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Killzone 10th anniv. celebrations + Fan-favorite "The Academy" map coming soon (FREE)

I would die for this. Killzone 2 multiplayer is the height of the series. It pains me that there were so many crybabies saying that it's too heavy or felt sluggish. Killzone 2 felt like it's own game, not a clone of something else. It was incredible. The matches I had....you just can't imagine how good it was...really brings a tear to my eye remembering back.
Thought KZ2 multiplayer was an unbalanced mess of explosives, and often devlved into a clusterfuck, but thats from my limited time playing.

I'd definitely dissect that campaign for inspiration on the next Killzone though. It had the right feel.
GG is moving on but I could see Guerrilla Cambridge taking the series over. They did an awesome job on Mercenary.

Expect the next Killzone from Guerilla Cambridge

That would be the biggest tragedy.
The unbelievable talented Cambridge Studio (ten times better than Guerrilla Games).... being forced to make Killzone games, instead of their own new IP (doesn't matter if it's a FPS, or not) or a new MediEvil. -_-
It's good to see that they still keep supporting this game. Ten years already, that's crazy. After how KZ failed to live up to it's hype (I still liked it though, to the point that I pre-ordered it) I didn't think the series would continue.
I wish they would do a 1080/60 KZ2 port to PS4...with the MP intact from the original. I would buy that for $30. Nothing touches the joy I had playing KZ2 with GAF teams.

They have done an excellent job of supporting the game. Wish the community was like KZ2.

Please GG take us back to KZ2 MP in the next KZ.


wonder if we'll get a Remastered Collection on the PS4
I'll be in for that. - really enjoyed the SP campaigns

not sure if that will further fracture the small community though :/


Sony announcing PSN's December and January games might push me to buy this. I'd held off because I felt its inclusion to IGC was imminent but apparently it'll be a while.


Thought KZ2 multiplayer was an unbalanced mess of explosives, and often devlved into a clusterfuck, but thats from my limited time playing.

I'd definitely dissect that campaign for inspiration on the next Killzone though. It had the right feel.

In the close quarters maps like Radec Academy there was definitely a lot of spam but somehow it was still fun. I preferred the bigger maps because it had a little less of this, though even with the spam it was fun and crazy with how much was happening. You had grenades going off like crazy, sniper shots flying through the air, sentry bots and turrets shooting people and everyone else running around. It was chaotic for sure, but fun chaos in my opinion.


In the close quarters maps like Radec Academy there was definitely a lot of spam but somehow it was still fun. I preferred the bigger maps because it had a little less of this, though even with the spam it was fun and crazy with how much was happening. You had grenades going off like crazy, sniper shots flying through the air, sentry bots and turrets shooting people and everyone else running around. It was chaotic for sure, but fun chaos in my opinion.

I find "organised chaos" to be an apt description.


From the trailer, it looks like Radec Academy is based on KZ3. I prefer the pristine, intact KZ2 version.
Its a bit of a pity that its based on the KZ3 version of the map, i also prefer the KZ2 version. The KZ3 version did fix a few things regarding "spawn raping" though, so i guess that is why they are going with the KZ3 version. But all the extra debree and different time of day (different lighting) makes the map feel different in my opinion.
I wish they would do a 1080/60 KZ2 port to PS4...with the MP intact from the original. I would buy that for $30. Nothing touches the joy I had playing KZ2 with GAF teams.

They have done an excellent job of supporting the game. Wish the community was like KZ2.

Please GG take us back to KZ2 MP in the next KZ.

That KZ2 MP was something special. I miss the heavy feel of KZ2 and it's a shame that they ended up changing the game to please the CoD crowd.


Its a shame nobody plays this. I thought the multiplayer was excellent, would be tough to jump back in with advanced warfare out now though.

Love the killzone series


I'm just comparing to other populations when I say it. Many games have a dedicated but small following. Those communities are often hard to break into, though. Giving away the multiplayer component could help with that in KZ:SF's case.

What populations? COD?? BF4??

Just because it doesn't have the amount you think it should, doesn't mean it's fully deserted and no one can get into a full game. I'm not disagreeing that KZ:SF Multi shouldn't be a PS+ thing at this point, but the previous argument I think is a bit disingenuous....

KZ:SF was a fantasic beginning entrance into the new generation. It's still one of the most beautiful games around and multi is a blast, if you don't rely on snap/auto-aim mechanics. It deserved better, but I'll agree that Single Player is hit or miss with certain players.

Anyhoo.... Good on Guerrilla on the continuous support...

C'mon Sony, go ahead and make multi free for PS+ members!


This is brilliant news. If they aren't coming out with a kz2 remaster then they really need to release all kz2 maps for shadow fall including the add ons. Dat beachhead!!


I feel that if they ever made a Killzone with a Helghast as the focus it would be a game changer. Not sure why I feel that way, but I think it would be something to rejuvenate the series. We all know the ISA are the real terrorists.
I feel that if they ever made a Killzone with a Helghast as the focus it would be a game changer. Not sure why I feel that way, but I think it would be something to rejuvenate the series. We all know the ISA are the real terrorists.

Give me my Kerberos Panzer Corps game.


Neo Member
This is awesome. I'd like a Blood Gratch map all irradiated tho myself. Love that map and Salamun market. Classic Beta maps. Anyway Academy is my third, this is good news.

Can't believe the support actually, because while insurgent pack is kind of expensive, everything in the season pass is a super nice price, because also the main game dropped in price. I hope GG keeps up this model.

Anyone here played KZ1 in 2004? I picked it up in 2006 I think. tbh I loved it pretty much, especially art style and the journey you fought to reach the end.
I feel that if they ever made a Killzone with a Helghast as the focus it would be a game changer. Not sure why I feel that way, but I think it would be something to rejuvenate the series. We all know the ISA are the real terrorists.
Well Shadow Fall certainly got the closest to that so far when
you played as a Helghast for the prologue
, which was also the best level in the game. Mercenary had you straight up working for the Helghast at certain points, although you were playing as an Earth born.

My hope for the next Killzone is Cambridge developed where you play as
and strategically attack both sides to bring an end to the war. It would be like Mercenary/the first and last SF in terms of level design, and have a contract-like system for replaying levels. Have multiple paths to approach every objective, some large open areas, well developed stealth, and lots of mission variety. Taking 75% Mercenary and 25% Shadow Fall would be the perfect brew for an amazing Killzone campaign.


Mercenary has one of the best singleplayer FPS campaigns ever in terms of pure gameplay. The level design is utterly brilliant and it's insanely replayable with the contracts. I am very excited for whatever game Guerrilla Cambridge is working on (I hope it's two - Killzone and MediEvil).

I completely agree with this statement.
Mercenary has one of the best singleplayer FPS campaigns ever in terms of pure gameplay. The level design is utterly brilliant and it's insanely replayable with the contracts. I am very excited for whatever game Guerrilla Cambridge is working on (I hope it's two - Killzone and MediEvil).

I really agree with this. Mercenary is an excellent game, and arguably as good as KZ2 in most regards. It also has a lot more of its own ideas and gameplay features (I fucking love the VAN-guards, both in SP and MP).

That would be the biggest tragedy.
The unbelievable talented Cambridge Studio (ten times better than Guerrilla Games).... being forced to make Killzone games, instead of their own new IP (doesn't matter if it's a FPS, or not) or a new MediEvil. -_-

Creatively Cambridge have always been superb, but Killzone Mercenary is perhaps their best game yet when it comes purely to the gameplay. Although I've enjoyed all of their games that I've played, they're all flawed in their own ways. Mercenary is easily their most consistent work.


I have so much respect for how Guerilla has been supporting SF post launch. Continual free updates, even though the multiplayer population is dwindling.


It really does, but the game is a ghost town. I'm not sure why they haven't given away the multiplayer mode on PS Plus at this point.

Yeah. I honestly wonder who paid for this content update. The business case couldn't have possibly been there. With BF4 still getting a lot of play, Destiny blowing the doors off (inexplicably), CoD out this week, MCC out next week, I can't fathom who is still playing Killzone.

It's as mystifying as Driveclub still not being fixed yet. Is Sony just giving these studios a bottomless wallet and telling them to do "whatever"? The mind boggles.
It's as mystifying as Driveclub still not being fixed yet. Is Sony just giving these studios a bottomless wallet and telling them to do "whatever"? The mind boggles.

They're keeping their MP team hired to 'do stuff' while the creative team finish the pre-production of their next game?

And frankly, I also see this as partially an investment into the next Killzone. Assuming Cambridge takes over the reins of the KZ franchise moving forward, their team wouldn't have the resources that Amsterdam has to create a shit-load of KZ map assets.

Using the assets of Shadowfall as a foundation would be a starting point.


truly, say what you want about the game itself, but Guerrilla deserves a whole lot of praise for the way they have supported this game. Its had its fair share of issues (the game breaking lag problems for example). But GG has been all over it with support, and the DLC has been great, ESPECIALLY for a game thats player base is so sparse. Kudos to them...

I hope they continue their DLC policies moving forward, and i hope that their next game is a smash hit and sells gangbusters, because they deserve it


bish gets all the credit :)
Garbage KZ3 version




you can't do this anymore

isn't this expansion pack free for season pass owners?

I have the season pass but it this expansion is charging me $10

Edit: Nevermind it was a glitch got it to work after retrying it several times
Yup, around ~80 as I've heard.

btw. Do you have a Source?

Killzone 10th Anniversary Twitch Livestream. They responsed to a stream(?) user question about Cambridge Studios, to which Herman replied :

- Can't tell what Cambridge is working on right now (duh.)
- Herman is deeply involved with what they're working on
- They're about 70-75 people now, mid-sized team


I'm really liking this multiplayer a lot. I think if or when it goes PS Plus this is a very solid edition to the library for people. The 10th anniversary stuff is fun in game. Changing up the outfits gives the game some needed variety.

MP is a blast and the best FPS on PS4 on that side. I love no autoaim. I think they finally finished MP. It's too bad they had to rush this one for launch. PS Plus should imbibe hte servers with more people. 12v12 is great fun.

They even have plans for more MMO or F2P type valor system. Seems they will go PS Plus at some point.


Is the season pass worth it? Its half off in the sale and I like playing this MP. They've given a lot of maps away for free already so is there enough else plus the coop stuff really?
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