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James Mielke " COD4 Right now, it's my Game of Show"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Nothing wrong with choosing COD4 as his GoTS.

But isn't this the same guy that wrote that Killzone2 impressions article and said it looked on par with current FPS offerings, only to change it later to that it looks as good as Gears of War?

EDIT: Nm. That was Matte Leone.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I called it. While KZ fans and
AltogetherAndrews said:
Textures? I thought that was one of the weaker components here, or at least it was in the official media. I was also surprised by the vegetation in the MS conference demonstration, didn't look too hot.
On the other hand, the experience itself looks to be incredible, making the inconsistencies and odd shortcomings easy to "forgive".
Are you serious? That vegetation had depth of field. depth of field depth of ****ing field!


Some shots I captured from the HD version.






All we need now are Zombies.


I'm saying it right now, from what I've seen so far, I agree with Mielke that it's game of the show. Sure, it may not be the most gorgeous FPS ever (Jesus Crysis), but god does it look fun to play. And I'm not even into FPS all that much.
All I can say is that from the trailer we saw, I achieved maximum bonerage when I saw your camouflaged teammate get up from laying down. The dude was frickin perfectly blended in with the foliage it was boneriffic.

If that is just a taste of what kind of gameplay were in for COD4 will hit me in my weak spot for massive bonerage.
mysticstylez said:
All I can say is that from the trailer we saw, I achieved maximum bonerage when I saw your camouflaged teammate get up from laying down. The dude was frickin perfectly blended in with the foliage it was boneriffic.

Yea totally. I wasn't that impressed by the demo during on the feed but someone suggested checking out the GT HD version and SHIT JESUS I GODDAMN LOST MY MIND when that dude popped up. Only complaints I have about the demo is one of the types of grass looks terrible the second time you lay on the ground. ****, the only complaint I have is about the goddamn grass...


mysticstylez said:
All I can say is that from the trailer we saw, I achieved maximum bonerage when I saw your camouflaged teammate get up from laying down. The dude was frickin perfectly blended in with the foliage it was boneriffic.

If that is just a taste of what kind of gameplay were in for COD4 will hit me in my weak spot for massive bonerage.
best way to put it.

this game looks beyond amazing.


I really didn't know what people were seeing in the first COD4 trailer, but those HD shots are really nice.

Whoohoo, this gen is finally utilizing it's graphics!


GameFan Alumnus
Of the playable games in Barker hangar, I think COD4 looked the best. Also, since it's Infinity Ward, I expect the gameplay to be right there with the graphics. Other playable games that looked great were Ratchet & Clank, Drakes Fortune, Heavenly Sword, and surprisingly Turok. Lair had a fantastic engine, but I don't care for the Sixaxis controls, so that one is off my radar after having played it. No Killzone 2 or Rock Band in the hangar to get excited over.


medrew said:
He didn't play it. Nowhere does he saw he played it, it seems all they got was a full video of a level. ****ing hell.

"Right now there's no footage of what Activision and Infinity Ward showed us online"

The part you bolded ruins the context of the sentence. He's saying that there is no footage online of what he was shown by Activision and IW. You're making it sound like he was sent a video over the net.


stuff you can't see that makes the Call of Duty a great FPS...

-awesome, balanced level design [single player and multi player]
-sound. crank up COD2 in Dolby Surround. you can hear battles going on miles away
-story lines and great scripted moments in single player
-great control and game mechanics [like holding down the analog to steady your aim and hearing your character taking a deep breath]

everything about the game is done well. can't wait.
Eggo said:
Of the playable games in Barker hangar, I think COD4 looked the best. Also, since it's Infinity Ward, I expect the gameplay to be right there with the graphics. Other playable games that looked great were Ratchet & Clank, Drakes Fortune, Heavenly Sword, and surprisingly Turok. Lair had a fantastic engine, but I don't care for the Sixaxis controls, so that one is off my radar after having played it. No Killzone 2 or Rock Band in the hangar to get excited over.

How was Uncharted, did it control well? There were some complaints about that after the gamers day demonstration.
You really gotta hand it to Infinity Ward for stepping out of their norm as far as game settings are concerned.

They could have just coughed up another WWII game, and it still would have sold great (like the non boneriffic COD3). However they are taking COD in whole new direction, and it's amazingly boneriffic.


Odrion said:
I really didn't know what people were seeing in the first COD4 trailer, but those HD shots are really nice.

Whoohoo, this gen is finally utilizing it's graphics!

That's because you watched the trailer. What you should have been watching was the live gameplay demo, which is what has GAF excited.
Might be my first COD purchase yet. I hate WW2, this looks like something I'd enjoy. I love military/tactical shooters. It has a gritty GRAW vibe to it, which is a "good thing".


GameFan Alumnus
AltogetherAndrews said:
How was Uncharted, did it control well? There were some complaints about that after the gamers day demonstration.

I didn't play it, but I saw two others playing it. The first seemed to have no problem with the controls. The second guy was a gimp, but based off the way the first guy was playing, it looked to play well. I was impressed with what I saw, especially in motion.


I think it's more fair to compare this game to Killzone 2 than Halo 3 from what we've seen, because Killzone 2 and CoD4 have a closer art-style than CoD4 and Halo 3. Halo just has this bright, clean aesthetic which few other games have.
Orlics said:
I think it's more fair to compare this game to Killzone 2 than Halo 3 from what we've seen, because Killzone 2 and CoD4 have a closer art-style than CoD4 and Halo 3. Halo just has this bright, clean aesthetic which few other games have.

You're asking gaffers to not compare Halo 3 with Killzone 2 or COD 4?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I dunno, despite the positive impressions, the game still looks a bit...off to me. There's something about the visuals I just don't like. It's a nice looking game, but I prefer the appearance of Gears of War, Halo 3, and Killzone 2. The high framerate is awesome, though. If they really pull off 60 fps (constant), they will receive my praise.

BamYouHaveAids said:
*cough*Insomniac*cough* Just so you guys know I'm going to pimp this game harder than Brimstone pimped Shadowrun.
Insomniac? Does Ratchet run at 60 fps (Resistance did not)?
I'm on the same page. I still think Killzone 2 and Halo 3 don't even come close. Killzone 2 has very low quality textures and very same looking environments with little colour, Halo 3 seems to me like has Halo 2 level of geomtery, textures and overall polygon thruput, just with the HD treatment and better lighting. CoD4 sports the best particles, lighting, geometry and frame rate. It's the only one that has actually stunned me visually. Which I most certainly didn't expect.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
There's definetly not enough style to the visuals. It's much like any other Activision/Ubisoft/EA shooter in terms of looks and feel, even if it is very polished.

AND, it's another military shooter with technology from the last 50 years to present.

Like we haven't already had our fill of that stuff.
Magicpaint said:
I'm on the same page. I still think Killzone 2 and Halo 3 don't even come close. Killzone 2 has very low quality textures and very same looking environments with little colour, Halo 3 seems to me like has Halo 2 level of geomtery, textures and overall polygon thruput, just with the HD treatment and better lighting. CoD4 sports the best particles, lighting, geometry and frame rate. It's the only one that has actually stunned me visually. Which I most certainly didn't expect.

Now that's just not true.. I don't want to post Halo pics in a COD4 thread, but damn, that's just so wrong.
Magicpaint said:
I'm on the same page. I still think Killzone 2 and Halo 3 don't even come close. Killzone 2 has very low quality textures and very same looking environments with little colour, Halo 3 seems to me like has Halo 2 level of geomtery, textures and overall polygon thruput, just with the HD treatment and better lighting. CoD4 sports the best particles, lighting, geometry and frame rate. It's the only one that has actually stunned me visually. Which I most certainly didn't expect.

eh, Im the other way, the lighting and animation in this game was impressive, as was the draw distance etc...but the detail, geometry, atmosphere everything else was much more impressive in KZ...I even prefered the looks of Halo 3 to be honest...Im just not into this type of setting



dark10x said:
I dunno, despite the positive impressions, the game still looks a bit...off to me. There's something about the visuals I just don't like. It's a nice looking game, but I prefer the appearance of Gears of War, Halo 3, and Killzone 2. The high framerate is awesome, though. If they really pull off 60 fps (constant), they will receive my praise.

Insomniac? Does Ratchet run at 60 fps (Resistance did not)?
That's their goal, and it sounds like they're pretty close.


He's absolutely correct. In motion and even pictures, it's more impressive than anything else displayed. The ironic part is....it's a third party multiplatform title and were's supposed to have this lowest common denominator problem when it comes to next gen third party games.


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Fuck Yes!

CoD (PC) was one of the greatest FPS ever made and, personally, I think it set a new standard in the multiplayer FPS experience. It's still so satisfying to be crouched behind some cover, leaning around the wall, and taking people out with the bolt-action.

What they have already revealed about multiplayer sounds incredible and the gameplay is bound to be stunning. I just hope my X1650 XT can handle this game at some playable settings because I need mouse accuracy for this.

Can someone tell me how leaning was handled in the CoD games on X360? If my PC can't play this game then I will be forced to go for the X360 version.


I don´t care what some random guy from 1up is writing anymore. They totally lost it when they did the Gears <----> Killzone thing.
CoD4 looks better than Halo 3 though, what is quite funny considering that Bungie has only one platform to take care off and is Microsofts uber developer what should give them as much resources as they need.
tahrikmili said:
Now that's just not true.. I don't want to post Halo pics in a COD4 thread, but damn, that's just so wrong.

I think some people need to go back and play Halo 2 when talking about Halo 3 just so they can refresh their memory of what Halo 2 looks like.
DeathNote said:
Halo 3 owned.

Works both ways doesn't it?

It's a trap. They already know Halo3 doesn't look that good so they'll probably agree with you as long as the game isn't a PS3 exclusive title (Killzone 2). Afterall that was Mielke's whole purpose too:

You can say "Killzone" until you're blue in the face, and I certainly am looking forward to wiping up Helghast with the rest of you, but for my money, COD4 is the shit.


Will drop pants for Sony.
capslock said:
Is this the same dude who said Ninja Gaiden DS looks better than anything on PSP?


PnCIa said:
I don´t care what some random guy from 1up is writing anymore. They totally lost it when they did the Gears <----> Killzone thing.
CoD4 looks better than Halo 3 though, what is quite funny considering that Bungie has only one platform to take care off and is Microsofts uber developer what should give them as much resources as they need.

you are right. Halo 3 should looks like something from COD4 or that is what people are expecting considering all the hype around the franchise.
60 fps really does give it that extra next gen oomph.

But really COD games cheat a lot the levels are smaller than you think and everything is so scripted it might as well be a rail shooter. Thats how they keep their games looking so good and moving so smoothly. You really are not covering that much area throughout the levels in these games.

Gow was also the same way at times.


KZ 2 looks amazing, and looks a bit better than COD4, but stop with the hyperbole people, KZ2 doesn't look WAY better than COd4. What KZ2 has alot, and that reminds me GOW, is athmosphere, with the lightning and shit. COd4 however looks amazing, and holds its own at double the framerate just fine.

Really, Kz2 looks sick, but the hyperbole is making certain posts hard to read as time goes by.

Now....about GOTS, it's Mass Effect and that's it. Sorry Cod4, sorry Kz2, sorry AC, Mass effect is where its at.
the gameplay bits in mass effect looks like choppy crap. But if you are in the market for a scifi talking sim it will be great.
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