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Halo |OT5| Believe, Again

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The only issue I see with AAs being on a skittle is with Jetpacking, but that's the sacrifice you make to be able to jump and melee on the shoulder buttons, a la Reach.

But I don't want to be locked out of an entire armour ability again. I've steadfastly refused to use any control scheme other than Bumper Jumper in Reach and as a result I've used the jetpack about three times. Once however, for the opening of Uncaged, I spawned blue. For the lols I decided to switch to default and use the jetpack to have quick access to the sniper. Wow the jetpack was an eye opener. I used it for a few minutes more in the match (I was messing up often due to button configuration confusion) and it completely broke the map open; if it was more amenable to the bumper jumper config I'd use it often.

So, with that said, I don't want to be locked out of an AA for another Halo game. I don't want to be punished for using Bumper Jumper...

It's called Bumper Jumper. So the jumping part is indispensable. Here's how I'd have a BJ type control scheme in Halo 4:

LT- grenades
RT- shoot

LB- jump

Y- switch weapon
B- melee
A- pick up weapon/reload
X- sprint

LS- crouch
RS- zoom

Up on D-pad - switch grenades

It's not ideal but it allows for actions that need to be on bumper in order to be used in tandem with the joysticks.

The other BJ suggestions are fine if you're not intending to use the jetpack but now sprint is universal it's more essential to have it access to it.

Fankie pls
But I don't want to be locked out of an entire armour ability again. I've steadfastly refused to use any control scheme other than Bumper Jumper in Reach and as a result I've used the jetpack about three times. Once however, for the opening of Uncaged, I spawned blue. For the lols I decided to switch to default and use the jetpack to have quick access to the sniper. Wow the jetpack was an eye opener. I used it for a few minutes more in the match (I was messing up often due to button configuration confusion) and it completely broke the map open; if it was more amenable to the bumper jumper config I'd use it often.

So, with that said, I don't want to be locked out of an AA for another Halo game. I don't want to be punished for using Bumper Jumper...

It's called Bumper Jumper. So the jumping part is indispensable. Here's how I'd have a BJ type control scheme in Halo 4:

LT- grenades
RT- shoot

LB- jump

Y- switch weapon
B- melee
A- switch weapons
X- sprint

LS- crouch
RS- zoom

Up on D-pad - switch grenades

It's not ideal but it allows for actions that need to be on bumper in order to be used in tandem with the joysticks.

The other BJ suggestions are fine if you're not intending to use the jetpack but now sprint is universal it's more essential to have it access to it.

Fankie pls
How does one reload in this configuration :lol
Wouldn't you rather sprint with A and reload with X?

Those two are interchangeable really. I put sprint on X because I'm used to that in Reach but either way could work. The important part of my proposed scheme is that jump and AA's are on the bumpers and melee moves to B.

Edit: Maybe have a Bumper Jumper sub menu within which slight differences are available: classic BJ, Neo BJ, Neo Nu-BJ etc


It didn't add another layer of skill.


It may have done nothing from the casual side of things and I can understand why that could be said but from the competitive side it added so much more depth for players, even giving them personalities among the community (with Walshy clawing). Some button glitches did vary in skill like nade reloading to double shotting.

With that said you can't purposely put mistakes into game, Halo 1/2 glitches were flukes that just benefited some players and the competitive community.

Neighbor & Elamite Talk Halo 4 Multiplayer from E3


343 should just let us map our buttons. If you really want to prove that player customization is great in Halo 4 let us adjust the controls and HUD for once because there's practically no console which does that. Give Cyren his aim acceleration slider, give Gabo the option to remove half of his HUD and give me the option to turn Bumper Jumper into a configuration that isn't terrible.

Step it up, 343.
343 should just let us map our buttons. If you really want to prove that player customization is great in Halo 4 let us adjust the controls and HUD for once because there's practically no console which does that. Give Cyren his aim acceleration slider, give Gabo the option to remove half of this HUD and give me the option to turn Bumper Jumper into a configuration that isn't terrible.

Step it up, 343.
Yeah, and while you're at it, give me this:
RT: Betrayal Boot
RB: Jump
RS: Settings/Loadouts

LT: Sprint
LB: Switch Weapon
LS: Score board

A: Melee
B: Switch Grenade
X: Switch Grenade
Y: Use AA

DPAD-U: Scope
DPAD-D: Fire
DPAD-L: Crouch
DPAD-R: Reload/Action

BACK: Throw Grenade
START: Ordnance


"Kill streaks" are only in Infinity Slayer -- I don't see why they were arguing about it...

Their ignorance was actually rather depressing.

Reading and talking to people that don't follow Halo 4 news they think this is what Halo 4 will be all about. Just have to clear up what it means for people.


I wouldn't call it ignorance, talking to people that don't follow Halo 4 news they think this is what Halo 4 will be all about. Just have to clear up what it means.

Yeah it's not like they played the game and got to talk to the developers


Yeah it's not like they played the game and got to talk to the developers

I'm not defending them, I'm just saying it's a common misconception among casuals and people that don't follow Halo 4. Yes it's laughable from us because we (somewhat) know what is going on in Halo 4 but I don't think a lot of the guys going into this knew nothing more than the BR/DMR are back.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

I'll be honest, the first thing I thought when hearing their complaints was it sounds an awful lot like Kyle's points.

Lets hope 343 is listening, because they can't afford to alienate that community either.

"Kill streaks" are only in Infinity Slayer -- I don't see why they were arguing about it...

Their ignorance was actually rather depressing.

Wasn't really ignorance, they are commenting on what they experienced. It isn't their fault that's all they got to play. They did acknowledge what it was, and said that they basically don't know how H4 will work competitively.

I really appreciated their comments on level design, which again, mirrored Kyle's points.


Getting around to watching all the MLG videos; aesthetically, Haven's a bit of a stinker. Seems like it'll be really drab to play for a few hundred times. Seems too dark.

Luckily Adrift is like the antithesis of this.


343 should just let us map our buttons. If you really want to prove that player customization is great in Halo 4 let us adjust the controls and HUD for once because there's practically no console which does that. Give Cyren his aim acceleration slider, give Gabo the option to remove half of his HUD and give me the option to turn Bumper Jumper into a configuration that isn't terrible.

Step it up, 343.

What? You're going to ruin the Definitive Vision of Halo that the developer's intended. Shame on you.

I do find it funny that HaloGAF is so opposed to BXR but likes most of the Halo 4 footage we've seen. Button combos that can only be pulled off by decent people (which, again is yet another thing that wouldn't matter if matchmaking worked) = bad. Riot shields and x-ray vision = could be interesting! I hope Halo 4 has BXR equivalents, because everything else is being watered down for scrub safety. Recoil and 5 shot BR + less aim magnetism? Will the AR suffer the same fate? My guess is not. Hell now you get points for running out into the open and dying.

Increasingly I see people get more and more upset with things that require a considerable amount of skill to pull off, forgetting that the game they play is a competitive FPS (yes, even BTB). Halo is about shooting other people in the face until they groan and collapse on the ground. It's about outsmarting and outthinking your oponnent. I don't see the difference between BXR and YY, or quick scoping, or cancelling reload, or Gandhi hopping, or Strongsiding, or twitching the last DMR shot, or predicting spawns, or setting up to push, or any number of actions that give me an "unfair" advantage over the other team. I don't see how anyone could find BXR unfair while salivating at the prospect of using an ordnance killstreak for playing well. Do I specifically want BXR in Halo 4? I don't have strong feelings one way or another about it, but you cannot sit there and champion bloom or other gun characteristics as adding an extra layer of skill to the game, while blowing off the layer of complexity that BXR added to high level Halo.

Not surprising that these two completely get it.


I really appreciated their comments on level design, which again, mirrored Kyle's points.
I think the best example of what they were talking about it the difference between Lockout and Blackout. Then first is simple, sleek and smooth, the second is cluttered, has unnecessary ledges, railings, and small things sticking out everywhere. I honestly don't get why they still keep making maps in that human theme, it looks terrible (grey, brown, black all day, every day) and way too cluttered. Themes like Forerunner, Human Alexandria and Covenant are so much smoother, simpler and much more appealing to the eye.
Getting around to watching all the MLG videos; aesthetically, Haven's a bit of a stinker. Seems like it'll be really drab to play for a few hundred times. Seems too dark.

Luckily Adrift is like the antithesis of this.
MLG switched around the names. The Forerunner map is Haven and Adrift is the human-themed map.
I'm not defending them, I'm just saying it's a common misconception among casuals and people that don't follow Halo 4. Yes it's laughable from us because we (somewhat) know what is going on in Halo 4 but I don't think a lot of the guys going into this knew nothing more than the BR/DMR are back.
If someone were watching that video, having not known anything about Halo 4, they would come out with a very poor idea of what the game actually is, as well as a whole heap of misconceptions in their head.

Yes, they covered a few points I agree with, but the fact that they (when I say they, I'm generally pointing out Neighbor, I agreed with most of what Elamite said.) undermined most of the features; "perks", "random", "master chief", "call of duty", "competitive", all terms that were used poorly imo.
I can see button combos becoming really relevant for competitive players but a pain in the ass for the average joe who just wants to sit and play some halo just to get his ass kicked by some button wizardy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If someone were watching that video, having not known nothing about Halo 4, they would come out with a very poor idea of what the game actually is, as well as a whole heap of misconceptions in their head.

Lets be honest, the likelihood of someone not knowing anything about Halo 4, then watching Halo pros talk about Halo 4 is pretty unlikely. This video is geared to people invested and interested deeply in Halo 4.
Lets be honest, the likelihood of someone not knowing anything about Halo 4, then watching Halo pros talk about Halo 4 is pretty unlikely. This video is geared to people invested and interested deeply in Halo 4.
Logically, yes. But not always true in practice.

Neighbor seriously hit a nerve with me though. For an experienced player, the way he spoke about the game, sounded like he didn't know anything about Halo 4 before he played it.
If someone were watching that video, having not known anything about Halo 4, they would come out with a very poor idea of what the game actually is, as well as a whole heap of misconceptions in their head.

Yes, they covered a few points I agree with, but the fact that they (when I say they, I'm generally pointing out Neighbor, I agreed with most of what Elamite said.) undermined most of the features; "perks", "random", "master chief", "call of duty", "competitive", all terms that were used poorly imo.

The average scrub in the street, which is what halo 4 (along with the majority of other blockbuster IP's) is aimed at, would use the exact same vernacular. The additions to the Halo 4 sandbox such as specialisations, personal ordinance drops, sprint, instant respawns, text in the middle of the screen, among others, are explicitly designed to attract the Call of Duty and or Battlefield crowd, games that are both above Halo Reach as it stands today.

The average COD fan that gives a cursory glance at Halo 4 will see specialisations as 'perks' and personal ordinance drops as 'care packages'.

This is the reality of normal people talking about Halo 4, not Halo nuts like us on HaloGAF who sit here f5ing the thread periodically throughout the day, everyday.
Average joes are gonna get pooped on regardless.
Gotta give them a chance lol

The average scrub in the street, which is what halo 4 (along with the majority of other blockbuster IP's) is aimed at, would use the exact same vernacular. The additions to the Halo 4 sandbox such as specialisations, personal ordinance drops, sprint, instant respawns, text in the middle of the screen, among others, are explicitly designed to attract the Call of Duty and or Battlefield crowd, games that are both above Halo Reach as it stands today.

The average COD fan that gives a cursory glance at Halo 4 will see specialisations as 'perks' and personal ordinance drops as 'care packages'.

This is the reality of normal people talking about Halo 4, not Halo nuts like us on HaloGAF who sit here f5ing the thread periodically throughout the day, everyday.
You speak the truth sir.
The average scrub in the street, which is what halo 4 (along with the majority of other blockbuster IP's) is aimed at, would use the exact same vernacular. The additions to the Halo 4 sandbox such as specialisations, personal ordinance drops, sprint, instant respawns, text in the middle of the screen, among others, are explicitly designed to attract the Call of Duty and or Battlefield crowd, games that are both above Halo Reach as it stands today.

The average COD fan that gives a cursory glance at Halo 4 will see specialisations as 'perks' and personal ordinance drops as 'care packages'.

This is the reality of normal people talking about Halo 4, not Halo nuts like us on HaloGAF who sit here f5ing the thread periodically throughout the day, everyday.
Yes, you're right. But he didn't make it apparent that "kill streaks"/"care packages" are only in a SINGLE gametype, he implied that it was default, and even questioned if you can disable it...

Average joes are gonna get pooped on regardless.
Haha, true. But button 'combos' are not combos, they are glitches--exploits. Just sayin'.
The average scrub in the street, which is what halo 4 (along with the majority of other blockbuster IP's) is aimed at, would use the exact same vernacular. The additions to the Halo 4 sandbox such as specialisations, personal ordinance drops, sprint, instant respawns, text in the middle of the screen, among others, are explicitly designed to attract the Call of Duty and or Battlefield crowd, games that are both above Halo Reach as it stands today.

The average COD fan that gives a cursory glance at Halo 4 will see specialisations as 'perks' and personal ordinance drops as 'care packages'.

This is the reality of normal people talking about Halo 4, not Halo nuts like us on HaloGAF who sit here f5ing the thread periodically throughout the day, everyday.

The truth right here folks.
Yes, you're right. But he didn't make it apparent that "kill streaks"/"care packages" are only in a SINGLE gametype, he implied that it was default, and even questioned if you can disable it...

Yea, he's not on top of it as much as HaloGAF. For your own sanity though, I'd recommend trying not to get upset by people having misconceptions about Halo 4. They're adding a lot of things to the game and normal people are going to be confused right up until they have the game in their Xbox. I mean, I'm confused about a some things in the game and I read practically every post made here. For instance, is Infinity Slayer the new 'Team Slayer', the games basic vanilla slayer offering or are the 'random' weapon drop pods (that are unrelated to individual performance) the default standard?


Neo Member
Average joes are gonna get pooped on regardless.

at least they should, but not so much from h3 and reach gameplay, the spread of the h3 br made it somewhat random at times and the bloom in reach made it extremely random that anybody can kill anybody, depending on if your bullet went straight or not
Being 'combos' and glitches are not mutually exclusive.
Correct, but combo implies that they are intentionally programmed to me, i.e. not glitches.

Yea, he's not on top of it as much as HaloGAF. For your own sanity though, I'd recommend trying not to get upset by people having misconceptions about Halo 4. They're adding a lot of things to the game and normal people are going to be confused right up until they have the game in their Xbox. I mean, I'm confused about a some things in the game and I read practically every post made here. For instance, is Infinity Slayer the new 'Team Slayer', the games basic vanilla slayer offering or are the 'random' weapon drop pods (that are unrelated to individual performance) the default standard?
I know, I know. I'm overreacting because I'm tired ;)

As far as I can tell, Infinity slayer is currently the default, but by no means the only regular. I don't think they're far along in development & testing to know what will stick.


Unconfirmed Member
But I don't want to be locked out of an entire armour ability again. I've steadfastly refused to use any control scheme other than Bumper Jumper in Reach and as a result I've used the jetpack about three times. Once however, for the opening of Uncaged, I spawned blue. For the lols I decided to switch to default and use the jetpack to have quick access to the sniper. Wow the jetpack was an eye opener. I used it for a few minutes more in the match (I was messing up often due to button configuration confusion) and it completely broke the map open; if it was more amenable to the bumper jumper config I'd use it often.

So, with that said, I don't want to be locked out of an AA for another Halo game. I don't want to be punished for using Bumper Jumper...
Someone else in HaloGAF (can't remember who) came up with the perfect solution. Take the current Halo 3 / Reach Bumper Jumper configuration, but make these changes:

A Button - AAs
Up on D-pad - Switch Grenades
And double tap jump to use jetpack.

This would be sooooo good. Unless there's other AAs that require the button to be held down that we don't know about yet.

Edit : I do agree, though, if any action gets knocked off the bumpers, it needs to be melee. Shooting, grenading, jumping, and quite possibly AAs are all more vital.
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