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Kiefer Sutherland is the new Snake

I can't help but think that since Kiefer's voice is so distinct, that I'll constantly be picturing him when he speaks instead of being absorbed in the game.

yeah it's a shit decision. should have just went with another voice actor, or an actor who's capable of mixing it up at least.
I remember playing MGS1 shortly after watching the first season of 24 and seeing a lot of parallels. I'm exited to play this, Kiefer is a great actor.
To clarify, there's only a few possibilities for the move:

1.) There's been an undocumented falling out between Hayter and Kojima.
2.) Kojima is dissatisfied with Hayter's abilities.
3.) They wanted a bigger name for more mainstream appeal.

Which one of those is true just doesn't seem all that important to me. At the end of the day, they wanted to go in a different direction. It happens for reasons both good and bad all the time.


Right, but for what significant reason? The Japanese version is still using the same VA.

Kojima keeps talking about going in a new direction but at the end of the day, it's still going to be more or less the same thing we've experienced over the past 15 years, at it's core. This isn't proper justification in my opinion.

What does it matter if the Jp va is the same? Akio Otsuka is a voice actor in Japan, he's done many works and they probably see him as doing a good job there. Otsuka and Hayter aren't joined at the hip, one doesn't affect the other.


Since it looks like Ishmael is a figment of Big Boss's imagination also voiced by Sutherland, it would have been neat to have him voiced by Hayter. It is not like they need to worry about his physical acting ability with those bandages.



I'll adapt?


What does it matter if the Jp va is the same? Akio Otsuka is a voice actor in Japan, he's done many works and they probably see him as doing a good job there. Otsuka and Hayter aren't joined at the hip, one doesn't affect the other.

If Hayter was replaced for mocap reasons as has been suggested then wouldn't replacing the Japanese actor also be necessary?
To clarify, there's only a few possibilities for the move:

1.) There's been an undocumented falling out between Hayter and Kojima.
2.) Kojima is dissatisfied with Hayter's abilities.
3.) They wanted a bigger name for more mainstream appeal.

Which one of those is true just doesn't seem all that important to me. At the end of the day, they wanted to go in a different direction. It happens for reasons both good and bad all the time.

4. David Hayter is voicing Solid Snake, who will be the final boss.


Yeah, but the thing is, all he has to do is yell "DAMMIT!" once and I'll instantly be taken out of the game because I know it's Jack Bauer.
Kojima best find + replace that with gosh darnit. Get perilously close to the line, Hideo. You know you want to.


Ah well,

Can't fault @RealKiefer

Great actor, good man. The game will probably still be excellent.

Like New Coke!

guys Hayter is still in it somehow, he wouldn't be making these over the top comments otherwise. no one has said that kiefer is playing SOLID snake


Everything since MGS2 had the lipflaps done by animators. This is the first time that they're doing performance capture from the voice actors, at least Boss in this case.

This is probably a dumb question, but are the lipflaps going to be different in the Japanese version? Like is Akio Ōtsuka gonna do face motion capture while he reads his lines too?

rdrr gnr

whoa that's like the least douchiest axe commercial of all time. it's pretty good, doesn't fit their brand either
It's damn good. I did a marketing paper on it last semester. Kiefer's delivery makes the entire premise of that commercial. With the right direction and script -- he might actually redeem Kojima.
It's damn good. I did a marketing paper on it last semester. Kiefer's delivery makes the entire premise of that commercial. With the right direction and script -- he might actually redeem Kojima.

right direction and script

redeem kojima

hahahaha. yeah good luck with that. that dude's never climbing back up. he's just on the downhill trajectory
Hmm Sutherland is a better actor by a mile but Hayter has that nostalgia and has that snake recognition. Should be interesting once we get to compare their portrayals.
It is for me, as I thought hearing another voice would ruin the game.

What I'm saying is that it's not a strange phenomenon. I'm not a psych major, so I won't pretend to be someone who can explain this with any eloquence or expertise, but humans in general have a tendency to react poorly to change initially even if the change ultimately proves for the better. You can probably look at public reactions to any interface overhaul to any website ever and even if the changes ultimately prove to make the site a million times more usable, initially, people will hate it because it's different.
As an enormous MGS fan I'm suffering a reasonable level of butthurt over this, though I'd never pretend that I'm not going to pre-order the ridiculous Collector's Edition and play it a million times. I like David Hayter a lot, I don't think he's turned in a bad performance yet, and I've never thought much of him as an actor, but I still think he'll probably be fine. He's never going to be THE Snake to me, but I'll get over it.

Others seem to take issue with the voice acting, but to me the thing that holds Snake back from being a better character falls squarely on Kojima. Snake's best moments are in MGS2, when we get to see him from a different point of view, because when he's the protagonist of the game he really exhibits almost no personality at all. The old joke is that he just repeats the last words said to him and puts a question mark on the end, but by MGS4 he can't even manage that. Can anyone tell me Snake's motivation for doing what he did in MGS4? At no point in that game does he ever talk about his own ideology, or his reasons for going on. Liquid monologues at him at great length about his plans and his world view, and all Snake ever does is interrupt him with a husky "LIQUID!" every now and then, followed up with nothing of substance.

His only lines in that game are one-word interjections or explanations of what he needs from someone, and the rest of the time he just stands there in stunned silence. Otacon, Naomi, Big Mama, Big Boss, Drebin, Liquid, Meryl - they all vomit soliloquies at him for hours, cutting away to flowcharts and infographics when necessary, and Snake just looks blankly back at them with his mouth open. If you wanted to get some use out of your degree you might read into it and say that it's representative of Snake having given up on life, just going through the motions to fix his last mistake, I suppose. I think it's more likely that Kojima's just a bad writer of dialogue. It sure isn't David Hayter's fault that his scripts are mostly empty :p

So, hopefully Kojima doesn't think that a bigger name actor is going to make that problem go away. Obviously we won't be able to appreciate the nuances of the script until the full game comes out, but I still can't wait for that MGSV trailer.


So you guys think this might be a way for Arad/Konami to position Sutherland as Snake in a movie adaptation? That or Kojima was just an idiot who jumped on the occasion just because they had the chance to have a celebrity voice actor.

Stupid, stupid move either way. And I like Kiefer.
As an enormous MGS fan I'm suffering a reasonable level of butthurt over this, though I'd never pretend that I'm not going to pre-order the ridiculous Collector's Edition and play it a million times.

I think everyone will reach that point eventually. I am a huge MGS fan and also a huge Sutherland fan, so I'm kinda stoked on it. Thought Hayter sounded a little cartoony in MGS4.
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