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Kotaku: reviewer targeted for giving UC4 negative review

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I thought Metacritic in a tweet actually got that score from the source(even though they don't use number scores publicly).
Either way, caring that much about Metacritic in general is silly.
I heard developers get bonuses depending on Metacritic overall scores so they'd care but that in itself is silly as well.
There are even consultant out there hired by developers whose job is to predict the metascore of a game in development.
The bigger problem here is Metacritic assigning scores to non-scored reviews. Like goddamn there is a reason some places don't use scores, and it's not so some third party can apply whatever score they feel is necessary.


Because the "review" piece in question is actually satire. It's not a real review. And that's why people want it removed. That review is on a humor page.

All their reviews get posted to comic riffs. The review is legit.

Ah. Well that solves that then.

So if it's a joke review (as in the writer making a clear attempt at satire), why does metacritic include it?

Because it's not a joke review.
Troy baker in it too? Come on man.

Tho it's hard to tell if someone actually doesn't like a game or just gives it a low score for buzz and clicks. 4/10 makes me kinda think its the latter. But whatever just give the dude the benefit of the doubt I guess. Doesn't really matter


Ridiculous. How can someone get that worked up over a fucking review score?

Edit: Troy Baker's a part of the petition? Respect lost.

Considering his childish treatment of Guy Cihi during the Silent Hill HD debacle I'm not surprised by him being a part of the petition.
I made a thread yestersay about this and it got
locked because too many bans on the previous Unchartes review thread. But yeah, pathetic.


“This guy doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously by big , crucial sites like Metacritic,” reads the petition. “It harms the Flawless reputation of the game for absolutely no reason. A review is not about what you think a game is , its about what a game is. Objective measures are applied.”


Get over yourselves man. Seriously. Don't these people actually read what they fling on the internet?
I didn't bother to read the petition, but I believe the "review" in question is actually satire. It's on a humor page. So I'm guessing the petition wants it removed because it's not an actual review.

This is correct. Metacritic is accidentally counting a satire review


Astral Dog

What the- no not Troy!

He must have a point, that has to be a terrible review right? What was the score and how much affected the overall MC rating?
That review is missing an 'as'. That's hilarious. It's also pretty terrible, but I'm not going to start a petition or anything.

Daft Punk

93 on metacritic, one bad review's not gonna do anything.

Uh you realize the WaPo review dropped the score from 94 to 93 just by itself right? This makes no sense considering the original review had no score of its own. When someone asked Metacritic about it, they responded that WaPo told them that was the score. The whole situation is borked and brings to light just how ridiculous MC's weighting formula is.
That review should be taken down though. Its a joke review is it not?
Metacritic is counting an intentionally comic review for some reason.


So sad it's hilarious. How do these people deal with others disagreeing with them out in the world?

Anyway, I personally enjoyed the game on the whole. But it is by no means perfect and I can see where some might be turned off. Be it some of the ridiculous action sequences, waves of guys, downtime and too much platforming, lackluster melee, some of the quick time events or the even the ending boss fight. These are all issues I can see putting some off.


This seems more the fault of metacritic for assigning a number to a review that didn't have any, unless the reviewer personally contacted them.

It would be nice if the article actually talked more about this and problems with caring about Metacritic as a whole instead of veering into "well, the review actually is bad..." which is needless and only shows support for this nonsense.
Ridiculous. How can someone get that worked up over a fucking review score?

Edit: Troy Baker's a part of the petition? Respect lost.

Pretty sure there is money involved for games hitting certain scores. Was it Fallout NV where Obsidian were denied a payment bonus due to not reaching a certain score on Metacritic? Nothing wrong with an opinion but if you slate a game that much that is getting so much recognition and is a GOTY contender then maybe reviewing those type of games isn't for you. Like if I was to score The Witcher 3 right now and publish it, it would be a 2/10 at most down to my experience with it, even though at heart it's a strong 8 or 9 but sword games aren't exactly my thing the past few years so I would pass that review onto someone else who appreciates and knows that type of game more, you know?


This is correct. Metacritic is accidentally counting a satire review


Everything gets posted to Comic Riffs for game reviews


That's so idiotic. Why are they applying scores to games outside of the review process? If you're giving a game a score, why not surface it? If you don't surface the score, it shouldn't exist.

So you wouldn't mind them taking away a 10/10 from Bloodborne as well?
All they had to do was this:

"The game is amazing, there are no issues it's 4D and runs at 120fps, the action is like watching a transformers movie in the theater, it's like watching Citizen Kain.


There, now you praised the game and gave it a fair score.
LMAO. Just read the review and my god what a horrible fucking review.

But he's right. He reviewed the story and not the gameplay. And that is why i argue with gaffers on this. A game is only as good as its gameplay and when you take that away and start focusing on story it opens itself up to criticisms like this. There is no way the story in Uncharted games can live up to the scrutiny movies get and that's how this guy reviewed it.

So the next time you guys want story over gameplay, just remember that there will be pretentious douchebags like this guy who will shit all over it.

Lol this so much.

Why review a videogame for only the story?

Then it's not even a videogame review :)

Jurassic Park or Indiana Jones stories are like 5/10s but doesn't stop them from being such loved, highly remarkable movies :)
You could have blanked out the name of the game and I am betting I (and most people) would have been able to guess it. UC fans really, reaaaaaly, REALLY care about that Metacritic.


Satire doesn't mean something isn't meant to be taken seriously. Some of the best pieces of satire ever written have very serious subjects.

This one happens not to be very well written, but that's a separate issue.


Fake edit: At the same time, some of the stuff in that review seems way off base. The story's "an inconclusive wreck"....? It's literally the exact opposite of that lol.

Yup, pretty much. Some of the points he makes in the review makes no sense whatsoever.

At the same time, Washington Post needs to take responsibility and stand behind the review. They should in no way take the review down. It's not an erroneous review per say, but it just shows that the reviewer they hired doesn't seem to know much about video games.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I would say it's ridiculous, but that review is really really off.

Still ridiculous tho lol

And Baker signed and shared it on Twitter? hahah
I am going to take the contrary view here on Gaf and say that while reviewers are allowed to have an opinion, so too are people allowed to have an opinion about a reviewer. If this review really is as poor quality as people are saying (I haven't read it) and Metacritic arbitrarily assigned a score to it, then it deserves to be called out.
I signed tbh. I can't sleep at night knowing the game I stood outside of Best Buy for 7 days for didn't get the proper praise this flawless piece of Van Gogh-Esque art deserves.
Is Kotaku getting hit by something right now? That link isn't working for me.

I am going to take the contrary view here on Gaf and say that while reviewers are allowed to have an opinion, so too are people allowed to have an opinion about a reviewer. If this review really is as poor quality as people are saying (I haven't read it) and Metacritic arbitrarily assigned a score to it, then it deserves to be called out.

I agree, but you shouldn't attack the reviewer.


People complaining are just letting their dislike for Uncharted get in the way of what is actually going on.

There's a review on there that simply shouldn't be there. It's not a "review" lol.
I am going to take the contrary view here on Gaf and say that while reviewers are allowed to have an opinion, so too are people allowed to have an opinion about a reviewer. If this review really is as poor quality as people are saying (I haven't read it) and Metacritic arbitrarily assigned a score to it, then it deserves to be called out.



Membero Americo
So wait

The Washington Post actually has 2 reviews on their site.

- 1 is actually from the Associated Press, which gives it 4 out of 4.
- The second is in the Comic Riffs section, implying it's a satire piece
- The Washington Post provided a score of 4 out of 10 directly to Metacritic, most likely based on the satire piece.

Is that right?
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