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GWENT closed beta now underway

Gwent is just about unplayable for me at the moment, something introduced with the latest patch has made it so that I can't consistently access deck builder anymore without the entire game crashing. Uninstalled, reinstalled, and after a few matches I got hit with the crash again. Playing the same decks over and over wears on you after a while.

Gwent is just about unplayable for me at the moment, something introduced with the latest patch has made it so that I can't consistently access deck builder anymore without the entire game crashing. Uninstalled, reinstalled, and after a few matches I got hit with the crash again. Playing the same decks over and over wears on you after a while.


I think I saw something about this bug, is your system locale language set to something other than English? Someone complained that they set theirs to Japanese and it crashed for them.
So goddamn mad at myself right now. I instinctively forfeited on the last play of the game, I had 19 to 18 and opponent played the last card. Renew. Just instantly hit "Esc" then forfeited when I saw it come up on the screen. There was a slight delay when I realized that the only gold card he played that game was Geralt, who I demoted. So there was nothing to revived and I would have won.
I think I saw something about this bug, is your system locale language set to something other than English? Someone complained that they set theirs to Japanese and it crashed for them.

Huh, yeah mine is set to Japanese as well. That's annoying, I'll give it a try to see if switching it changes things for me. Thanks for the tip.


So goddamn mad at myself right now. I instinctively forfeited on the last play of the game, I had 19 to 18 and opponent played the last card. Renew. Just instantly hit "Esc" then forfeited when I saw it come up on the screen. There was a slight delay when I realized that the only gold card he played that game was Geralt, who I demoted. So there was nothing to revived and I would have won.

I had something similar to this. Score was 1-1 in rounds. Both only had 1 card left, my last one was Geralt: Igni. I saved it for last to kill a big card and I would have won. I place it on the melee row instead of the row it was on. Was about to forfeit but his last card was a blank and I won by 1 point lol.
I had an opponent forfeit in a match that should have ended in a draw.

I had 3 cards and my opponent had 1. They play first. I play scorch. They forfeit. But my last 2 cards were alzurs thunder and a thunderbolt potion.


Yeah, people are weird. I had an opponent forfeit after frosting my melee row to cause a tie. All I had left was a super buffed Yarpen who I had cast in the previous round but problem was he had a 2-3 card advantage and better yet had already won round one.

Also, I've had a couple of games, particularly against a certain guy on ranked who runs Radovid control, where my opponent played so well in a GM way (in their example, predicted my reactions to his card plays with ambushes, didn't overly abuse Baron demotion, etc) but I ended up with card advantage in the last round with the chance to tie the score via Eithne + Milva cheese and a lucky Rally RNG. I decided my opponent deserved the victory for playing a much better game then me, so I forfeited to prevent a draw out of respect. I don't know though, gf thinks I'm super weird for doing that sort of shit but never GG'ing PFI decks.


Saving those literal seconds before getting into the next match is more important than winning obviously. I never forfeit unless the person is being a douche and playing more after I've already lost.


Well, after opening somewhere around 300 kegs since the start of the beta, I finally have my third Dol Blathanna Trapper. Yay. I miss the old art.
Against my better judgement I spent 800 scraps to craft Ciri: Dash, after seeing variants of this deck in action:


You can actually bring her out pretty reliably twice a match with savvy application of the blacklisting rules for when you redraw cards. Her being a sizable body, in addition to the Roach she brings with her, actually helps a lot in the Scoia'tael mirror match, since gold strength is so good to have in the mirror match.

The metagame's always changing, but as of right now I think Scoia'tael is top faction, closely followed by Northern Realms. Skellige and Monsters are behind those two, but close to each other, with maybe Skellige slightly ahead but not by much. Both Scoia'tael and Northern Realms have decks that are super consistent because they can run through the entire deck, and they don't really give up explosive potential in strength for it either. (ST with Hawker Healer on stacked rows and NR with Reaver Scouts/Medic chaining filling up the board). For me ST has an easier time getting card advantage, and being able to make the last move is so powerful, whether it be an Aeromancy, a Milva bounce, or an Aard/Igni, that ST often has the upper hand, even though NR being able to fill the board with gold strength is good too.

I hope the next patch CDPR reduces the ability of both ST and NR to consistently go through their entire deck. Elven Merc being able to run through the deck with First Light chaining and Reaver Scouts being able to summon friendly units seems a bit too strong.


Curently Im climbing ranked with a ST deck based around Isengrim, and Elven Wardancers. Win the first round with the wardancers and traps. Win the second round with Commando Neophytes and Ele'Yas.

Though this all hinges on being able to reliably draw Isengrim.
Against my better judgement I spent 800 scraps to craft Ciri: Dash, after seeing variants of this deck in action:


You can actually bring her out pretty reliably twice a match with savvy application of the blacklisting rules for when you redraw cards. Her being a sizable body, in addition to the Roach she brings with her, actually helps a lot in the Scoia'tael mirror match, since gold strength is so good to have in the mirror match.

The metagame's always changing, but as of right now I think Scoia'tael is top faction, closely followed by Northern Realms. Skellige and Monsters are behind those two, but close to each other, with maybe Skellige slightly ahead but not by much. Both Scoia'tael and Northern Realms have decks that are super consistent because they can run through the entire deck, and they don't really give up explosive potential in strength for it either. (ST with Hawker Healer on stacked rows and NR with Reaver Scouts/Medic chaining filling up the board). For me ST has an easier time getting card advantage, and being able to make the last move is so powerful, whether it be an Aeromancy, a Milva bounce, or an Aard/Igni, that ST often has the upper hand, even though NR being able to fill the board with gold strength is good too.

I hope the next patch CDPR reduces the ability of both ST and NR to consistently go through their entire deck. Elven Merc being able to run through the deck with First Light chaining and Reaver Scouts being able to summon friendly units seems a bit too strong.

I've been playing NR lately (we ran into each other earlier) and I'm really noticing how cleanly you can sift through your deck between Reaver Scouts/Priscilla/King of Beggars. You've gotta work really hard for your cards as Skellige which makes me wonder why they messed around with Ermion and Svanrige. There are still cases where I don't get Priscilla or King of Beggars but it's rare to get neither. Usually I end up with 3 or 4 cards by the last round and if I can bounce some enemy spies I can draw the whole deck. Scoia'tael is even more efficient I've noticed. There was one point where I looked at the opponents deck during the first round and he had 7 cards remaining which is nuts. By last round with Francesca you've pretty much got exactly what you want.

Rally being introduced was a good thing as far as not punishing people planning against weather but it gets a bit too much mileage with ST.


Against my better judgement I spent 800 scraps to craft Ciri: Dash, after seeing variants of this deck in action:

Haha, always so weird running into people from in game elsewhere. Your SK deck is a fucking terror by the way.

I was super surprised when you dropped out Ciri:Dash first round, doubly so when Roach popped out too. I've been thinking of making a roach/shroom centered deck so by round 3, I was like why have I never thought of the ST deck thinning plus Dash combo haha. Sorry that my deck wasn't too interesting, I just login to grab kegs these days so running a pretty boring face roll bar clays spam dwarf deck.

Actually speaking of which, is anyone else not bothering with ranked anymore due to the state it's in right now? I just do quickplay these days, got sick of running into nothing but PFI or people that would exploit bugs to crash the game the minute they started losing.
Haha, always so weird running into people from in game elsewhere. Your SK deck is a fucking terror by the way.

I was super surprised when you dropped out Ciri:Dash first round, doubly so when Roach popped out too. I've been thinking of making a roach/shroom centered deck so by round 3, I was like why have I never thought of the ST deck thinning plus Dash combo haha. Sorry that my deck wasn't too interesting, I just login to grab kegs these days so running a pretty boring face roll bar clays spam dwarf deck.

Actually speaking of which, is anyone else not bothering with ranked anymore due to the state it's in right now? I just do quickplay these days, got sick of running into nothing but PFI or people that would exploit bugs to crash the game the minute they started losing.

Oh cool, I sent you a friend invite on GoG Hoggert, and toastyToast already sent me an invite too :) Nice running into you guys.

Yeah I stopped playing ranked because I was getting frustrated with 1. being bugged out of wins and 2. being matched up against people 2 full ranks below me. Too much risk, not enough reward for now, so I'll just stick to casual play. :) Also the NR deck with Reaver Scout/medic chaining and ST decks take a lot of practice to play efficiently ( having to remember what else is left in your deck, what you'll pull when you play a card like First Light/King of Beggars etc ) , so it's good to get practice in Casual then bring that confidence into Ranked.


Still have 3 slots open in the GAF Gwent Tournament!

Quote to get the link and can add yourself.

Also I just got Johnny in a pack yay.


Good game waxinlyrical! Saskia is such a meh gold, but I'm replaying W2 with my gf so I wanted to give her a try for a bit. Funnily enough quickplay threw me into a match with a level 3 who did the idle bug that makes you forfeit the game before our one.
Good game waxinlyrical! Saskia is such a meh gold, but I'm replaying W2 with my gf so I wanted to give her a try for a bit. Funnily enough quickplay threw me into a match with a level 3 who did the idle bug that makes you forfeit the game before our one.

I totally did not expect you to replay Saskia with Eithne. I rarely even see the card, I just was not expecting it to be played twice either. Good game! :)


Thinking to craft either Renew or King Of Beggars next. Playing a NR deck since I have enough good cards for that, both Renew or King Of Beggars fit in well there I would think. Both neutral too.


I ran into a Foltest Reinforced Trebuchet deck similar to the ones quite a few people played in the beginning of the beta before their nerf. It's still surprisingly strong if you run an aggro deck with crap control like me; Henselt reinforced ballista levels of "well, let's try to win at least one round for the dailies!"

Plus had to choose Zoltan: Animal Trainer a while back due to wonderful RNG giving me a choice of him plus two legendaries I had just crafted, buuuut damn him plus Eithne with a Commanders Horn is amazing for third round bullshit.

Thinking to craft either Renew or King Of Beggars next. Playing a NR deck since I have enough good cards for that, both Renew or King Of Beggars fit in well there I would think. Both neutral too.

Renew is annoyingly awesome with Shani, Kayran, and some of the other round defining Golds. But Beggars is damn fine too, free Priscilla, medic, or Nenneke.
I got lucky with a progression milestone giving me King of Beggars. Pretty great card. Between him and Priscilla you can do some serious deck thinning. Also a good safety net for getting Priscilla in the first place. Plus if you're smart about keeping track of what you have he's a really good res target.

Unless you do PFI cheese and wanna double Shani I think you're better off with KoB.


I found Radovid in a barrel yesterday and for shits and giggles I created a highly aggressive deck with him. Basically populated with siege engines and damaging special cards, with medics, Shani, and a reinforcement and promotion card thrown in.

It's proving to be surprisingly effective in ranked.

I've named the deck "Mad Rad".
I beat Dunkoro in casual match testing a Monsters Geel's deck, with my crappy Skellige Harald + Yen + Archers deck. Then the keg I managed to buy off the GG sent by him had a premium Caretaker in it.
Just had a great match where my opponent beat himself in the first round. Me as NR, him as ST.

1) I start with Baron to spawn a Botchling.
2) He puts down a trap.
3) I assume its Fireball (correct) and put down a Kaedweni Sargent since its 6str to demote my Baron.
4) He plays Blue Mountain Commando to reset his Fireball Trap.
5) I pass with a 13-4 lead.
6) He plays Elven Mercenary, spawns Nature's Gift which is a dead card since no special cards have been played to that point.
7) He plays another Blue Mountain Commando on the Mercenary, which spawns Decoy that he uses on a Blue Mountain Commando.
8) Plays Blue Mountain Commando again on the Mercenary, this times spawns a First Light, First Light spawns another trap (probably another Fireball Trap, which is also a dead card at this point).
9). Player forfeits.
Traps really aren't that good since they don't contribute anything to your side of the board. Even if they put a half ass gold card down you're more or less 2 cards behind in order to get ahead oppoenent. I don't think they see much use at high MMR

Speaking of ST I started playing some crappy deck and it seems to be working out. Get crazy card advantage and then play Milva at the end. I keep getting into trouble overdrawing though. Kind of thinking Ciri: Dash might be worth crafting. She'd also be a good way to get Roach out. Usually I have to spend a gold I otherwise don't want to.

Oh yeah and I opened a keg with Premium Milva and Henselt today. Damn Henselt looks flashy as shit but Milva get's it done so I picked her.


Yea traps are terrible it seems. Top guy I watch who plays ST mainly just chains cards and specials, with no traps at all I believe.

Also just reached Rank 2943 on the leaderboard, pretty happy with that. 77 wins 68 losses 2 draws. Think there are at least 30k people playing ranked so to be so high is pretty cool.
Traps really aren't that good since they don't contribute anything to your side of the board. Even if they put a half ass gold card down you're more or less 2 cards behind in order to get ahead oppoenent. I don't think they see much use at high MMR

Speaking of ST I started playing some crappy deck and it seems to be working out. Get crazy card advantage and then play Milva at the end. I keep getting into trouble overdrawing though. Kind of thinking Ciri: Dash might be worth crafting. She'd also be a good way to get Roach out. Usually I have to spend a gold I otherwise don't want to.

Oh yeah and I opened a keg with Premium Milva and Henselt today. Damn Henselt looks flashy as shit but Milva get's it done so I picked her.

In my match he clearly misused the traps, but they can be very valuable. If the opponent puts a trap down, my immediate assumption is Fireball, which forces me to play gold cards right away or hopefully have something higher than 5 strength. But it could be a Ciaran which would give them card advantage in the next round. Then there's stuff like playing Dragoons on Toruviel to trick your opponent into passing without a sufficient enough lead and stealing a round.


any news on the PS4 Beta ?? or the Game's launch date ?

Not much, not much info coming out lately. Also been holidays and they're busy with fixing some bugs and preparing Nilfguard and the Campaign. A small bug fix patch is confirmed soon but that's about all the concrete info out there I believe.


Yea traps are terrible it seems. Top guy I watch who plays ST mainly just chains cards and specials, with no traps at all I believe.

Also just reached Rank 2943 on the leaderboard, pretty happy with that. 77 wins 68 losses 2 draws. Think there are at least 30k people playing ranked so to be so high is pretty cool.

Oh wow, it actually goes that high? Guess I'm doing pretty well for myself, just cracked top 100 this morning.


Was almost rank 5, needed 20 more points. Face a rank 6 guy while I'm still 4. If I won that I might have been 5. But I lost and then 2 more so I'm down 500000 points again. Sigh.
So I crafted Ciri Dash as well and I'm not finding it all that consistent with Fran so far. Should I craft Brouver? If I were to use him on King of Beggars that's already 2 cards out of the deck. Then there's decoy/Yaevinn on demand. Sometimes I need to mulligan first round for another Elven Mercenary.
So I crafted Ciri Dash as well and I'm not finding it all that consistent with Fran so far. Should I craft Brouver? If I were to use him on King of Beggars that's already 2 cards out of the deck. Then there's decoy/Yaevinn on demand. Sometimes I need to mulligan first round for another Elven Mercenary.

Are you familiar with the blacklisting rules?


I've been pretty consistent in drawing Ciri:Dash twice with Francesca in a match with savvy application of those rules. Last round in particular when you've thinned your deck out enough it's almost guaranteed.
Are you familiar with the blacklisting rules?


I've been pretty consistent in drawing Ciri:Dash twice with Francesca in a match with savvy application of those rules. Last round in particular when you've thinned your deck out enough it's almost guaranteed.

I'm finding there can be games where I can't get my full merc train so I have to Francesca early. That all but guarantees I'm not getting Dash twice. Then there are times where my hand is so good Francesca is kinda useless. Not that she isn't useful most of the time (I still use her to put specials back in the deck for mercs though) but I don't think there's a scenario that Brouver wouldn't be useful. Gonna try him out although I'd have to craft him.

Speaking of this deck. Should I craft Iorveth or Triss? Iorveth can kill non-NR Ciri I guess but I can't think of too many golds you want to kill immediately. I'm not really seeing double Aglais Eithne anymore so I'm leaning towards Triss.
Speaking of this deck. Should I craft Iorveth or Triss? Iorveth can kill non-NR Ciri I guess but I can't think of too many golds you want to kill immediately. I'm not really seeing double Aglais Eithne anymore so I'm leaning towards Triss.

For this deck, Triss I think. This deck wants to pay golds early to bring Roach out so the shrooms you pull via your mercs can go on Roach. Triss only shooting for 4 instead of 6 means you can be more liberal with using her on targets without wasting any of the damage.
Also, is it normal to really like this game so much? I can't stop thinking about it. I love card games but I'm usually picky. This seems to hit everything for me and I know it's just the beta. I was playing tons of hearthstone cause it was one of the few options but it never really grabbed me like I thought it eventually would. I have played hearthstone since beta nearly everyday. With Gwent, I don't even feel like doing my quests. (I still have fun with some fun decks in Hearthstone tho) Gwent has already grabbed me and it'd be hard to mess that up I think.

Meant to edit my above post :/ had a few drinks
For this deck, Triss I think. This deck wants to pay golds early to bring Roach out so the shrooms you pull via your mercs can go on Roach. Triss only shooting for 4 instead of 6 means you can be more liberal with using her on targets without wasting any of the damage.

Cool. That makes a lot of sense. Only 400 scraps to go then

I did manage to open up a Kayran today. Missing all the other notable Monster cards so no consume deck for me yet.
Tried this add-on for Gwent out - http://www.gwent-tracker.com/

It's super useful and seems to be pretty legit. Figured I'd share since I didn't see it mentioned yet. And if I just missed it, sorry!

Yeah I've seen most of the high ranking streamers start using it. It seems only really useful to me with decks that run through your entire deck (i.e. right now ST and Dunkoro-style NR). Of course, it's not too much of a coincidence that most of the high ranking streamers are running either ST or Dunkoro-style NR! I did see recently that the tracker added an ability to see the base strength of a card by hovering over it, which is undoubtedly useful and I wish CDPR would add that functionality.

It not being open source is really the only thing that's stopping me from using it. I don't really want to take a chance that it's actually a secret keylogger etc.
Gwent-tracker seems interesting, but at only 25 cards (usually) per deck, it's not that tough to keep track of that stuff in your head.

I am curious how it works though.
I play like 15+ different decks so it helps me tremendously!

Also the base health thing is pretty cool too. At this point I know most of them but early on that would of been amazing.


2 slots left in the tournament, let's set a deadline so we can actually get going, let's give it till next week Sunday to get the last 2, if not we can start talking dates and new rules.

Quote to get the link and can add yourself. Or add in-game name!

Edit: It's my birthday and just got Radovid in a keg! After winning 3 ranked games in a row. Awesome.
2 slots left in the tournament, let's set a deadline so we can actually get going, let's give it till next week Sunday to get the last 2, if not we can start talking dates and new rules.

Quote to get the link and can add yourself. Or add in-game name!

Edit: It's my birthday and just got Radovid in a keg! After winning 3 ranked games in a row. Awesome.

Grats!! and happy birthday!


I've been doing well with my Ambush/Neophyte deck up until now. Yesterday I fell 300 points in ranked due to a long succession of poor draws. I'm drawing too many special cards and not enough units. I need to find a way to make my deck more balanced and efficient.
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