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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Malthael is probably a great first ban for you then. He's Dehaka's 2nd worst matchup and a bad one for Garrosh.
Suddenly the resurgence in Malthael picks make much more sense in HGC.
I tried the new Leoric. Siiiick. Love these changes, and he no longer feels like a snooze to play.

Now go back and make Chen, Johanna, and Tyrael fun to play.
Johanna is great. Chen is...not for everyone. But yeah, Tyrael has needed a rework for eons.
Honestly I'd like it if we first banned Samuro. He destroys in every game I am in because I can't initiate effectively. I don't know who to toss, who to hook, who to charge, etc. So I just have to back off, and then people get picked off. I don't know how to deal with him at all. #1 problem for me no matter what we face.


Are the big mmr gains/losses in QM on HotsLogs at the start of the season actually reflected by Blizzard's mmr? I was struggling to move past 2k at the end of last season because I had a big losing streak and near the end I was barely climbing a few point at a time, but now I'm already at 2330.


Yeah we were talking about it a few days back and have several times in the past as well. Not sure why he does that. I believe he has said it was for leaderboard purposes...that was back before he cut off all communication with the community, though.


Honestly I'd like it if we first banned Samuro. He destroys in every game I am in because I can't initiate effectively. I don't know who to toss, who to hook, who to charge, etc. So I just have to back off, and then people get picked off. I don't know how to deal with him at all. #1 problem for me no matter what we face.
No. Learn to spot his illusions better and when he is in invisible mode. There's a big difference in the patterns of his illusions versus himself (usually the guy that is running away is the real one and the two who are hitting something are the illusions).

Samuro isn't even good. I would only consider banning him second phase on a pve heavy map (like Haunted Mines). I will just counter pick him with Tassadar next time or you can pick Arthas/Johanna.


Damn son, Mopsio from Zealots got suspended from HGC play this weekend because he was afk dancing in Hero League in one of mewns games and got called out for it on reddit.

Good for them. Now they need to be that harsh on all of them when it happens. If you get paid to represent the game then you gotta act the part. If you wanna be a shithead make a smurf with a new name or name change your non-HGC account.

so who are the must bans now

sonya? Anub?

The most banned heroes in Diamond and Master in order:


...then there's a pretty big dropoff (like 2000 less games banned) for the next couple of heroes.


Did you see Sonya on that list I gave you breh?
no, you didn't

All jokes aside, Sonya is 19th most banned in Diamond/Master. To continue your anti Sonya crusade you must do it against the meta. Your teammates will hate you but you will be happy. Why do we play games if not to make ourselves happy at the expense of others? Right? Right?!
I think my bans will be directed at Genji



But then again my teammates tend to be idiots, and not even banning the most problematic characters does that mean they'll do good.
Will Garrosh's Q pull Samuro illusions?

No. Learn to spot his illusions better and when he is in invisible mode. There's a big difference in the patterns of his illusions versus himself (usually the guy that is running away is the real one and the two who are hitting something are the illusions).

Samuro isn't even good. I would only consider banning him second phase on a pve heavy map (like Haunted Mines). I will just counter pick him with Tassadar next time or you can pick Arthas/Johanna.
If you could always tell which one is an illusion right away, he would be terrible. And those illusions still hurt you, too, which is part of why he's frustrating. It doesn't help that we keep getting randos that burn their abilities on the illusions during team fights. Obviously it's easy if it's the situation you described, lol. But those precious seconds before one Samuro does something different from the others are fight-determining.

If it's Ranked, then it's not as much of a problem because I can be last pick. But it's annoying in Unranked when I pick Stitches or Dehaka and then they go Samuro.


If you could always tell which one is an illusion right away, he would be terrible. And those illusions still hurt you, too, which is part of why he's frustrating. It doesn't help that we keep getting randos that burn their abilities on the illusions during team fights. Obviously it's easy if it's the situation you described, lol. But those precious seconds before one Samuro does something different from the others are fight-determining.

If it's Ranked, then it's not as much of a problem because I can be last pick. But it's annoying in Unranked when I pick Stitches or Dehaka and then they go Samuro.
Most wave clear heroes are fine against Samuro. With Dehaka you can just turn on Swarm while the Illusions are up and the illusion that takes the least damage from the AOE is the real one. Honestly tanks/warriors don't have much of an issue against Samura, it's the mages/back liners where Samura turns up behind them, pops illusions and then Bladestorms them to death.

I don't deny that randos play awfully against Samuro. He is the ultimate pub stomper type hero... invisibility AND illusions.




I take back what I said about taste for blood. There's a limit to how much you can carry a shit team, when they nuke a fort dead in the center missing towers, walls, well, fucking nuking a minion wave when I can delete it with a single Q, roaming as a group of 3 every single second on a 3 lanes map, there's just no way I can win just by dunking when we're so far behind. I died 7 times on Azmodan, it's insane.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
why the fuck does Uther go through mana faster than I go through icecream?


It pleases me greatly that Uther continues to have the best support win rate after all these nerfs.

Side note: holy shit Butchers fall from grace


Some pleb observations and QQ from the last few weeks of QM:


  • Feels like the mage's answer to Illidan. Can either be an insane part of your team or complete dead weight. Heavy influence on the game one way or the other.
  • Not sure if his burst will be nerfed but won't be surprised if it is. It's strong.
  • By the same token, if they do that I wonder if they try to buff in a more reliable non-combo build to offset the power loss?


  • I'd rather face 2 Garroshes on one team fucking with me and my teammates than one Tyrande
  • Not sure how prominent she is in the pro scene, but she's rampant in QM and it's miserable
  • Blizz pls can I have Tyrande on my team some? She's in 80% or more of my games and on my team 1 or 2 out of every 5 of those games.
  • Remove the healing completely or redo/severely nerf the debuff. She needs to be an assassin or a healer, because inevitably it ends up like right now...having both makes her too good for this world. And Tyrande focused metas are always the worst.


Ridiculous in QM if your team has any brain whatsoever. Thanks scoobs and co.

Tanks in QM


Basically nonexistent.

QM Matchmaking


Somehow it got worse. The games are often very lopsided now because there's no rhyme or reason for what is on each team. Yesterday I played with Kio and we faced a team with Garrosh/Tyrande/Alarak and we had no CC of our own. We then faced a similar comp the next game. It was so fun let me tell you
spoiler alert we won both against all odds, but it was a god damn struggle and we shouldn't have


Two out of every three games feels like one team or the other brought piss to a shit fight, or in more traditional terms brought a knife to a gun fight. I personally feel the QM matchmaker was at it's best just prior to the change that allowed Sonya to face Ragnaros in the bruiser role, and Tyrande and Tass and Abathur to face real healers in the support role. From that point it's just been a downhill slide that has now went even further down than it ever was (all IMO of course).


Turns out it's easier to balance mirror matches.

Naturally when dealing with heroes like Murky and Alarak and Abathur. I refuse to believe they can't do a better job matching roles, though. And with roles in general.

Blind pick would solve a lot of it and be less work, however. Then if you pick a shit comp it's on you. I just don't think it's something they are willing to explore because of their business model.


Naturally when dealing with heroes like Murky and Alarak and Abathur. I refuse to believe they can't do a better job matching roles, though. And with roles in general.

Blind pick would solve a lot of it and be less work, however. Then if you pick a shit comp it's on you. I just don't think it's something they are willing to explore because of their business model.

I think blind pick would mesh fine as a qm replacement, they just dont seem willing to press the button on qm after they worked so much on it


Actually had two games with pleasant chat, one on each of the past two days I played...also had probably five with saltmongers in chat as well in a similar time frame.

My favorite new chat stereotype is the zen guru. He's the guy that no matter how fucked the comp is, you only lost because everyone played bad and actually your comp was better. If you'd have just listened to him you'd have won. He's the only one who feels this way, but he's adamant, and he never gets hostile but is simply very insistent.

EDIT: Wow I just realized GFE also lost to Team Freedom over the weekend...dropped them from first to third in one weekend. Fucking brutal.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Played a game with Altairre and Prelude earlier and nobody talked. Well we did in party I guess but those other 2 cats didn't say a word.

Also, people with no health running away from you when you're a healer makes me want to stick a nail in my dick.
yeah disastrous weekend for them, they got 3-0'd crazy really.

Lili is actually fun, I wish I could target Q though or that it'd self heal at least instead of healing me when I'm lowest and trying to heal someone else.
I'd also prefer not to be constantly matched up real solo healers.
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