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Kiefer Sutherland is the new Snake

I guess Ill just continue holding out hope that, if Solid Snake ever comes back, theyll bring Hayter in.
Im not opposed to Kiefer but I just wish they would have done this back in 2004 with MGS3. We wouldnt have even cared back then because Hayter would have never established himself as Big Boss yet.

Oh well. I love 24, I love Kiefer Sutherland, Im sure he will do a great job...but none of that is taking away the sting of having a Hayter-less MGS game. Im sad.

But when the game drops, Ill buy it and most likely forget about all of this. You have me by the balls, Kojima.

This pretty much. As long as Hayter is still Solid Snake, I'm okay with this.


No surprise, Hayter is a voice actor not an actor. Easier to do everything in one take and no doubt looks/sounds better


I'm not sure I understand the point of a better vocal/mo-cap performance when it'll still be a fucking Kojima script. Seems a bit like getting a really expensive grill just to cook steaks well-done.
But beating the shit out of mentally ill women and then taking pictures of their asses, the armless robot guy swinging the sword around in his teeth, and Johnny Shitpants and what's her face ripping off Mr. & Mrs. Smith were the work of an auteur, right?

What the fuck does any of that have to do with bad voice over?


Not with Grey Fox, they didn't. A younger Revolver Ocelot got a different voice actor. Hayter is, and always will be, Solid Snake. But Big Boss has been voiced a few people at this point.

They changed Fox because they didn't want the same guy, Greg Eagles, to portray 2 characters at the same time. He was both Grey Fox and the Darpa chief.
I will forever associate Sutherland's voice with Bank of America and Bank of America is awful.

I don't think I'll be able to play MGSV without the negative association, honestly. It WOULD be funny if it was an MS exclusive now though, as I could associate MS and KS with 'anti consumer bullshit'.


No, normally bigger named traditional actors are terrible voice actors.

Have you seen the video of Malcom McDowell voice acting for Killzone 3? That accentuates your point quite well.

He basically walks into the studio and reads the lines. When they asks for a repeat reading his response is "You aren't going to ask me to reread every fucking line, are you" (or something to that effect). They basically let him read the lines as much as he wants to, tell him he's great, then move on.


But beating the shit out of mentally ill women and then taking pictures of their asses, the armless robot guy swinging the sword around in his teeth, and Johnny Shitpants and what's her face ripping off Mr. & Mrs. Smith were the work of an auteur, right?

What does any of this have to do with anything

The bottom line is Hayter is not a good voice actor, whereas Kiefer can act and has a better voice.

Edit: MGS4 as a whole is a fucking mess of shit, Hayter just adds to it with his awful acting.


I'm hoping that they'll keep Hayter for Solid Snake whenever he turns up again, but I doubt it really. Oh well!

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I honestly don't remember any scenes in any of the MGS games where the script called for emotions that David Hayter didn't convey. Dude can only read what's on the page, and both Snake and Big Boss are only written as alternatively gruff, taciturn and clueless. Emotional breakdowns aren't a big thing for those guys. Half his lines in MGS4 are just "Otacon!" and "Liquid!".

MGSV is a big difference. Big Boss is experiencing either PTSD or early onset dementia. Both of these are things Hayter cannot voice convincingly without you sort of thinking its all a big joke. Kiefer can.


It is clear David Hayter is pissed. You could see that in the IGN interview from a few months ago. He needs to come to terms with it all (like many fans have) and recognize that MGSV needed something fresh. War has changed.

War. War never changes.

This is the sort of thing that makes me shake my head. You've already got a guy that's pretty much synonymous with the role of Snake, he's a capable performer with a strong fan following, yet you want to recast the part with another, more expensive actor. MGS games are high profile games that invariably sell on the strength of the franchise, so it's not like you need stunt casting to generate publicity and drive sales. Game development budgets are already out of control. So why is laying out the extra cash for Hollywood talent a good idea?


Well, not gonna get MSV now. Maybe used down the line, but that is it. You had a good run MGS, but now your company works with Zynga.


Have you seen the video of Malcom McDowell voice acting for Killzone 3? That accentuates your point quite well.

He basically walks into the studio and reads the lines. When they asks for a repeat reading his response is "You aren't going to ask me to reread every fucking line, are you" (or something to that effect). They basically let him read the lines as much as he wants to, tell him he's great, then move on.
Seems like it's always a gamble. Because I think we can all agree that Brian Cox was absolutely amazing as Visari.


The guy who doesn't speak English?

Doesn't speak English well, anyway. The point here is that anyone complaining about how stupid and cartoonish MGS has been up to this point is not wrong. But swapping in a Hollywood name for a beloved and well defined role is not going to do anything for that. Kojima's still writing the script and directing the cut scenes.


Found something interesting. This video was posted on March 27th this year. The guy in the bandages, might be me but I can't pick up what his name is, sounds exactly like Kiefer Sutherland. The player character, "Snake", doesn't sound like him at all.


Also, Geoff Keighley tweeted this:

"And yes, that was Kiefer's voice in the Phantom Pain VGA trailer way back in December."

It's all a bit strange. I still think we're either being trolled or just not being told the whole picture. Probably the latter.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.


I like this a lot. Keifer is a total badass and is probably suited better to mocap anyways. It'll be good for gaming to have Jack motherfucking Bauer as an iconic character.


Do you know what should happen with new generation games? They should allow you to select the voices in the original version with subtitles. In this case, in japanese.

They don't really have any reason not to, especially without space limitations.


So does this mean we will get to hear Jack Bauer in the new smash bros game if snake returns as a playable character? As a huge 24 fan, that would be amazing


Found something interesting. This video was posted on March 27th this year. The guy in the bandages, might be me but I can't pick up what his name is, sounds exactly like Kiefer Sutherland. The player character, "Snake", doesn't sound like him at all.


Also, Geoff Keighley tweeted this:

"And yes, that was Kiefer's voice in the Phantom Pain VGA trailer way back in December."

It's all a bit strange. I still think we're either being trolled or just not being told the whole picture. Probably the latter.

Both bandage guy (Ishmael) and Snake are voiced by Kiefer Sutherland, it seems. There has been speculation that Ishmael
is just Snake's coping mechanism with having waked up from a 9 year coma. He doesn't exist. He is part of Snake, and hence the voice
Seems like it's always a gamble. Because I think we can all agree that Brian Cox was absolutely amazing as Visari.

agree 100% scolar visaris speeches were extremely well done. I don't like Killzone much but i rewatch youtube scenes with Visari because they were so masterfully done.


Found something interesting. This video was posted on March 27th this year. The guy in the bandages, might be me but I can't pick up what his name is, sounds exactly like Kiefer Sutherland. The player character, "Snake", doesn't sound like him at all.


Also, Geoff Keighley tweeted this:

"And yes, that was Kiefer's voice in the Phantom Pain VGA trailer way back in December."

It's all a bit strange. I still think we're either being trolled or just not being told the whole picture. Probably the latter.
The only thing the main character does is grunting so it's really hard to tell if he's voiced by Sutherland or not.
DAMN 21 pages already! There's enough salt in this thread to supply Mickey D's for years.

Seriously though, I love all the MGS games, and I didn't think Hayter was as bad as some people do. But I also don't see how this decision negatively impacts MGS V. Jack Bauer might do a great performance, and I have faith that Kojima knows what he's doing with the series. At least wait until the game comes out before making a judgement. Geez..


People not buying a game in a franchise they love because a voice actor was changed is quite confusing

A big reason I love this franchise is because I've grown attached to the characters. It's not Metal Gear Solid without Hayter. It just isn't.
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