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JUNE! Comics OT Before Four Dollar Books and Toasters!

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Don't get batgirl, your money would be better spent on almost any other book, or any other entertainment product in general.

Demon Knights is my favorite new 52 book that you don't have there.

I wanted to get Batgirl because I'm interested in what happened to Barbara after "The Killing Joke". I read she had some sort of experimental surgery. I'll add Demon Knight to the list. Do you not recommend it because of bad art/writing? I've only read good things about it.

Spider men is a limited series, just FYI. You should def get wolverine and the x men, best X book in years

Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll add that to my list. Is the timeline to Wolverine and the Xmen different from Uncanny?


What's the word on "Fatale", dudes and dudettes? First trade is coming out this Friday and reading Cap volume 3 has a brother wanting some more Brubaker.
I wanted to get Batgirl because I'm interested in what happened to Barbara after "The Killing Joke". I read she had some sort of experimental surgery. I'll add Demon Knight to the list. Do you not recommend it because of bad art/writing? I've only read good things about it.

Where have you been reading these things? Every internet place i frequent for comics news has had nothing positive at all to say about it, with the exception of a couple people liking the court of owls crossover issue.

Bad writing, bad plot, barbara's character changed for the worse, occasionally feels like fan fiction in the "I will now make the character I like artificially cooler" sense.


Where have you been reading these things? Every internet place i frequent for comics news has had nothing positive at all to say about it, with the exception of a couple people liking the court of owls crossover issue.

Bad writing, bad plot, barbara's character changed for the worse, occasionally feels like fan fiction in the "I will now make the character I like artificially cooler" sense.

I don't know much since I'm new, but with a quick Google of 'the best of the new 52' I got...

Crave Online 9/10
Comic Vine #2

Not sure if they're reputable, IGN isn't really taken seriously over at the Gaming side, so not sure about their comic reviews. Also they're reviewing the first issue I believe, except for IGN, it's an overall grade up to the #6 comic.

Jedeye Sniv

Another question GAF, I'm going to subscribe to comics for the first time, only dabbled in the Essential Spiderman and The Killing Joke. It seems to be a good time to get into comics because of the new 52. Also read over some of your guys' posts and took interest in some titles (Punisher and Wonder Woman). I'm also a big fan of Spider-Man.

So far I want to subscribe to...
Wonder Woman
Swamp Thing
Animal man
Action Comics
Uncanny X-Men

Any other recommendations? Any other Marvel comics I should be reading? Also, it doesn't have to come from the big two publishers.

Wow, you're really jumping in with both feet, huh? That's quite a financial committment right there.

I'll tell you the same thing I tell every newbie, feel free to take my advice or disregard as you like:

Don't buy these books in single issues, buy them as collections. Firstly, these books are at #10 now, so if you jump in then you've just missed a year's worth of setup. And most of these books are working on longtime arcs rather than done-in-one issues that are satisfying to read by themselves.

So if you go the trade route, most of the books you're listing are pretty good. As mentioned upthread, I'd skip Batgirl if I were you, it's a very dull and average book by all accounts, and it really has very little to do with the fallout from Killing Joke. That stuff was handled in the Batbooks around 20 years ago, very little of which is collected these days (there were some neat stories in the mid-90s that dealt with it). The way it happened n Batgirl was "I'm better now!", oh here's a generic muscley man to fight. Yaaaaawn.

Read the first Batman trade asap, it rocks.

If you're interested in Batwoman, start with Batwoman: Elegy - it's the first Batwoman story, it's beautiful and it sets up a lot of the New52 series. Stop reading after the first volume of New52 though, the second arc has been shite.

Wonder Woman is ok, you may enjoy it but so far (as of #10) it's not really grabbing me with any intensity. It's just kinda there.

Animal Man and Swamp Thing are brilliant, and are by two of the best writers in comics right now. You honestly can not go wrong with anything by Jeff Lemire or Scott Snyder - INDIE PIX!!! -- try Snyder's Severed and Lemire's Essex County for some books that don't involve homoerotic super-wrestling.

Action Comics is ok but very patchy (and I'm the biggest Grant Morrison defender you'll ever find...). Instead, try the author's All-Star Superman. It's a definitive take on Superman, stands entirely alone and is a thing of rare beauty, both in visuals and sentiment.

Flash is OK but very generic outside of the art. I hear Punisher is very good, and Greg Rucka is the fucking man, anything by him is going to be at least very competent.

If I were you I'd skip Spider-Men for now as the first issue was an utter waste of money (literally nothing happened at all). Instead, buy the first trade of the new Ultimate Spider-Man to see if you like the series. And then in about 8 months the Spider-Men trade will be out and you won't feel like you've just been screwed buying singles. In fact, if you're interested in Spidey, I advise starting waaaaaaay back at Vol 1 of Ultimate Spiderman. It's a fantastic run from start to end - the characters have real growth, you become attached to the universe, and when they kill Peter off (spoiler :p) you will really feel it. USM is great since it's in a little corner of comics and stands largely alone. Spider-Men will still be there later, trust me.

I would also advise skipping Uncanny X-Men and replacing it with Uncanny X-Force. X-Men is a good B-level superhero book. X-Force is THE FUCKING SHIT. Some of the best art you'll ever see, fantastic team, a great long form story... seriously, ask anyone, this is the best X-Book out there (Wolverine and the X-Men is a VERY close second, also highly recommended). btw, all the X-Books have a shared continuity, they're all happening at the same time. Some books may bleed from one into the other (as with Uncanny X-Force and Wolverine and the X-Men).

So there you go, there's an essay for you... some people may disagree with me, but I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it forever - single issues are a mug's game. They're expensive, short and they turn you into the kind of asshole that writes essays for simple questions. Instead, go the book route - they look good on a shelf, you can lend them to friends, you get a (mostly) complete story in one sitting and you can buy them at a pace that suits your wallet rather than being locked into a supscription for a medium you may not even like that much. Just buy a couple (I suggest Batman, Batwoman Elegy and Uncanny X-Force vol 1) and see how it goes.


Wow, you're really jumping in with both feet, huh? That's quite a financial committment right there.

I'll tell you the same thing I tell every newbie, feel free to take my advice or disregard as you like:

Don't buy these books in single issues, buy them as collections. Firstly, these books are at #10 now, so if you jump in then you've just missed a year's worth of setup. And most of these books are working on longtime arcs rather than done-in-one issues that are satisfying to read by themselves.

So if you go the trade route, most of the books you're listing are pretty good. As mentioned upthread, I'd skip Batgirl if I were you, it's a very dull and average book by all accounts, and it really has very little to do with the fallout from Killing Joke. That stuff was handled in the Batbooks around 20 years ago, very little of which is collected these days (there were some neat stories in the mid-90s that dealt with it).

Read the first Batman trade asap, it rocks.

If you're interested in Batwoman, start with Batwoman: Elegy - it's the first Batwoman story, it's beautiful and it sets up a lot of the New52 series. Stop reading after the first volume of New52 though, the second arc has been shite.

Wonder Woman is ok, you may enjoy it but so far (as of #10) it's not really grabbing me with any intensity. It's just kinda there.

Animal Man and Swamp Thing are brilliant, and are by two of the best writers in comics right now. You honestly can not go wrong with anything by Jeff Lemire or Scott Snyder - INDIE PIX!!! -- try Snyder's Severed and Lemire's Essex County for some books that don't involve homoerotic super-wrestling.

Action Comics is ok but very patchy (and I'm the biggest Grant Morrison defender you'll ever find...). Instead, try the author's All-Star Superman. It's a definitive take on Superman, stands entirely alone and is a thing or rare beauty, both in visuals and sentiment.

Flash is OK but generic outside of the art. I hear Punisher is very good, and Greg Rucka is the fucking man, anything by him is going to be at least very competent.

If I were you I'd skip Spider-Men for now as the first issue was an utter waste of money (literally nothing happened at all). Instead, buy the first trade of the new Ultimate Spider-Man to see if you like the series. And then in about 8 months the Spider-Men trade will be out and you won't feel like you've just been screwed buying singles. In fact, if you're interested in Spidey, I advise starting waaaaaaay back at Vol 1 of Ultimate Spiderman. It's a fantastic run from start to end - the characters have real growth, you become attached to the universe, and when they kill Peter off (spoiler :p) you will really feel it. USM is great since it's in a little corner of comics and stands largely alone. Spider-Men will still be there later, trust me.

I would also advise skipping Uncanny X-Men and replacing it with Uncanny X-Force. X-Men is a good B-level superhero book. X-Force is THE FUCKING SHIT. Some of the best art you'll ever see, fantastic team, a great long form story... seriously, ask anyone, this is the best X-Book out there (Wolverine and the X-Men is a VERY close second, also highly recommended).

So there you go, there's an essay for you... some people may disagree with me, but I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it forever - single issues are a mug's game. They're expensive, short and they turn you into the kind of asshole that writes essays for simple questions. Instead, go the book route - they look good on a shelf, you can lend them to friends, you get a (mostly) complete story in one sitting and you can buy them at a pace that suits your wallet rather than being locked into a supscription for a medium you may not even like that much. Just buy a couple (I suggest Batman, Batwoman Elegy and Uncanny X-Force vol 1) and see how it goes.
Wow such a detailed reply, thanks for that. Looking at the reviews for the Batgirl series after #1 seem to be pretty bad. I read an interview with the writer saying that the new 52 Batgirl line will show how Barbara goes through PTSD and also feels bad for herself being able to recover, but everyone else can't. Though, I guess that hasn't really been brought to fruition. That's unfortunate since I really wanted to know more.

I was thinking of doing what you recommended, buying them as collections instead. Seems to be a better choice on all accounts, since I prefer to get them in a hardcover anyway. Though I guess I'll have to wait it out for a while to continue the story. I guess I'll be collecting and continuing my Amazing Spider-man and add on USM as well. At the very least, I can subscribe to a few and I can trim down that list.

So you don't collect single issues? Just wait till they come out in volumes or in a omnibus? Though I'm sure you're not a newbie like I am, haha.

Jedeye Sniv

Wow such a detailed reply, thanks for that. Looking at the reviews for the Batgirl series after #1 seem to be pretty bad. I read an interview with the writer saying that the new 52 Batgirl line will show how Barbara goes through PTSD and also feels bad for herself being able to recover, but everyone else can't. Though, I guess that hasn't really been brought to fruition. That's unfortunate since I really wanted to know more.

I was thinking of doing what you recommended, buying them as collections instead. Seems to be a better choice on all accounts, since I prefer to get them in a hardcover anyway. Though I guess I'll have to wait it out for a while to continue the story. I guess I'll be collecting and continuing my Amazing Spider-man and add on USM as well. At the very least, I can subscribe to a few and I can trim down that list.

So you don't collect single issues? Just wait till they come out in volumes or in a omnibus? Though I'm sure you're not a newbie like I am, haha.

Think of it like this though, if you have a schedule where you buy 2 or three trades a month, by the time you've made it through your rotation, the next volumes will start to come out and you'll have this awesome flow of great comics that you can read and digest in nice big chunks.

I wish I did as I suggest, but unfortunately I've been reading for far too long now :p I used to be all-paper all the time but I recently jumped to digital (which rocks). Now I read the books I cannot wait for in digital (or sample new arcs/stories) and buy trades for the stuff I know is going to be good or that I can wait for. It seems to work for me, and I'd love to eventually drop singles altogether one day. Maybe :p

oh, speaking of digital, if you're interested in the format, Comixology sell all the first issues of the new 52 for a dolalr each, it might be a great way of sampling some of these books? Especially if you have a tablet. Digital is also great for sales, I've picked up a lot of great books for pennies on there.

EDIT: as for Batgirl, she got fixed by Comics-Magic(TM), that' all you really need to know, and that's all the story would be, albeit dressed up with some twat in a gaudy mask. Much more interesting were the stories in the mid 90s that dealt with her paralysis and finding a new direction for herself as Oracle, along with her relationship with Dick Grayson (Nightwing/Robin 1). But as I say, that stuff never really got collected which is a shame.


Yeah, I've been going back and forth whether to get a physical copy or get it digitally. I know that for some Marvel comics, if you buy the digital you will also receive a digital download code for the same issue. I don't believe DC does that though. Comixology is so good, even just for the free issues.

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah, I've been going back and forth whether to get a physical copy or get it digitally. I know that for some Marvel comics, if you buy the digital you will also receive a digital download code for the same issue. I don't believe DC does that though. Comixology is so good, even just for the free issues.

But then again, I very rarely re-read many comics anyway, so having a physical and digital copy is an odd idea to me. If I'm leaving the house and going to the shop, I'll read a physical book and never touch the code. But I much prefer buying comics from the comfort of my iPad for less money, and then forgetting about the purchase rather than having to find boxes and things. Comics take up space very quickly! And fuck moving house as a collector - I think that's what prompted me to quit paper, my last move was arduous thanks to the 50 fucking shortboxes I had to bring with me. My fingers hurt just thinking about it!


ugh, I can only imagine. The only comics I've bought on Comixology are the first two issues of Transformers Autocracy (liked the price). Looks like there is an USM omnibus releasing tomorrow and I'm planning on grabbing that and the first volumes of Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine & The X-Men, and Batman. I hate how the hardcovers get marked up. A new Batwoman: Elegy is 50+ bucks on Amazon. Maybe I'll just go paperback.

Jedeye Sniv

ugh, I can only imagine. The only comics I've bought on Comixology are the first two issues of Transformers Autocracy (liked the price). Looks like there is an USM omnibus releasing tomorrow and I'm planning on grabbing that and the first volumes of Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine & The X-Men, and Batman. I hate how the hardcovers get marked up. A new Batwoman: Elegy is 50+ bucks on Amazon. Maybe I'll just go paperback.

$50 holy shit! Yeah, go paperback. Actually, I flipped through a paperback in the sotre, and it's probably the best wayto read Batwoman anyway. The artist used a LOT of double page spreads, and in the hardback, the centre of the image is often lost down the spine. The more flexible paperback allows you to fully open the book without ripping it in half - this, conversely is one of the secret upshots of digital - entirely flat pages. I only noticed it after going back to paper, sometimes its a pain in the arse to read a hardback.


Bought all of those I mentioned, including the paperback Batwoman. Wallet is hurting. Kind of interested in the Batgirl issues when Cassandra Cain is the Batgirl.

Jedeye Sniv

Bought all of those I mentioned, including the paperback Batwoman. Wallet is hurting. Kind of interested in the Batgirl issues when Cassandra Cain is the Batgirl.

Actually that Cass series starts out really well, and the art is stunning too. Pick them up if you can.

EDIT: man, you're going to have so much fun with those books, you've just bought some of the very best modern comics all in one go.


Comixology has a 99 cent sale on the first issues of many new Image books. If you're curious about Saga, Fatale, Danger Club, Manhattan Projects, Hell Yeah, Secret, Mind the Gap, or Peter Panzerfaust and many others without wanting to jump into a trade, now would be a good time to check it out. And you should be curious :)


My favourite thing about Cass is that she's still learning english at the time so her text boxes, internal monologue and general interaction with other human beings is wonderfully rudimentary and adorable.

Also she can kill you in her sleep. But she won't, because that would be bad.



As usually I picked up my comics a little early this week.

Spider-Men issue 2 is pretty amazing and has some small moments of dialogue I've been waiting for and a pretty decent cliff hanger. I'm going to read Manhattan projects #4 with my morning coffee.

I tried reading Justice League #10 but couldn't get through it, I've officially given up on the book and Flash #10 is decent but wish Manipaul was actually doing the art for it instead of the fill in.

I'm also thinking about selling off some of my Omnibus collection if anyone is interested. Mostly the Brubaker Captain America omnibuses and the Walt Simonson Thor Omnibus if anyone is interested feel free to message me.


i don't read comics written by Marxists. I'll probably give that and Talon a try with the zero issue, Sword and Sorcery probably won't have a long life so i hope she makes every issue count.


Finally got around to AvX 6.

Shocked to find a connection to
Iron Fist
and the Phoenix force in a Bendis book. I assume he has a die with pictures of that character, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Dr. Strange, and Jessica Jones to choose every major plot point.

Waid's co-written Infinite Comic / B-Story is the closest Cyclops has come to sounding like the character I grew up liking.


Finally got around to AvX 6.

Shocked to find a connection to
Iron Fist
and the Phoenix force in a Bendis book. I assume he has a die with pictures of that character, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Dr. Strange, and Jessica Jones to choose every major plot point.

You should read the New Avengers tie-ins. They go a bit more in-depth with it.

Jedeye Sniv

Finally got around to AvX 6.

Shocked to find a connection to
Iron Fist
and the Phoenix force in a Bendis book. I assume he has a die with pictures of that character, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Dr. Strange, and Jessica Jones to choose every major plot point.

Waid's co-written Infinite Comic / B-Story is the closest Cyclops has come to sounding like the character I grew up liking.

Written by Hickman.


Don't buy these books in single issues, buy them as collections. F

if a book cant tell a story in just one issue than just cancel the book completely. I got lectured a few pages back about jumping into Saucer Country without the setup. I like it very much. I came to an idea of what happened in the previous issues and I am able to enjoy the story from here on just fine.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Paul Dini will return to DC for an original Batman graphic novel.

“Yeah, I have a big Batman story in me, it’s a very personal one and I’ve just got permission from DC to do it,” Dini tells SFX. ‘We’re just finalizing the deal right now for me to write it as a graphic novel and I’ve very excited about it,” he explains.

“I’ve already started work on it and it’ll probably be a year or two down the road but this is something that I’ve had inside me for a long time,” says Dini, “it’s going to be a change of pace for Batman and it’ll take some of the fans by surprise when they ultimately see what the story’s about.”

However when asked about the all-important plot, Dini remains tight-lipped. “I think it’s going to a really terrific story, I’ve gotten nothing but great response from the folks at DC on it. I really can’t say much more until we announce it formally but I’m really looking forward to this and jumping in and devoting my entire energy to nothing but writing this Batman story.”


However according to Dini, his latest trip to Gotham could be his greatest yet. “It’s probably the last big Batman story I have…” he says ominously, “but never say never!”


Jedeye Sniv

if a book cant tell a story in just one issue than just cancel the book completely. I got lectured a few pages back about jumping into Saucer Country without the setup. I like it very much. I came to an idea of what happened in the previous issues and I am able to enjoy the story from here on just fine.


And I didn't lecture you, it just seems odd that when a series is so new you don't want all that delicious setup.

Here's a comparison: why bother watching a narrative TV show when the start of every season usually has a comprehensive 'previously on' that recaps the whole show? Because the information is not as important as the journey to get there. Willfully short changing the journey means the destination will not mean as much. Say Saucer Country gets to #60 - won't it be weird to have missed those first two issues?

A story has a beginning, middle and an end. Most modern comics do not tell a whole story in a single issue, they tell it over the course of an arc. Therefore, starting at the beginning of an arc makes most sense. Yes, you can still understand the gist if you jump on in the second act, but the impact is lessened.

Lecture over.



And I didn't lecture you, it just seems odd that when a series is so new you don't want all that delicious setup.

Here's a comparison: why bother watching a narrative TV show when the start of every season usually has a comprehensive 'previously on' that recaps the whole show? Because the information is not as important as the journey to get there. Willfully short changing the journey means the destination will not mean as much. Say Saucer Country gets to #60 - won't it be weird to have missed those first two issues?

A story has a beginning, middle and an end. Most modern comics do not tell a whole story in a single issue, they tell it over the course of an arc. Therefore, starting at the beginning of an arc makes most sense. Yes, you can still understand the gist if you jump on in the second act, but the impact is lessened.

Lecture over.

im not going to avoid a good show like Burn Notice just because i didn't catch some previous ones. I use Burn Notice as my example because each and every episode stands alone and manages to also create a continuing arc. That is how to do it.

There is also the idea of supporting your books so that they can continue.

Many many people mention *i want to get back into comics but its too hard, too confusing, dont know where to start et cetera* and that is how comics fail to gain new audience.

Jedeye Sniv

im not going to avoid a good show like Burn Notice just because i didn't catch some previous ones. I use Burn Notice as my example because each and every episode stands alone and manages to also create a continuing arc. That is how to do it.

There is also the idea of supporting your books so that they can continue.

Many many people mention *i want to get back into comics but its too hard, too confusing, dont know where to start et cetera* and that is how comics fail to gain new audience.

Burn notice is mostly a monster of the week show with a light arc that they'll recap. Try doing that with Breaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire and see how enjoyable it is.

And I'm not saying that its impossible to enjoy stuff if you're not caught up, but that it's easier to get into stuff if you read it all, especially when it's easy to read it all in one place. For example, I read Planetary starting at #20. I missed sooooo much. The books I read were entertaining, but it wasn't until I went back and read the trades that I saw how sublime the book really was. The important context given, especially in those first few issues was invaluable.

I don't follow the school of thought of readers needing to 'support' books by buying singles at all though. If publishers are using an ass backward way of measuring sales then fuck them. Buying trades is a perfectly adequate (and even more sensible) way of reading comics. If publishers are cancelling books before they hit trade then that's their issue not mine. Consumers, especially new consumers should not be guilt tripped into reading monthly comics, it's ridiculous. This train of thought almost blackmails consumers into pre-ordering single issues through diamond - any other way does not guarantee the book will be renewed, and it's stupid. Collected volumes and digital are the way forward without a doubt, and the publishers need to take that into account while thinking of books to cancel.

But the oddest thing you say is in your last paragraph which stands at odds with your points. New readers find singles confusing. Going into a comic shop, you may only be able to find part 5 of 6 of a story. That's not an optimal reading experience at all. It's confusing. Buying a single volume labelled volume 1 of a book is the exact opposite of this. You're on the ground floor, you have everything you will ever need in between those two covers. There is of course the question as to what books are good, but reading in trades is without a doubt the least confusing, most consumer friendly way to read modern comics. If this was 1993 I would agree that you should just walk into a shop a buy what looks good. But it ain't, and comics are written for the trade. So buy the damn trade.

Jedeye Sniv

Kinda OT, but what do you guys use to store your comics in? Anything beside those bland cardboard boxes?

Short or longboxes are standard. Drawerboxes are kinda your deluxe version of this.

And then again, for those books you'll never read again there is always the bin ;)
I wonder if Dini's super secret batman story is based on his pitch from the 90s for a Batman animated movie where he comes across vampires and gets bit by one and thinks he's going crazy. It sounded really interesting actually.
Comics like Saucer Country should to be read from issue one. Because they have a beginning, middle and end (eventually). It's very different from say an ongoing superhero book that's been going on for decades. But even then, you want to read full author runs as well. For example, the Bendis Daredevil run is one serialized saga that won't have nearly the same impact if you just read random parts.


Comics like Saucer Country absolutely have to be read from issue one. Because they have a beginning, middle and end (eventually). It's very different from say an ongoing superhero book that's been going on for decades. But even then, you want to read author runs fully as well. Like, you're not gonna enjoy the Bendis Daredevil run to its fullest if you just read random issues. That also has a beginning, middle and end.

the problem is what you guys are saying is, "dont read the book". Im sure the creators love hearing that.
the problem is what you guys are saying is, "dont read the book". Im sure the creators love hearing that.

That's not true at all. This idea you have that you are unable to read the backissues is an imaginary one.

You can either wait for the first trade paperback, then jump on the issues... or read the issues you're missing digitally... or track down backissues through the myriad of online comic book stores out there. You have plenty of options.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
the problem is what you guys are saying is, "dont read the book". Im sure the creators love hearing that.

No, they're saying to find a way to read it from the start, either through back issues if that's feasible, or trades or digital.
Hopefully drawn by Dustin Nguyen.

yes please!




It's the way it works. You also don't start novels on page 123.

that should not be a comparison.

No, they're saying to find a way to read it from the start, either through back issues if that's feasible, or trades or digital.

no. what you are saying is. "Dont buy the book" It happened on this very page of the thread with someone that was initially already about to sub to these books.
Yes, we are saying to buy collected editions or such, but we are saying that the book cannot be enjoyed without those.
that should not be a comparison.

Well it is. Some folks write a specific length graphic novel. I'm sorry that doesn't work for you, but perhaps you should trend toward comics that have a "what happened last issue" page?

They aren't intending it to be read from a middle issue. They are not making each issue stand alone.

This may be a valid request for some supers books, but not for a book without that intention.


I'm in for the Batman Dini graphic novel, i'd like to see some more GNs that aren't batmanish though.

Single issues go in short boxes, but typically on ebay instead. I only keep singles of books i reallllly want to keep and then sometimes dc events. For instance, i'll be keeping Waid's Daredevil single issues, they will go along nicely with my Immortal Iron Fist and Ellis' Thunderbolts run. Trade collections are the real deal for rereading, singles are for sentimentality, which is why they get ebayed so much.

As far as jumping into a book....it's not ideal but possible. I read WATXM #1 before reading Schism, but eventually got Schism OHC and it did make WATXM #1 better. But if people want jump, jump.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm in for the Batman Dini graphic novel, i'd like to see some more GNs that aren't batmanish though.

Definitely, it'd be nice to see some variety. DC's really only been doing Batman books and the Earth One stuff.

This year alone there's Batman: Earth One, Batman: Death By Design, Batman: Through the Looking Glass and lastly The Judas Coin, which heavily features Batman. Only other book I can think of this year is Superman: Earth One Vol 2.
no. what you are saying is. "Dont buy the book" It happened on this very page of the thread with someone that was initially already about to sub to these books.
Yes, we are saying to buy collected editions or such, but we are saying that the book cannot be enjoyed without those.

We're not saying to not read the book, we're saying read it in the correct order, which is easy to do but somehow you got it in your head that it's not.
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