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Here Comes the Next Xbox {Many Xbox 720 Details - Paul Thurrott article} [Updated]


Don Mattrick : So we are going to go out there & tell the world how much better 8GB of Ram is than 4GB of Ram the numbers don't lie we have this in the bag!

Mark Cerny: 8GB of GDDR5


Don Mattrick: Dammmit where is the panic button?

You forget, technically, XB3 is rumoured to have more RAM still. 32MB more.
Price. Microsoft will initially offer two pricing models for the console, offering a standalone version for $499 and then a $299 version that requires a two-year Xbox LIVE Gold commitment at an expected price of $10 per month.
Jeez what the hell?

Is this the new price of Gold or just for those on contract?
Microsoft really needs to wow me with their next console because I've really disliked the direction that they've been going in with pushing Kinect, lack of strong exclusive titles, and the loss of support from Japan. On top of the always online rumors and needing to pay additional for XBL.

I think MS really needs to wow with Kinect. The device deserves to be more than a way to translate waggle wand games to the Xbox. Hopefully the inclusion in the box means AAA developers will take the sensor seriously and come up with good uses for it. Microsoft also would be smart to take Netflix and Amazon Prime head on in video streaming. They should start piloting TV shows for Xbox Live that revolve around interactivity via Kinect or controller. MS has an opportunity to pursue a blue ocean strategy in video thanks to Kinect. Amazon/Netflix/Hulu can't match interactive video experiences with their be on every device strategies.

PS How has MS lost support from Japan when every Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, and Resident Evil sequel is now being released day and date for Xbox? That is not how this generation started.


So the other side of the coin of the "always on" scenario is DRM. Say I COULD play my games offline after registering it online, do you guys think that would prevent me from selling that game or lending it so someone else?


when is the last time you guys used a console that had no ethernet cable plugged into it ?

That's not the point.

It's the part where you'll most likely *NOT* be able to play your games *AT ALL* if your internet connection isn't working.

You'll basically have a $500 brick should your net connection go down or MS having network issues.


The stingray xbox is probably going to be advertised as a cheap games and media center and ms will make the monies from xbox live gold which is neaded for basicaly everything.

The 299$ deal is probably a good deal for people willing to pay for xbl anyways, I'm going to wait what's possible with silver alone first though. This could be an indication that gold isn't needed for online mp imo, as otherwhise nobody would ever by the 499$ version if the need a gold subscription anyways.


I think MS really needs to wow with Kinect. The device deserves to be more than a way to translate waggle wand games to the Xbox. Hopefully the inclusion in the box means AAA developers will take the sensor seriously and come up with good uses for it. Microsoft also would be smart to take Netflix and Amazon Prime head on in video streaming. They should start piloting TV shows for Xbox Live that revolve around interactivity via Kinect or controller. MS has an opportunity to pursue a blue ocean strategy in video thanks to Kinect. Amazon/Netflix/Hulu can't match interactive video experiences with their be on every device strategies.

PS How has MS lost support from Japan when every Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, and Resident Evil sequel is now being released day and date for Xbox? That is not how this generation started.

I like the idea of Kinect, just not to play games. Kinect is awesome for controlling other types of media like watching netflix, navigating menus, etc. but I think the reason it's failing to resonate with gamers is that you will never be able to control a game like Uncharted, Halo, Battlefield, God of War, etc... with motion controls. It just won't work...


I agree.

I buy every console. I hate when good hardware doesn't sell well.

I hope both companies knock it out of the park.

I'm most likely day 1 for both next gen offerings.

I really don't care.

I said it's sad because you felt compelled to drag in unrelated facts to try and justify MS's potential position pertaining rumoured hardware in comparison to its direct competitor. It was like seeing a beautiful derivative of a strawman.


when is the last time you guys used a console that had no ethernet cable plugged into it ?

My daughter spent her 1st year in the dorm at college without being able to connect her 360 to the internet due to the firewall they had in place there. Plus everytime I play a game on a classic console, i.e. ps2 or GC I typically don't have my ethernet plugged into them. At some point in the future the 720 will also be a classic console and online only DRM will make it nothing more the a paperweight.
I like the idea of Kinect, just not to play games. Kinect is awesome for controlling other types of media like watching netflix, navigating menus, etc. but I think the reason it's failing to resonate with gamers is that you will never be able to control a game like Uncharted, Halo, Battlefield, God of War, etc... with motion controls. It just won't work...

Why do you assume Kinect sensor can only be used for motion control? There is much more you can do with the technology to enhance games. The entire game doesn't have to revolve around Kinect, Kinect can be just like the rumble pack, to enhance games, not be the primary control. Give NPCs more information about the player for example. For a core game the sensor doesn't have to be used to control. It can be used to obtain audio and visual information about the player or any objects the player presents to make the game world more realistic.

Nose Master

That contract is some hot bullshit. You're paying double the amount you should be for XBL (and even that is generous considering sales).


I really don't care.

I said it's sad because you felt compelled to drag in unrelated facts to try and justify MS's potential position pertaining rumoured hardware in comparison to its direct competitor. It was like seeing a beautiful derivative of a strawman.


Well I support and buy hardware from both companies, so your assumption is misplaced.


Don Mattrick : So we are going to go out there & tell the world how much better 8GB of Ram is than 4GB of Ram the numbers don't lie we have this in the bag!

Mark Cerny: 8GB of GDDR5


Don Mattrick: Dammmit where is the panic button?[/QUOTE]

Do not expect RAM/CPU/GPU talk at the Xbox reveal. Windows Build will be the place to talk about deep specs and development stuff.


These rumours are just making it more and more easy to not want the 720. I love my 360 but why you gotta be like that Microsoft, why?

Oh well, good thing I have a decent PC. :)
I like the idea of Kinect, just not to play games. Kinect is awesome for controlling other types of media like watching netflix, navigating menus, etc. but I think the reason it's failing to resonate with gamers is that you will never be able to control a game like Uncharted, Halo, Battlefield, God of War, etc... with motion controls. It just won't work...

I think Kinect is terrible for menu interactions because of the whole "hold to select" thing. Maybe this can be fixed with finger tracking. You should be able to immediately select a menu option with Kinect by opening and closing your hand instead of holding it there for 3 seconds.


If their HW actually is somewhat less impressive, then chances are they'd be better off showing features and actual games (the proof is in the pudding).

Pertaining to price, I'd be surprised if they announced it before E3.


Well I support and buy hardware from both companies, so your assumption is misplaced.

Once again, you misunderstand my position. I don't really care if you are or aren't a fanboy in everyday life. I was responding that post alone.


It's funny how predictable a lot of responses in this thread are. Of course MS adjusted their reveal event in reaction to the PS4 event. That's how business operates. Just as likely is how Sony might've pushed their PS4 reveal even ahead of schedule to get out in front of MS.

Normal, everyday business practices.

I doubt MS is foolhardy enough to force true "always online" for their console. I could see gamers having to register/activate their console once, but not always be connected. Same goes for the no used games rumor. I have to believe MS knows how many gamers buy used games (myself included), and if they blocked them, then they'd lose a lot of customers (again, myself included).

Only 26 days left. It should be fun. :)

What a suprise the negative Xbox rumors has more replys than the thread for official announcement next month.

There was never any doubt.


Why do you assume Kinect sensor can only be used for motion control? There is much more you can do with the technology to enhance games. The entire game doesn't have to revolve around Kinect, Kinect can be just like the rumble pack, to enhance games, not be the primary focus. Give NPCs more information about the player for example. The sensor doesn't have to be used to control. It can be used to obtain audio and visual information about the player or any objects the player presents to make the game world more realistic.

Good point. I've enjoyed games where the kinect was used to augment the standard controls. Examples of this could be the "scan" feature in Halo:Anniversary, or the voice controls in Mass Effect 3.

The kinect can be really cool in that sense. On the other hand, I've really disliked the mainline Kinect games where the primary input is the motion sensor.

The increased specifications for the next-gen kinect seem intriguing, as it could open up the possibilities for further augmentation of standard controls by picking up on facial expression in addition to voice. I just hope that's the path that MS pursues, Kinect enhancement vs Kinect focus.

I think Kinect is terrible for menu interactions because of the whole "hold to select" thing. Maybe this can be fixed with finger tracking. You should be able to immediately select a menu option with Kinect by opening and closing your hand instead of holding it there for 3 seconds.

Agreed, hopefully this is something the Kinect 2.0 can manage to fix.


That contract is some hot bullshit. You're paying double the amount you should be for XBL (and even that is generous considering sales).

That's the point of a subsidy, though, to lower cost upfront. Cell phones in the US are sold in the same manner. Only difference here is that there won't be a new model Xbox to buy every 2 years, so it's a harder sell, because you'd be silly not to upgrade your phone every 2 years when you pay for a fully featured monthly plan.

It'll be interesting to see how it does, considering it'll be up against a competitor charging at least $100 more. They really don't have anything to lose by offering it, so why not?


Ten bucks a month for XBL? I doubt the value would be there for me at that pricepoint, unless MS bought either Netflix or Spotify and rolled their features into the Live sub.

That is to say, it's highly unlikely.


I just can't imagine MS requiring you to have internet connected to play games. All Sony would have to do is run attack ads saying how your Xbox is a 500 dollar paperweight if your internet goes out, and they would win a ton of market share. Surely MS isn't so incompetent that they wouldn't see that.


You forget, technically, XB3 is rumoured to have more RAM still. 32MB more.

Mattrick:.. And now for the memory, we are using the fast and reliable DDR3 that most highend PCs have and a high bandwidth ESRAM. That's 8.032GB of memory, that's larger than our competitors.!


I can't speak for the result of the world, but most Americans would jump for the subsidy box.

$500 + $120(2yrs XBL)
$300 + $240(2yrs XBL)

That's $200 less on day one (which you can use for games and controllers) and it's $80 less over 2 years if you're an XBL subscriber.

It's too good of a deal which is why I think the $300 box has to have a smaller HDD at least.


These threads always end up focusing on the always online bit. You'll never get satisfaction until you know for sure.

And you probably won't know at the reveal, because this is a small detail of how things work and MS won't mention it IMO. Likewise with any specs that can be interpreted as lower than Sony - they'll just gloss over and focus on 'entertainment and services' or check off parity items like memory, CPU cores, bluray etc


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I dunno if it's worth pointing out but people keep saying the rumours are definitely true because 'no smoke without fire', but before iPhone 5 was announced everyone was so convinced by rumours that it would have a diagonally larger screen that companies started producing cases for the supposedly-leaked (there were technical drawings of the thing as I recall), newly-enlarged iPhone screen size.



And, well, look how that turned out. Sometimes there is most assuredly smoke without fire.


And, well, look how that turned out. Sometimes there is most assuredly smoke without fire.

Sometimes. But you're taking completely different rumors, from completely different sources, about a completely different company.

Your analogy basically amounts to: at one point, at one time, somebody got something wrong. Well, yeah.


I dunno if it's worth pointing out but people keep saying the rumours are definitely true because 'no smoke without fire', but before iPhone 5 was announced everyone was so convinced by rumours that it would have a diagonally larger screen that companies started producing cases for the supposedly-leaked (there were technical drawings of the thing as I recall), newly-enlarged iPhone screen size.



And, well, look how that turned out. Sometimes there is most assuredly smoke without fire.

Yes, we are aware some rumors can turn out to be true.
I'm a bit confused about this thread
There's practically nothing in the OP that hasn't already been rumoured, so why so many posts? Unless this is a confirmation?


The subsidized console will be extremely effective. All that matters in the average consumer's mind is the sticker price. Sony HAS to consider doing something similar and quickly. $299 Nextbox vs. $400/500 PS4 isn't going to go over too well for Sony.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
The subsidized console will be extremely effective. All that matters in the average consumer's mind is the sticker price. Sony HAS to consider doing something similar and quickly. $299 Nextbox vs. $400/500 PS4 isn't going to go over too well for Sony.

Until someone reads the fine print, has to do a credit check and cannot resell their console or cancel online without an early termination fee, etc. Free online with a one time purchase will appeal to many over a monthly obligation to pay for online that is free elsewhere. It has American with no savings account written all over it, but there are other places in the world.
The way I read this, Live will change to $10 a month, but buying the lower price version locks you into a contract like a phone.

I doubt Microsoft is going to stick with $60 a year for Live. They got their consumers by the balls, and as history shows, once they do that they'll gauge the FUCK out of them.

I don't think doubling the fee is realistic at all.

Consumers are not the slack-jawed sheep that people think they are, out they're getting a raw deal and the guy next door is advertising that they're getting a raw deal, they will change brands. Only hardcore fans are blindly loyal from gen to gen, and they make up a small fraction of total consumers.
I can't speak for the result of the world, but most Americans would jump for the subsidy box.

$500 + $120(2yrs XBL)
$300 + $240(2yrs XBL)

That's $200 less on day one (which you can use for games and controllers) and it's $80 less over 2 years if you're an XBL subscriber.

It's too good of a deal which is why I think the $300 box has to have a smaller HDD at least.

The people in bold are idiots. I've never, ever paid more than $35 a year for XBL.

But yeah, like I said earlier, the subsidized deal is too good to be true. If there is one, it will be a screw job (like the current $15/month deal).


The one thing turning me off when it comes to always online is that the data plans available for 3/4g internet here. When I've used my 50gb (which can go pretty darn fast with netflix) I'm stuck with a very unstable and slow connection. PSN, XBL and the Nintendo eshop barely works at that point. An always online console wouldn't work too well for me.
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