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LadyGAF, are you turned off by men having hairy asses?

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I never get any complaints from the ladies, then again I don't let them play with my ass.

If a girl had a hairy ass that would definitely kill the mood. I'm not talking about normal little hairs, but a man's hairy rear. No thanks.


I don't imagine there are many guys that would overlook that.

I did. As a matter of fact, I eventually found it an endearing part of her. My first intimate girlfriend (whom I ended up living with for a few years) had birthmarks -- very large ones all over her body -- and hair covered the ones on her butt. Didn't bother me. The sex was great. There was love. No issues.
Had a GF into ass play so I shaved it then. Recent one couldn't care less so neither did I.

I can't imagine it being a deal breaker in any situation, but I don't care about hair at all, as long as its not a jungle. Little fluff in the pits and pubic area can even be a little sexy IMO.

People who are intolerant of body hair are usually shitty people, sorry.


my SO keeps asking me to try this just for the fuck of it >_> but i have too much of an aversion to pain

It doesnt hurt. Your ass isn't actually sensitive to that sort of pain, if it was hair behind your knee or under your arm it would hurt, but getting hair waxed from you ass isn't on that level, its not even close.

Or maybe I'm a masochist I dunno.

I would NOT fucking shave it though. That regrowth would be hell. After waxing it comes back finer and softer.



People who are intolerant of body hair are usually shitty people, sorry.

Things always have to be taken to the extreme lol.

In a relationship it's normal to tell each other what you prefer. It's not about being a shitty person.

You said yourself you shaved for an ex, was she shitty?

Where do you draw the line about someone being shitty. What if a girlfriend told you she preferred you clean shaven as stubble gives her a rash, or she simply doesn't like it? Is she really a shitty person.
Things always have to be taken to the extreme lol.

In a relationship it's normal to tell each other what you prefer. It's not about being a shitty person.

You said yourself you shaved for an ex, was she shitty?

Telling each other what you prefer isn't an extreme. That's not what I meant. It's the people who are like "if it's not shaved I'm not touching that!" and boast about it like it makes them cool.


What if, say, they have a nice well kept field of chest hair but not back hair? Is that okay?

I'm asking for uh... for a friend.
In my experience, spend that time doing something more fun or productive. If a girl says something and you think she's worth it, then maybe do it. That goes for the front too.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
My ass is hairy as fuck, no girl has ever cared (including my current GF)

Worry about more important stuff OP


Women are usually aware that men are hairy. If you guys get to a point in your relationship where she expresses a desire for a clean shaven ass, that's a whole different conversation. I'd be more concerned about a unibrow, back hair, or anything that can be potentially seen early on.


Gold Member
was hooking up with a girl
(was a 3some actually)
and at one point i grabbed her onthe butt crack / ya know in the butthole region....and it was so hairy that i immediately got turned off and i just wanted the experience to be over.
also used way too much teeth.

i've got a hairy butt, oh well. my wife is fine with it. she doesn't go near it though.


Tbh my butt is kinda fuzzy so it wouldn't be fair for me to make a comment...

But, I don't really know how I feel about it! I think for me it matters how my SO feels about their body hair, because I've personally grown to not mind it. Weirdly enough I like playing with my boyfriend's body hair sometimes...

my SO keeps asking me to try this just for the fuck of it >_> but i have too much of an aversion to pain

Baby if you're really up for it I'll hold your hand ;3
Don't mind hair on guys but don't care for it either.
Not sure how I'd react to a hairy girls ass... I want to say that it doesn't matter much.

I'm glad I've been blessed with a relatively hairless body besides arm and facial hair myself.

Anyone here ever shave their ass? I can't even imagine the itchiness when it grows back.


Oh, it's no joke. I think most body hair is gross, but you're perfectly welcome to enjoy it.

The right way to be, though?

I don't enjoy having body hair but my wife prefers me to not to remove anything that I used to. Even that bothers me a bit though, as I express no preference for what she does with her body.


I have no idea why I entered this thread, but I regret doing so. I have never heard of a butt being called a cinnamon star, and now I can never eat those cookies again....


Can't imagine being intimate with someone while there being entire regions on you/your partner's body that are "no-touch" zones.

Not "LadyGAF", but a "yes" from me. Nothing better than a smooth butt.
Many guys do it, you'd be surprised.

We live in a society where men taking care of themselves is normal.

The days of "im a real man, I don't moisturise" are almost over.

Go to a tanning salon for example and see how many men go there.

I get my eyebrows done, yeah some might say going to far, but I don't get big arches, just trimmed up and too lazy to do it myself,

The idea that a guy is a wuss if he takes care of his body is so dumb. If I didn't moisturize I would have so much skin irritation and infections. When I take showers the soap and water dries out my skin so bad that my body over compensates with greasiness, so much so that it clogs my pores and gives me infections. I've had to have surgery to remove some of the skin infections becsuse they wouldn't pus after taking antibiotics. Take care of yourself boys, for your health.


No, I'm not really turned off by a hairy ass on a woman. Then again my girlfriend doesn't have a hairy ass so :p

I on the other hand am hairy all over. Girlfriend doesn't mind the ass hair but she don't like the back hair so that's the only thing I shave/ take care of. She jokes around and calls me Chewie. Princess Leia's ass is mine. I'm not into butt stuff.
The right way to be, though?

I don't enjoy having body hair but my wife prefers me to not to remove anything that I used to. Even that bothers me a bit though, as I express no preference for what she does with her body.

I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. I'm sorry you took my exaggerated opinion as a serious clamoring of social norms.


The idea that a guy is a wuss if he takes care of his body is so dumb. If I didn't moisturize I would have so much skin irritation and infections. When I take showers the soap and water dries out my skin so bad that my body over compensates with greasiness, so much so that it clogs my pores and gives me infections. I've had to have surgery to remove some of the skin infections becsuse they wouldn't pus after taking antibiotics. Take care of yourself boys, for your health.

I agree, the older generation make certain comments to me half jokingly about my "beauty routine", but amongst people of similar age it's just "normal".


I simply can't addapt to the new hairless/ trimmed standard. I'm fortunate not to be super hairy but I have a hairy chest. I would have been cool in the 70s.


If you get to the point where a lady is seeing your bottom it won't matter. My ex hated hairy guys but by the time she was comfortable enough to be in a position to see my butt she thought it was cute (for obvious attachment reasons). So don't worry about it OP.


Just got out the shower tonight thinking about how I need to shave my butt someday. After reading this thread, I'm just going to be a real man and go get it waxed lol. Real men aren't afraid to go to a salon to get things done. #fabulous
Yeah, it's sub-optimal. Shave all your hair.

Thanks for reminding me of a legendary GAF thread:


Long story short, was doing some prep work to be tidy for a colonoscopy..

Farts are MUCH louder, silent ones are completely audible and even explosive in tone sometimes..

Your cheeks are like two hands clapping together man.

Don't shave your ass and let one rip when trying to be discrete, you'll be discovered on the spot.


I have no idea why I entered this thread, but I regret doing so. I have never heard of a butt being called a cinnamon star, and now I can never eat those cookies again....

Haha, I was going to comment on that also. Where do you guys find these terms?

Wait actually don't tell me.


My wife doesn't delve there very often so it hasn't been a big deal. I've thought about using an epilator around my anus, of course, but that's already a sensitive area and running the body hair equivalent of a combine probably wouldn't feel too nice.

She, on the other hand, has only peach fuzz there, so it's all good.


Don't remove hair on/around the asshole. It does serve purpose (less rubbing of asscheeks, more ventilation), plus when it grows back...ho boy.


Haha, I was going to comment on that also. Where do you guys find these terms?

Wait actually don't tell me.

I've never heard cinnamon star, but oh man when someone called a certain area a balloon knot.. I can't look at balloons the same way now without thinking of well you know....

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