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Happy New Year 2010!

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ElJuice said:
I hope someone punches the 'designated driver' in the face. That pisses me off just hearing about it.

Having a 'designated driver' on New Years in any other case is just wrong though. Of course I understand the problem here is that the guy had to be at work at 2AM and still decided to drink.


Huelen actually drank a bottle of Listerine? What the FUCK.

Amir0x, I don't hate on you man.. you were trying to do a good deed getting your buddy home, I'm sure you weren't that drunk.


Now that we're in the 20XX era of human history, should we expect an alien invasion, humanity ending plague, nuclear war or roboapocalypse before the century's out?


Happy new year everyone!

I drank far too much, it was also the first time in 3 years of drinking that I've puked...

A beer and 4 shots of whiskey were consumed here, 5 more beers at the party, and quite a lot of vodka. Along with weed cake, which I believe caused the puking.



BobFromPikeCreek said:

Who gets shitfaced the night before a 2am job meeting when they're already on thin fucking ice, New Years Eve or not? I can see why he's on thin ice, because anyone with any sense in that situation would have been the one to volunteer for DD.

HE wasn't shitfaced. He also couldn't drive, he didn't have a license.

He just had a like one or two beers, and then a shot when the ball dropped. He was perfectly fine.

BobFromPikeCreek said:
Uh, there's nothing responsible about driving drunk, regardless of degree of inebriation.

Yeah, there isn't. Unfortunately I felt kinda responsible for the guy getting to work since I invited him to the party and I assured him we'd get him home in time to get ready for work, and the designated driver shat out on him and us, and he has a kid and stuff and if he lost his job he'd be in real trouble.

I think I tried to be as responsible as I could in the situation, sobering up as best I could in the hour leading up to leaving, but I'm not a liar and I still was probably over the limit. I wish I could have thought up another way.

Trust me, I did not want to drive. I NEVER drive drunk, so it annoyed me.


Happy 2010 everyone. I have a hangover, and it was also the first time I've ever thrown up. Other than that, I had a blast last night at my friend's.


happy 2010 and a special hug for all those in London because it was fucking cold and i swear i remember it snowing.


Jew Gamer
Amir0x said:
HE wasn't shitfaced. He also couldn't drive, he didn't have a license.

He just had a like one or two beers, and then a shot when the ball dropped. He was perfectly fine.

Yeah, there isn't. Unfortunately I felt kinda responsible for the guy getting to work since I invited him to the party and I assured him we'd get him home in time to get ready for work, and the designated driver shat out on him and us, and he has a kid and stuff and if he lost his job he'd be in real trouble.

I think I tried to be as responsible as I could in the situation, sobering up as best I could in the hour leading up to leaving, but I'm not a liar and I still was probably over the limit. I wish I could have thought up another way.

Trust me, I did not want to drive. I NEVER drive drunk, so it annoyed me.

Just be thankful nothing bad happened and treat it overall as a learning experience I guess. I didn't think you would consider yourself still over the limit but if you were then its really bad.

I swear, the responses, no one understood the guy who was working didn't get drunk and everyone thought it was all him getting hammered though. Which is funny because you made it very clear (how can someone be the DD when they have no license to begin with lol)

Just learn from it my friend, don't let the situation catch you again, and consider it your last BIG mistake of 2009. At least you weren't proud of it like so many threads I've seen that resulted in a very fast ban, which is where all my (completely hammered) comments came from. You regretted it, knew it was wrong, although as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Next time you'll have things worked out better I am sure :)

Lets let 2010 be much better than 2009!


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Went to see Layo and Bushwacka, club was insanely packed, left at 5:30am when we couldn't even dance without smacking 10 different people. They were amazing though.
Amir0x said:
It was just a shitty situation with no alternative. We were an hour from his house for the party, and someone else was the designated driver. That person gave about two hours into the party and was far more shitfaced than I was by the end.

The person had to get to his job by 2am, or else risk being fired (since he is already on thin ice), and so I did what I had to do since he doesn't have his license.

Like I said, I am strongly against drinking and driving. Strongly against. I think it gives responsible drinkers a bad name. So I did my best to sober up before the drive - I stopped drinking altogether an hour before midnight, and I drank some coffee, and I planned a route that was pretty much completely no-travel. And we were right, there were barely any cars on the road. Back mountain roads and whatnot.

I'm not advocating what I did at all, but there was literally no other way out. An hour cab ride in the Poconos can be obscenely expensive, and none of us had the money. Plus the cab would have taken FOREVER to get to us, probably making the dude too late to his job.

It's not even something I want to bother defending since I'm so against drinking and driving, but rest assured I did not go out on the road barely able to walk or something. I did everything I could to get as sober as I could before handling this responsibility.

The snow was the hazard far more than the level of my sobriety.

Wow. I remember a user getting permabanned for admitting to drunk driving.


Happy New Year GAF!!!

I drank like a fucking fish last night but have no hangover at all :)

Still feeling a bit buzzy, actually :lol


Jew Gamer
MonkeyMoves said:
Wow. I remember a user getting permabanned for admitting to drunk driving.

They usually brag about it and are cocky and get pissed off when people call them on it.

If a poster came in and was "Oh shit I did something wrong and drank and drove" the mods wouldn't be as quick with the banhammer I am sure, bragging about it and defending it are different than feeling bad.

I just admitted in this thread that in a shitty situation I did it, and I regret it, and I am not banned.

The situation and actions matter as much as the stance behind it. If for some reason you accidently punch your wife people will react much differently to you kicking the shit out of her and bragging about it, being in a shitty situation and driving drunk after trying to sober up vs. driving drunk and bragging about it cockily is the same thing.

Mods aren't dicks who hand out bans for nothing, there are even posters who break the TOS that don't get banned for it because of the situation. Your actions and attitude towards them matter just as much.


MonkeyMoves said:
Wow. I remember a user getting permabanned for admitting to drunk driving.

A guy was permabanned by ME for drunk driving. But not for the action of drunk driving, stupid as it is - he was banned for bragging about it and generally saying he does it all the time and it's not big deal and everyone is a big pussy for not understanding him.

Everyone knows me, I'm a huge advocate of doing drugs and alcohol and what you will to your own body, but also I'm massively for BEING RESPONSIBLE and only putting your own body at risk, nobody else. What I did was against my own philosophy and moral values, no doubt about it. I genuinely feel bad about it, but at the end it was the only solution to the problem that would not involve my friend getting fired from his job. He has a family to support, and that's not going to be on my conscience.

I knew the chances of me getting in an accident was substantially smaller than him losing his job if I didn't take him, and since it was my fault he was at the party I weighed the risks, tried to sober up as best as I could, and drove him. The snow ended up being the real hazard.

I'm not going to beat myself up about it because I felt I did the right thing overall, and I know that it's not gonna happen again. Drunk driving is not cool at all.


Guys, don't be too hard on Amir0x. He took some caffeine (stimulant + depressant = neutral, right? that's how chemicals work in Science. it's like Rad-X in Fallout 3) and didn't drink for like, a whole hour, which means his blood alcohol level got reset.

While he may have been unable do crazy stuff like "typing the English language correctly" upon returning home, that doesn't mean he was incapable of performing the little things, like operating a piece of metal weighing several tons, filled with combustive liquid, and moving at lethal speeds, while on icy roads in the middle of the night.

Besides, the guy could have lost his job. Possibly losing your life is one thing, and the risk of having to explain to grieving parents why they lost their son to drunk driving is a thing too, but the possibility of losing your job is just in a different league.


Your sarcasm, while amusing, is pretty much reset by the pretty frank admittance that I was almost certainly over the limit while driving, despite my attempt to sober up. I sobered up some, but not all the way, and certainly not to the level where I should have been driving. I'm not in denial so your joke falls pretty flat.

But yes, I do believe the guy getting fired would have been the worse result out of what could have happened (in the details of MY story). Far less likely I would have got in an accident than he would have been fired, and it would have been my fault.

As explained, I did my best to sober up as much as possible, I took a very little traveled back road (we saw maybe two cars the entire way back to his house), and we were driving at 15mph (lethal speeds!). Even IF we crashed into a tree or something, we would have survived and at worst had a bruise or something.

None of this is to diminish the situation. As I said, I weighed the possible outcomes and decided that I could pretty assuredly get the dude home safely. I did. I didn't actually know the snow was as bad as it was until I hit Long Pond, so that was just a surprise altogether. It was still bad and irresponsible.

So I regret the situation that I had to drive him home while I was over the limit, I know it's not going to happen again, and my life is going to move on. No point is living in the past. He still has his job, everyone still has their life, everyone is adult enough to know that driving drunk is still fucking retarded, and we had a great time at the party.

Anyway, I'm sure I explained myself well enough. Since this is the first time in my entire life I've ever drove even a little buzzed and I've done more drugs than most people on this forum, I'm pretty secure with my track record of being responsible when it comes to that sort of thing.

Driving Drunk is retarded.


Amir0x said:
Anyway, I'm sure I explained myself well enough.
Not really. If the downside was the dude's job, you'd think a (omg) $60 cab ride would be a worthwhile investment to protect it.

While I appreciate the fact that you recognize what you did was stupid, there's pretty much no limit to the amount of shit you deserve to eat for this.


I don't know about the study, but I do know that drinking coffee has sobered me up when I was in a rush to sober up in the past. I've done it dozens of times (no, not so I can drive - usually, it's so I can act in front of people I don't want to see me drunk). It speeds up the process considerably. Since I know this for a fact and from experience, the article is not very informative. Indeed, all these things people are posting are pretty pointless considering I am not a person who ever drives drunk, so it's not something I am considering again. This was simply an emergency and an exception. Again, I repeat, driving drunk is retarded.

Besides, if you read the article, the main point of contention is that drinking coffee may lead people to assume they're sober enough to drive, where in reality they're still unsafe. That was not the case here: it simply helped make me less drunk than I was before, but I knew I still shouldn't drive and it annoyed me. I was over the limit, and I never EVER drive drunk. it was something that goes against my values.

It wasn't the coffee that made me say "hm, I should drive now!" I decided that before I started drinking the coffee, which is where the "bad judgment" came from, so it's a pointless diversion to the conversation.

Gruco said:
Not really. If the downside was the dude's job, you'd think a (omg) $60 cab ride would be a worthwhile investment to protect it.

While I appreciate the fact that you recognize what you did was stupid, there's pretty much no limit to the amount of shit you deserve to eat for this.

I'm not really feeling like I'm eating shit. If that's what you guys think you're doing, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You guys are not important enough in my life to seriously care about your "sticking it to me" about a mistake I acknowledged I made. You're just empty names over a flickering computer screens.

I know I made a mistake, and I am a person who actually matters to me. Therefore, my knowing that driving drunk is retarded and being secure in the knowledge I am not going to do it again (just like I never have before in my long history of drinking) is what I truly care about.

Like I said, none of us had $60 on our person, and since it was midnight nobody could take cash out of the bank since the nearest bank was a good thirty minutes away by itself. And on top of that, the taxi cab would have taken over an hour or more alone JUST to get to us, and that's was his best guess estimate since they were hugely busy on New Years Eve. He would have been to work hours late.
the main point of contention is that drinking coffee may lead people to assume they're sober enough to drive
but I do know that drinking coffee has sobered me up when I was in a rush to sober up in the past. I've done it dozens of times (no, not so I can drive - usually, it's so I can act in front of people I don't want to see me drunk). It speeds up the process considerably. Since I know this for a fact and from experience, the article is not very informative.
it simply helped make me less drunk than I was before
the main point of contention is that drinking coffee may lead people to assume they're sober enough to drive

coffee has absolutely 0 chemical properties which would alter the liver's metabolic processing of ethanol in your bloodstream. the caffeine makes you feel more alert, and gives the illusion of "sobering up." in reality, "sobering up" is a chemical process that works at a surprisingly constant rate across various concentration levels... and that rate stays the same regardless of whether you're consuming a completely different psychoactive compound.

your experience is not a fact, it's an anecdote with the same level of validity as someone swearing that breath mints will beat the breathalyser. and since we all automatically think of that mythbusters episode whenever someone mentions "beating the breathalyser," they also tested the effects of coffee and found that despite feeling more sober at the time, they got the exact same results on a sobriety test.

your not drinking for an hour was factually more productive, and it at most eliminated maybe a single drink's worth of alcohol from your blood.

it's good that you feel bad about it and won't do it again, but if you're going to be in these types of situations then you shouldn't rely on old wives' tales and superstitions.


EmCeeGramr, while your attempt at putting on your lab coat is quaint, you quoted one study whose main point is that drinking coffee may make you alert enough to provide people with the illusion that they're sober enough to drive, thus leading to more "bad judgment".

A.) My bad judgment was done before the coffee. Even after the coffee, I knew I still too drunk to drive. I just felt I had no other viable avenue to get the dude home and to work at the time.
B.) It's all ancillary to the point that driving while even a little bit drunk is always bad, so you're not proving anything that hasn't already been obvious to everyone from the start.

But for the record of this diversionary conversation, I have drank coffee before to sober up, I have sobered up significantly after the fact, and this is versus times where I don't drink coffee, and it takes far longer to sober up. I have done it enough times to know it works, and works well. That is indeed a fact based on my hard experiences. I didn't merely hear someone say it and then believe it. If it did not work for me, I never would do it. Drinking coffee is the only thing that has ever worked toward making me more sober, and I've tried countless things. I don't know how it effects other people, but I certainly know how it works for me.

I am certainly not trying to tell anyone else that they could drive after a few cups of joe, though. I shouldn't have done it myself.

But, again, your reactionary shock at all this is not bothering me. I know driving while drunk is retarded, and I am certainly not advocating it nor glorifying it. It was a bad decision, but one I felt had to be made considering the circumstances. I will be certain knowing who the designated driver was to pick someone I can trust more in the future so that I won't have to make those decisions at times like this.

Once again kiddos, driving while under the influence of ANYTHING is bad. Say no to driving while inebriated.
well okay there have actually been many studies on this for decades but if you insist that your personal observations while under the influence of psychoactive drugs are more factually valid than pharmacological tests then go ahead

meanwhile, i'm gonna being doing a shitload of valium and then counteracting it by taking some x, it totally works dude i did it like a million times, just like that time that cop almost busted me stoned so i slapped myself, snorted a gram, and shouted "thc demons leave this place" and i was un-high instantly


Jew Gamer
Amir0x said:
EmCeeGramr, while your attempt at putting on your lab coat is quaint, you quoted one study whose main point is that drinking coffee may make you alert enough to provide people with the illusion that they're sober enough to drive, thus leading to more "bad judgment".

A.) My bad judgment was done before the coffee. Even after the coffee, I knew I still too drunk to drive. I just felt I had no other viable avenue to get the dude home and to work at the time.
B.) It's all ancillary to the point that driving while even a little bit drunk is always bad, so you're not proving anything that hasn't already been obvious to everyone from the start.

But for the record of this diversionary conversation, I have drank coffee before to sober up, I have sobered up significantly after the fact, and this is versus times where I don't drink coffee, and it takes far longer to sober up. I have done it enough times to know it works, and works well. That is indeed a fact based on my hard experiences. I didn't merely hear someone say it and then believe it. If it did not work for me, I never would do it. Drinking coffee is the only thing that has ever worked toward making me more sober, and I've tried countless things. I don't know how it effects other people, but I certainly know how it works for me.

I am certainly not trying to tell anyone else that they could drive after a few cups of joe, though. I shouldn't have done it myself.

But, again, your reactionary shock at all this is not bothering me. I know driving while drunk is retarded, and I am certainly not advocating it nor glorifying it. It was a bad decision, but one I felt had to be made considering the circumstances. I will be certain knowing who the designated driver was to pick someone I can trust more in the future so that I won't have to make those decisions at times like this.

Once again kiddos, driving while under the influence of ANYTHING is bad. Say no to driving while inebriated.

I think the reason they are really cracking on you is that you are a mod tbh. It was a shitty situation, and NYE you'd most likely never have had him to work on time with those roads being how they were.

Its a shitty situation, you regret it, you will learn your lesson...

The thing is that GAF has a lot of backseat mods and this one is one we can both admit you fucked up on but at the same time at least you're willing to admit your mistake. If people admitted their mistakes maybe there would be a lot less.

It takes a lot to stand down and admit you fuck up.

Aside from "GRR RAGE" I am glad it all worked out in the end, just next year find a DD who doesn't drink or else carry a fucking taser and every time the DD drinks electrocute his ass! :lol


EmCeeGramr said:
well okay there have actually been many studies on this for decades but if you insist that your personal observations while under the influence of psychoactive drugs are more factually valid than pharmacological tests then go ahead

meanwhile, i'm gonna being doing a shitload of valium and then counteracting it by taking some x, it totally works dude i did it like a million times, just like that time that cop almost busted me stoned so i slapped myself, snorted a gram, and shouted "thc demons leave this place" and i was un-high instantly

There are countless studies on everything that are bullshit, and you are just being an ass right now seriously.

I can find you "studies" that show how bad smoking is for you and I can find just as many that prove the "studies" are bullshit.

Yes, we get it, coffee isn't a magical cure for being drunk. No one claimed it was, in fact the REASON people drink coffee with alcohol to try and sober up is alcohol makes you sleepy and they use the caffeine to wake up. You are still intoxicated but you aren't passing out which is where the difference is.

Waking up is not sobering up, biggggg difference.


I'm not really feeling like I'm eating shit. If that's what you guys think you're doing, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You guys are not important enough in my life to seriously care about
There is a very simple way to convince people this is true
stop responding when people make fun of you. Stop rationalizing your behavior.

Like I said, I'm glad you agree that it's stupid. I'm sure you agree with people saying that what you did is stupid and shitty. Since you agree that it was stupid and shitty, you must agree with most of the things being said about you. Yet even though you find said mockery justified, and don't care what anyone thinks, you seem entirely unable to let a quip slide. Even though you have admitted you made a mistake, you are going to elaborate lengths to rationalize it to yourself (and others, who you don't care about). Why is it so important to make sure everyone knows that you drank coffee and waited and hour and was doing this to SAVE YOUR POOR FRIEND'S JOB if you don't think any of that changes the underlying problem and don't care what anyone here thinks about you?

Really, the fact that you are so casual about "drunk driving is bad" is what's so concerning. Obviously you think it's bad, but are willing to do it anyway in the right circumstances. I bet if I asked you a week ago if you thought you were going to do any drunk driving soon, you'd say "no" but here we are. So there's no reason to take what you are saying seriously when you say you'll never do it again; all you need are the right circumstances.

The dissembling here is fucking pathetic. You couldn't pool resources? Borrow from anyone else at the party? Call in a favor from a sober family member or friend? Ask the cab agency to take a credit card? Stop at a bank on the way back? You obviously spent at least an hour sobering up, so the fact that you'd have to wait for a cab is a shitty excuse too. (you can save yourself a response to these questions BTW, they are all rhetorical and answers will only raise more, and even a perfect excuse to each won't change a thing)

But seriously, whatever do. Last year I was fortunate enough to witness a drunk shit smash into a few cars. They weren't going fast. Probably thought they were good enough after having some coffee. They might have even been trying to save a friend's job. It didn't stop any of the damage they did or the terrified looks on any of the children's faces when they got out of the car. So I guess be thankful that all you are concerned about right now are "empty names over a flickering computer screens".


EmCeeGramr said:
meanwhile, i'm gonna being doing a shitload of valium and then counteracting it by taking some x, it totally works dude i did it like a million times, just like that time that cop almost busted me stoned so i slapped myself, snorted a gram, and shouted "thc demons leave this place" and i was un-high instantly

As anyone who knows me and my extensive drug history can tell you, for someone who takes drugs, I take things extremely logically and methodically. I don't do these things compulsively, and then go out into the wild and hope it works. I study the things I take, I compare and contrast, I look carefully into doses and interactions. And I even have a small notebook for references on my history, as silly as that may sound to you.

I tried various things and see how they work in comparison to other things. I've seriously tried dozens of different ways to sober up, and none of them even remotely sped up the process. Coffee is literally the only one that has showed a consistent result. If I drink enough coffee, I can be near baseline again in a significantly shorter time, versus if I didn't drink any coffee and let nature take its course.

Your joking commentary simply does not properly reflect the way I judge things. I work on logic alone, not myth. If Coffee did not show any results, I would not ever utilize it. Just like the other countless things I tried that did not work.

Gruco said:
There is a very simple way to convince people this is true stop responding when people make fun of you. Stop rationalizing your behavior..

I respond to people as a habit, out of respect. If one chooses to spend the time to write a response to me, I feel it is only fair to spend the time to respond back. If you didn't realize, this is why people always think i derail threads because I have to respond to everyone, because i don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring them.

I think it's beneficial to conversations to completely spell out ones position, and to respond to all individuals best I can.

Gruco said:
The dissembling here is fucking pathetic. You couldn't pool resources? Borrow from anyone else at the party? Call in a favor from a sober family member or friend? Ask the cab agency to take a credit card? Stop at a bank on the way back? You obviously spent at least an hour sobering up, so the fact that you'd have to wait for a cab is a shitty excuse too.

I am not trying to rationalize anything, however. I simply don't live in the past, I know what I had to do to make sure the guy got to work, and that's what I was going to do. You're asking all these questions, and I have the right answer to all of them - but you'd call it dissembling.

I KNOW why we had to drive him, because I spent the better part of two hours trying to exhaust all ways before attempting it. If there was another way, we would have done it. There wasn't.

Now, as I said, there was really no possible right way to do this, and driving while drunk is unfortunate and definitely wrong. But I was not going to let this guy get fired, when he has a family to support, merely because of a remote possibility I might get in an accident. Driving at 15mph on a road barely traveled on, I was rarely worried we were going to die or kill someone else. The snow being incredibly icy, however, was far more worrisome. But we all survived.

So everything worked out and we, as adults, still know what is right and what is wrong. Nobody is going to drive drunk, and that's all that matters.

I'm simply not going to get caught up in the past about it. That's for people who never grow up.


Jew Gamer
Great Rumbler said:
Smoking isn't bad for, all those other studies are just bogus!*

*This message brought to by Phillip Morris.

Try and do some research, there are actual benefits to your health from smoking and the negative effects are HIGHLY exaggerated.

Your sarcasm is sweet, I didn't think my post mattered that much to you. Love you too!


there is joy in sucking dick
The ol' sober up via coffee works wonders, till you've t-boned some sedan and scramble some infants brain. But hey! Everything turned out Ok!

Joe Molotov

But none of them will never, never, ever drive drunk again though, unless somebody has to get to work, or the cab is too expensive, or they need to drive to Ami's dealer to pick up some X, but you know, definitely probably not going to happen ever again.
Amir0x said:
As anyone who knows me and my extensive drug history can tell you, for someone who takes drugs, I take things extremely logically and methodically. I don't do these things compulsively, and then go out into the wild and hope it works. I study the things I take, I compare and contrast, I look carefully into doses and interactions. And I even have a small notebook for references on my history, as silly as that may sound to you.

I tried various things and see how they work in comparison to other things. I've seriously tried dozens of different ways to sober up, and none of them even remotely sped up the process. Coffee is literally the only one that has showed a consistent result. If I drink enough coffee, I can be near baseline again in a significantly shorter time, versus if I didn't drink any coffee and let nature take its course.

Your joking commentary simply does not properly reflect the way I judge things. I work on logic alone, not myth. If Coffee did not show any results, I would not ever utilize it. Just like the other countless things I tried that did not work.

well that makes absolutely no sense considering that nothing in coffee would have any effect on ethanol oxidation rates, and would indicate that you either have some strange super-coffee or you're a mutant or alien (possibly a vampire?) with a different chemical makeup than every other human on earth, but i'm not gonna argue this any more


there is joy in sucking dick
Also, I'm sure lots of drunk driving scenarios are due to some drunkard having to compromise in some way. They would rather risk causing a horrible accident than being inconvenienced.


I can only speak for myself, other of my friends DO drive drunk. I can't stop them from doing it, much as I've tried.

I'm 25 years old and this is the first time I have ever broke my rule, so I'm pretty confident in myself considering my extensive history with drugs and alcohol. The reactionary stuff is typical GAF black-and-white, a sort of bro-tapping among GAF's higher strung members. But as I said, the only thing that matters is the lesson learned myself. It's the same reason nobody can seriously take advice from Relationship GAF. People on GAF don't view things rationally much of the time, as demonstrated by all this poor extrapolating of my comments.

We all know driving while drunk is wrong, and that the decision I made was ultimately still wrong, no matter why I did it. I just think it was less wrong than making sure I did not break my promise to get this guy to work, considering the impact it would have had on him. Both options were to me wrong, but I was in a wrong situation thanks to the designated driver we had fucking up.

It doesn't matter now, though, so that is why I'm casual about it. It's in the past.

Joe Molotov

Amir0x said:
The reactionary stuff is typical GAF black-and-white, a sort of bro-tapping among GAF's higher strung members.

It is not the "righteous and mighty" gathering to pounce, it's the FACT that if you drive while drunk you are being a little douchebag prick who likely deserves to be beaten in the face with a spiked bat.

Remember those words? They're from the past, so let me remind you.


Yes, and it's true. Like I said, we all know it is wrong. But remember, the guy was bragging about it. That is what prompted that specific response, more than the driving drunk. That's the same guy who got banned by me, by the way.

In the end, as I've said countless times in this thread, this was an exception that I wish I didn't have to make. I know it was a mistake, but I had only two really bad options and I chose the one I felt was less bad at the time. And it worked out, thankfully.

If I was bragging about it, feel free to spike bat me in the face though. I do not advocate driving drunk, not after coffee drinking, not even if you're a little tipsy. Never. Even in this situation, I do not advocate it. I simply did not want to be responsible for this guy losing his job, and so I took the risk. Should I have made a different choice? I don't know. I do know either way it was wrong, so I'm not going to change my mind.


there is joy in sucking dick
Joe Molotov said:
It is not the "righteous and mighty" gathering to pounce, it's the FACT that if you drive while drunk you are being a little douchebag prick who likely deserves to be beaten in the face with a spiked bat.

Remember those words? They're from the past, so let me remind you.

I guess its a absolutely abhorrent and irresponsible thing to do, unless pressing circumstances call for such a risk!
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