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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Raide said:
I guess the problem with the advert is that they cannot really make it too horrific. Showing how the humans got trained and turned into Spartans could be a little rough. :lol


1. Show kid being taken away from parents.
2. Show kid being trained as a soldier.
3. Show man being injected.
4. Show fellow Spartans being sick and dying around him.
5. Show him getting his suit.
6. Show him heading out to a battle as a Spartan.

Done. That already has more emotional impact than this commercial does and I haven't even shown you anything.
My understanding with the Arena was that continuing to play after you have your Rating can only make you go up (or stay roughly where you are, I suppose). The ways you go down are out of your control, because you only go down when people with higher ratings jump ahead of you... likely because they're continuing to play and improve on their rating while you're resting on your laurels (in this case, the few games you fluked a strong rating in).

This is right, right? If so, it's awesome.


JoeMartin said:
So the birth of a Spartan is getting some needles stuck in you and shot up with roids?

Why isn't every soldier a Spartan?

Yeah, it's weird that the advert for ODST makes it seem like every ODST is basically some super crazy person that goes through a whole lot of shit to get to where they are. Yet the current one makes it seem like any bored teenager can become a super soldier as long as they lay down on a table and get shot up with 'roids.
I been watching more gameplay vids from the beta and so far all the assassinations have weak sound effects, compared to the awesome halo melee crunch sounds the games have always had. Assassinations sound like someone slurping soup.
Begin rant:
Ugh, I heart Social Skirmish. I pulled an all nighter on a project and decided to reward myself with some halo 3. Neutral Assault on Valhalla. Sounds awesome right? It would have been, but it matched me and 3 randoms who, like me, are low 40's at best with a party of 4 generals and a brig. Naturally, as Darwin might argue, the stronger opponents dominated throughout, causing 2 of my teammates to retreat back to their unworthy domains.
I tried to stick it out honestly I did, but it was spawn and die, wash, rinse and repeat. The last straw came when one wary grenade caught sight of my ally damaging him. He turns around and betrays me. I eventually trekked to the waterfall, camped there, heard my teammate get frustrated and tell the other team where I was so I left haha. Fun times :/

Less than a week!


At the risk of second guessing Reach's marketing team, I believe a short film made for a commercial purpose should teach uninformed viewers something about the product's lore at the same time it entertains them and stirs up interest.

The extended ad is slightly better. If I had to choose only one point to criticize, the procedure as shown seems not to match the Spartan augmentation process The Fall of Reach describes. Assuming I'm mistaken and every last detail fits the Halo Story Bible to the letter, it can still be said that the ad provides only the briefest glimpse of Carter's augmentation. Most of the scenes occur in a generic antiseptic facility. The passage of time is difficult to track. Few hints are given about Carter's daily routine. As a result, the viewer is left to assume all sorts of things that are bound to lead to confusion later on. If Carter was meant to have been submitting to injections as one step in a series of increasingly invasive medical procedures, that should have been made clear. If he wasn't going to receive his armor shortly after he looked at it through the glass, that should have been made clear. The ad is misleading to non-lore nerds and disappointing to me as someone who takes Halo's plot seriously enough to follow.

I have no doubt Reach's ad campaign will improve as it progress, and will probably correct most misconceptions brought about by the first short, but it could have had a much better start.
I can see why they didn't air the full vesion. Almost got sick/fainted after seeing them needles... You can hack guys faces off, blow chunks off their bodies and I'll be grand... put a needle in 'em slowly and I seize up :p
Dax01 said:
Notice how I didn't was any space in that post to mention that I went +18.

Damn I'm modest. It was nothing at all. Really!

Happy now? :p


UltimaPooh said:
Yeah the commercial was devoid of anything relating to the Spartan program in "The Fall of Reach."

You're supposed to feel torn up about a Spartan becoming a Spartan, they were taken from their families at a young age and have been trained since then and experimented on using various genetic enhancements.

The commercial never made me feel that, and why would they launch them into space over Reach to use the chemicals? Why not just do it on the damn planet?

You have to remember that the process was refined for the spartan III program. Oh and the spartan III recruits were mostly orphans and taken at a much later age, they were more expendable that way. Some probably even volunteered after the covenant destroyed their homes etc.


Yeah, that commercial was nothing compared to the ODST one. Then again, the ODST was the final advertisement for the game, this was just a 1 minute Beta advertisement =P
Has anyone seen what a mid-air jetpack assassination looks like? I hope there is one. I'd love to see a Spartan fly up behind another dude with a jetpack, rip off the fuel tube, kick him away, and watch 'em explode. Make it happen, Bungie!


Kenak said:
Yeah, that commercial was nothing compared to the ODST one. Then again, the ODST was the final advertisement for the game, this was just a 1 minute Beta advertisement =P

Yeah this is the first time we've had a commercial for a beta! A BETA!! most people don't even know what that means, it's insane. I'm scared of what microsoft has in store for the actual game...it's going to be titanic in scope.
The Wise Old Man said:
Has anyone seen what a mid-air jetpack assassination looks like? I hope there is one. I'd love to see a Spartan fly up behind another dude with a jetpack, rip off the fuel tube, kick him away, and watch 'em explode. Make it happen, Bungie!
If I got that assassination in midair I would feel like such a bad ass.


The Wise Old Man said:
Has anyone seen what a mid-air jetpack assassination looks like? I hope there is one. I'd love to see a Spartan fly up behind another dude with a jetpack, rip off the fuel tube, kick him away, and watch 'em explode. Make it happen, Bungie!
There was one similar in one joystiq video (one of the two long ones). It was not mid-air, but one spartan started to fly upwards and the other spartan kicked im back to the ground.


The ad was nice but it's not really for us. It's aimed at the average consumer. I rather discuss the game than the ad. Just one more day. Well, maybe a day and a half before we can all at least watch some streaming Reach goodness. :)


Alright 343 Industries, it's time to get the Halo movie ball running. While the latest Halo live action wasn't great, the two combined have greatly wet mine and I'm sure our appetite to see a Halo movie in the next 2 to 4 years. However instead of doing the usual super hero movie, eg origin story for the first half of the movie, the movie should start with a huge bang and throughout the movie we see glimpses of the true "birth of a spartan", which ties in events that are occurring in the present time. /wet dream.

Moving on, is Elite V Elite in the BETA confirmed?
UltimaPooh said:
Yeah the commercial was devoid of anything relating to the Spartan program in "The Fall of Reach."

You're supposed to feel torn up about a Spartan becoming a Spartan, they were taken from their families at a young age and have been trained since then and experimented on using various genetic enhancements.

The commercial never made me feel that, and why would they launch them into space over Reach to use the chemicals? Why not just do it on the damn planet?

He's a Spartan 3, he wasnt stolen from his family, his family were killed and he signed up as a kid to get revenge. I would have liked to have seen more of the training but im fairly happy with the ad, as much as it doesnt show anything it alludes to it. The Spartan program was super secret and in the books they always did the augmentations in the spaceship, guess its just a consistancy thing. Plus no one can hear you scream in space :D

The thing is, clearly they cant show how brutal the program is, but just alluding to it isnt going to get through to most people. Im still enjoying it though, cant wait to see the rest.


Hydranockz said:
I can see why they didn't air the full vesion. Almost got sick/fainted after seeing them needles... You can hack guys faces off, blow chunks off their bodies and I'll be grand... put a needle in 'em slowly and I seize up :p

Same! I guess im weird, but I cant handle medical stuff like that.


bobs99 ... said:
He's a Spartan 3, he wasnt stolen from his family, his family were killed and he signed up as a kid to get revenge. I would have liked to have seen more of the training but im fairly happy with the ad, as much as it doesnt show anything it alludes to it. The Spartan program was super secret and in the books they always did the augmentations in the spaceship, guess its just a consistancy thing. Plus no one can hear you scream in space :D

The thing is, clearly they cant show how brutal the program is, but just alluding to it isnt going to get through to most people. Im still enjoying it though, cant wait to see the rest.


Its Jorge thought isn't it? He's a Spartan II.
broony said:
Its Jeorge thought isn't it? He's a Spartan II.

Nah the guy in the advert is Carter. You know what, without us having played the game, and having no feel for who these guys are, its a lot harder for us to relate with them. Who is Carter? Is he the leader? I honestly cant remember from that 1 ad we've seen him in.

Im very interested in seeing how Jorge ends up as part of the team.

Edit: beaten.
Blueblur1 said:
The ad was nice but it's not really for us. It's aimed at the average consumer. I rather discuss the game than the ad. Just one more day. Well, maybe a day and a half before we can all at least watch some streaming Reach goodness. :)
Really? I though that the ad was so boring that an average consumer wouldn't even care what it was that they were selling. The only thing I got a vague notion of was that I might be playing as this character in the game (which apparently I'm not). But as you say, I'd rather discuss the game rather than the ad. It was that forgettable.

Anyone else really dig the new flag melee animation? I love how you swing it around your head like your about to chop the other guy's head off.
The ad was way too minimal I think. If I didn't already know what it was trying to represent I think I'd have no clue what the hell I was watching. Far too vague and uneventful to get anyone who doesn't know Halo interested. Heck even those of us who do know Halo don't seem to be all that impressed.

It wasn't bad it just kind of is.

Was playing a bunch of Halo 3 last night with my buddy, as we've been doing most nights over the last few weeks. Having been watching all the Reach footage beforehand all I did was shout about how awesome Reach was going to be, like a jerk, to be fair he did agree and said as much in less shouty ways, I was just super hyped at the time. I'm really hoping I get one of the codes from the couple of contests and such I've entered.
squidhands said:
Really? I though that the ad was so boring that an average consumer wouldn't even care what it was that they were selling. The only thing I got a vague notion of was that I might be playing as this character in the game (which apparently I'm not). But as you say, I'd rather discuss the game rather than the ad. It was that forgettable.

Anyone else really dig the new flag melee animation? I love how you swing it around your head like your about to chop the other guy's head off.

It's an ad for the Beta.
I would agree the ad was a little underwhelming, but you have to put it the context of so much of Microsoft's other Halo advertising, especially the live action stuff, being excellent.


Littleberu said:
It's an ad for the Beta.

Which is strange because the Beta has nothing to do with Noble Team. They should just get RvB creator Rooster Teeth to make a Beta PDA and call it an ad. Leave the Noble Team stuff for the release of the game (can anyone say mini-series).
Spirit3 said:
Which is strange because the Beta has nothing to do with Noble Team. They should just get RvB creator Rooster Teeth to make a Beta PDA and call it an ad. Leave the Noble Team stuff for the release of the game (can anyone say mini-series).

I think they wanted to start the hype train right now for the Shorts they are developing. Maybe to be revealed at E3.


big ander said:
:lol :lol seriously?
Awesome avatar, then.

Thanks :lol
Don't try that shit though, it's awful

Great work on the gif Letters!

Zeouterlimits said:
Tube'd Extended.

Much better than the short but still disappointing.

Thanks for the link. Liked this version better.

Is there still no information on the music used? It's beautiful, I'd love to get it

The Wise Old Man said:
Has anyone seen what a mid-air jetpack assassination looks like? I hope there is one. I'd love to see a Spartan fly up behind another dude with a jetpack, rip off the fuel tube, kick him away, and watch 'em explode. Make it happen, Bungie!

There is


The ad was underwhelming, but I'm guessing from OuterWorldVoice's comments it's going to be a small part of a larger advertising campaign / story arc.

For example, this shows "The birth of a Spartan III". Later we either see additional team members introduced, such as Kat, Jorge, etc. or we see Noble together on a mission. One of Noble team is killed, and needs to be replaced - so perhaps we'll see that. And then we are introduced to the new member of the team - the Lone Wolf - you. Something like that ;-)

The funny thing is that the ad probably cost a couple million dollars to make and then another few million to put on the air in marketing costs. Insane.
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