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Kotaku: AC Syndicate will feature both male/female protags (brother & sister)


Good, however I'm not sure how that 75/25% thing will turn out. Would prefer it to switch at any time or chose at the beginning.
Because if it would just be missions that you play as the female character and not the free gameplay, that would suck.
Adding a second protagonist if it wasn't planned beforehand could easily upset the flow of the game same if they just changed the second protagonist to a female, or if I was directing and it wasn't my choice not be the game I originally intended. It's more of a compromising of my artistic integrity than really a negative to the game and you know the additional story treatments and updates tht would follow. Plus we'd never know if that original version was the better one.

If Ubisoft was really interested in not upsetting "the flow of the game" they would stop rushing development to have yearly releases.


They didn't say anything about female enemies. Ubisoft hasn't had any random female enemies in an AC game and they probably won't this time either because they're scared of "violence against women" accusations or something. Ubisoft actually made it so that in Far Cry 4 half of the fighters on your side were women, but none of the enemies were for some reason.

That actually was explained, the Golden Path are rebels drawn from the general population of Kyrat while Pagan Min hired a lot of foreign mercenaries to be his goons.


Where did they get the tech to be able to animate a female?!?!?!

Joking aside, she looks great and isn't all sexed up. Unity is the first AC I didn't play (well, I didn't play Rogue, either, but I wasn't going to play a last-gen AC after I had the new console) due to the poor release. I'll do a wait and see on this one, but I'd love to be able to play as a well-done female character, if I can (enjoyed Liberation).


Thank fucking God she doesn't seem to have the hood as her default outfit. How many character designs can Ubisoft make with a hood anyway?


They threw out any kind of real in-game logic a long time ago. Pretty much anything goes now.

Considering these "genetic memories" last hundreds (thousands?) of years, it's not totally farfetched to think descendants of both these people had a kid at some point in the future.

I'll wait until the reveal, but my interest is piqued. I skipped Unity as I was pretty tired of AC after Black Flag (the one I played before that, AC2, fatigued me for a very long time too), but maybe I will get this shortly after launch if the day 1 purchasers confirm the game isn't a complete fucking mess.


That's good, now we just have to hope the game isn't a shambling bloated mess of a game with a thousand ideas and none great
Sounds more like a Catwoman type of deal. What a cop out, but it's a start

Now to make sure the game is actually done by the time they release it.
Syndicate as a title falls flat for me, Victory was better.

Oh yeah, and this is welcome news too.

GTA V style switching between them would be cool.

Yep, was confused before entering the thread. Thought it was some new syndicate game. And atfer knowing it was AC I thought it was another assassinc creed spin off, until I read is Victory's new name.
And Victory sounded better.


Good news, even if it's only 75%/25%. The should have done that with Unity, they had the perfect match with an impossible couple that is not "united" during the whole game.

No multiplayer is good news if this means no co-op and more/better singleplayer content.

The "criminal underworld of London" seems not really interesting though...but Ubisoft never really managed to follow a political/social-based story. A dark version of a victorian London (just look at the colors of the leaked screenshots) is something that has already been seen recently (Dishonored, Bloodborne).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
No multiplayer is awesome news

For real. Unity was such a fucking shit show in terms of gameplay.

Really happy to hear that they won't be carrying over any of that multiplayer nonsense. Assuming this is true.
Is it just me or does the female character look EXACTLY like Famke Janssen?



You know we can be related to people without them being our parents right?
There was this scene in Assassins Creed 2, I think, that pretty much establishes that you have to be genetically related. So if you draw a genealogy, there should be a vertical line. Horizontal relationshps (brothers/sisters) would not count, since you wouldn't be a direct offspring.
Awesome move Ubi. I'm really excited for this game. After all the patches Unity ended up a solid game. Still inexcusable the condition it launched in though.

Hopefully Syndicate can improve off Unity and launch in a solid state


Again, the game locked and gated content behind a microtransaction currency and random locked chests that required downloading multiple apps.

How does that upset the flow or the artistic integrity any less than a woman protagonist?

There are a fuckload of games you could try and take this stand on. But damn, Assassin's Creed?

Flow, I don't believe it really messes with that out of the like 500 chests available, but yeah Amacio should've argued against the micro transaction app integration bullshit. That reflects just as badly on him as it does Ubi. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he did.

Still that doesn't affect the story or character dynamic at all. The game still flows from start to finish as planned. Assuming the female is more than simply a pallete swap for the male, pushing that onto the team mid cycle is something you should just save for AC7 or 8 assuming you believe when Ubi claims to start developing these titles.
For real. Unity was such a fucking shit show in terms of gameplay.

Really happy to hear that they won't be carrying over any of that multiplayer nonsense. Assuming this is true.

I think coop still has potential, it was just totally rushed since it seems like they spent most the time developing the current gen engine and incorporating new workflows to their world building.

I for one hope they double down on the coop stuff.
There was this scene in Assassins Creed 2, I think, that pretty much establishes that you have to be genetically related. So if you draw a genealogy, there should be a vertical line. Horizontal relationshps (brothers/sisters) would not count, since you wouldn't be a direct offspring.
Unless they had children of their own and the bloodlines eventually merged much later down the line.

Are the protagonists since Unity still supposed to be from Desmond's bloodline? I know Edward was in 4. Don't know about the guy from Rogue or Unity.


This is pretty cool. While I'd prefer a more even split (For any game that switches between two protagonists no matter the gender) this is a great start.

Even if this is just pandering it's still a great thing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think coop still has potential, it was just totally rushed since it seems like they spent most the time developing the current gen engine and incorporating new workflows to their world building.

I for one hope they double down on the coop stuff.

I just want a proper single player experience that isn't compromised by multiplayer elements or needing to link my UPlay account to Facebook or whatever contrived nonsense they come up with.

I love "loose" connectivity like in the Souls games that also allow for co-op and PvP *if* you choose to engage with them. None of those elements compromise the single player experience.

The implementation in Unity was horrible. I'd rather they just keep that stuff to a separate mode from the main menu if they continue down that route.


I'm intrigued. I've always thought this series needed a female protag. No MP also sounds good to me.

Edit: Have people already made the joke that maybe the people of London should have French accents? Or am I a comedic genius?


Unless they had children of their own and the bloodlines eventually merged much later down the line.

Are the protagonists since Unity still supposed to be from Desmond's bloodline? I know Edward was in 4. Don't know about the guy from Rogue or Unity.

Unity is exploring the genetic memories of a new character called Bishop or The Initiate who was sought out by the Assassins because they were descended from Arno.


According to the in-game logic, you can only relive the memories of people that are related to you. Does that mean that that this brother and sister produced a direct (or indirect further down the line) offspring? Eww...

The last few ACs have had the player as people playing memories that were harvested from other people. Either as a game developer at Abstergo or someone playing their own commercial "Helix" console that contains produced versions of raw memories (that then get hacked by Assassins to produce genuine versions of the memories). So the "player" doesn't have to be singularly related to the viewpoints anymore.


Flow, I don't believe it really messes with that out of the like 500 chests available, but yeah Amacio should've argued against the micro transaction app integration bullshit. That reflects just as badly on him as it does Ubi. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he did

There's a strong editorial team in Paris that interfere with the creative teams in the leads studios around the world (mostly Montreal). They have a great responsibility in some game design decisions or general planning, but the creative team also made choices that were avoidable. It's hard to say : we can only speculate since there is no proper investigation (journalist/researcher) in these fields.

And we don't care about the name, but they should have considered the fact that the game has leaked and in 6 months people memorized that the next AC is called Victory for Victorian.


I love it but miss the competitive multiplayer.

Yup. AC multiplayer is one of my favourites. I was a pretty huge instant fan of the idea when they were showing off Brotherhood's multiplayer at PAX one year. It's such a unique experience and a fucking cool way to extend the "social stealth" concept into multiplayer scenarios. They had actually meaningful gameplay changes in each iteration as well, eventually removing the stun prompt, putting stun and kill on the same button, causing respawn-on-stun in FFA modes like assassinate so stun baiting isn't the only way to score points, and others I'm surely forgetting.

I know there were engine concerns when they made the switch to their new one for Unity, but I wonder if there will be ANY competitive multiplayer plans for the series ever again. Luckily, people seem to still play Black Flag's (when it's not down for 2 months circa Jan-Feb earlier this year) but more on the horizon would be welcome.

Maybe some kind of standalone platform would be viable? They shouldn't let it die completely! :(
75% and 25% split between male and female huh?
So basically they are adhering to the pay gap...

But then you can swap in the open world and story missions will feature her as an NPC probably plus she's a woman in Victorian London so not like many will tolerate her presence. I guess it's fine and good to know Ubisoft learned how to animate women, hopefully not too expensive

Can't help but feel they tried to minimize the estrogen so as not to scare off the dudebro's
I also predict she will be suspiciously missing from most marketing but they should give her an action figure with squishy boobs


Glad to see that there won't be any multiplayer, focusing their time and budget on the mode most people associate the series with in the first place is good.

Awesome move Ubi. I'm really excited for this game. After all the patches Unity ended up a solid game. Still inexcusable the condition it launched in though.
I'm still surprised it passed both Microsoft and Sony certification.


I love that fact that we finally get an assassin that looks like an assassin just like in the first game and not like a special agent with an absurdly obvious outfit. Period outfits for the effin win !
A shame Crossing Eden got banned recently. Now he can't tell us how much more time and effort would be put into this one and how amazing it would be
Was wondering where he was.
This actually looks pretty good, although I would have preferred two separate campaigns that tie together.
Does anyone actually give a shit about the Animus? It was cool in 1 and 2. But after that it just took me out of the cool settings. I would rather they just scrap it and get rid of the futuristic HUD at the same time.

AC seriously has the worse HUD in games, I end up turning most of it off. Who the fuck wants a email notification when you are pillaging ships?
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