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Is gamefreak the least competent developer for Nintendo?


Didn't Black and White 2 do this very same thing?

Why is everyone throwing a fit over this?

They aren't mad it's a third version they are mad it's on 3DS and not the 300$ port-machine. And that they were gullible enough to take rumours for facts.

We know next to nothing about the game, hard to be throwing a fit over it.


Mainly due to the strength of the franchise & its core gameplay. I wonder what would happen if Game Freak did the turn-based combat & EPD did everything else?

Options menu would probably be gone but other than that you would have a really good game.


Didn't Black and White 2 do this very same thing?

Why is everyone throwing a fit over this?

EDIT: yes I read the OP, but we know why this thread is really here.
With Black 2 and White 2 it was technically worse. They came out 16 months after the 3DS. This just feels worse thanks to Eurogamer.


That, and Game Freak management has been philosophically opposed to making a mainline Pokemon game for a home console since the beginning, which is why it's been 20 years and you still haven't seen one. The game was designed with kids going out and playing it with friends in mind.

If they could disable TV mode for a Switch Pokemon, they probably would.

That's just crazy talk. The whole thing with the Switch is you can do both. They probably would never do that.

Too much hyperbole these days.

I mean, GF are a 6/10 Dev sure...but please don't act like they are like that.


Junior Member
They aren't mad it's a third version they are mad it's on 3DS and not the 300$ port-machine. And that they were gullible enough to take rumours for facts.

We know next to nothing about the game, hard to be throwing a fit over it.
Jeez, did the Switch kill your first-born child?

Options menu would probably be gone but other than that you would have a really good game.
Oh right, almost forgot about that.


One game doesn't get a port to the system and suddenly the developer is the devil incarnate.

You guys are mental.
I found B2W2 really smooth and full of content when it comes to the latter half of Pokemon games. I don't remember if BW was like that too, though.

I hope they can pull off that level of quality (subjective, of course).
The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam on the Little Conemaugh River upstream of the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The dam broke after several days of extremely heavy rainfall, releasing 14.55 million cubic meters of water (16 million US tons) from the reservoir known as Lake Conemaugh. With a volumetric flow rate that temporarily equaled that of the Mississippi River, the flood killed 2,209 people and caused US$17 million of damage (about $450 million in 2015 dollars).

Before hitting the main part of Johnstown, the flood surge hit the Cambria Iron Works at the town of Woodvale, sweeping up railroad cars and barbed wire in its moil. Of Woodvale's 1,100 residents, 314 died in the flood. Boilers exploded when the flood hit the Gautier Wire Works, causing black smoke seen by the Johnstown residents. Miles of its barbed wire became entangled in the debris in the flood waters.

The Johnstown residents were caught by surprise as the wall of water and debris bore down, traveling at 40 miles per hour and reaching a height of 60 feet in places. Some people, realizing the danger, tried to escape by running towards high ground but most people were hit by the surging floodwater. Many people were crushed by pieces of debris, and others became caught in barbed wire from the wire factory upstream and/or drowned. Those who reached attics, or managed to stay afloat on pieces of floating debris, waited hours for help to arrive.

But are Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon an even bigger disaster than the surging wall of water and barbed wire? Is Game Freak even worse than the negligent millionaires who shirked responsibility for the upkeep of the South Fork Dam? Although thousands died, how does it compare to US/M being 3DS only?

please let me know what you guys think. I'm sure there are things I'm not considering but I'm really souring on GF right now.


They aren't incompetent, but they certainly haven't been great with 3D. Nintendo could do a much better job with Pokémon than Game Freak, but the main series games are not going to change developers unless there's a buyout, which seems unlikely.

They really could use some more manpower, or longer development periods for Pokémon games, but it doesn't seem like Game Freak cares as long as their games sell well.


Looking at their early handheld pokemon games, they just ripped off the Zelda item-formula honestly. They added monsters to hunt and that's about it.

Astral Dog

Lol 😂😂😂😂

Yeah they are the most incompetent, Nintendo should be mist displeased with their performance 😉


That's just crazy talk. The whole thing with the Switch is you can do both. They probably would never do that.

Too much hyperbole these days.

I mean, GF are a 6/10 Dev sure...but please don't act like they are like that.


"There are different types of people out there - people who want to play at home at their own pace and really just enjoy the world, and people who want to play with other players, meet them in real life, Masuda tells me. "What I've always said about the reason we put Pokémon on the handheld systems is that a handheld system allows you to do both. You can play at your own pace at home, but you can also go out and meet with other people, and I like to think that the power of Pokémon is the power of communication. Pokémon brings people together, and I really like that element, which is why we continue to put them out on handhelds."


Sugimori stated, ”I am interested in strong visual effects. However, I believe that Pokemon is most appropriate for portable consoles."

Masuda then chimed in, ” I'm really not thinking about having the main Pokemon games on the Wii, because using portable consoles means you can always carry Pokemon around with you and you can play with other players, so that's the future I'd like to emphasize."

So ya, the Switch gives them the best of both worlds, but I wonder if they're still reluctant.
On a technical level, 100% yes. They mostly have issues with either a) outdated visual/performance work, and/or b) poor optimization techniques. Their issues have plagued them since the days of Gold & Silver at least.

However, as a business, they make tons of bank while having presumably low dev costs, so I wouldn't strictly call them incompetent because of that.
One game doesn't get a port to the system and suddenly the developer is the devil incarnate.

You guys are mental.

Can you blame them? They literally ate the hype of a non-existent "Pokemon Stars" and not throwing hissy fit that their non-existent game doesn't exist when a simple look through Pokemon history shows GF doesn't do a mid-generation jump.


For what their games sells like, it definitely could be better. No recent pokemon game of theirs so far is really all that technically impressive.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
They haven't made a truly great game in a long long time, the last few mainline Pokemon games have been the worst yet. I don't think they'll ever make an RPG as good as Gen 1 and 2 ever again.
Considering how well the series sells, and that Pokemon Sun/Moon sold faster than any Pokemon game before it, I'd say they're the opposite of incompetent.


They'd also have to buy out Creatures. And while Game Freak may be too conservative for their own good, they know how to do combat that has maintained a dedicated competitive scene for years. While EPD could probably do better in every other regard, I'm not sure if they could do the staple combat system right (I'm not saying that EPD can't, just that I'm not sure).

An EAD team making pokemon is what pokemon deserved
They're a bit hesitant to go full 3d for the mainstream Pokemon games, but it will happen eventually. They're easing themselves into it. Its a learning curve for them for sure.


No, people thought they were future-proofing for next gen software, which given that there's been close to no changes between the models between X/Y and SuMo, it's pretty safe to assume that the models currently used will be used on the Switch's software when it does inevitably release there

You do know they can use them models for the next Pokemon Games which are probably gonna be on Switch or a HD Handheld, right?

But using the models for a new game means they could redo the level of detail of said model.

As in, reduce the level of detail for the 3D games, leave it at the higher resolution for the new ones. I expected that they didn't do that - didn't implement a set of lower-poly models for the 3ds games - so that when it came to the port they wouldn't have to mess with them at all.

If that's not the case, then there's no excuse for them no churning out a set of lower-poly models derived from the standard ones for the 3ds games. It doesn't require anything more than an algorithm to produce lower-poly models, it doesn't require extra modelling work.


If they are independent why haven't they ever made a game for any other platform? I would think that Sony/Microsoft would love to have a Pokemon game.
On a technical level? Absolutely, they have always released games that look one (or even worse) generation behind the system they are, but isntead of improving in all its history, like getting better and improving after time, they just continued, like they never changed programmers (or the have a very strict way of how to make games).
For me its Nintendo's Bethesda Studios, they know they are going to sell gangbusters, so why go the extra mile.

If they release the next game on switch, and doesnt look up to par (and i dont mean it has to be the most beautiful thing ever, only serviceable on an HD system and it not looking like a bad wii game), so, if it looks like an uprezzed 3ds pokemon, even if it a completely new gen of pokemon, they can go and fuck themselves.

And this is not becuase of the direct today, i always hated the way gamefreak has made Pokemon from a technical standpoint (you can look to some of my posts way back to see that), and I always have call them Nintendo's Bethesda.

Artoon was fucking terrible also when working with Nintendo before they went down. They had to be cheap as hell, becuase i never understanded how they could get Nintendo jobs after such mediocre games.
Game Freak is not terribly competent in my opinion.

They make solid Pokemon games. I'll give them that.
But they're just poor at what they do. They are an utterly middle-of-the-road development studio.
They're at the helm of one of the most popular and well-known franchises in gaming and they treat that shit like SEGA treats Sonic the Hedgehog.
They've retained the solid core gameplay of DS-era Pokemon games, but EVERY SINGLE TIME they nail one other aspect of Pokemon, their designers get to work trying to figure out how they can change it (read: FUCK IT ALL UP) just in time for the sequel.

X/Y brought the finest online multiplayer any Nintendo game has ever had. "Better fuck that up", says designer at Game Freak
HG/SS had a uniform UI with useful QOL tweaks. "Better have six different people design the next UI, just to like, mix things up a little", says designer at Game Freak
I could go on for a while but those are the two most egregious examples It's really asinine. And I'm not even mentioning how shit-poor they are at optimization. They're bad at it and they don't care. Like, no excuses, they're just incompetent there.
One line of code is the difference between every single Pokemon game on 3DS having locked 30fps framerate on N3DS (even X/Y hordes), and the current reality - that they run like shit no matter what 3DS you play them on.

Why? No reason. Just... no reason. It would have been so trivial for every single modern Pokemon game to have N3DS support. They just don't. That's how many fucks Game Freak gives.

Where are people even getting a hint of this? Just from US/UM? They did the same thing with B2/W2. If they announce the next gen for the 3DS then you'll have a point, but as of now, there's no indication that they're hesitant to move onto the Switch
This thread wouldn't exist if ultra sun and ultra moon were also announced on switch. Just because pokemon isn't coming to switch right now doesn't make gamefreak "incompetent".

True Fire

This thread wouldn't exist if ultra sun and ultra moon were also announced on switch. Just because pokemon isn't coming to switch right now doesn't make gamefreak "incompetent".

Gamefreak is as just incompetent today as they were yesterday tbh.

And just as incompetent as they were when they removed triple battles because they were too inept to optimize their games.
Laughing at the "they went to the more install base machine".

They are not fucking Square or Crapcom. They must push the new machines and they fucking know Switch is gonna need them in the long term.


People are putting a lot of words in OP's mouth lol.

You can tell OP prepared for all of the scapegoat trolling by how they carefully worded things.

It's pathetic how so many people are steadfastly ignoring the actual points he made. He was quite particular about what this thread was about.
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