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I can't believe I'm saying this..I miss Bush. He just owned Trump.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
If it prevents another Iraq, Americans turning on each other is vastly preferable.

did you read exactly what I wrote? It isn't preventing another Iraq. He's been antagonizing North Korea for months now. So we get another Iraq AND killing his own citizens on domestic soil.


It's amazing how progressively worse Republican presidents are getting. Nixon created the EPA and Reagan would be considered a centrist Democrat today.
Reagan wouldn't be a centrist Dem. He's firmly of the donor class of the GOP.

You could definitely make the argument for Bush Sr. and Nixon though.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
It's amazing how progressively worse Republican presidents are getting. Nixon created the EPA and Reagan would be considered a centrist Democrat today.

Bush senior had a war in Iraq but with a coalition and an objective not many would argue with. Got in and got out without the nation building. Increased taxes when needed and saw over the reunification of Germany and dicing up of the Soviet Union. Hell Clinton used Nixon when he was in office
It's not a high bar, but yes, I'd take Bush over Trump any day.

Hell, I'd take Johnson over Trump.
Man. President Gary Johnson would be like a PG Rated Trump.

There’d be a ton of turnover and chaos and weird shit happening. But it would be a lot less cynical a grim.

“BREAKING: SoS Vermin Supreme greets Prime Minister May by throwing a live Tuna at her feet”.
did you read exactly what I wrote? It isn't preventing another Iraq. He's been antagonizing North Korea for months now. So we get another Iraq AND killing his own citizens on domestic soil.

It's entirely possible that Trump is too much of a coward to start anything. That's why I said if. You don't like it fine but your predictions of war are not fact.


Don't let the appearance of him being the lovable oaf fool you, Bush was just as bad with his illegal war that he dragged Britain into and caused the Labour to be hugely unpopular.

Trump sucks, but he hasn't pushed us in two wars and had a huge recession yet.

Things that Trump has done that just as bad if not worse;

-Threaten North Korea into a nuclear war,

-Working hard to reverse the affordable health act,

-Discrediting the news media by spouting "fake news",

-Empowered the rise of Neo Nazi,

-Straight up refuse to help Puerto Rico even going to insult the Mayor,

-Banned Muslim from entering the US,

Trump is already on this way causing unfolded damage, which will take years to repair.
Bush was a horrible president, but he has shown some humility and remorse, so I can at least respect him on a human level. It felt like he went on a bizarre spiritual journey after being president where he dipped out of the spotlight and started painting sensitive nudes of himself in the shower and shit.

Trump isn't a human being. He is a narcissistic monster. He'll never look within. He probably still thinks he was right about Obama's birth certificate. He is someone who should never be given power of any kind. If he was a greeter at Best Buy he would abuse that authority by racially profiling customers for bag checks, and snooping in women's purses. Donald Trump should be in prison carrying someone else's lunch tray for them.


this is why i lay a big part of this shit timeline at McCain’s feet. he’s the one who invited Crazy into the political process with Palin.

Bush at least tried to keep the peace with Muslims, i remember him going out of his way to do that.

Cheney and Perle can burn though, they are monsters



Can Trump do this?

Can Bush do this?

this sold for 29k


this is why i lay a big part of this shit timeline at McCain’s feet. he’s the one who invited Crazy into the political process with Palin. shit got accelerated from there.
Really started with Nixon and the Southern Strategy, but at that point, they were explicitly leveraging them for political gain and didn't actually buy into it themselves.

That's changed now, the white supremacists gained control of the party.
Anyone who supported right wing media is responsible for this. Dont complain about the smell at home plate when you were one of the people who took a shit in the batters box.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Really started with Nixon and the Southern Strategy, but at that point, they were explicitly leveraging them for political gain and didn't actually buy into it themselves.

That's changed now, the white supremacists gained control of the party.

correct. democrats actually used to be the racists and social conservatives. Nixon in a bid to win wooed over the southern conservatives after the democrats hopped on board the civil rights train. it was basically the marriage of satan and Cthulhu. The worst of all worlds in one party.


As much as Bush sucks, at least he can talk in complete sentences, and that’s what people miss about him. They miss having a president who can complete a fucking sentence.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Bush was just a monster of a different nature. Cloaked by those around him, competently, with actual professionalism behind him. Trump is a monster as clear as day. With idiots surrounding him.
Crappy President but overall seems like a good man. Trump is a shit person and shit president.

All in the name of god and how its part of his plan for America. That's how men like Bush (white, elite, christian conservative) view their actions and that's why it doesn't phase them and they sleep just fine at night.


I don't miss him, I miss our presidents showing some level of decorum and humanity towards others. Bush owning trump is nothing when Trump cant stop owning himself on twitter...or any time he doesn't speak from a damned teleprompter.
More than anything sentiments like this and "what if Romney had won?" are just what solidifies that the US is through the looking glass.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'd like to peek twenty years into the future to see how Trump is perceived, what people say about him.

We'll all be singing our praise for him in native Russian as we hide out in the safety of our bunkers at night before the dead ones eat our flesh. Oh but the fun of swapping bedtime stories on how he finally ended Obamacare and gave tax cuts to the wealthy are a daily highlight. That wall he built also keeps the dreaded lurkers at bay!


Reminder that Bush started an illegal war on a lie that has killed hundreds of thousands of people

This exact talking point is why leftists hate liberals

Miss me with your discourse, your conceptions of America being shattered by trump's election. Bush is a fucking war criminal.


Predictably, people are buying into this performative bullshit by neocons looking to rehabilitate their image. As a quick reminder, the actions of the Bush administration (over false pretenses, no less) directly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. But because he appears "dignified", he's better than Trump?

When Trump actually starts illegal wars which result in trauma of a similar magnitude, we can start comparing notes.
Bush was a terrible president and by all metrics is still a worse one than Trump, you just can't upsurp him as the worst president in such a short amount of time.

Bush the man and how you feel about his humanity is irrelevant towards his policy work and Trump's Trumpness.
I never felt like I had the words taken out of my mouth before until I read this post. Seriously, what the heck at the Bush sentiment.
What about Guantanamo or starting an illegal war makes people think he seems like a good dude?

How low are your standards for good people?


Bush is a criminal. If we've forgotten that, and the end result of Trump's administration is that liberals and moderates are more receptive to neoconservatism, so long as it's couched in banal courtesy and complete sentences, then we're fucked.


...said no one.

OP said he miss him. How can you miss a president with a mountain of corpses behind if you are not willing to forgive him or pretend it didn't happen?

These recurring threads are always horrible. Some of you are ok with neocon mass murderes as long as they don't make you "feel" bad.
He is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Destabilizing an entire region. Destroying multiple countries. And being part of a global recession.

But hey, he made a good speech. That makes up for everything.

Only Americans could think that way.
Bush is a criminal. If we've forgotten that, and the end result of Trump's administration is that liberals and moderates are more receptive to neoconservatism, so long as it's couched in banal courtesy and complete sentences, then we're fucked.
Thankfully, no one has forgotten this about Bush. The thread reactions in here are bonkers. I get the intent, but do we need a P.S. after every post about him that acknowledges we know he is a piece of shit who did shitty things?

OP said he miss him. How can you miss a president with a mountain of corpses behind if you are not willing to forgive him or pretend it didn't happen?

These recurring threads are always horrible. Some of you are ok with neocon mass murderes as long as they don't make you "feel" bad.
Misses him compared to Trump does not equate to forgetting his war crimes. Maybe take the angle of arguing the war crimes are themselves worse than what Trump has done?

I'm out. Can see where this thread is going...nowhere great.

Mr. Sam

I'd say the speed with which George Bush's image was rehabilitated is surprising but Sean Spicer was being applauded mere weeks ago.

That said, I do miss the days when the US president was at least a rational actor.
Can we not normalize this? Ill give him props for saying some things that make sense now but he was a fucking horrible president that helped sew the fabric of what we are now dealing with.


He is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Destabilizing an entire region. Destroying multiple countries. And being part of a global recession.

But hey, he made a good speech. That makes up for everything.

Only Americans could think that way.

This. Trump is an ass but George W. Bush started a bloody, unconscionable war on false pretenses and was basically checked out during the worst global recession of our generation. The revisionism about Bush in here or anywhere is disgusting.
I mean do you watch the news. that's EXACTLY what he's desperately trying to do.

He hasn't done it yet, hence my comment.

Bush did far more harm to the country and world than Trump, and (while it's early) I doubt Trump will match him. For all the talk about Bush being "stupid" he surrounded himself with very competent people who were able to enact multiple policies that ruined large parts of the country, welfare state, etc.

If there's anything I firmly agree with far lefists on it's that liberals spend way too much time obsessing with weird appeals to emotion and identity. Bush certainly wasn't a narcissist like Trump, and he had one of the most diverse cabinets in modern history....and he was still a historically terrible president, surrounding by dangerous people (of all colors). How about we chill on the historical revision of him being a good guy we miss. I'll take Trump over Bush any day of the week.
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