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Late Night hosts about mass shootings, is it time yet to talk about guns?

After the Dunblane school shooting our government immediately clamped down on gun ownership. Now we have some of the toughest laws in Europe. Anyone caught with a firearm without a licence gets an immediate 5 year prison sentence. I was amazed that after the Columbine tragedy the U.S government didn't do the same. I wonder how many more senseless tragedies it will take before the American government finally does something to protect it's people.

If nothing was done after Sandy Hook then I'm not convinced that anything will ever be done.
We can't give up our rights! If we have to implement strip searches and luggage checks when you check into hotels, that's just the cost of freedom...

So says a bunch of fucking morons.
Yes and they should press these politicians immediately after these things happen.

If they can't stand by their policies when these families are learning they lost their loved ones and are grieving then they can fuck off.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd love to see what would happen if Trump made a strong push for gun control laws. Would his cult-like base finally turn on him or is his influence so strong with these people that he could actually change their mind?

Not that it's going to happen but it would be interesting to see.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It's a vicious circle, because when everybody can own a gun, people give in and end up buying a gun "to protect me and my family".

Which is ironic because people put them and their family more in danger by having a gun. If that thief in your house come across you with a gun in your hands, you increase your chance of getting shot by a huge margin compared to coming across the thief unharmed.


Is Jimmy Fallon not allowed to get political or something?

He can get political, but at least have a well thought out point to make. This blind worship of "mah freedom" is half the reason why we are in this mess. This kind of pandering does nothing but give people an excuse to get emotional. All the other hosts had some kind of argument to make. What point were Fallon and his guests making?

It's because of this raw, illogical emotion that people cling to guns.


Which is ironic because people put them and their family more in danger by having a gun. If that thief in your house come across you with a gun in your hands, you increase your change of getting shot by a huge margin compared to coming across the thief unharmed.

Yup. It also increases these totally unavoidable "accidents" where little kids get ahold of the guns and shoot their relatives with it. You sadly read about it pretty often.
That is inaccurate since it doesn't take into account the population size difference between aus and the us. Don't keep sharing it as anti gun freaks will just latch onto the flaws and ignore the rest of it.

That is something I never understood in the argument. Their laws drastically changed their gun crime rates, regardless of the size of their population. If it's something they can do, why can't we? Aren't Americans supposed to be better at like everything? /s
That is inaccurate since it doesn't take into account the population size difference between aus and the us. Don't keep sharing it as anti gun freaks will just latch onto the flaws and ignore the rest of it.

The loonies will do that anyway, no matter what you say. The population of Australia is about a twelfth of the population of the United States. The fact that more people died in one gun outrage than died of gun homicide in that country in an entire year is still shocking.

Or maybe not, if you're resigned to never changing.
That is inaccurate since it doesn't take into account the population size difference between aus and the us. Don't keep sharing it as anti gun freaks will just latch onto the flaws and ignore the rest of it.

Even accounting for population sizes the differences are ginormous. Per capita far more Americans die from gun violence than Australians.

EDIT: or to put it another way, using UK data: https://twitter.com/brianklaas/status/915083055886487553


Really Really Exciting Member!
That is something I never understood in the argument. Their laws drastically changed their gun crime rates, regardless of the size of their population. If it's something they can do, why can't we? Aren't Americans supposed to be better at like everything? /s

Because americans(well, a good proportion anyway) are obsessed with guns and will fight to keep them because it's their "god-given right". I don't think australians were ever that way(but what do I know, I'm not australian :p).


Nothing will change until being against gun control guarantees losing elected office for politicians.


Gold Member
I think also alot of people think the situation is just too huge and too hopeless and it's deemed unfixable.

But, you have to start *somewhere*, the situation isn't going to get better by itself. It is also a huge problem that there is alot, alot of money in the weapons industry.

The one that figures out where to start, probarly deserves the Nobel peace price.

A proper gun license has worked in alot of countries that went from alot of available guns to more strict control. The vetting takes part during the licensing process, here in Sweden, pretty much hunters and sports people have guns. It costs money, you need to take test, pass shooting ranges, and written exams, you're told how to store the weapon properly, you never store it so it can be accessed and fired quickly. Alot of criminals still have guns despite this. The license also seem to weed out alot of people with various problems, the police can take away licenses for pretty much any reason too.

Having lived in alot of countries though, there is a huge difference in mentality in places, alot more people see the gun as a tool to be used if it's available everywhere, in a place with more controll, fists and knives seem to be the choice, also a the place where there is more controll and licensing, there is also more education on what a gun is, a lethal unneeded luxury item.

Hugely anectodal point, but observed in more nations than one. :\ Another one is the constant fear telling, you keep telling people they are going to be shot by criminals, you'll make people want to defend themselves, regardless that a gun is more likely to do harm to a loved one than a criminal, people want guns.

I think it will change with costs, in money or lives, but apparently despite what happens, the cost hasn't been reached yet. It's really utterly sad to see.
That is inaccurate since it doesn't take into account the population size difference between aus and the us. Don't keep sharing it as anti gun freaks will just latch onto the flaws and ignore the rest of it.

Being "anti gun" makes you a "freak" now eh?


Republicans don't give a shit what any of these people say, they're all liberals. To them they are part of the fake news mainstream media liberal agenda
That is inaccurate since it doesn't take into account the population size difference between aus and the us. Don't keep sharing it as anti gun freaks will just latch onto the flaws and ignore the rest of it.

Thats why per capita statistics exist and the US has a shameful per capita number of gun related deaths.


They did exactly this with Aurora and Orlando with movie theaters and clubs, and they do it every single time there is a school shooting.

Because it's easier and more cost effective to outfit every hotel in America with heavy security detail than it is to pass laws that make it difficult for the mentally ill to purchase weapons or stock up at a gun show without a background check.

I don't have the words to describe my anger towards these fucks. Fuck your prayers.
Your soon to be new Alabama Senator Roy Moore laughs at OP



I can’t wait for the day when repealing the 2nd Amendment becomes part of the Democratic Party platform. They won’t be able to actually repeal it but it will put the notion in the American psyche.


We have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world, and as a result have some of the lowest levels of gun crime. Gun control works.

I notice today that the sale of acid has been banned to under 18s. We have a problem, and then attempt to solve it with legislation. It's amazing how that process works.

There maybe a shit-ton wrong with this country, but some things we get right.


I'll never understand the American obsession with the constitution. It's a religion for some people, the infallible word of god.

It's not about the constitution. It's about politicians being controlled by the gun lobby and convincing their base that in order to be safe from minorities, foreigners, criminals, your own government (wrap your head around that one) you need to be armed. None of these fucks give a shit about the constitution. For evidence of this claim, please see how they value the 1st amendment (when black people decide to exercise it).
"By all means offer thoughts and prayers... but think about what you need to do and then pray for the courage to do it"

This line from Colbert should be demanded of every representative, every senator by everyone.


Obviously. Will you?

I don't know. USA is a shithole right now. There's no way that I will travel to America ever again as long as you don't take responsibility to fix this madness with gun control. So I don't know if something will be done. I know what I will be doing though. Hope that the rest of the world turns their back on touristing the US to the point that they realize that they actually have a issue. A real issue.

The problem is the areas of America you'd want to visit know this perfectly well. It's the scary radicalized areas that keep supporting this stuff.
That is inaccurate since it doesn't take into account the population size difference between aus and the us. Don't keep sharing it as anti gun freaks will just latch onto the flaws and ignore the rest of it.
The US loses on every measure on gun violence vs other developed countries. By far.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Why why why why do I read Twitter when these topics trend? Kimmel was trending.
Saw Cernovich post immense false equivalence because Kimmel won't bring up Roman Polanski. Thankfully most people called out his retarded claim.
But then I saw lesser known people, with replies like "the more you libtards hate him, the more I love him". That's not how that works! Are you fuckers Russian? Do something about the Nazis and the Russians Twitter!
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