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Iwata on third parties, hundreds of inquiries since GDC about Nintendo Web Framework


Considering its performance that would be appropriate ;)


Cool beans. How did the process go?

Really wasn't too painful. I have prior experience as a game designer and I have helped maintain a web based game for the last 10 years or so that's in constant development. Very nice people to talk too


The game does not run at native 1080p. It doesnt. Even if it did that would be no indication of how much better it would be compared to graphics from ps4720 cause im sure developers are going to aim for better graphical fidelity than resolution and fps. Hell theif 4 is already confirmed 30fps

So next gen is same as old gen but with nicer hair? :)
Well on the actual topic of the thread. Nintendo got in touch with me and got approved as an E-Shop Developer. Time to bring some dinosaur games out ;)

Game about dinosaurs? Is that what you do for a living? No lie, any decent game where you play as a dinosaur would make me want to buy the console it is on. Screw this turok shit. I don't want to fight them. I want to play as them.


Game about dinosaurs? Is that what you do for a living? No lie, any decent game where you play as a dinosaur would make me want to buy the console it is on. Screw this turok shit. I don't want to fight them. I want to play as them.

The game im jumbling in my head would have you as a dinosaur. Need to do some prototyping and figure out the best direction to take the concept
The game im jumbling in my head would have you as a dinosaur. Need to do some prototyping and figure out the best direction to take the concept

I apologize for wandering so far off the topic of the thread, but I promise that if this idea pans out, I will take a chance on it. Platformer, RTS, Turn- based strategy, squad-based velociraptor action game, Jurassic Era minecraft knockoff, dota-clone, zelda clone, don't care.

To atttempt thread relevancy: I guess some of us, such as myself are easy marks for quirky indie stuff. I doubt we are a large enough market to singlehandedly save the wiiu but if the indie outreach pans out it does make the system more appealing.
i'd like to know where the line is drawn at visually comparable, how many xbox 360s is the zelda tech demo? how many 360s is knack? those both look visually comparable to me and i'm not even talking about art direction. i'm talking about on a technical level.

i don't think there is anything iwata could do to clear this stuff up. they should've cleared the misconceptions up at launch. it's been out a year now and there's way too much "evidence" around the internet of it being underpowered to go away anytime soon. i hope they don't do a 360 and try a blue ocean strategy because of this.

I see what you mean. "Visually comparable" is a bit subjective. I can't convince you that one looks better than the other, but, in my opinion, Knack is just on another level compared to that Zelda demo (assuming everything we've seen of Knack is real-time).

As a precursor, I probably don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not really tech-savvy. I also thought the demo looked fine. However, I see some aliasing in there, and those sparse two-dimensional hairs on that Armagohma would probably have been rendered polygons (is that the correct word) in much more abundance had Wii U been more powerful.

Knack, on the other hand, has a plethora of polygons rendered three-dimensionally. The environment is much larger than in the Zelda demo, and, as far as I can see, there isn't as much aliasing.

I really have no idea what I'm saying. I probably didn't say anything correctly at all, and I apologize for remaining on this hardware topic.

I'm not saying Wii U games can't look great. However, PlayStation 4 is obviously technically superior, and I think it shows visually.

Glass Joe

No it doesn't. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-need-for-speed-most-wanted-wii-u-face-off

It's sub-HD actually by a few pixels, 1280x704. Pathetic.

Need for Speed on Wii U is pathetic? Gee, I hate to accuse you of having a bias, but the same article you linked states that visually, it's substantially better looking than your console of choice. "Pathetic" is not the word I would have used, but that's just me:

All in all, having taken a decade-long break from Nintendo since the release of Burnout 2 on GameCube, Criterion Games has used the Wii U to conjure up the definitive console version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted. It's not an overwhelming advance that matches the visual fidelity of the PC version in all regards, but additions and tweaks are numerous and well-considered. At no expense to the frame-rate, textures stand at the midway point in the quality spectrum, between the more blurry assets we're seeing on PS3 and 360 and the highest possible settings on PC. It's a worthwhile upgrade that extends to reflection draw too, with all other visual facets being identical, and the frame-rate coming away smoother regardless.

Comparing it to what PS4 and Nextbox is not my intention, mind you. Those will be more expensive, more advanced machines. But "pathetic" is just an astonishing word to use.

Well on the actual topic of the thread. Nintendo got in touch with me and got approved as an E-Shop Developer. Time to bring some dinosaur games out ;)

Who is arguing for a $500 system? Nintendo is ALREADY losing money on the Wii U. Had they not included the gamepad, it's likely they could have had significantly more power on the Wii U and sold it at $350-400.

The next Xbox and Playstation will most likely have subsidized models available. You're telling me Nintendo couldn't work with cable companies to provide that model? Better to release a $350-400 system that you lose money on that SELLS than a $350-400 system that you lose money on that DOESN'T sell.

I think Nintendo should have went with a more mid-sized console this time (the gamepad is almost as big as the unit as is, for Pete's sake) and, having consulted third parties for what they wanted, ended up going with an x86 solution, even if a bit weaker than their competitors. It would still be stronger than what they have now, and allow for direct portability from/between other platforms.

Comparable doesn't mean equal. The PS2 was comparable to the GC and Xbox, but it was still weaker.

First out the gate means more aged and weaker tech more often than not.

Let's say Nintendo used an A10 Trinity APU (since all the other manufacturers are using APUs), which is sold to consumers for around $129, meaning that Nintendo would get it much cheaper in bulk quantities -- how would they lose money? It would be much more powerful than what they have now, and be comparable, but not equal.

The Wii U is instead a generation behind what the PS4 and 99.9% likely Durango are doing.

I would be all for that. Downclock it if you must; ports would still be a cinch, and it would be more powerful.


Need for Speed on Wii U is pathetic? Gee, I hate to accuse you of having a bias, but the same article you linked states that visually, it's substantially better looking than your console of choice. "Pathetic" is not the word I would have used, but that's just me:

Pathetic for a next-gen console. No ifs and or buts about it. Being comparable to 7 year old machines is pathetic, a few pc textures here and there isn't substantial.

If the Wii-U had better hardware it would be easier to brute force ports while still achieving superior performance. The Wii-U will be very unappealing going forward because it will be so hard to scale things down because developers have to offload things from the weak CPU to the GPU. Watch_Dogs performance will be key, I am very interested in how that game will perform.
Uh, did you not read my post? I acknowledged that. The thing is, large-scale hardware purchasing makes it cheaper, not more expensive.

Economies of scale 101.

This, and easier multiplatform ports. While not to PS3 extremes in the least, the WiiU will be the odd duck out this time around.

Low wattage isn't a bad priority.

Doing it with an architecture as notoriously inefficient as PowerPC was dumber than dogshit, though.


Dammit Nintendo, frigging Apple ditched PowerPC for Intel when they couldn't promise more efficient chips.

Well on the actual topic of the thread. Nintendo got in touch with me and got approved as an E-Shop Developer. Time to bring some dinosaur games out ;)
Nice!! Congrats, Antonz.

Unfortunately, this also means that you may get harassed even more about info about the Wii U. ;)
If that's your point, then that point would be wrong. PS2 was barely ahead of Dreamcast ffs (DC actually had more video memory!) Gamecube and Xbox were years beyond it in specs.

Wii U on the other hand is capable of Unity 4 (even if unsupported) and supports many of the graphics capabilities PS4 can do, even if significantly lower. The CPU is a bottleneck, but the majority of the processing load is placed on the GPU, another similarity to the architecture to PS4 (but again significantly lower.)

As much as you don't want to admit it, Wii U is about as far behind PS4 (and by extension Nextbox) as PS2 to Xbox 1 and Gamecube.

360 and PS3 games' processing load are primarily on the CPU. Wii U, the GPU. The port from 360/PS3 to Wii U have had issues because of this problem. However you are seeing "definitive versions" starting to show up with NFS and soon Deus Ex. With new hardware you're going to have an adjustment period. To simply deny that reality is, quite frankly, ignorant bordering on idiotic.

Oh wait this was the guy that said Trine 2 wasn't a graphics intensive game because it was made by 20 people. I rest me case.

Edit: Pulled some specs.

Despite having shared memory, Xbox was basically twice as powerful as PS2 in every way. It also used a hard drive, adding additional VRAM when necessary.

There probably wouldn't be any adjustment needed if there were a stronger hardware arrangement, like the PS4's APU. (It needn't even be as powerful, either.)

Glass Joe

Pathetic for a next-gen console. No ifs and or buts about it. Being comparable to 7 year old machines is pathetic, a few pc textures here and there isn't substantial.

If the Wii-U had better hardware it would be easier to brute force ports while still achieving superior performance. The Wii-U will be very unappealing going forward because it will be so hard to scale things down because developers have to offload things from the weak CPU to the GPU. Watch_Dogs performance will be key, I am very interested in how that game will perform.

I don't see why you're interested, I can already tell you your opinion. If it's anything like Need for Speed, it will perform noticeably better than PS3 and 360 versions, but not as well as much more expensive consoles released a year later (or high end PCs). So to you, it will be "pathetic." Unless a few next gen bells & whistles here and there isn't substantial to you, haha.

Fast forwarding into the future, let's look at the price of the machines coming out and keep that in perspective with the price of the Wii U when they arrive. The same generation this time is going to have very different price points.

Game development costs are increasing, studios are shutting down when games don't sell to expectations, and PS4 owners will demand to be wowed. Therefore, modest to mid-tier budgeted games may find a nice home in Wii U. That is, if Nintendo can get their act together and get the install base going. Releasing some 1st party software may help. Looking at the indie scene as they are is certainly a smart thing to do, as well.


I don't see why you're interested, I can already tell you your opinion. If it's anything like Need for Speed and performs noticeably better than PS3 and 360 versions, but not as well as much more expensive consoles released a year later, it will be "pathetic." Unless a few next gen bells & whistles here and there isn't substantial to you, haha.

Fast forwarding into the future, let's look at the price of the machines coming out and keep that in perspective with the price of the Wii U when they come out. The same generation this time is going to have very different price points.

Game development costs are increasing, studios are shutting down when games don't sell to expectations, and PS4 owners will demand to be wowed. Therefore, modest to mid-tier budgeted games may find a nice home in Wii U. That is, if Nintendo can get their act together and get the install base going. Releasing some 1st party software may help. Looking at the indie scene as they are is certainly a smart thing to do, as well.

Why wouldn't I be interested? I love me some Nintendo games (Smash,Pokemon, Zelda) but I would prefer Nintendo to not put out gimped hardware.
Gg, the Zelda demo again? It is not "impressive" in the sense that it looks beyond the capabilities of current generation hardware. Is it pretty. Yes. If that's all you mean by being "impressed" by it, that's great. But I can't for the life of me see where on earth the claim that it's technically comparable to Knack is coming from; even just from a resolution standpoint Knack is, afaik, a step up from the Zelda demo's 720p30 no AA.

I also can't see how exactly one can apparently notice the differences in games like NFS but claim that they can't discern the technical difference between the Zelda tech demo and something like Knack.
This, and easier multiplatform ports. While not to PS3 extremes in the least, the WiiU will be the odd duck out this time around.


Dammit Nintendo, frigging Apple ditched PowerPC for Intel when they couldn't promise more efficient chips.


You know.. looking at the data posted by Blu that compared Broadway (Wii's CPU) to other CPUs in the Wii U CPU thread, it seems that Espresso cores should surprisingly hold up decently against some of the modern chips. The "misunderstanding" that Iwata mentioned about Wii U's specs may include some devs looking at the specs on paper or running unoptimized code on the processors and figuring that the system is weaker than it is actually is.

Glass Joe

Why wouldn't I be interested?I love me some Nintendo games (Smash,Pokemon, Zelda) but I would prefer Nintendo to not put out gimped hardware.

My observation is that Nintendo may not feel that $500-600 hardware is appropriate for their audience. That, and selling consoles for a substantial loss is not something they can reasonably do since they don't have other divisions to stop the bleeding.

Hey, I'm an adult with disposable income too and video games are my hobby. If Nintendo put out a beast of a console at a high price tag, I'd be happy. I don't think it would work out for them though. Realistically, they're looking out for the casual market, the kids & the families. I don't think they'd be excited to see their game creation budgets skyrocket, either.

Next gen being a smashing success right out of the gate is not a conclusion I necessarily subscribe to either, although that seems to be the consensus here. Here being a video game enthusiast forum with many posters who are adults with disposable income. We'll see. Although I generally post in Nintendo threads, I am a happy 360 owner too, so I'm one of those two-console guys.


My observation is that Nintendo may not feel that $500-600 hardware is appropriate for their audience. That, and selling consoles for a substantial loss is not something they can reasonably do since they don't have other divisions to stop the bleeding.

Hey, I'm an adult with disposable income too and video games are my hobby. If Nintendo put out a beast of a console at a high price tag, I'd be happy. I don't think it would work out for them though. Realistically, they're looking out for the casual market, the kids & the families. I don't think they'd be excited to see their game creation budgets skyrocket, either.

Next gen being a smashing success right out of the gate is not a conclusion I necessarily subscribe to either, although that seems to be the consensus here. Here being a video game enthusiast forum with many posters who are adults with disposable income. We'll see. Although I generally post in Nintendo threads, I am a happy 360 owner too, so I'm one of those two-console guys.

And I'm done with you. No matter how the next-gen consoles perform they won't have an once of the apathy the Wii-U has been met with.


Gg, the Zelda demo again? It is not "impressive" in the sense that it looks beyond the capabilities of current generation hardware. Is it pretty. Yes. If that's all you mean by being "impressed" by it, that's great. But I can't for the life of me see where on earth the claim that it's technically comparable to Knack is coming from; even just from a resolution standpoint Knack is, afaik, a step up from the Zelda demo's 720p30 no AA.

I also can't see how exactly one can apparently notice the differences in games like NFS but claim that they can't discern the technical difference between the Zelda tech demo and something like Knack.

Well there is a clear difference in both cases, but I fail to see how you can think Knack is such a huge leap over the PS3 to make it worthy of being called "true next gen." It, along with Killzone look very... average to me and in no way looks "amazing" and jaw dropping. So I suppose Next gen will disappoint all around.
You know.. looking at the data posted by Blu that compared Broadway (Wii's CPU) to other CPUs in the Wii U CPU thread, it seems that Espresso cores should surprisingly hold up decently against some of the modern chips. The "misunderstanding" that Iwata mentioned about Wii U's specs may include some devs looking at the specs on paper or running unoptimized code on the processors and figuring that the system is weaker than it is actually is.

This isn't simply an on-paper issue; it's about quick turnover. Developers like having less hurdles to jump through. PS3 was anathema to the likes of Valve, not because it was somehow less powerful, but because of the alien hardware.

Nintendo clearly didn't consider the current multiplatform environment of games.
My observation is that Nintendo may not feel that $500-600 hardware is appropriate for their audience. That, and selling consoles for a substantial loss is not something they can reasonably do since they don't have other divisions to stop the bleeding.

Hey, I'm an adult with disposable income too and video games are my hobby. If Nintendo put out a beast of a console at a high price tag, I'd be happy. I don't think it would work out for them though. Realistically, they're looking out for the casual market, the kids & the families. I don't think they'd be excited to see their game creation budgets skyrocket, either.

Next gen being a smashing success right out of the gate is not a conclusion I necessarily subscribe to either, although that seems to be the consensus here. Here being a video game enthusiast forum with many posters who are adults with disposable income. We'll see. Although I generally post in Nintendo threads, I am a happy 360 owner too, so I'm one of those two-console guys.

Good god. Stop with this $500-600 shit. Nobody is saying that Nintendo HAS to release a $500-600 box. We're arguing that Nintendo is ALREADY losing money on the Wii U. Had they not included the game pad they'd be able to bump up the specs of the console while still only losing the same amount of what they currently are. Without the game pad they'd probably be able to increase the ram by 2x or so. A $350-400 box without the game pad would have been a significantly more powerful console than what they released.


I see what you mean. "Visually comparable" is a bit subjective. I can't convince you that one looks better than the other, but, in my opinion, Knack is just on another level compared to that Zelda demo (assuming everything we've seen of Knack is real-time).

As a precursor, I probably don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not really tech-savvy. I also thought the demo looked fine. However, I see some aliasing in there, and those sparse two-dimensional hairs on that Armagohma would probably have been rendered polygons (is that the correct word) in much more abundance had Wii U been more powerful.

Knack, on the other hand, has a plethora of polygons rendered three-dimensionally. The environment is much larger than in the Zelda demo, and, as far as I can see, there isn't as much aliasing.

I really have no idea what I'm saying. I probably didn't say anything correctly at all, and I apologize for remaining on this hardware topic.

I'm not saying Wii U games can't look great. However, PlayStation 4 is obviously technically superior, and I think it shows visually.

Knact is an amazing looking game, but I might take heat for what I'm about to say, that imagine doesn't really show something that's MUCH better than the Wii U can do, it probably would able to output that game but not in 1080p and the lighting toned down, but in my opinion it doesn't look significantly better than what a Wii U game can look, obviously though this might as well be a earlier version of the game and the launch version might look better.

But that's my opinion, I think Knact would be competing with The Wonderful 101 in terms of style.
Well there is a clear difference in both cases, but I fail to see how you can think Knack is such a huge leap over the PS3 to make it worthy of being called "true next gen." It, along with Killzone look very... average to me and in no way looks "amazing" and jaw dropping. So I suppose Next gen will disappoint all around.
I don't know exactly where I said what you wrote... I disputed the idea that the Zelda demo looked visually comparable to Knack and commented on this strange notion that diminishing returns end when Nintendo says they do.

But, to begin with I imagine the PS3 would never be able to run a game of Killzone: Shadow Fall's or Knack's visual fidelity smoothly at 1920x1080 with anti-aliasing. With regard to Shadow Fall essentially what Digital Foundry wrote:
Here we have unscripted stretches of gameplay on display with a multitude of effects we may well have seen in isolation on PS3, but rarely all in tandem, and never at this incredible sense of scale.
I guess ymmv, and you're set to be disappointed, while a lot of other people are seemingly quite excited for new hardware.
This isn't simply an on-paper issue; it's about quick turnover. Developers like having less hurdles to jump through. PS3 was anathema to the likes of Valve, not because it was somehow less powerful, but because of the alien hardware.

Nintendo clearly didn't consider the current multiplatform environment of games.

Actually, the future environment will be different from the current multiplatform environment. Neither the PS4 nor Durango are using "big" SIMD-heavy, dual thread CPUs, and instead going for smaller cores. Ironically (or perhaps a coincidence) that makes them closer to Expresso than to current-gen CPUs. The PS4 and Durango will have more cores, though.

The Wii U can be considered a "transitional-console" in more than one way. PS4 and Durango have more brute power to make prettier games without optimizing things as much, but the Wii U seems to share some architectural ideas that was carried over to the other next-gen consoles.


Good god. Stop with this $500-600 shit. Nobody is saying that Nintendo HAS to release a $500-600 box. We're arguing that Nintendo is ALREADY losing money on the Wii U. Had they not included the game pad they'd be able to bump up the specs of the console while still only losing the same amount of what they currently are. Without the game pad they'd probably be able to increase the ram by 2x or so. A $350-400 box without the game pad would have been a significantly more powerful console than what they released.

Can I ask a serious question? Do you only game on a high end PC? I struggle to understand the perspective of people on consoles who will only accept the fidelity of whatever box MS / Sony have given them as the One True graphics. If you accept that console experiences are compromised hardware to improve the user experience, then the Gamepad is just an extension of that concept.
Can I ask a serious question? Do you only game on a high end PC? I struggle to understand the perspective of people on consoles who will only accept the fidelity of whatever box MS / Sony have given them as the One True graphics. If you accept that console experiences are compromised hardware to improve the user experience, then the Gamepad is just an extension of that concept.

No as I purchased a Wii U, 3DS, Vita all day one. If I am paying $350 (which I did for the Wii U) I'd like a console that's a bit more powerful than what it turned out to be. I don't regret my purchase since I have been able to use the off TV play for Netflix and what not. But it is extremely disappointing that Nintendo once again floundered in this area. If nothing more, I'd like to see Nintendo IP's take advantage of what powerful graphics offer.

I have repeatedly stated that I do like the gamepad but I am only one customer. It's obvious that the gamepad didn't catch on like Nintendo expected it would. Nintendo already made it extremely difficult on itself to gather strong third party support with such a weak box but to also lack the userbase and the hype level after six months makes it even more difficult for them to climb out of the position they find themselves.

I am a fan of Nintendo and would prefer them to be successful while still appealing to me. I'm tired of them thinking that they can do it alone. The Wii was lightening in a bottle. It was the only time Nintendo has EVER truly succeeded while going at it alone. Nintendo had the best third party support for the NES/SNES. With the N64/GC they lacked the third party support and it bit them. With the Wii's first 3-4 years Nintendo didn't need third party support thanks to the Wiimote. With the Wii U they DO need the support but thanks to the weak hardware Nintendo is finding it hard to gather said support.

Nintendo needs to realize that the Wii was an exceptionally lucky situation that it found itself in. That boat has sailed. It can't continue wresting on it's past success. Nintendo really needs to step forward and release a competent piece of hardware next gen.
Actually, the future environment will be different from the current multiplatform environment. Neither the PS4 nor Durango are using "big" SIMD-heavy, dual thread CPUs, and instead going for smaller cores. Ironically (or perhaps a coincidence) that makes them closer to Expresso than to current-gen CPUs. The PS4 and Durango will have more cores, though.

The Wii U can be considered a "transitional-console" in more than one way. PS4 and Durango have more brute power to make prettier games without optimizing things as much, but the Wii U seems to share some architectural ideas that was carried over to the other next-gen consoles.

Would the path of least resistance (i. e. less optimization needed) not be preferable though?

The cores on the PS4/Nextbox are barely faster only because they are more numerous. Assuming PowerPC hasn't become any more efficient since Apple bailed on the architecture, Nintendo might have ended up with a watt-for-watt more efficient and powerful chip if they decided to switch over to x86. But I guess Wii BC was just too important.


I want a WiiU, but it's so sad reading these threads. But I will, eventually (hopefully), buy the console - for its games, not because of the hardware. So tired of the endless discussions about hardware.

Has the majority of the WiiU threads turned into the discussions we see in this one?

I wish I can lie and say no but yeah.


Think we'll ever see a third party port of a sophisticated past-gen 3d game in 1080p? I don't think it is developer bias or laziness that has prevented that thus far.


I want a WiiU, but it's so sad reading these threads. But I will, eventually (hopefully), buy the console - for its games, not because of the hardware. So tired of the endless discussions about hardware.

Has the majority of the WiiU threads turned into the discussions we see in this one?

Is that not the point of a message board dedicated to gaming? To share thoughts and ideas?

Finally, Iwata is aware of the fact that many people hold the belief that Wii U is underpowered, and feels they need to work on remedying such misunderstandings. Not only that, but he knows that there are some third parties that are actively supporting Wii U, while others aren't even giving it a second glance.

Iwata himself brings up the power of the Wii U, so it is only natural that people are discussing that


Neo Member
Is that not the point of a message board dedicated to gaming? To share thoughts and ideas?

Iwata himself brings up the power of the Wii U, so it is only natural that people are discussing that

Yeah, you're right. But it just felt like the majority of the WiiU threads turns into hardware discussions. But it's "on topic", so I cant argue or complain about that.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I don't know. Ask the shareholder who asked Iwata the question.

Quote from OP:

I'm not saying power is the main reason Wii U is missing out on third party support. But it's a part of it.
Well, if you say 'low power is driving 3rd parties away' that does imply low power is the main reason, or among the main reasons. Other than that - fair enough - you were alluding to a shareholder's question.

Well on the actual topic of the thread. Nintendo got in touch with me and got approved as an E-Shop Developer. Time to bring some dinosaur games out ;)
Congrats! Drop me a note when you make your first UGPU draw call, will ya? ;p

Low wattage isn't a bad priority.

Doing it with an architecture as notoriously inefficient as PowerPC was dumber than dogshit, though.
Inefficient how?


I argue the type of performance increase we are seeing from ports compared to last gen is indicative of the overall power of the Wii U considering what we know about its specs. Clock speeds, power draw etc. Some may disagree but I don't see any grounds to argue the Wii U has a lot of room for improvement.

Before anyone can go further, what do you consider 'a lot of improvement'?


I've heard that third parties just hate Nintendo and conspire to avoid putting their games on Nintendo hardware.

This is what's so frustrating. Nintendo has made big strides in so many areas and the only area it hasn't is in the hardware arena.
Digital distribution? Check and improving
Indies? Check
DLC? Check
Multiplayer? Check
No more need for Nintendo Friend Code? Check

The only thing that really is still a weakness is the hardware.

Is it really a weakness though? If so, why?
Is it really a weakness though? If so, why?

Yes, because third parties like better hardware and when they are making their next gen games they don't need to hassle themselves down porting games to WiiU. The lack of next gen engine support also shows how hardware can effect third party support.
Is it really a weakness though? If so, why?
Publishers look at software and hardware trends; they see that the industry (even excluding the Wii) already peaked years ago and see a progressive decline occurring. They assume, rightly or wrongly, that this is due to the onset of a sort of generational fatigue. Consequently, they assume that new, more powerful hardware will allow them to further push visuals, spectacle, scope etc. of their games beyond the limitations of current generation hardware, and this will reignite the market for their software.

The Wii U doesn't really fit in with their overarching goal.


Is it really a weakness though? If so, why?
A few pages back, I said this.

There's a reason why Sony made the PS4 specs so high. It's to satisfy gamers and developers.

If not, why not just stick to the PS3? They could save millions but here they are, investing in it anyway.

I wonder if someone can actually challenge this? I remember putting out my NES challenge and next to no one could counter it.
A few pages back, I said this.

I wonder if someone can actually challenge this? I remember putting out my NES challenge and next to no one could counter it.

Yep. If more inpressive graphics aren't important why did Nintendo make the Wii U so much more capable than the Wii? Why not just keep the Wii? Why go from a N64 to a GC? Why a SNES to a N64? Why an NES to a SNES?
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