instead of shopping around for every faction Running into a lot of people with more or less complete decks. If I look at the board and think, "I hope they don't have (blank)" they definitely have it.


Some info on upcoming patch. Hell yes on 600 scraps :D

Never got any non-standard leaders so no scraps for me. If you got lucky with one that's almost a legendary of your choice for doing nothing. Surprised they aren't giving the milling value tbh


I have Henselt and Radovid, so should be getting 1200 scraps from that. Have about 400 saved up, so thats 2 legendaries sorted.

Since cards are getting rebalanced, it would be wise to not rush in.


Oof, got to pick between Yennefer and Lugos, picked Lugos. Regretting it already. I feel I don't have enough certain silver and gold cards in Skellige to make Lugos really viable.
Oof, got to pick between Yennefer and Lugos, picked Lugos. Regretting it already. I feel I don't have enough certain silver and gold cards in Skellige to make Lugos really viable.

Lugos is probably the only expensive thing you need for Skellige. Craft Sigrdrifa, Ermion, Svanrige, Birna Bran and The Last Wish if you're loaded and you're pretty much done. Skellige is not very expensive to get going. Even without The Last Wish you can chew threw most of your deck and get Lugos buff as fuck.


Gold Member
They really need to fix the UI. It's unintuitive on every level, and doesn't look particularly attractive. I love gwent in Witcher 3. This... Not so much. I know this isn't a very constructive post, but I don't even know where to start describing how bad the UI is, it's just through and through bad.


They really need to fix the UI. It's unintuitive on every level, and doesn't look particularly attractive. I love gwent in Witcher 3. This... Not so much. I know this isn't a very constructive post, but I don't even know where to start describing how bad the UI is, it's just through and through bad.

I barely played any Gwent in Wither 3 and had no issue with the UI at all. Be a little more specific, because I really fail to see what part is unintuitive.


Lugos is probably the only expensive thing you need for Skellige. Craft Sigrdrifa, Ermion, Svanrige, Birna Bran and The Last Wish if you're loaded and you're pretty much done. Skellige is not very expensive to get going. Even without The Last Wish you can chew threw most of your deck and get Lugos buff as fuck.

Mork is pretty good as well, but wouldn't be my first card to craft


Lugos is probably the only expensive thing you need for Skellige. Craft Sigrdrifa, Ermion, Svanrige, Birna Bran and The Last Wish if you're loaded and you're pretty much done. Skellige is not very expensive to get going. Even without The Last Wish you can chew threw most of your deck and get Lugos buff as fuck.

Thanks for the tip! I have plenty of scraps, need to check those out.
oh my god, johnny can give you a copy of a unit that was promoted

edit: welllll.... while i was initially disappointed about trading my geralt for a trebuchet, that did kinda win me the match due to avoiding the philippa on geralt............


Damn, so many nerfs! Phillipa, Trebuchets, Priscilla, Medics, etc. Even Skellige's buffs got nerfed. Dimeritium now counters promote.

I want to see if NR and SCO got any weather immune cards or not.
Nerf for you! nerf for me! nerf for everyone!

They overreacted with Philippa, typical game developer behavior. His unique thing was being able to affect gold cards, dropping that makes her less interesting and also doubling her power is too much.


Thank god for the NR nerfs. Foltest decks with stacked siege leading to a final round Phillipa were getting boring as hell to play against.

Not surprised at the medic nerfs. I always thought the chain revives were kinda bullshit even with the much more limited card mechanics in W3.


Yeah, I am not sure it is worthwhile to have Phillipa now. They overnerfed her, especially considering Dimeritium bomb now resets Golds, so that would have been an adequate counter to Phillipa.


They need to change Lugo's to base strength. Might as well make Sig base as well without the Freya chain.


Nooooo just as I gotten Phillipa and
use her in many matches to my victory.

So far I'm enjoying my time with the beta and wish they can improve the matchmaking as I encounter frequent drop when finding a worthy opponent.
Philippa is still good although not an auto-include anymore. Can easily turn a buff row to 12 and some change then graveyard them with another card (lacerate/tremors). There are gold damaging cards but they're all single target, she was a weird outlier in that sense since she could effect multiple cards. I think they had the right idea, golds shouldn't have been effected en masse by anything.

RIP Lugos, glad I never bought the card and I was close. Cerys is gonna be a juggernaut now since she gets buffed to base strength. Play her in round 2 at 15 or whatever as a gold then bring her back again next round with Queensguard at 19. I've switched to a more weather resistant Skellige deck so even with as buff as Cerys is with this change I like the consistency of pirates + boats.


Haha, luckily I didn't go all out crafting with the Lugos deck yet. Liking these balance changes so far. Though I was hoping that more cards would also be added.
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