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Iwata and Itoi chat over supper


I like how everyone kept agreeing with everyone else. Apparently when Iwata speaks there are no dissenting opinions (not that you could really disagree with anything he said, of course).


Some kind person should transcribe the endless, stoned all night listening to Pink Floyd and King Crimson conversations that Miyamoto and Will Wright have. Somewhere in those half-forgotten rambles are the embryos of the next gen.


relaxor said:
Some kind person should transcribe the endless, stoned all night listening to Pink Floyd and King Crimson conversations that Miyamoto and Will Wright have. Somewhere in those half-forgotten rambles are the embryos of the next gen.
Wait, Will Wright and Miyamoto have taped conversations? That I'd like to hear, Wright is probably my favorite individual developer and Miyamoto's no slouch either.


Sharp said:
Wait, Will Wright and Miyamoto have taped conversations? That I'd like to hear, Wright is probably my favorite individual developer and Miyamoto's no slouch either.
I don't know if they're taped, probably not, but they do hang out on occasion. Really, having their conversation on record was more of a wish than anything.
so is this an episodic article? Only could find first page where he was talking about what an idea is. I dont think ill remember to keep checking back at that site to see the rest =(


Suburban Cowboy said:
so is this an episodic article? Only could find first page where he was talking about what an idea is. I dont think ill remember to keep checking back at that site to see the rest =(
Yeah, it's a series which, I'm assuming, is going to be posted over the coming weeks.

Hopefully people will post if they see it updated and I'll try to remember to check the site.


new part is up

some excepts:

Iwata: After starting to work with Mr.Miyamoto for a while, I started to see. I was only looking from the "designer's point of view", but he was different. His aim does have a higher percentage of becoming a hit, but he does make mistakes. After all he's not God, you know.


Itoi: So at the time, you thought you were cool.

Iwata: Actually, yes. (laugh) I, the novice game designer, thought I was cool.

but you are cool, Iwata.

Iwata got owned by Miyamoto inadvertently. It's rather cool how candid they are, though. I'd like to work under them for a while as a business student.


RiskyChris said:
Iwata really is a charming individual.

He is the only PR guy that doesn't just seem like a talking head to me. I've always liked the fact that he was a game designer before being the president. You can tell he really enjoys the business he's in. I can't really ever think of a quote of his that was just spouting PR drivel like Reggie, Moore, or Hirai. I don't think presidents for the other companies have ever designed games and to me that makes a big difference.


force push the doodoo rock
apujanata said:
Isn't HAL working together with Nintendo at that time ? I don't understand where the win word come from.

Win in terms of reaching the broader audience.

Iwata's situation happens a lot in sports manga.


SDZeta said:
Itoi needs more love, that guy's awesome. Hope he talks more during the next parts.

yeah I agree... its almost like Iwata invited himself over for dinner so he could lecture Itoi. :/

Hopefully he'll share some of his own insights a bit.


Suburban Cowboy said:
Think its one of the Japanese respect things. He is not an "equal" so will only speak when spoken to.

But Itoi is one of the most famous people in Japan, I highly doubt Iwata is thinking that he's above Itoi in any way.

But I agree, I hope Itoi is able to speak his mind in the future ones.



Iwata: And don't release Mother 3 outside Japan, okay?
Itoi: Ok :(



Part 3 is up:


Iwata Yes, although that's not totally useless.
Creation always has an aspect of expressing one's ego. Mr.Miyamoto's no different. He does have that side in him. As long as you're creating something, you can't avoid being an egoist. What's special about Mr.Miyamoto is that he is unthinkably egocentric in one way, but he never loses an objective point of view. He's always alert about people's initial response to his creation. If he finds they don't get it, he simply drops it and looks for an alternative.


Iwata: Definitely. The majority of people think he's the person of art, full of inspiration, with a natural talent coming up with ideas one after another, as if he was guided by God.

Itoi: But that's not how it is, right?

Iwata: Not at all.
I'm so disillusioned right now. :(


4. On Management: "Enhance your Strength", has been posted.
Iwata I remember answering "You have to know your strength and your weakness. You need to lead your organization where you can enhance your strength, not where your weakness becomes exposed."

Itoi You then sounded as if there could possibly be no other answers at all.

Iwata You just have to stick to that until the end. I also remember talking about priorities.

Itoi Yes.

Iwata You have to set your priorities being aware of what you're good at. There are always so many things that you ought to do, but what you "can" do is limited. If you try to do everything you ought to do, you end up falling over.
That's what I told you then as my own definition of management when I was wet behind the ears, but I still believe in this idea today.
These are great life lessons! :D

thefro said:
The Miyamoto analysis was great!


5. People Try to Show Superiority
Iwata Even when everyone can agree to make our company "the group of people who will devote our efforts to do things we are good at," we still have to identify and assign the minimum amount of works that employees have to do even when they know they are not good at. Otherwise, we cannot work together. It is the management's job to make efforts to minimize this "minimum amount of necessary works that employees are not good at," I believe. For example, some people just cannot communicate with the others. But things won't work out if there's someone in the company who will never try to communicate his or her thoughts with the colleagues.

After all, a company is a group of individuals with different talents. That group of people tries to accomplish something large that an individual can't do. For everyone to move forward, the least amount of communication must always be made by each individual even when he or she is not good at talking with the others.


I like how in the first pic, there's only Iwata and the guy to the left looking like they have a good time while you have all the rest of crew looking really worried/scared :lol


fly high ~ayunite~ said:
Another great part.

Love this bit:
Iwata If the reward that you receive is worth more than the effort and energy you put in, people don't quit. If it's the other way around, people feel discouraged. This applies to those games you continue playing, or being able to keep on studying English.

People put in energy such as time, labor, or money. The feedback you receive is your reward.
Very easily forgotten imo. It's so easy to end up in a situation which you know isn't working. You end up trudging through it with your weaknesses, unable to use you strengths because they don't fit.
I hate to sound like a drivel sprouting fanboy but the execs at MS and Sony really should fear this man. After each and every interview I've read of him I come away extremely impressed. Iwata is a natural born leader, who also happens to have loads of real industry experience from top to bottom. As long as this guy is at the helm of Nintendo I don't see them ever not being the industry leader, Iwata is that good in my opinion.


LegendofJoe said:
I hate to sound like a drivel sprouting fanboy but the execs at MS and Sony really should fear this man. After each and every interview I've read of him I come away extremely impressed. Iwata is a natural born leader, who also happens to have loads of real industry experience from top to bottom. As long as this guy is at the helm of Nintendo I don't see them ever not being the industry leader, Iwata is that good in my opinion.

Ok, so in a way your saying that microsoft/sony needs to ASSASSINATE IWATA
Datschge said:
More like strangers to gaming should be whisked off from leading positions in gaming companies.

I definitely think that MS/Sony could do with some improved leadership within their gaming divisions.


Itoi: Everyone thinks Wii is such a success, but Nintendo hasn't become overproud of it. Actually, I don't think I ever heard you say "Wii is a success."

Iwata: Not yet.

Itoi: Not yet, I see.

Iwata: It's a good start. It's been a good start, but it's only the beginning.

Itoi: (laughing)Is that so.

Iwata: We want to have the customers continue playing. We want to continue coming up with new proposals to them, and have them keep playing. Only then can we say that we've accomplished our goals.

Best part yet.


This is an amazing series. I have always seen this thread and never bothered to look too much into it. It's like pure gold for any Nintendo fan...or any human being for that matter.


9. Don't do the Easy
Iwata We're not going to take such an easy way, not by including seven new sports in the game since Wii Sports has five. We're not closing our doors to the possibility of a sequel, but it's definitely not coming out soon.
No sequel to Wii Sports any time soon is disappointing, it's such an amazing game, but at the same time this is understandable after reading this section. Iwata is such an insightful man, he's going to lead this industry to new heights.
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