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Idle Thumbs 65 - Dance of the Treasure Goblin


Just downloaded and added a 5 star review on iTunes. do they have to be approved by a moderator? As I don't know if.....

Day one perch
Gameblast blumgold jeffgame

...will get approved


I just randomly fired up Age of Empires III Asian Dynasty, and there's an actual enemy in the game called the treasure monkey. He basically guards treasure and gets very hissy when you look at his cart full of gold the wrong way. He's essentially Smaug, only a monkey.
Listening to the 'cast, and I find myself in the exact same situation as Chris in regards to Diablo 3 and Max Payne 3 not capturing me in the way the previous games did.


So Thirty Flights of Loving is going to be sold? Interesting.

Great job on the music. It worked PERFECTLY on that title card.

El Sloth

Hahaha, oh man. I hadn't heard about this Torchlight 2 thing before.


Serena Zhang said:
First of all, we have to say that it is a great shock hearing what Mr. Travis Baldree, president of Runic Games, said about Armed Heroes Online last weekend. We can hardly agree with Mr. Travis Baldree who judged that EGLS “wholesale stole most of the assets from Torchlight!” only based on the similarity between several small monsters. The judgment is simply untenable. Armed heroes Online is an action MMO role-playing mobile game, however, Torchlight is a console PC game. Not only the platforms(Mobile devices vs. PC/Mac), but also game mechanics(multiplayer online vs. console), engine support( self-developed 3D engine vs. commercial authorized OGRE engine) , scenes and techniques employed in Armed Heroes Online developing are all largely different from Torchlight.

Ha ha ha ha, what the fuck?


Max Payne 3 in on Sao Paulo, not Rio (well, at least Chris did not say that was in Buenos Aires). And I like a lot of ambient, the favela stuff and all the depressing old Max Payne. Chris seems to not care at all about the setting. I think is more a matter of personal taste than a bad game.


Max Payne 3 in on Sao Paulo, not Rio (well, at least Chris did not say that was in Buenos Aires). And I like a lot of ambient, the favela stuff and all the depressing old Max Payne. Chris seems to not care at all about the setting. I think is more a matter of personal taste than a bad game.
The New Jersey flashbacks gave me the impression if they wanted to do a Max Payne game in the same vein as 1 and 2 they could have, but decided to move it to South America instead.

There's also the thing where I'm certain Max is narrating the game from the end of it/in media res (in the tradition of the other two games), so that's why he constantly insults himself but during the course of the game, he is pretty much full of whatever convictions he needs to get through whatever shit landed in his lap.


Man, that conversation made me go back and listen to the original Tristram theme again, and it might be one of my favorite bits of game music. So low key and atmospheric. Also, I'm sort of glad that I didn't end up getting Diablo 3 after all.
So Thirty Flights of Loving is going to be sold? Interesting.

Great job on the music. It worked PERFECTLY on that title card.

Thanks! I appreciate it.

And yeah. The terms of the agreement with Blendo were basically that it would be a "timed exclusive" (lol) for Idle Thumbs backers, and then after that, the rights to the game revert entirely back to Blendo. I love that our backers get it first, but it would have been really unfortunate I think if Blendo wouldn't have been able to run with it after that. Even though Thumbs doesn't directly benefit from it in a tangible way going forward, we definitely want it to be successful and reach a lot of people because it's awesome.


Thanks! I appreciate it.

And yeah. The terms of the agreement with Blendo were basically that it would be a "timed exclusive" (lol) for Idle Thumbs backers, and then after that, the rights to the game revert entirely back to Blendo. I love that our backers get it first, but it would have been really unfortunate I think if Blendo wouldn't have been able to run with it after that. Even though Thumbs doesn't directly benefit from it in a tangible way going forward, we definitely want it to be successful and reach a lot of people because it's awesome.
Oh, I didn't expect it to be Kickstarter exclusive. I just find it interesting to see a very neat 10 or so minute experience being sold. There was an old podcast (Weekend Confirmed maybe?) where they argued how much is a fulfilling game experience is really worth, even if it is extremely brief. One of them even going out to say that they would of spent a hundred or so dollars to experience Flower.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
man, so good to have Idle Thumbs back. Great episode so far. Missed opportunity, though, this should have been called "Bursting Through the Tarp".
Yay! Something to listen to tonight.

I hope that Chris gets into Isaac talk at some point (binding of, not Stern). I keep going back to that game (150+ hours) and it sounds like he's played it a fair bit too.


ps. Got my 30 flights code as well, going to replay Gravity Bone tonight and then get into it :)


Yay! Something to listen to tonight.

I hope that Chris gets into Isaac talk at some point (binding of, not Stern). I keep going back to that game (150+ hours) and it sounds like he's played it a fair bit too.


ps. Got my 30 flights code as well, going to replay Gravity Bone tonight and then get into it :)

Sorry for the OT but what happened to Bob Ducca? I miss him... :(

edit: ah you changed your avatar. Not a good sign.


Finished Thirty Flights of Loving and replayed it in Goldblum Mode. I really enjoyed the experience, and I gotta agree that Chris' music was legitimately top notch. Did anyone else take an Orange with them to the end of the game? I picked one up after the party scene and accidentally didn't eat it before the next transition and decided to just keep it.

Also minor nitpicks about Goldblum mode-
Didn't like that the Wanted posters didn't have Goldblum on them, and that the cats weren't some hellish Goldblum/feline monstrosity.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Chuck Jordan says it best:

I loved every second of/didn't understand a second of Thirty Flights of Loving. Fantastic work by @BlendoGames.


First time listener to Idle Thumbs, and I really liked it! Solid gold, you got yourselves a subscriber. Really like how well articulated the discussion about D3's music was, though I'd like to hear for myself Torchlight 2's music (when is it coming out?!?!) and the Treasure Goblin stuff is hilarious.


I don't get Thirty Flights of Loving. Puffins Mode was terrifying, though.

I've played it through twice now, and while I don't fully understand what's going on, I appreciate the small details I notice. For example;
the first time we see Anita and when you see her during the "heist", she has a mechanical arm and leg of sorts which aren't there during any of the flashbacks. I'm taking it that they're possibly a result of the flashback car crash we see toward the end? Also, when Anita is introduced, you can see the girl from Gravity Bone hanging in the sniping scene behind her, as well as her being on the rooftop at the party and briefly scene in a screen of her on your bed.

Loved the part after the "drop" when you slowly round the corner. And the stand-off in the lobby toward the end, loved the sound design in there. Don't know if Chris was responsible for that or just the music, which was also really great. It really helped set a weird melancholy spy mood to the whole thing, especially the track that plays during the credit area. Loved it and can't wait for the soundtrack.

Also, the rooftop scene in Puffins mode. Best.
I gotta agree that Chris' music was legitimately top notch

And the stand-off in the lobby toward the end, loved the sound design in there. Don't know if Chris was responsible for that or just the music, which was also really great. It really helped set a weird melancholy spy mood to the whole thing, especially the track that plays during the credit area. Loved it and can't wait for the soundtrack.

Thanks for the kind words about the music, guys. It means a lot.

Randomwab: No, Brendon timed out that audio, and yeah it's fucking awesome. I did end up recreating it to score the trailer, which Jake and I made together, but both the idea and the in-game execution are Brendon, who is basically a genius.


Yep they'll be going up at some point soon, here. The backers-only casts will likely remain exclusive for a while, but we'll be linking the whole series on the archive page.

Cool. I'm really glad to see the podcast is back. Great episode.


I think Gravity Bone was better, but Thirty Flights is more impressive. Goldblum mode is the greatest thing ever.
Yes. It's worth it, if only for the irony displayed here (which will probably go down as the greatest screenshot of all time). Tempted to post it in the screens thread, but given the exclusivity of it, will hold off.

PS. Holy crap. Amongst those signs in the airport I'd screencapped, I just noticed
the Baboo Horsebag[/url]. Captured mainly for
Ultra Boost[/url] but didn't even notice the other thing. Fantastic.

PPS. The graphical glitches toward the end with the textures etc... I assume they were intentional?

PPPS. The museum/credits at the end blew me away. Walking through and seeing pieces of artwork used in the game (like the mugs with the maps/schematics underneath) were great.

The disjointed feeling went away for me after a few playthroughs. Don't know what that means, or if that's even worth saying, but it did. Also, unrelated but there are a ton of little details around in the various vignettes to help you place the timeline together if you want (like Anita's bionic leg), which is stuff I didn't really notice until I played it a few times.
That's great to hear. Also says something that a game that only takes 10 minutes to play can contain so damn much.

And yeah. The terms of the agreement with Blendo were basically that it would be a "timed exclusive" (lol) for Idle Thumbs backers, and then after that, the rights to the game revert entirely back to Blendo. I love that our backers get it first, but it would have been really unfortunate I think if Blendo wouldn't have been able to run with it after that. Even though Thumbs doesn't directly benefit from it in a tangible way going forward, we definitely want it to be successful and reach a lot of people because it's awesome.
That makes a lot of sense. It's definitely worked out in Brendan's favour though, as I now plan on buying Atom Zombie Smasher and will give Flotilla another crack. And I love that it seems like a very "Thumbs" sort of game... something that's (on the surface) basic but can be dissected and talked about at length without being polarising (unless you're an idiot, like some folks I saw on the Blendo forums).

Chuck Jordan says it best:

By the way, the original treasure goblin (or gnome, rather) would be that blue asshole that stole your magic shit in Golden Axe.

Complete with music cue and all.

Edit: oh, Chris Remo is around. Great job guys. You have fans in Spain. One at least.
Beaten like a red-headed stepchild. (I'm a redhead, so I can say that. But I'm not adopted, as far as I know.)


I hope that Gravity Bone is a pack in for Thirty Flights. More people need to inadvertently have Gravity Bone on their hard drive.
Loved the podcast, really happy my beloved Idle Thumbs is back.

The enigmatic 30 Flights of Loving I'm going to have to have explained to me though. Played through it a bunch of times but I haven't got a clue beyond the basics. I enjoyed throwing orange peel at the cats.


Loved the podcast, really happy my beloved Idle Thumbs is back.

The enigmatic 30 Flights of Loving I'm going to have to have explained to me though. Played through it a bunch of times but I haven't got a clue beyond the basics. I enjoyed throwing orange peel at the cats.
Did you play GB as well?

BTW It helps if you think of it less as a game and more as an interactive story.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I've missed you Thumbs...

It feels like a breath of fresh air hearing people have discussions about games in such a way that I forget the cesspool that is comprised of the majority of the gaming podcasts/sites/personas/reviewers etc. Looking back I've been listening to some questionable content just in the hopes of having my ear tickled by people talking about games...

I loved your talk about Diablo 3 Chris! I have yet to read or hear anyone have those kind of views that incidentally wholly corresponds with those of my own. In fact you articulated what I found to be D3's flaws better than I could myself and it was very enjoyable to listen to. I was preparing my lunch as you began to approach the music of the Diablo games and I dropped my spatula with glee and had a big grin on my face thinking " This is going to be good ".

I'm going to be boring and just say I agree with you wholeheartedly with what you say and thank you for being able to critically view certain aspects of two different franchises in ways that are, sadly, uncommon in this day and age.

Thanks for coming back I can't wait for more. Listening to you guys talk about games and everything in between has invigorated my love for them during this personal period of massive backlogs and gaming procrastination/apathy.

I love you guys.


First episode back, and Sean is already inadvertently throwing out Idle Thumbs meme material with the 'Take you to the theater' joke.
It's been too long fellows, but it was an excellent cast. The discussion on item collection as game mechanic was thoroughly engaging.


First episode back, and Sean is already inadvertently throwing out Idle Thumbs meme material with the 'Take you to the theater' joke.
It's been too long fellows, but it was an excellent cast. The discussion on item collection as game mechanic was thoroughly engaging.

Burlesque Jaws > Take you to the theater
Ahh. Though the personalities are awesome and the asides are great and the jokes are hilarious, I listen to idle thumbs because they know how to pick our nuances of specific games and highlight them and discuss them in an entertaining and informative manner. While i may not always agree with the viewpoints, i always enjoy the perspectives they bring up of what would be seen as such a mundane thing actually being a reflection of the overall game design.

This is why its so easy to listen to old episodes of Idle Thumbs and this is why I'm so glad it's back. Can't wait for the eventual DayZ /Far Cry 2 discussions as they both revel so much in emergent gameplay and narrative.


I don't remember which occurred chronologically first, but they can both be memes. Take a puffin to the jaws burlesque theater

Agreed. I'm just glad Idle Thumbs LLC is finally producing their flagship podcast again. I think the podcast ecosystem they are building up is a great way to continue growth of themselves and their partner Three Moves Ahead. BURLESQUE JAWS® and TAKE YOU TO THE THEATER® are probably just some of the new IP Idle Thumbs LLC will create. It's so great to finally see the original four-quadrant podcast back on the market.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I continue to find the curmudgeonly "IP" and marketing phrase discussion to be -- well -- curmudgeonly. Language is about communication. If people understand what you're saying immediately and unambiguously if you use words like IP, honestly, who cares. Tomato, tomato. It shouldn't be about the language used so much as it is the actual meat of what someone is saying. Getting hung up on using business-like language feels trite. It's the most superficial of problems with video game discourse.
I continue to find the curmudgeonly "IP" and marketing phrase discussion to be -- well -- curmudgeonly. Language is about communication. If people understand what you're saying immediately and unambiguously if you use words like IP, honestly, who cares. Tomato, tomato. It shouldn't be about the language used so much as it is the actual meat of what someone is actually saying. It feels trite, petty.

Much of the time when people use a term like "IP" I don't think the meaning is unambiguous. People often say they want more "original IP" because they're tired of endless sequels and spinoffs, but if you're demanding a new "IP" you're basically asking for something that is going to be attempted to be sequelized and spun off indefinitely if it's remotely successful. I feel like adopting the jargon term "IP" instead of just referring to "original games" or "new ideas" is implicitly buying into the commodified outlook of game publishing, where ideas are fundamentally property to be capitalized on according to a fiscal year schedule. (And while they clearly ARE that to some, they don't need to be discussed as such by all.) People not saying "IP" isn't going to suddenly make the industry less risk-averse or anything, but I still wish there were less jargon used for no real reason.
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