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iOS Gaming August 2015 | Last chance to play your favorites before iOS9 breaks them


Despite the mixed impressions, at $2 I'm giving Heroki a shot.

Got The Executive and Attack the Light too. Never watched the show, but the game seems like a pretty fun Mario & Luigi / Paper Mario style RPG.

Edit: what the heck, getting AG Drive too.

Heroki is far better than the TA and PG reviews gave it credit for. I think they went in with sky high expectations. I still think it's up there with the best iOS platformers (using that turn loosely since it really isn't a "platformer"). There are a few minor issues with it (got stuck in the environment once and there's a gate that you can bypass underneath -- at least those are the only issues I have had).

To me it has a Nintendo feel to it, plays great and looks fantastic overall.


The Executive is more fun than it has any right to be. Such a weird game... why does this even exist?

There's some Punch-Out flavor to it, though. Fun times.


Just gonna drop a bunch of Monsters Ate My Metropolis promo codes in here in case anyone wants to load it up early. Quote to see them!


Matt Frost

Aside from the wacky fun Monsters Ate My Metropolis (I prefer to write AppStore reviews) there is another cool looking puzzler coming tonight called Sputnik Eyes



Looks polished, smart, unique and charming. Also lacks IAP. I'm getting it.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7dfaLCLV0o

Gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=697f7SGqHV0


Aside from the wacky fun Monsters Ate My Metropolis (I prefer to write AppStore reviews) there is another cool looking puzzler coming tonight called Sputnik Eyes

Just was lucky enough to snag a code for this on Twitter. Will post impressions as soon as I get a chance to play.

Also looking forward to checking out yet another Crossy Road style game, Blocky Raider. Love Crossy Road. Love Indiana Jones. Gotta try it at least.

Matt Frost

Just was lucky enough to snag a code for this on Twitter. Will post impressions as soon as I get a chance to play.

I just saw that on twitter, doesnt look like a promo code, in fact I skipped it while looking at her feed, also, nice spotting... looking forward to those impressions...

Also looking forward to checking out yet another Crossy Road style game, Blocky Raider. Love Crossy Road. Love Indiana Jones. Gotta try it at least.

If you like Crossy Road check out the open beta for Skeletomb, is like that but rogue-like-ish/dungeon crawler and a lot of fun.

Also GameCenter magically came back and synced some To-Fu Fury and Hero Emblems achievements and could finish The Long Siege within 175 days to count in the leaderboards. Awesome.


I just saw that on twitter, doesnt look like a promo code, in fact I skipped it while looking at her feed, also, nice spotting... looking forward to those impressions...

Played a bit and it's a cute puzzler. As you probably gathered, the object is to get each colored object to the right spot by using the paths provided. You can only go one direction and there are some paths that can only be traveled by a specific color. Like other games, you have three objectives to achieve -- one for completing the level, one for time and one for using a set number of moves.

I've played similar games but this one has a lot a lot of charm and cleverness. Only minor thing so far is the difficulty is a little uneven. Might take a few tries to get all three objectives on one level but then the next is a breeze.

Still a very well polished and fun little game.

Also, thanks for the heads up on Skeletomb. Will have to check that one out.
Am I seriously about to download and play Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 on my iPhone?!

Yes, I am!! Wish it were Rct2, but I'll take any RCT in my life right now.
It's a building sim? Thought these games were just building roller coasters.

Thanks for the suggestions on the last page everyone! Gonna check them all out.


Heroki is good. I think the key really is not going with high expectations. The game looks so good and polished that it's easy to think it might be a mobile masterpiece or something. It isn't, but it is a charming, polished and pleasant game to play. It clearly is a labor of love. Certainly well worth it $2.

I'm also really enjoying The Executive. I really didn't expect to like the game this much.


Heroki is good. I think the key really is not going with high expectations. The game looks so good and polished that it's easy to think it might be a mobile masterpiece or something. It isn't, but it is a charming, polished and pleasant game to play. It clearly is a labor of love. Certainly well worth it $2.

I'm also really enjoying The Executive. I really didn't expect to like the game this much.
The Executive didn't click for me.

Which control scheme is everyone using for Heroki? I started with B, then went to A, and then switched back. I am having a difficult time getting to either one. C doesn't seem intuitive to me at all.


The Executive didn't click for me.

Which control scheme is everyone using for Heroki? I started with B, then went to A, and then switched back. I am having a difficult time getting to either one. C doesn't seem intuitive to me at all.

I actually use a combination of controls for Heroki. I was primarily using the pull controls, but found some levels where I wanted a little more precision. So now I use the virtual joystick much of the time. There are some sections, though, that the pull actually is a way to get more quickly through an area or pull you away quicker from a hazard.

Sounds kind of crazy, but that's the way I do it. I do think the pull control you are started with is a fun way to play and you probably can still get through the whole game with it.


Holy crap! That's a huge drop for Heroki ($7.99). Highly recommend both games.

Lots of big sales:

The Executive $1.99
Furdemption $2.99 --> $.99
Geometry Wars 3 $4.99 --> $1.99
Xenowork $1.99 --> $.99
Terraria $4.99 --> $1.99
Time Surfer $. 99 --> Free
Sunburn $2.99 --> $.99
Farming Simulator $2.99 --> $.99
Attack the Light - Steven Universe Light RPG $2.99 --> $.99
Monument Valley $3.99 --> $1.99

Which of these are good?


The tide never stops.
Last week of August will be out Lara Croft GO add Calvino Noir.
Probably Galaxtic Keep too.

What an incredible year.
Which of these are good?
All of them


I've heard good things about Farming Sim, and the rest are all really fun games.

If you want arcade action, go with Sunburn, Geometry Wars, and Xenowerk

Time Surfer is a endless runner-style game with the ability to rewind time

Monument Valley is a wonderful experience/puzzler

Terrarria is a port of the PC version, hours of content there

The Executive is an quirky brawler

Attack The Light is a fun game with solid Paper Mario-inspired turn based combat
Thinking about buying Warhammer Deathwatch but two questions before I do:

1. If I've never played a Warhammer games before will I be able to jump right into it?

2. Is the campaign just standard "eliminate all enemies in the area" type missions or is there variety in the them?
Thinking about buying Warhammer Deathwatch but two questions before I do:

1. If I've never played a Warhammer games before will I be able to jump right into it?

2. Is the campaign just standard "eliminate all enemies in the area" type missions or is there variety in the them?
1) No knowledge required. It's guys in oversized power armor fighting aliens. The Warhammer 40k setting adds cool lore and a cool aesthetic, but it's perfectly enjoyable without any prior knowledge

2) While the core gameplay is combat-focused, there are varied objectives like holding down certain areas for X turns, rescuing a separated team member, etc.


Anyone who has a Metal compatible device and either has Phoenix HD or likes shmups at all, HAS to download the update. Absolutely stunning how gorgeous it looks with the new graphics and effects.

Already one of the best shmups on iOS, it's now also one of the most beautiful games on iOS.

One caveat: currently crashes on devices not on 8.4, but the dev is looking into it. I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade with 9 on the way.
1) No knowledge required. It's guys in oversized power armor fighting aliens. The Warhammer 40k setting adds cool lore and a cool aesthetic, but it's perfectly enjoyable without any prior knowledge

2) While the core gameplay is combat-focused, there are varied objectives like holding down certain areas for X turns, rescuing a separated team member, etc.
It's supposed to be great, but you should be aware that a lot of people have reported a bug that causes the game to freeze on enemy turns, and when you quit out of the mission to restart your marines lose all their experience. Came up in a lot of reviews when I went to buy it, and at least one poster in the OT ran into that bug.
Thanks! Probably going to pick it up then.


Sidhe / PikPok
We just released v1.1 of Breakneck to our softlaunch territories.

Amongst other things, this build includes

- ghost trails of your best and last runs to help track and tune your performance
- minor usability fixes
- performance improvements across the board but especially for the iPad Minis
- extra collision fixes and refinements
- lighting adjustments to fix some too-dark areas

Still another update to hopefully come before global launch which will help fix a few known quirks and more.

Matt Frost

Played a bit and it's a cute puzzler. As you probably gathered, the object is to get each colored object to the right spot by using the paths provided. You can only go one direction and there are some paths that can only be traveled by a specific color. Like other games, you have three objectives to achieve -- one for completing the level, one for time and one for using a set number of moves.

I've played similar games but this one has a lot a lot of charm and cleverness. Only minor thing so far is the difficulty is a little uneven. Might take a few tries to get all three objectives on one level but then the next is a breeze.

Still a very well polished and fun little game.

Also, thanks for the heads up on Skeletomb. Will have to check that one out.

Thanks for the impressions, but I found out levels have a countdown as that is not my cup of tea at all. I like puzzle games like Blockwick 2 or Pudding Monsters because you can take your time with it, not being rushed by a timer, so I am not buying it. Saldy.


Thanks for the impressions, but I found out levels have a countdown as that is not my cup of tea at all. I like puzzle games like Blockwick 2 or Pudding Monsters because you can take your time with it, not being rushed by a timer, so I am not buying it. Saldy.

Yeah, the timer is just for one of the three challenges with each level (game doesn't use stars but shows which of the three you achieve). So it's not mandatory.

It's a good but not fantastic puzzle game.

Matt Frost

Yeah, the timer is just for one of the three challenges with each level (game doesn't use stars but shows which of the three you achieve). So it's not mandatory.

It's a good but not fantastic puzzle game.

I reinstalled Puddling Monsters from ZeptoLab (their best game) so I will be finishing that one again since I missed the last world that came in an update. That game is awesome from start to finish and has some impressive replayability to get the fourth star. I love games like this or Blockwick 2 and Sputnik Eyes looks to have the same style I love. Might get it after all. Further impressions from fellow GAFFers?
Qvadriga is on sale for $4.99 (iPad only)

If you've never heard of it, here are some good impressions from RPS
Best Racing Game Of 2014: Qvadriga
As a sports management sim, Qvadriga is at the opposite end of the spectrum to Football Manager. It favours simplicity in its stats and the options permitted, but makes every single action meaningful. From the lash of a whip to the purchase of fresh horses, everything has a strong and immediate effect, and while the simulation of the world is comparatively simple, it is a place in which I’m glad to live and die.
Here’s something that you can’t say about many racing games, turn-based or otherwise – in Qvadriga, you won’t always be trying to win first place. Depending on the strength of your stable, the power and number of your rivals, and any special conditions in place, it can be wiser to aim for a finish, in any position, rather than battling for the top spot. As long as the rider survives and the chariot crosses the line on the final lap, the owner takes some cash home. Changing tactics and objectives on the fly is an important part of the job, which is the mark of a simple but solid strategic layer
Every Qvadriga derby begins with the turn of an event card. Incredibly varied, these can add everything from arena bumps, sandstorms, and extra laps, to sabotaged gates, snipped reins and pissed, projectile-hurling spectators


Both Doom & Destiny and its Advanced sequel are on sale for $.99. I own them, but honestly haven't even finished the first one (too many games!). But from what I have played, I can tell you that they're fun JRPGs taken from the point of view of four geeks who get sucked into their D&D type game. Very funny and quite enjoyable.

Edit: just saw Shaun Musgrave, who really liked the first one and is a reviewer I trust, only gave the second one a 3/5. Hopes that it improves with updates. For a buck, probably still worth picking up since the dev will raise the price as content is added. But if you were to get just one, go for the widely praised original.
Was looking through some upcoming iOS lists from last year and I just remembered Mewgenics (maybe) still exists. Been forever since the game was last seen.


Interesting to see a green energy company funding a game, Path to Luma, with some really high pedigree - Phosphor Games (Horn, Dark Meadow) with soundtrack by the same composer who did the music for The Banner Saga and Journey.

It's completely free and so far is fun and a real full-fledged effort. Great art direction and puzzles to be solved using the power of the sun (yeah, it's pushing solar energy) to "save" polluted planets.

No ads. No IAPs. Well worth checking out. Crazy to think that a game used for advertising is probably my favorite release this week and truly fantastic. I would have easily paid for this and wouldn't mind paying if they choose to expand it in any way.

Interesting to see a green energy company funding a game, Path to Luma, with some really high pedigree - Phosphor Games (Horn, Dark Meadow) with soundtrack by the same composer who did the music for The Banner Saga and Journey.

It's completely free and so far is fun and a real full-fledged effort. Great art direction and puzzles to be solved using the power of the sun (yeah, it's pushing solar energy) to "save" polluted planets.

No ads. No IAPs. Well worth checking out.

Reminds me of Transmission, a really good LYNE-esque puzzler that was sponsored and funded by the London Science Museum


Reminds me of Transmission, a really good LYNE-esque puzzler that was sponsored and funded by the London Science Museum

I must have missed that. Will have to check it out.

One thing ironic about Path to Lume, for being a game about energy, it drains battery life pretty quickly. Puzzles get pretty clever and ramp up in difficulty fairly quick. Really love the score.


Our iOS game, Star Bridge, was released today. Free to play but with some IAP in there. Endless runner and plays with the swipe to move style of Crossy Road but we have verticality in there, as well as other mechanics.


Game seems cool but I can't even get past the first door. There are six bolts and apparently you only start with four missles. Am I missing something here?


Swipe to move.

I did swipe to move and also tried moving up and down. When I try to fire the fifth and sixth missiles, it just makes a little noise like it is out of missles. In fact I've even tried to do them in a different order and it still doesn't work. The movement works fine. Just can't destroy the last two bolts.

Edit: Finally figured it out. I was tapping to fire which I guess is for missiles. I guess you destroy them with just normal firing and not missles? That would explain it if I do only have four missiles. That said I think the autofiring was not working at first.
Ship design is heavily inspired by Star Wars, right?

Actually they are hybrids and kit bashes of a variety of ships and mecha. For instance the Tempest there you see at the start of the trailer might look similar to an X-Wing but it also looks a bit like the Babylon 5 Star Fury but has no direct shape or markings from either.
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