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Jonathan Blow On The Berkeley/Milo Situation

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Shame these quotes are going around and not these quotes by Ryan Kuo on the same facebook thread.



I mean.. fucking lock the whole thing up. It's done. He's dead. Simsponshe'salreadydead.gif


Politeness especially in protest is absolutely more moral and the right thing to do. Burning down your college and hurting people makes you no better and it's not the answer no matter how much you hate milo and his nazi scum friends.

You are doing the very thing you call wrong and protest against. You don't assault people because you disagree with them and you certainly don't riot and every rational sane human should understand that.

There is no such thing as a polite protest. This man is advocating for a man that puts transgendered people and calls for violence against minorities. That's not a "different opinion" that's a damaging worldview.

And yes I think people you call for the genocide of people absolutely deserve to be punched. I'm sick of people always invoking MLK and never bothering to quote him at other times. Also he ended up dead for all he did.

That said where were all these people at when Milo last spoke and one of his supporters ended up shooting somebody? These people are quick to defend terrible people with opinions because they get punched or a bit of property gets destroyed. But stone silent when one of his supporters shot someone.

Oh and people are paying attention. Wonder if Blow had anything to say about the Muslim ban or the mosque that got shot up?


Maybe he does have the right to free speech. Doesn't mean he has the right to be heard though. Scumbag racists an fascists are not automatically entitled to a platform for their hate speech, and people have every right to (peacefully) object accordingly.


Gold Member
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

- kipling


History has proved that we had to engage politely with fascist, racist and nazis to stop them doing literal human crimes.

Oh wait it didnt.

I'm not ok with burning campus or whatever, but the thing about "we shouldn't call them fascist" is just pure bullshit. We should call people for what they are, for their actions and thoughts.
Stop with this shit. So tired of people (especially people that don't even live in Europe and don't know shit about Nazis) saying that we should talk with them. The people saying we should talk with Nazis should spend a mere week in a concentration camp. Dumbasses.
These people do not deserve a platform to spew their literal neo-nazi hate speech. Especially that comes from funding from public universities and are essentially paid by students tuition. If you are free to spew your hate speech then you are free to receive hands, bro.


fuck free speech, fuck milo and fuck trump

in a perfect world people in america would drag trump out of the white house and put some rope around his orange neck

Real Hero

Well if trump really did implement a complete police state then yeah we really would have to become left wing terrorists
I understand his point...but its a pretty shitty argument to make when our society is literally being pulled apart right by now fascists in power in addition to the unrest of civilians borne by politicians in general being absolute scum in both parties in large swaths.

Instead of talking about the literal CEO of Exxon mobile as secretary of state, now its all about how the left are bad because a segment of violence broke out at one college when 99% of protests against what's been happening have largely been peaceful.

Why does it only apply in one instance? Because it got front page news? Well i guess every other instance of 'polite protest' doesn't matter then?

THis country is tearing itself apart right now, that's what happens in a time of upheaval and what happend during every time of social movement. If Johnathan Blow wants to see uncivilized, go to europe and see what they do when shit hits the fan. Cause he hasn't seen it in America yet.

I'm not advocating for violence, but picking out one instance of violence and then saying something something both sides essentially is what is normalizing the radicalization of rightwing extremism that is gaining steam.
Quoted for truth.


Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world where the opposition is playing fair, or is even willing to entertain the notion of discussion and reason.
Fair play to Blow for getting across a point that I agree 100% with but am unable to find the words to express myself.

People are becoming unreasonable on both sites, but this "fuck you, you don't agree with me, nazi" attitude is immature and conversation killing.

What worthwhile conversation is going to be had with this person?

Why would you describe Blow like that on the neogaf game forum?
Blow said he hasn't read up on Milo who tries to sic his followers on individuals, who outs undocumented immigrants and encourages others to do the same, and all the shit in that GAF post I linked above.


Un Rama
> Admits he doesn't know anything about Milo or his toxic beliefs
> writes several ill informed paragraphs about how anti-fascism is the new fascism anyway.

Fuck off Blow. You just wanted to say something/anything because you could.


You all are going to be very sorry when you read his facebook post about voter suppression, gerrymandering and problems with citizens united. He is so concerned with some college young adults protesting in a stupid manner, I'm sure he has written tons about government sanctioned suppression of free speech. I bet someone is compiling his thoughts for a post right now.
If you're more angry about broken windows or destroyed property than Milo harassing a young trans woman out of her education or outing immigrants for Trumps deportation, then you need to take a look at your priorities

Meanwhile, I'm not seeing any outrage over a Trump and Milo supporter shooting an anti racist last week. Where was Blow and the rest of the concerned liberals there?
Yup. Milo literally bullied and harassed a trans woman out of her university (which, fuck the university for not doing anything to help) but protesting him = REAL nazism.



If someone said this about Obama, you would hit the roof.

why would anyone say this about obama ?

trump is a liar, a racist who only cares about money and keeping his white friends rich and no one can stop him at this point. sometimes violence IS the only answer and us people are slowly reaching that point
I mean, Blow's idea would be right in a perfect world but Milo and those of his ilk have already made sure there is no real room for debate as they incite hatred, with one of Milo's own supporters shooting someone.

So yeah, while I might not be one to resort to violence myself, I am fine with people whose ideas promote genocide getting hit.
Fair play to Blow for getting across a point that I agree 100% with but am unable to find the words to express myself.

People are becoming unreasonable on both sites, but this "fuck you, you don't agree with me, nazi" attitude is immature and conversation killing.

Yeah, people calling other people nazi's for following the beliefs of nazis is simply ridiculous. Like, what is this 4th grade? Both sides are going crazy. It's like one side is actively pursing against the interest of everyone who isn't white, and the other is largely not. The latter keeps pretending that fighting back for basic human rights is, like, fine and all, but really they are no different.

Look at the abyss and it stares back and all.


Part of the problem is that decades after social movements affect change, people forget the riots and violence that went along with it. So many people think that by playing nice change happens. But it's a lot messier than that.


Blow said he hasn't read up on Milo who tries to sic his followers on individuals, who outs undocumented immigrants and encourages others to do the same, and all the shit in that GAF post I linked above.

So that makes it fair game to call one of the most prominent indie game developers, who has a reputation for making mind-bending, complex and sophisticated puzzle games "a dude who has no knowledge of anything"? On the neogaf gaming forum, not OT, mind you.
Pretty good post from Blow. The far left is a parody that undermines them all.
What about it is good when he admits not knowing who Milo is at all but ranting about something he admits to knowing nothing about instead of even slightly trying to educate himself and become informed about the situation before he speaks? Ignorance should not be a trait that's looked up to.


Crazy, I was property manager for a building very close to the school, two blocks, and I left because it was becoming an increasingly hostile environment, trying to traverse the natives with expectations, the non-native kids with vague and sometimes intense parents, and some homeless who feel comfortable taking a shit on top of your car. Don't get me wrong, Im a sellout liberal, but watching 5 white hipsters slow the bart down because 'black lives matters' wasn't doing it for me anymore
Part of the problem is that decades after social movements affect change, people forget the riots and violence that went along with it. So many people think that by playing nice change happens. But it's a lot messier than that.

What? No. MLK did a speech and marched a few times and that was it. When was he ever angry? I haven't read a history book, but I have talked to some white friends about it.
Part of the problem is that decades after social movements affect change, people forget the riots and violence that went along with it. So many people think that by playing nice change happens. But it's a lot messier than that.
Yup. As just one example of many:
The Stonewall riots (also referred to as the Stonewall uprising or the Stonewall rebellion) were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay (LGBT) community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. They are widely considered to constitute the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for LGBT rights in the United States.

Wonder how far they would've gotten by taking the police out to dinner instead! Pleading with oppressors doesn't work.
So that makes it fair game to call one of the most prominent indie game developers, who has a reputation for making mind-bending, complex and sophisticated puzzle games "a dude who has no knowledge of anything"? On the neogaf gaming forum, not OT, mind you.
How does context work?

They were very obviously saying "no knowledge of anything relevant to this situation". Like they're talking about his comments on Facebook, implying that they know he knows English. Eyeroll


Yup. Milo literally bullied and harassed a trans woman out of her university (which, fuck the university for not doing anything to help) but protesting him = REAL nazism.

I really don't understand how people are still defending his right to speak at universities after he did this. Harassment isn't free speech.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Pretty good post from Blow. The far left is a parody that undermines them all.

kids protesting, and at one college against a hate spewer, that happens to end in destroyed property means 'the far left is a parody!"?

I guess...whatever view you want to see cemented?

I mean everyone is just taking away from things what they want to see anyway so i guess its fine.

fuck free speech, fuck milo and fuck trump

in a perfect world people in america would drag trump out of the white house and put some rope around his orange neck

In a perfect world, Trump would not be president because people would be more informed of their corrupt politicians and politicians themselves would be better so as to not have a rich TV reality show star as a viable candidate.

Advocating for killing somebody on your own is what leads to extremism and radicalization.


People who are advocating for violence are just children with tempers. I don't give a child what they want when they throw a tantrum, just like nobody gives me what I want when I throw a tantrum. If people on the left don't understand this then our message get lost completely.
The social contract ended when white nationalists took power, sorry.

Excuse me but white nationalists? That's pretty immature of you. How about just "nice white old men trying to make our country great again"? They are working hard implementing safety measures and building a wall to keep out the bad hombres. How about showing some respect?
He must not be very principled if he's willing to abandon his left wing ideals because he doesn't like how some people are acting in that name.
In the Berkeley case in particular there was a violent mob actively rioting and destroying property under the guise of being 'Antifascist'. I read there's some core group of assholes who turn up every similar time Berkeley tries to rally or protest something and it's not something anyone should be accepting. This isn't 'is it ok to punch a Nazi?' this is 'is property damage and violence to civilians acceptable as a form of protest?' which to me is a clear no.

Of course I wouldn't even blink in surprise if Milo already knew this group existed and could've predicted this would be the most likely response to his proposed talk, thus getting him even *more* attention, to whit that instead of speaking to an unfilled room of students, he was speaking to millions on Fox news.

Essentially I don't agree with everything Blow's saying, but I don't disagree with all of it either.


The creator of this thread apparently learned nothing from the previous thread where all of this was already discussed and he or she links to Breitbart reporters to corroborate his or her criticism of protests against a hipster nazi
People who are advocating for violence are just children with tempers. I don't give a child what they want when they throw a tantrum, just like nobody gives me what I want when I throw a tantrum. If people on the left don't understand this then our message get lost completely.
What do you call people advocating racial supremacy that won't listen to reason?


If you're more angry about broken windows or destroyed property than Milo harassing a young trans woman out of her education or outing immigrants for Trumps deportation, then you need to take a look at your priorities

Meanwhile, I'm not seeing any outrage over a Trump and Milo supporter shooting an anti racist last week. Where was Blow and the rest of the concerned liberals there?
Was that shooter defended by people he ideologically identifies with? If not then there probably was no real reason for him to speak up.


I think a lot of people who speak up like this have ideals that are good in a vacuum. "Free speech is good!" "Violence is bad!" - those are generally agreeable stances. However they either don't put in the effort to really look into the implications of those things in the current climate (as Blow seems to admit) or don't really put together those things and realize what they could lead to, or they're coming from a position of relative privilege so they don't see the existential threat at play here, so they make statements like this. It's ignorant or unempathetic. I've found that a lot of people with this position can be reasoned with, and they'd usually rather agree with people against nazis than actual nazis, but it's still not a position that's very consistent with all I said above. Shame, maybe he will also do some reflecting or digging and realize the consequences of what he's advocating.
You will get a lot of people like Blow over the coming years. It's one thing to have the identity politics discussion over tacky shirts or something like that.

But when nazis get into power? There is no civilized discussion. Like Goebbels said, make no mistake democracy. Nazis openly come as the enemy.


why would anyone say this about obama ?

trump is a liar, a racist who only cares about money and keeping his white friends rich and no one can stop him at this point. sometimes violence IS the only answer and us people are slowly reaching that point

Lol violence is the only answer? Get educated. Go out and get people to vote.
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