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Iwata: I misread the market, the company needs to keep track of foreign trends better


You know what? An underpowered, overpriced console with a gimmick controller and zero third party support isn't a surprise, either.

A surprise would be a fantastic console with a wonderful, broad selection of games, great online infrastructure, and, like, the 3D Pokemon game everyone wants and a shooter designed by Miyamoto or something crazy like that. That would be a surprise.

3D Pokémon exists. Putting it on a home console has no benefits but removes the portable aspect that makes it popular


They cannot compete with free-ish timewasters on mobile/tablets though unless they would allow them on their platforms. This is everything Nintendo is against.
They could and probably should cut royalty fees (ie for next 12-18 months) for WiiU developers. Maybe then 3rd party could be profitable on their platform. Not like now they making bank from those fees.

I was talking about the 18-35 audience playing games like CoD.


Iwata, read this: region free is a trend in the West.

...hey, it doesn't hurt to try. If Nintendo ends up making notable changes, they might as well throw region free on top of that. Thinking 'who cares at this point, let's give them everything'. Just like Microsoft did for the renewed Xbox One plans not too long ago.
Misreading foreign trends and the globalisation of game development and culture has been Nintendo's Achilles heel since the Nintendo 64 launched, and no matter the company's issues they've done jack shit all to fix this.

We'll see.

Nintendo was never this desperate and losing money. Maybe desperation will finally remove them out of their bubble. But until they build European and American dev studios, and give NOE and NOA autonomy, these words are meaningless.


So can we expect the next Mario games to be piece meal microtransaction garbage? I'm not sure i catch what trends he is talking about. If it means putting out competitive hardware with launch titles people want to actually play then yes. Bring it. He probably doesn't mean that though.


Hire western presidents for america and europe. Let them make their own decisions, and even their own games.


To the detriment of one of the core features that make the game what it is?

I don't think the world will end because a single 3D Pokemon game is on a console and not portable. I think that underestimates the appeal of the core gameplay and disregards the fact that online play can make up for the deficit.

It's not like portable entries stop existing either. I don't think 3D console Pokemon would save a system, but the fact that they've never capitalized on one feels like a missed opportunity for a lot of gamers.


I think it would be interesting if Nintendo were to target them on mobile with small titles, old VC games or e-shop ports.

Something like Brain Age definitely belongs on mobile. The 3DS version of the game sold like 10 copies worldwide. No one wants that game for $40.

I posted this in an old thread:

WarioWare Inc. MegaMicrotransaction$

Cost = Free

Wario games = Free
Jimmy games = 99 cents
Dribble and Spitz games = 99 cents
Mona games = 99 cents
9-Volt games = 99 cents
Orbulon games = 99 cents
Dr. Crygor games = 99 cents
Kat and Ana games = 99 cents


I don't think they should just dump their old ROMs onto iPhones (especially not GBA games, Jesus), but there is room for some franchises that fit into the whole microtransactions system, like WarioWare. I can't see people spending $40 for a WarioWare game in this day and age.

Alternatively, they can throw small minigames on the app store. Remember the minigames from Mario 64 DS?


how about the Pikachu surfing game from Pokemon Yellow?


Little shit like that would be fine, I think. Just to get the characters/franchises out there.

As for FULL old games, if ANYTHING, it should be stuff like Donkey Kong (arcade) or Mario Bros. (arcade). I don't think it's wise to just throw NES games and other games from Virtual Console onto the app store... you wanna tease the consumer with these small games. If they want the real shit, pick up a 3DS/Wii U.


But MS didn't dominate the market with Halo. They weren't even close. They simply made a popular genre on PCs more accessible on consoles, and by doing so opened the floodgates on that genre again, something Nintendo already did with Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, but didn't choose to continue.

The dominance of the 360 can be completely attributed to building on what they already had. It wasn't about one game or IP after that, it was about having all the third parties moving their PC franchises onto consoles, more third parties creating new IPs for consoles in that genre, etc.

If Nintendo continued with making solid FPS titles with good multiplayer on the GC, they might or might not have been as big as Halo, but they would have actually introduced competition from that point. The point is that Nintendo stopped giving a crap about games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, and that exact formula went on to become the most mainstream part of console game internationally.

It's impossible to look at that and go "nah, it wouldn't have helped Nintendo dominate the market at all, they made the right choice."

It's Nintendo's Japanese centric stance. First person shooters don't resonate with Japanese audiences so Nintendo didn't make any more. Nintendo tries to score internationally with games that are made for the Japanese market. That's a recipe for disaster. Sony read the trends correctly, saw how western tastes were changing, saw how the average of gamers was changing, saw the importance of online gaming so they made huge changes in the sort of games their studios were producing. That's why Insomniac went from Ratchet & Clank to Resistance, Naughty Dog went from Jak & Daxter to Uncharted. Nintendo decided they wouldn't be able to keep up the tech race and double downed on games for all ages.

First they lost the market for 18-35 year old core gamers (and with that third party support), now they've lost their core market because consoles and hand holds aren't popular with casuals.
I don't think the world will end because a single 3D Pokemon game is on a console and not portable. I think that underestimates the appeal of the core gameplay and disregards the fact that online play can make up for the deficit.

It's not like portable entries stop existing either. I don't think 3D console Pokemon would save a system, but the fact that they've never capitalized on one feels like a missed opportunity for a lot of gamers.

I tried to explain this to him months ago, don't bother.


Are you really trying to say a console pokemon game would not benefit more then a handheld? Or at least as much?

I am, yes.

The whole reason Pokémon is popular and took off is the taking of it out with you to battle and trade. This aspect is still huge to the younger crowd, especially in Japan. For the older players who don't do that, the games have the online features, too.

If they put it on the home console, it'd cut the portable aspect and have no tangible benefits aside from presentation.


Something like Brain Age definitely belongs on mobile. The 3DS version of the game sold like 10 copies worldwide. No one wants that game for $40.

I posted this in an old thread:

That's kinda what kinda expecting them to do if not just sell the entire game for about ~$3-5
Meh, I've really liked current Nintendo.

So can we expect the next Mario games to be piece meal microtransaction garbage? I'm not sure i catch what trends he is talking about. If it means putting out competitive hardware with launch titles people want to actually play then yes. Bring it. He probably doesn't mean that though.

Pretty much where I'm at too. Guess we'll see what shape they'll be in when they come out from the other side of this.


I don't think people get that he is not saying that they should go into traditional consoles...
IMO those statements from him for Nintendo traditional fanbase could mean death sentence.

I fully expect Nintendo tablet in future or phone or partnership with phone companies...

I am, yes.

The whole reason Pokémon is popular and took off is the taking of it out with you to battle and trade. This aspect is still huge to the younger crowd, especially in Japan. For the older players who don't do that, the games have the online features, too.

If they put it on the home console, it'd cut the portable aspect and have no tangible benefits aside from presentation.

Putting Pokemon games on mobile would earn probably more money for them than all version earlier combined.

Pokemons don't need good controls nor specific hardware. Whole point earlier of pokemons were to get kids to trade with each other. Now almost every kid has mobile phone and they sure as hell wouldn't mind to play pokemons on those phones.


Nintendo demographic: everyone who is happy
Appealing to everyone happy: not always GAF
Wii U has an invisible market and a faddy name

These are some options:

1) Mainstream hit. Wii Sports again. Not iterative but new and good luck finding it.
2) Get desperate and cash in the cashables (i.e. make it a Nintendo Player) - introduce a different system for this
3) Destroy the price and make the tablet a peripheral (barrier of entry with PS3/360 was no longer an issue and the WiiU's value sunk because of this).
4) Get balls out aggressive and make some F2P games like DQX free with the system (this should've happened in 2013 anyway).

For such a brilliantly creative company they sure do struggle...

Imagine if Nintendo had launched with Killzone 4/A Poor Man's Spyborgs/Resogun quality and rode the internet hype train at launch (on Wii U hardware). I mean the games would probably at least run at 60 FPS but they'd be less fancy and we'd still be stuck with bullshit games to defend.

Give the XB1 credit for its launch lineup. Best of the three although ZombiU is the best new-gen launch game.
I agree that they could have done better than rehashes of the Wii Greatest Hits, but I just don't think there is anything that can really sell this console to the casual audience, because there's nothing exciting about its hook.

The Gamepad was an unforced error. The question is whether they'll get to try again to find some great concept before they exit the console-side of the business.

Well, yeah. In reality, they should have long before already expanded and prepare ambitious, fresh traditional titles for their next home console alongside party shit for the gamepad that also feels new. Not to mention take more profound actions in regards to 3rd parties, they were fucking market leader how hard can it be to get some support.

But they did none of this and within Nintendo's ,,glorious'' panic mode they've also wasted all their manpower on the 3DS and had nothing left for the WiiU. But even when they were clearly cornered, they did the dumbest thing and phoned in nothing but ,,Wii Greatest Hits'' (More like, Wii's Worst) on an overpriced machine instead of at least trying to find a new hook for that group (like NFC, Skylanders Nintendo equivalent?) until they are able to offer more fullfledged HD experiences. And all that, after they've already seen how Nintendogs, Brain Training and all that jazz completely lost steam on the 3DS.

There's so much wrong here, the only solution is to grab Iwata by his antenna and throw him out of Kyoto. Same for all of his underlings. Otherwise, the next machine will face the same problems.


this really sounds like they're going to try another gimmick controller. sigh.
Or, in the world of more obvious answers and less crazy thinking, it might mean that they'll try to invest in new IPs (say, maybe we'll start getting games like Goldeneye & Perfect Dark from Nintendo again) instead of thinking that yet another Mario-themed game or some irrelevant franchises like Kirby will help them get their momentum back.


Probably this is crazy, but I think Iwata realised this thanks to his NoA COO: being much more in touch with the US market could have been what ne needed for understanding what's wrong. I hope so, at least.

I think that it may be a large part of why he made himself head of Nintendo America.

Myself and a few others speculated this when he was appointed to that position. The guy he ousted got a cushy job at NCL doing the one thing he might have been good at. But I/we speculated that anything the guy was told about market trends or consumer requests in North America wasn't being passed to NCL because... well, who knows why. And now Iwata has a product at market that he can't sell because he wasn't being given any guidance on what was going on, potentially because the prior CEO thought he could determine what was and wasn't relevant data and leaving so much unheard.

And now? I'm sure Iwata is looking at the data points he gets as NoA CEO and is going "where the hell has all this been?!"

Yeah. What Nintendo should be doing, is get one or two studios in the US, they need a Naughty Dogg or a Bungee that focuses more on this demographic. But that also means that Nintendo can't be child-friendly ALL the time and that's something they will have to accept, even if people like Miyamoto may not be too fond of that. It also means that there will be a lot of focus on bells and whistles that Nintendo rarely indulges in when it comes to their games, which cost more money but that's also something they would just have to accept.

It all requires rethinking of their business culture which I have no idea of if they can pull it off.

They can't. You either buy a company that bleeds talent or you make a studio and end up recruiting people who would rather make the kinds of games they do already. After all, what western developer would risk their career making a game for the western audience when they're thinking that the mythical Nintendo audience will never buy it anyways?

Once again realizing problems several years too late while even any armchair analyst on the internet saw it coming. I think he even insisted until last year that the 3DS/WiiU names wouldn't confuse people, lol
Armchair analysts say a lot of things. A LOT of things. I mean, those analysts have been predicting Nintendo would be out of business 15 years ago, they just have live ammunition to shoot instead of blanks, even if they'll never hit their desired target anyways.
God I seriously hope Nintendo doesn't get battered to the point where they're reduced to this.

Did you hate the N64 era? Because Nintendo in that period was doing all of that. On the sports side they created games like Wave Race, 1080, and Mario Tennis while on the FPS side they made games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. And they were still able to make Smash Bros, Mario 64, two Zelda's, and Star Fox. The amount of variety that they had on that console was impressive, and it really isn't something that they've managed to repeat since then.


So Nintendo will stop operating in a bubble?

It's taken this long to understand where they have been going wrong. A CEO needs to better than this.


Lol, the fact that he's actually aware of this is immensely encouraging, because I would have sworn that he wasn't. Time to let NoA do its own thing, no doubt about it.

So, what are the trends in the west?

Grey, bald.


They can't. You either buy a company that bleeds talent or you make a studio and end up recruiting people who would rather make the kinds of games they do already. After all, what western developer would risk their career making a game for the western audience when they're thinking that the mythical Nintendo audience will never buy it anyways?

This view is so myopic, though, to the point of being self-defeating logic.

Yes, there are risks associated with buying out or creating new western developers.

That doesn't mean you don't try, especially as the world's biggest gaming market hops onboard western-oriented titles.
I think this market is completely out of reach for Nintendo. They've done too much to make it clear that they're not interested in this market. It's like Lego trying to release products for 18-35 year olds...the target market won't be attracted. If Nintendo wants this market, they're gonna have to do it with a non Nintendo brand.

1. Release N99
2. Never tell anyone what 'N' stands for


This view is so myopic, though, to the point of being self-defeating logic.

Yes, there are risks associated with buying out or creating new western developers.

That doesn't mean you don't try, especially as the world's biggest gaming market hops onboard western-oriented titles.
Happened to Retro. Bought, talent left, replacements openly admit they would rather make Donkey Kong than an FPS.

It's not like I pulled this concept from nothing. They did try, and that's what happened.
Western development talent doesn't want to align themselves with Nintendo unless it's to make content that pairs well with the kinds of games Nintendo is best known for.


m rated shooters and lots of them

open world games


that's about it.
Nintendo needs to create a new western development studio to start to make new sports games. Mario soccer, Mario football, and real legit sports games like NBA Courtside. Dammit


fire iwata. he didnt misread it, his ego took control and he thought he could dominate by just selling nintendo fans, mothers and children.


Misreading foreign trends and the globalisation of game development and culture has been Nintendo's Achilles heel since the Nintendo 64 launched, and no matter the company's issues they've done jack shit all to fix this.

We'll see.

Actually they were better about this sort of thing back in the 1990s when they had the likes of Rare and NOA was allowed to call the shots on projects.


Happened to Retro. Bought, talent left, replacements openly admit they would rather make Donkey Kong than an FPS.

It's not like I pulled this concept from nothing.
I understand but that's just a reality that Nintendo is going to have to deal with. Just because you get burned sometimes doesn't mean you give up entirely in trying to shore up your genre gaps. Retro obviously survived.


The very predicament Nintendo finds itself is as a result of an inbuilt resistance to follow contempary (western) market trends. It's what makes Nintendo so uniquely identifiable.

When Japanese trends lead the industry or alternatively could solely sustain success - this was never a problem, but the relevance of Japan has now faded behind the needs of NA and the wider world. Japanese trends no longer define so much of what is played globally :(

How Nintendo is able to transition to a new identity without losing it's unique character is the biggest challenge they have faced in quite some time. In times of crisis they could merely dig deeper into the well...It's the Nintendo way.

True change is difficult. For Nintendo it will be doubly so. Their identity is the core of who they are.
Did you hate the N64 era? Because Nintendo in that period was doing all of that. On the sports side they created games like Wave Race, 1080, and Mario Tennis while on the FPS side they made games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. And they were still able to make Smash Bros, Mario 64, two Zelda's, and Star Fox. The amount of variety that they had on that console was impressive, and it really isn't something that they've managed to repeat since then.

I skipped the N64. (I was all about the Playstation cause that's where the RPGs were.)

You're right though, it (at least seemed to) have a decent balance of games. With the way the market's fragmented though, and WiiU's blowback, I fear that they'll overcompensate and retreat full-force into Golden-eye, Perfect Dark, Sports, western-games territory with microtransactions and whatnot.

I'm holding out hope that they'll approach this the way Nintendo has approached difficulties in the past and surprise everyone with something great, as opposed to just following the crowd that's been beating a dead horse.
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