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Late Night Wars - Conan's last Tonight Show was TONIGHT a long time ago

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lawblob said:
Apparently Dick Ebersol (NBC Exec?) has an op-ed today in which he says this whole fiasco is because of a "massive failure by Conan's show" or something.

NBC is now in full spin-mode portraying Conan as the bad guy. Un-fucking believable.

What fucking assholes. Conan's been loyal to NBC for 15+ years and this is the thanks he gets? Totally fucked up.


Late Night Wars, indeed. This will be talked about years from now. I think Kimmel realized that, which helps explain why he showed us HIS GIGANTIC BALLS.

Seriously, this week has been epic. Hopefully next week doesn't let up.


Jew Gamer
Socreges said:
Late Night Wars, indeed. This will be talked about years from now. I think Kimmel realized that, which helps explain why he showed us HIS GIGANTIC BALLS.

Seriously, this week has been epic. Hopefully next week doesn't let up.

It has been interesting, I think when the switch happens (I'd say guaranteed. Conan is ripping NBC so badly right now it would humiliate them to keep him) Kimmel and Letterman will have the largest majority of the late night audience.


Gruco said:
Between the guest lists, the Triumph interviewing Leno fans, and the Jack Donaghy/Liz Lemon idea, some of GAF's ideas are so good that I'll be genuinely disappointed if I don't see at least some of them happen next week.



lsslave said:
It has been interesting, I think when the switch happens (I'd say guaranteed. Conan is ripping NBC so badly right now it would humiliate them to keep him) Kimmel and Letterman will have the largest majority of the late night audience.
Letterman and Kimmel are going to be big winners, I think. So will Ferguson by extension. Leno, if he gets his show back, will probably have decent ratings, but not the same as when he left. You'd have to think the backlash involved will affect his fanbase some.

And Conan? He'll get work, good and prominent work, but I really wonder where it'll be.


Jew Gamer
Socreges said:
Letterman and Kimmel are going to be big winners, I think. So will Ferguson by extension. Leno, if he gets his show back, will probably have decent ratings, but not the same as when he left. You'd have to think the backlash involved will affect his fanbase some.

And Conan? He'll get work, good and prominent work, but I really wonder where it'll be.

I think, being how scandalous Kimmel was tonight on Leno's show, he is going to be the biggest winner. He already had his own viewers but he is winning big with Conan's viewers. If Conan goes his fans will move to the guy who stood up for him the most.


Morning Joe (MSNBC) is about to talk about Kimmel's last night Leno appearance.

'Last night Jay asked Jimmy the wrong questions.'

Red Scarlet

From earlier tonight..the funny bit was the teams were randomly chosen, but 3 of us had the [Team Conan] thing going anyway beforehand.

We lost though.. :(
But the scores were messed up and it said we won at the end.


I have no idea how some people said Kimmel on Leno wasn't so bad. Just watched the vid at gawker and Kimmel BUUUUUURRRRNED Leno. I think the audience was half uncomfortable, half laughing AT Jay because of the roasting he was getting. Kimmel was _cold_.

Red Scarlet

AniHawk said:
I want one last appearance of Triumph. I want Triumph to interview people waiting in line for the Jay Leno Show.

:lol that would be

Has Triumph shown up since that episode? I can't remember him showing up again since then.


The only reason I can see Leno having Kimmel on is if Jay thought that Kimmel was his friend and/or Jay asked Kimmel if they were cool and Kimmel replied yes. If I was Jay in that situation and I didn't have comebacks, I would have called Kimmel out and told him to tell me how he really feels.

Leno cannot back out now. He has to screw Conan since no one will forgive him even if he pulls out.


Toski said:
The only reason I can see Leno having Kimmel on is if Jay thought that Kimmel was his friend and/or Jay asked Kimmel if they were cool and Kimmel replied yes. If I was Jay in that situation and I didn't have comebacks, I would have called Kimmel out and told him to tell me how he really feels.
I just think Leno thought Kimmel would cower since he showed good will by asking him to appear on his show, and by the fact that he was on his show, too. It's like inviting an enemy into your home for a dinner party to make amends and that enemy then proceeds to shit on your living room carpet.

It could have also been to draw out sympathy for himself by being the good sport, regardless of what Kimmel says.

I'm thinking, either way, it was a miscalculation and it couldn't have done anything good for Leno and his reputation.


is now taking requests
Toski said:
The only reason I can see Leno having Kimmel on is if Jay thought that Kimmel was his friend and/or Jay asked Kimmel if they were cool and Kimmel replied yes. If I was Jay in that situation and I didn't have comebacks, I would have called Kimmel out and told him to tell me how he really feels.

Leno cannot back out now. He has to screw Conan since no one will forgive him even if he pulls out.

I think he meant to call Kimmel out, to infer that Kimmel is only using Leno to promote his own show (thus the last question), and i guess they expected that he would not dare to be as critical in Lenos face, in front of Lenos audience. Huge backfire there.
I gotta say I'm a little disappointed. I thought Kimmel did something else when I was asleep but it's just morning GAF seeing the beating for the first time. :lol


Red Scarlet said:
:lol that would be

Has Triumph shown up since that episode? I can't remember him showing up again since then.

Damn that girl was cute, but probably dead in an ally way by now.


dem said:
Is Leno even a comedian anymore?
He just stood there and got ROASTED... he had NOTHING.
The guy is delusional. He probably still thinks he'll come out of this looking like the good guy. And the sad thing is that his audience is so misinformed, they'll buy it


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
dem said:
Is Leno even a comedian anymore?
He just stood there and got ROASTED... he had NOTHING.

He is still funny. I know it's popular to hate, but every time I've seen his show me and my g/f have laughed. He is not as funny as Conan, but he's still funny.


otake said:
He is still funny. I know it's popular to hate, but every time I've seen his show me and my g/f have laughed. He is not as funny as Conan, but he's still funny.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

And that clock is beating Leno.


Whether or not Leno is funny is a question of taste. At the very least he was a great stand up comedian at one time, but everything beyond that (aside from his work ethic) is a matter of opinion.

That Leno got humiliated by a competitor on his own show last night, and couldn't even come up with a single witty retort, is an undeniable FACT.

Leno has been absolutely savaged over the last three days by Kimmel, Conan, Letterman, Rosie, and Stern. And the best counterpunch he could manage in response was "you're welcome for the ratings boost Conan." Some comedian.

Even if he can recover in the ratings because of clueless elderly Middle Americans, surely what little remaining respect he had among his colleagues must be slipping away.


otake said:
He is still funny. I know it's popular to hate, but every time I've seen his show me and my g/f have laughed. He is not as funny as Conan, but he's still funny.

Comedians are supposed to be quick witted... someone you don't want to get into a verbal spat with.

Leno just stood there like a dope.


That Kimmel segment was awesome. Jay's got a good sense of humor to let him on. He had to know he was gonna get beatup pretty good. Jimmy can be cruel sometimes. PEACE.


The late-night nightmare is almost over. Conan O’Brien is leaving NBC and receiving a payout—and he’ll be free to appear on another network before his contract expires, Kim Masters reports.

The NBC-Leno-Conan war is close to ending, according to a knowledgeable source. According to the outlines of a settlement, Conan O'Brien will leave NBC and the network will make an as-yet unspecified payment. The comedian will be free to appear elsewhere on television well before his contract expires, despite earlier threats from NBC that it would prevent him from working anywhere else.

There is still opportunity for the negotiation to fall apart, but clearly, at this point it is in NBC's interest to put an end to this dismal episode.

It seems that Ron Meyer, the affable chief of the Universal film studio, played a key role in bringing the parties together when they were at an impasse and talks had broken down. Meyer is a former agent whose industry relationships run deep and wide. And of course, he has lots of negotiating experience.

According to the source, the resolution to the epic and highly public battle came down primarily to the size of the check that NBC would write to O'Brien. That amount remains shrouded in mystery for now, and no doubt the parties will have to agree to confidentiality as part of the deal.

According to a knowledgeable insider, NBC Universal started out sincerely hoping that it would be able to keep O'Brien on NBC in a 12:05 a.m. slot behind Leno, who is to be reinstated at 11:35 p.m. Part of the resolution was getting executives there to understand that the plan simply was unrealistic.

At that point, with late-night comics across the television landscape piling on night after night—and with Leno being increasingly vilified and undoubtedly chafing at the public lashing he was getting—it was obvious that the situation had to be resolved.

It remains unclear where O'Brien might go next. The most obvious place is Fox, but top executives at the company have been scrupulous about avoiding any appearance that they tried to lure O'Brien there while his relationship with NBC remained unresolved. Should Fox go forward with a late-night show with O'Brien now, it will take months before he would be ready to go on the air.

Source: Daily Beast
Well, if Conan doesn't have to wait years to get back on the air, and still gets a buyout, that's pretty good. I don't believe a Jay Tonight show is ever going to sustain ratings that it once did.

Hopefully the production crew members that have several years of service receive at least a few months pay.


xbhaskarx said:
Whether or not Leno is funny is a question of taste. At the very least he was a great stand up comedian at one time, but everything beyond that (aside from his work ethic) is a matter of opinion.

That Leno got humiliated by a competitor on his own show last night, and couldn't even come up with a single witty retort, is an undeniable FACT.

Leno has been absolutely savaged over the last three days by Kimmel, Conan, Letterman, Rosie, and Stern. And the best counterpunch he could manage in response was "you're welcome for the ratings boost Conan." Some comedian.

Even if he can recover in the ratings because of clueless elderly Middle Americans, surely what little remaining respect he had among his colleagues must be slipping away.
Rosie said it right. He's a robot. He has nothing innovative or interesting to bring to the genre, and most of his material is recycled from Howard Stern.

He is not funny.


I have to admit that headlines can be funny, but he relies on that segment too much. And Jay doesn't even add much to headlines, he doesn't write them and the bit would be just as funny if it were Carlos Mencia at the desk.


Homeland Security Fail
Minamu said:
84 pages :O I'm having a hard time following this :lol Any real official word yet on what's gonna happen? :S

From Reports:

Conan will receive a buyout for an undisclosed amount.
Jay would get a new deal/contract to take over TTS.


Minamu said:
84 pages :O I'm having a hard time following this :lol Any real official word yet on what's gonna happen? :S

Just a bit above you.

It's done, and next week is Conan's last week.
Trurl said:
I have to admit that headlines can be funny, but he relies on that segment too much. And Jay doesn't even add much to headlines, he doesn't write them and the bit would be just as funny if it were Carlos Mencia at the desk.
And it's telling that it's one of his signatures. It CAN be funny in the same way that some stupid Epic FAIL!! picture on the internet CAN be funny. The thing is, though, that neither requires a spec of creative talent.

Jay Walking is the same way. Get this, everyone: a lot of average Joes walking the streets every day are kind of stupid and can't answer rudimentary questions that everyone should know! It never stops being funny!
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