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JURASSIC PARK - A Thread 65 Million Years In The Making

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Strafer said:

Feathered dinosaurs are fine in JP as long as they are a new species, not featured in previous films. The films have set a certain style and appearence for thier cast, and it would be a shame to ruin it, scietifically accurate or not.

So please, dont feather JPs raptors entirely. If a new dromeasaur is introduced, by all means, feather that thing up.
Saw this weekend JP3. It might be no masterpiece and some special effect scenes are kind of bad but I thought it was still good. I liked the premise of the movie and think they could've expanded on it a bit more, though.


"Welcome to Jurassic Park..."

Cow Mengde said:
Jack Horner said people who doesn't believe dinosaur evolved into birds belong in the flat earth society. He'll definitely make sure the dinosaurs have feathers in the next movie. He's also doing a project to reverse engineer birds to a dinosaur-ish form.



crazy monkey said:
agreed completely. IF you remove that kick to dino and dino in city sequence it could have been much much better movie. I loved the tent scene.
Just finished watching The Lost World on BluRay. Despite its contrivances, there were some fantastically well-shot sequences. It even tried to channel Crichton with some light scientific exposition in the first act.

Never enjoyed the third film, which is a straight-to-DVD effort with big-budget effects. Not looking forward to putting that disc in.

Oh, and the influence of Jurassic Park on me as a child went a long way to me eventually enrolling in a PhD in palaeontology.
Peru said:
I really don't mind feathers. They look just as fearsome with some feathers stuck on 'em.

Birds always have seemed emotionless to me, except for parrots. Making dinosaurs more like birds makes them even more fearsome. I also think small theropods look weird without feathers. Imagining them with feathers is the right thing to do.
Bernbaum said:
Just finished watching The Lost World on BluRay. Despite its contrivances, there were some fantastically well-shot sequences. It even tried to channel Crichton with some light scientific exposition in the first act.

Never enjoyed the third film, which is a straight-to-DVD effort with big-budget effects. Not looking forward to putting that disc in.
Oh, and the influence of Jurassic Park on me as a child went a long way to me eventually enrolling in a PhD in palaeontology.

That movie went to theatres. Trust me, I remember seeing it. It was back in the High School days where we would go see a movie every other week.


Watched all 3 of these over the course of the past 2 days. Some observations of each:

Jurassic Park: What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said. One of the greatest films ever made. So how does it look going over to big Blu? Well, while I don't think the transfer was anywhere near as good as Alien or Blade Runner, I do think the transfer was pretty good. As someone who does 3D professionally, I thought the CG carried over pretty well considering. Of course, some scenes were better than others. The night/rain made the T-Rex escape scene almost flawless. The most impressive thing, though, was the audio. Holy shit is it amazing.

JP2: Well, the transfer is good. Audio is also superb. Movie is still kinda meh.

JP3: Great transfer (also the newest of the 3) and audio is also great. I actually noticed more CG flaws in this one then I did in JP1, which was surprising.

I haven't checked out any of the extras on the discs yet, but I do think that fans of JP1 will be very pleased with their purchase. If you decide to get this collection you'll be doing a solid, if not, definitely pick up 1 when it comes out stand alone.
Bernbaum said:
Just finished watching The Lost World on BluRay. Despite its contrivances, there were some fantastically well-shot sequences. It even tried to channel Crichton with some light scientific exposition in the first act.

Never enjoyed the third film, which is a straight-to-DVD effort with big-budget effects. Not looking forward to putting that disc in.

Oh, and the influence of Jurassic Park on me as a child went a long way to me eventually enrolling in a PhD in palaeontology.

congrats man. The film had huge impact on me too lol. I was so interested in science since then. Wanted to become biologist, forest officer or zoo keeper for long time. Ended up becoming engineer haha.


Party Pooper
watched JP1 last night and kept pausing to check out little background details what were previously too blurry on dvd/vhs

so good


gutter_trash said:
where are the fuck are the individual releases?

It will not happen during our lifetime.

Universal don't care about the "fans", they just wanna keep pumping them moniez.


atomsk said:
watched JP1 last night and kept pausing to check out little background details what were previously too blurry on dvd/vhs

so good
Yeah there's a lot in the set design that I missed. Namely 'Aliens ate my face' appearing on the fridge in Grant and Sattler's trailer in the meeting scene with Hammon right at the beginning. Never noticed that in the million times I'd watched the film.
Just finished watching JP3. I admit The Lost World had some redeeming features, but JP3 is entirely forgettable.


Even as a kid the magically appearing cliff in the first movie bugged the crap out of me. T-rex comes through the fence. Other side of fence is level with the ground the cars are on. Grant and the kids go through the fence t-rex came through. Suddenly there's like a 100 foot cliff. I mean it was an awesome scene but did they think the audience was THAT stupid?

Here's a big list of mistakes the first movie makes: http://www.bigwaste.com/library/jurassicflubs/

There are some pretty interesting ones.
Watching these films only reaffirms my complete hate for film grain. It seriously ruins what could be otherwise fantastic image quality. That shit needs to go.
Nice thread!

JP is still one of my favorite movies of all time and like most preach, the special effects still haven't been topped or for that matter even matched.

It's amusing(and somewhat satisfying) seeing the box office numbers dwindle from each film:$914 million, $618 million and $368 million. I'm hoping the 4th JP kicks ass. It's already been 10 years since the last JP movie :(


TacticalFox88 said:
Watching these films only reaffirms my complete hate for film grain. It seriously ruins what could be otherwise fantastic image quality. That shit needs to go.


Film grain = picture detail.

Yes I agree, films shot with high resolution digital cameras today like District 9 and Avatar look amazing, but film grain on blu-ray is almost unavoidable with movies shot on film. You either deal with the grain exposing the detail, or you DNR (digital noise reduction) the shit out of it like in Predator ultimate edition and a couple other crappy releases. You get high resolution-looking lines and edges, but a complete loss of fine detail resulting in wax-looking faces.


Having a movie shot on film become almost grain-free through processing it digitally requires a deft touch and patience that most filmmakers/studios don't have. A good example of one that did is James Cameron on Aliens. They didn't take the grain away completely, they reduced it so it wasn't distracting.


Crystal Bearer
Fellow Dinogaf, where can I get a Jurassic Park movie poster for cheap. Looking for the black one specifically.
Figured I'd post in this thread as I am not sure about the source or its credibility-

Bradley Cooper for Jurassic Park IV?

Among the men were alive sexiest nominated : George Clooney , Brad Pitt , Johnny Depp and more recently Ryan Reynolds . 2012, Cooper is confirmed to participate in the new sequel to Jurassic Park IV .

Source is in Spanish, so I had to use a translator for that quote, but if I read it correctly it seems to imply the source is People Magazine?

As for the choice, I would rather they stuck with less familiar faces for new characters, but I can see him playing the obligatory slimy bastard character. That said, I would be happy to hear this movie is actually in the casting process.
So, anyone happen to have the Bradley Cooper issue of People Magazine to confirm whether the JP4 thing is bull or not? Just seems so strange and out of nowhere, and I really know nothing about the site which is reporting it.
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to bring this up.

"A great script is what it’s gonna take to get a fourth Jurassic Park. We have a very high bar for ourselves because we’re just like the audience, we don’t wanna make the movie if there’s not a reason to make the movie. So we’ve kinda created the dilemma ourselves because it was never intended to be a franchise, so there’s an argument to be made ‘Why are you doing a fourth Jurassic Park?’ So we’ve gotta find a good reason for why we’re doing a fourth Jurassic Park and we’re in the midst of working on that right now."

Seems Kathleen Kennedy is implying JP4 is still in the early, pre-script stages, which definitely crosses out the already shady rumor about Bradley Cooper. Also, she talks about the possibility of converting JP into 3D.

In other JP related subjects, any collectors of JP merch out there? New Prototypes of a recently canceled JP toy line have been uncovered, including this-


More on the toy line here

As of now, this line is canceled, which is too bad because I would have killed to see what the dinosaurs looked like, which were confirmed to be new molds although no pics ever surfaced.


It's been over ten years since Jurassic Park 3 hit theaters and with rumblings of them finally getting around to doing Jurassic Park 4, something hinted at by original director and producer Steven Spielberg at this year's Comic-Con, fans of the successful franchise and dinosaur enthusiasts have been itching for any good news that it really was going to happen this time.

At today's junket for The Adventures of Tintin, ComingSoon.net sat down with Spielberg for four glorious minutes of questions about his adaptation of Hergé's globe-trotting adventurer and we tried to quickly get in a question about their progress on Jurassic Park 4.

"I haven't been active in the last year because I've been so busy obviously on 'War Horse,' 'Tintin' and now I'm currently shooting 'Lincoln,' but right now, it's on the schedule to bring out another 'Jurassic Park."

Unfortunately, when we attempted to find out if it will continue on from the last movie or reboot and start from scratch, he couldn't tell us. "It's just another boring secret," he chuckled.

So yeah, sorry to say that we don't have much to add, although if Spielberg has it on his radar, that's certainly a good sign that maybe we'll see it sometime in the next few years? Fingers crossed!

Source: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=85034#ixzz1gFyRSQV3

Feels like it's taking forever.


All I've ever wanted was for JP to become a much bigger franchise. I felt the concept could have easily stood up with the other major sci-fi franchises.


My parents should still have this one in storage somewhere;


it wasn't that great of a game though and we barely played it back then.
I have that and played it the other night with friends and it is fun when you play with more than three people, and make it into a drinking game. :D


As long as Spielberg is directing, I'm in.

But Jurassic Park doesn't really need a sequel or a reboot. It could even stand to lose the 3rd one.


As of now, this line is canceled, which is too bad because I would have killed to see what the dinosaurs looked like, which were confirmed to be new molds although no pics ever surfaced.

Here they are:

Black: Stegosaurus
Beige: Carnotaurus
Brown: Pachyrhinosaurus
Turquoise: Allosaurus

Would be too bad if they were never released.
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