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IGN Preview: Traditional Ratchet is back in 'Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus'







What? I'd like a physical release. I got QfB and FFA on Blu-Ray, I want a disc version of this too.

Shame about this being a PS3 release, but sunce it's gonna be released this fall it does make sense. I really hope it takes at least 3-5 times longer to complete than QfB though. That game was really short.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
you guys moan that games are going up in price or cant afford each new release of a game, now your complaining that a game is coming out cheaper and it might not be worth it. seriously gamers need to make up their minds on what they really want instead of bitching about things both ways


Just watched the IGN video preview. Looks like it's sub-30fps like Qforce/Full Frontal Assault. I'd be OK with less than 60fps if the game at least has a stable 30fps framerate. But not even having that just makes it seem like Insomniac is trying too hard to make the game stand out graphically, instead of relying on a good art style like the Future trilogy did.

The gameplay is never going to be as good as in something like A Crack in Time with a shoddy framerate.

Also, really surprised to see it have a digital only release in Europe.
Meh, it's another budget release. Kudos for making a proper platformer this time, and not shoe-horning in stodgy co-op or RTS features, but I was hoping this would be another full-scale Ratchet & Clank game a la A Crack in Time.

I'll still buy it... probably. There's a lot happening this Fall though.


it's just not technically possible to do it for TOD. The game was built in the wild west days of PSN, and in an era where patching a single player only game was still sort of a quaint idea on a console.

That honestly sucks. I would love to eventually have 10 Ratchet & Clank Platinum Trophies.


Gold Member
And I am out.

I were ok with the price but 30€ for a download is far to expensive.

Just watched the IGN video preview. Looks like it's sub-30fps like Qforce/Full Frontal Assault. I'd be OK with less than 60fps if the game at least has a stable 30fps framerate. But not even having that just makes it seem like Insomniac is trying too hard to make the game stand out graphically, instead of relying on a good art style like the Future trilogy did.

The gameplay is never going to be as good as in something like A Crack in Time with a shoddy framerate.

Also, really surprised to see it have a digital only release in Europe.

These two posts sum up my feelings about this. I was excited on the first page, but now it's drained. It's a shame, as I just finished playing 3 HD and I'm thinking about playing CiT again. I love me some good Ratchet & Clank. Which is why I didn't buy anything after CiT.


If there is really no disc release in Europe I'll pass. I hope they think twice about this decision.

Shouldn't be anything preventing us from importing from the US no? It's a bit of a hassle, but i'd much rather that than getting a downloadable version.


it's just not technically possible to do it for TOD. The game was built in the wild west days of PSN, and in an era where patching a single player only game was still sort of a quaint idea on a console.

That's a real shame. Thank you for the response though.

Maybe a PS4 port down the line could remedy the situation.

A Size Matters/Secret Agent Clank mini HD collection wouldn't go amiss either ;)

Also wanted to say thank you for this new game, it looks amazing!
While the FFA port on VITA was downright horrible. The Jak and Daxter collection was loads better and it did end up being in the Top 10 VITA PSN games for June despite being available for less than 2 weeks.
Hotline Miami PS Vita
Assassin’s Creed III Liberation
Muramasa Rebirth
LIMBO full game
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
Escape Plan
Men’s Room Mayhem
Jak and Daxter Collection
Guacamelee! PS Vita
Sound Shapes PS Vita

Just give us a good port and i am sure that the VITA crowd will flock to the game.


We were the ones that were lucky enough to get a retail release of Quest for Booty, so it feels a bit weird to 180 with the US getting a retail release and us a digital only one. Hopefully that changes and we end up getting one announced later down the road.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
it's just not technically possible to do it for TOD. The game was built in the wild west days of PSN, and in an era where patching a single player only game was still sort of a quaint idea on a console.

Can't we do a Re-HD Remix?

Get TOD + QFB + ACiT in a delicious $39.99 re-release with Trophy Support

James keep filling my Platinum Addiction please


The disc release of Quest for Booty was pointless as you still had to install the game onto the PS3. Iirc, the install size was the equivalent of the digital version too.


While the FFA port on VITA was downright horrible. The Jak and Daxter collection was loads better and it did end up being in the Top 10 VITA PSN games for June despite being available for less than 2 weeks.


Just give us a good port and i am sure that the VITA crowd will flock to the game.

The Jak ports are still barely passable. Not as bad as Qforce (which was one of the worst ports I've ever played), but at least the first game runs at sub-30fps and at a resolution below the native Vita resolution. Which is weird seeing how they're PS2 games and the Vita should be able to run them at a better framerate than that.


you guys moan that games are going up in price or cant afford each new release of a game, now your complaining that a game is coming out cheaper and it might not be worth it. seriously gamers need to make up their minds on what they really want instead of bitching about things both ways

Quoted for nothing more than truth.

Gaming has been hard when the vocal base has been inconsistent on expressing what they want. Its back and forth constantly... no focused message

That said... I'd love me some R&C on PS3 for 30 bucks this fall. It looks phenomenal regarding Image Quality


Consumers don't really have adaptive expectations like that and rarely consider the long turn future of the platform when buying the console. They react to things like price point and existing software library or whats about to come out.

The R&C franchise hits a broad net that is not primarily composed of your super hardcore day one console purchaser. It's the same rationale as GT6 being on PS3. While some core gamers might be swayed by GT6 being a PS4 exclusive the reality is that most of the 10 million people who buy every Gran Turismo game don't buy new systems until a year or two after they've been out, as it has strong mass appeal with more "casual" gamers.

Sony isn't looking to built a PS4 fan base and only a PS4 fan base. They're looking to restore the Playstation brand as a whole. A key part of that is servicing gamers who aren't ready or willing to migrate to new, expensive hardware so that in a few years time when they are ready to migrate they don't think "I'm going to buy a new video game console" and instead think "I'm going to buy a new PlayStation".

This was Sony's standing coming out of the PS1 and PS2 generations, but their late release, astronomical pricing, and tepid first few years of releases has greatly diminished that brand recognition. Supporting the PS3 for all the people who have now adopted it is a key part of building that kind of brand loyalty.

That's just my thinking coming from the fact Xbox 360s sales weren't hampered in the first year, despite the fact that Xbox was discontinued early. I can also bet that Xbox One won't have any issues selling first year, despite RRoD.

The Xbox 360 was the only game in town it's first year, and while the Xbox didn't have as long a life as the PS2 Microsoft did support it up until the 360 was out. The NA launch of the Xbox 360 was November 2005. That same year Microsoft released:
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Forza Motorsport
Halo 2 map packs
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Jade Empire
Phantom Dust

MechAssault 2 also was a December 28th, 2004 release, so just barely missing 2005. Given the hype around Jade Empire, the fervor with which they've built the Forza franchise, and the fact that Conker was one of the first meaningful pieces of software they got out of Rare post-purchase I'd say that was a pretty committed year.

Also, you're being naive if you don't think MS has alienated some consumers due to RRoD. Probably a good number in fact, who they'll need to try winning back via the XB1 having very few hardware issues it's first few years.
The Jak ports are still barely passable. Not as bad as Qforce (which was one of the worst ports I've ever played), but at least the first game runs at sub-30fps and at a resolution below the native Vita resolution. Which is weird seeing how they're PS2 games and the Vita should be able to run them at a better framerate than that.
They even had trouble running it on PS3. They are not native 720p on PS3 despite being PS2 games. It is a miracle that the studio porting them was able to get them up and running on VITA.

The problem lies with ND and how they decided to code a completely different engine for their Jak and Daxter games. IIRC, they mentioned their engine trouble in an interview online.


I can't even say I'm overly stoked about this. As great as ACiT was, I wanted to see the next major leap in the franchise, not a $29 PS3 downloadable that is below full-length.

I really hope it's one of Insomniac's B-Teams working on it because I'd like to hope that the best of the best are currently working on a next-gen Ratchet. The franchise feels like it's gotten pretty lazy.


The lack of BC in PS4 makes me more reluctant to buy digital PS3 games nowadays, because it's dead value (i.e. can't resell when I'm done with it), so as a Yuropean this is looking mighty unattractive. May consider importing from America because of this.

All that said, I'm glad we're getting a new traditional Ratchet & Clank game. Even if it's not as big as the other Future games, and even if it's 30fps.


it's just not technically possible to do it for TOD. The game was built in the wild west days of PSN, and in an era where patching a single player only game was still sort of a quaint idea on a console.

I thought it came out around the same time as the first Uncharted. Granted, that game had the medals already built into the game, so turning them into trophies was probably pretty straightforward.
It's brilliant. Sure, it might slow down PS4 sales in the short term (although.. does the short term matter? PS4 is sold out!), but it builds something entirely more important: consumer confidence.

Consumers can buy a Sony product secure in the knowledge they will support the system with legit big titles for many, many years, even at the end of its life. This can reverberate and have positive repercussions when customers remember this when they are on the market for a PS4. It's called building good customer relations :)

Its also nothing new. 2007 had some of the Best PS2 games release. Likewise the PS1 did in 2001.

that said the PS3 really has got more than its fair share this year.


Meh, it's another budget release. Kudos for making a proper platformer this time, and not shoe-horning in stodgy co-op or RTS features, but I was hoping this would be another full-scale Ratchet & Clank game a la A Crack in Time.

I'll still buy it... probably. There's a lot happening this Fall though.
It is a full scale, its a sequel to the Future games.
People reacting negatively to €30 for a digital-only game is why digital-only is not going to be the norm any time soon.

If it's a full game, but you can only download it, why shouldn't you pay that price?


PS blog comments:
+ James Stevenson on July 10th, 2013 at 6:50 pm said:
Yes, but it’s huge compared to Q4B and FFA, and has new planets, a bunch of new weapons and a ton of variety. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed

+ James Stevenson on July 10th, 2013 at 6:47 pm said:
There is going to be a disc of Into the Nexus!
+ James Stevenson on July 10th, 2013 at 8:19 pm said:
Nah, we wouldn’t go back to Nexus on PS2. That game isn’t really anything like this one, we just like that name. :)
No multiplayer plans at this time. The fan response always seems to be to put all of our resources and efforts into the best single-player experience possible
James Stevenson on July 10th, 2013 at 8:36 pm said:
After. This game is the latest into the timeline of any other, and is an epilogue to the future games

+ James Stevenson on July 10th, 2013 at 9:55 pm said:
1. Thanks!
2. It’s always hard to plan around the movies. We had great ideas for a new Ratchet game and the right scenario to make it for Holiday 2013, so we took it.
3. We don’t own Spyro, and it’s been what, 13 years since the last one we made? Never say never, of course, but I think that ship sailed long ago.
4. You’ll see Talwyn for sure…


People reacting negatively to €30 for a digital-only game is why digital-only is not going to be the norm any time soon.

If it's a full game, but you can only download it, why shouldn't you pay that price?

Because they make the choice for you. In the US you can buy the game on disc if you prefer it that way, but in Europe you've got to pay the same price while at the same time you are also forced to pick it up digitally. A decision like that is of course met with resistance.

Sadly, it only shows how much the franchise has fallen in popularity, I guess. With Nintendo struggling these days, it seems more and more likely that family entertainment will become even more of an afterthought in the future. On traditional consoles everything seems to be targeted at 16-29 year olds these days and I don't like that development at all. Hopefully Knack will sell decent at least, but I've got my doubts about that...
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