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Late Night Wars - Conan's last Tonight Show was TONIGHT a long time ago

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GK86 said:
From Reports:

Conan will receive a buyout for an undisclosed amount.
Jay would get a new deal/contract to take over TTS.

I'm surprised their giving him a week unless they are making him knock off the insults.


Minamu said:
84 pages :O I'm having a hard time following this :lol Any real official word yet on what's gonna happen? :S

-2004, Conan's contract with NBC expires and he gets calls from other networks.
-NBC wanted to keep him so they asked Leno if he can have The Tonight Show in 2009.
-Leno agress, saying he doesn't want the same fiasco as last time. He himself, announces he will retire and past on the torch to Conan.

-2008, Leno changes his mind about retiring.
-NBC wanted to keep Leno as well so they offer him some shows, including a daytime show.
-Leno's a whiny little bitch who still wants to be relevant so he asks to be on Prime time.
-This completely undermines Conan's move since the guy that he's replacing is still going to be pre-ceding him.

-Conan moves his entire staff from New York to LA in order to fulfill his lifelong dreams.
-Leno is a hack so he can't come up with anything original so his "new" show is just a rehash of his old show.
-Leno's show pisses off Affiliates due to non-satisfactory ratings.

-NBC and Leno get together to bum fuck Conan and his staff by moving The Tonight Show to 12:05.
-Conan refuses to take part in the butchering of what he considers to be the most prestigious late show in television history.
-Everyone turns on Leno.
-Kimmel does an entire show as Leno and showing the world how unfunny Leno "shtick" really is.
-Kimmel then proceeds to go on Leno's show and tea-bag Leno in front of the whole world to see.

That about sums it up.


Kurt Sutter's Blog said:
Dear Conan,

I know it's a crazy time for you. I'm sure you are overwhelmed by the media frenzy that has become your life. So much time, energy, money and attention over a late night talk show. My guess is that you find it all ridiculous and a bit embarrassing; especially in light of the recent tragedy in Haiti. As you may or may not know, I've been pretty vocal about the absurdity of NBC's approach to programming. They've not only degraded a great institution like the Tonight Show, they've managed, through greed and neglect, to nearly destroy an entire network.

Clearly, you've been screwed. And the abuse played out in public. It was painful for us, I can't imagine how awful it was for you and your family. The statement you recently issued was heartfelt and impressive. I feel your pain; we all feel your pain. For the record, I am a huge fan. From your first anxious, awkward night to your current state of highly-refined akwardness, I've enjoyed and admired your humor and originality.

I have no doubt you'll land on your feet, wavy red hair intact. I know appearing in a dramatic role on cable television is probably the last thing you'd ever want to do, but I want you to know that you have an open invitation on my show, Sons of Anarchy. We have an IRA story line that will continue to play out this coming season and I could use a bad-ass O'Brien on my team. Guns, blood, fist fights -- you could really work some shit out. Think about it.

Just know that wherever you land, I'll be watching.


Kurt Sutter

Thank you Cornballer :lol .


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Whatever happens in the end, won't be good. Jays' reputation has been hurt, Conan will probably leave and, in the end, NBC will have lower ratings than before.

oh well. No wonder I've been watching more and more CBS and ABC.


Kimmel's satellite feed on Leno was amazing. so painful :lol

anyway, put me firmly in the "Fuck Leno and fuck NBC" camp. Shame Conan is getting forced out by this. I feel for the guy having attained his dream only to have the rug pulled out from under him. I really hope he lands another show soon.

And, despite the limited audience, I would like to see Conan on a cable network where he could do what he wants without having to worry about censorship. Like, give him a show on HBO a couple nights a week. Something that would allow him to produce more elaborate, filmed bits and take more risks.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
That female comedian on Conan was not funny at all. Maybe that Funny People movie was telling the truth, no one finds attractive, healthy people funny. The jokes should have been funny but her delivery was not there.


I just woke up so I don't know if this has been posted yet, but Nikki Finke is reporting that Conan's reps are apparently still negotiating for a way to Conan host the Tonight Show and aren't in any hurry to accept whatever deal NBC gives them.
otake said:
That female comedian on Conan was not funny at all. Maybe that Funny People movie was telling the truth, no one finds attractive, healthy people funny. The jokes should have been funny but her delivery was not there.

Robert Downey Jr is funny.
I think boycotting NBC is a bad idea in all of this. There are a lot of great shows on there, such as: Chuck, Community, 30 Rock, SNL, and yes, Jimmy Fallon. A lot of those are in danger of disappearing anyways, lets not speed it up.

Now the one show that does deserve a backlash and boycotting is the soon to be new Tonight Show with Leno. Lower ratings and whatnot for that would send a clear (We hope) message to Zucker and Leno.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
JzeroT1437 said:
Robert Downey Jr is funny.

One, he is not a comic, two, he is not healthy. He hasn't looked healthy in 15 years.

PhoncipleBone said:
I think boycotting NBC is a bad idea in all of this. There are a lot of great shows on there, such as: Chuck, Community, 30 Rock, SNL, and yes, Jimmy Fallon. A lot of those are in danger of disappearing anyways, lets not speed it up.

eh, I've only enjoyed 30 Rock on occasion. SNL hasn't been funny in 12 years.


Just saw Craig's opening. Looks like he's bored of all this bs already like myself. Did any of the other late night hosts bother to mention Haiti?


PhoncipleBone said:
I think boycotting NBC is a bad idea in all of this. There are a lot of great shows on there, such as: Chuck, Community, 30 Rock, SNL, and yes, Jimmy Fallon. A lot of those are in danger of disappearing anyways, lets not speed it up.

Now the one show that does deserve a backlash and boycotting is the soon to be new Tonight Show with Leno. Lower ratings and whatnot for that would send a clear (We hope) message to Zucker and Leno.

The only one of those shows in danger of disappearing is Chuck, which wasn't very likely to return next year anyway (hell, it wasn't likely to return this year in the first place).
Blader5489 said:
I just woke up so I don't know if this has been posted yet, but Nikki Finke is reporting that Conan's reps are apparently still negotiating for a way to Conan host the Tonight Show and aren't in any hurry to accept whatever deal NBC gives them.

I am actually very pleased to hear this. I'd love to see CoCo cocome out of this triumphant.


Blader5489 said:
The only one of those shows in danger of disappearing is Chuck, which wasn't very likely to return next year anyway (hell, it wasn't likely to return this year in the first place).

Actually, ratings have been up quite a bit for the first two airings. (3 episodes)

NBC promo'd the shit out of it, and it seems to have worked.

the chris

Igo said:
Just saw Craig's opening. Looks like he's bored of all this bs already like myself. Did any of the other late night hosts bother to mention Haiti?
The only thing I was watching was Conan, and he was talking about the charity that Ben Stiller has for kids in Haiti, and how you can go to the site and donate.
Igo said:
Just saw Craig's opening. Looks like he's bored of all this bs already like myself. Did any of the other late night hosts bother to mention Haiti?
Well, there's not much material you can do on Haiti. Maybe a mention, but you're doing a comedy programme, don't bring the mood down.

From Wiki, Feb 19th 2007:
Ferguson announced he would do "no Britney Spears jokes", saying "comedy should have a certain amount of joy in it" and that it shouldn't include "attacking the vulnerable."


Reading about the outcome is infuriating. I hope NBC isn't too pissed with Conan because someday I hope to see the first 7 months of Conan's TTS released on dvd or blu ray. It'll be cheaper than buying 14 years of his Late show.


not a medical professional
No Settlement yet...


I can confirm that Team Conan reassembled in Los Angeles last night, and O'Brien's reps are still "figuring out how to settle" but at the same time still lobbying NBCU chief Jeff Zucker to keep Conan as host of The Tonight Show. Their negotiations continued with NBC. Unlike the network which wants a resolution by end of today, the agents-lawyers-managers are in no hurry to accept what NBC is offering to end this late night crisis and the resulting PR nightmare. Team Conan is banking on it getting worse, not better, with every passing hour and day as the media and public stay obsessed with the network vs Tonight Show host story and all its drama. "This will get off the front pages," NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker predicted to Team Conan. "You are 100% wrong," one of O'Brien's reps shot back. Stay tuned.


3dmodeler said:
Reading about the outcome is infuriating. I hope NBC isn't too pissed with Conan because someday I hope to see the first 7 months of Conan's TTS released on dvd or blu ray. It'll be cheaper than buying 14 years of his Late show.

That'll never happen.
Igo said:
Just saw Craig's opening. Looks like he's bored of all this bs already like myself. Did any of the other late night hosts bother to mention Haiti?
Conan mentioned it last night and letterman the night before. Conan had a haiti thing of ben stiller and letterman a different wrbsite you could go to but cant remember address
gdt5016 said:
That'll never happen.
Yeah. To date, he's produced 141 episodes of the show in just seven months. In terms of length of material, that's equivalent to almost seven standard seasons of a drama. There's a reason why they don't release seasons of talk shows, as it's completely impractical.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah. To date, he's produced 141 episodes of the show in just seven months. In terms of length of material, that's equivalent to almost seven standard seasons of a drama. There's a reason why they don't release seasons of talk shows, as it's completely impractical.

Can't they just edit down the episodes to just the highlights and the best ofs?


I was just thinking, don't you have to get tickets to these shows' tapings way in advance? What are the odds the live audience who came to see Conan will boo when Leno walks on stage?


Boards of Canada said:
I hope that Howard goes on next week.

Howard is very lazy these days. He's an old man ready to retire.
I don't think he has the fire in him to fly out there and make a scene.

He hasn't even went on Jimmy Kimmels show (outside of the bad satellite appearance).. and they are actual friends.


y'all should be ashamed
gdt5016 said:
Sure, they could.

But it'll never happen.
Eh? They sell the Jimmy Fallon show on the Playstation Network. Don't believe they ever sold Conan's show though. Many talk shows are also sold online that have been cleaned up for "best of the week" eps.


dem said:
Howard is very lazy these days. He's an old man ready to retire.
I don't think he has the fire in him to fly out there and make a scene.

He said that if he goes out there, it will be to sit down and have a conversation.
SnakeXs said:
ABC's struck gold with Modern Family. Better Off Ted is also fantastic but nobody on Earth is watching it.

Modern Family is great but it's one show. Better of Ted is OK, but I've lost interest. NBC's entire Thursday night is killer. (Well, the Office has become stale, but it was once great.)
Rich Uncle Skeleton said:
Modern Family is great but it's one show. Better of Ted is OK, but I've lost interest. NBC's entire Thursday night is killer. (Well, the Office has become stale, but it was once great.)

The Office is still awesome.
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