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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

But you can just play the game to earn skins (through chests and keys). Also, while having to buy champions is indeed a grueling process (ie: I own mostly supports, so buying into toplane is taking me quite a while at 60 to 150 IP earned per game), Overwatch probably doesn't do that because of its tiny character pool.

The thing about earning them is that, even though I don't like League's drop system, OW's gives you permanent skins more often, yes, but most of the time they're just chromas, they're still random and you can even get repeats, making opening a chest a lot more likely to let you down compared to LoL. Getting chests, keys, shards and essence takes longer in League, but at least I can, say, craft all my unwanted champion skins away for those I actually like, and am guaranteed to not get a skin for a character I don't even use.

I've gotten repeats in chests, just letting you know >_>; For skins. I also own all the champions in league(A 7 year process) so it stops becoming feasible through the 4 chest cooldown and the S rank requirement for the other 100 chests. Not to mention the keys are random. Not to mention that the hextech chests will give you skins or champions you already own.


doesn't matter, in league u pay 20 bucks and buy two of the skins u want and that's it

in overwatch you pay 20 bucks and you get 40 shitty winston sprays and the version of the skin u wanted but in the color u didn't

it's a terrible business model on top of the skins being bad overall
doesn't matter, in league u pay 20 bucks and buy two of the skins u want and that's it

in overwatch you pay 20 bucks and you get 40 shitty winston sprays and the version of the skin u wanted but in the color u didn't

it's a terrible business model on top of the skins being bad overall

or you can just play the game normally and earn them quite quickly.

fidelity != design

overwatch skins are bad design cos 90% of them are chromas and the rest are super basic that would be considered 750 rp in league

That starts becoming opinion. IMO even the reskins have better cohesiveness then most league skins.


palette swaps aren't "better cohesiveness", palette swaps are lazy moneygrabs in the same way riot does chromas

it's lame af, there's no opinion here, it's just lame

blizzard and riot know this, that's why they charge pennies for em
doesn't matter, in league u pay 20 bucks and buy two of the skins u want and that's it

in overwatch you pay 20 bucks and you get 40 shitty winston sprays and the version of the skin u wanted but in the color u didn't

it's a terrible business model on top of the skins being bad overall

Bastion voice lines is a crime
Bastion voice lines is a crime


Fucking hell.....Playing in my promos up to Silver V. Lost first, then my second game I'm losing lane as Illaoi against Amumu. Then I start coming back...start coming back...push the top lane up to their base. Snag at least a couple triple kills along the way because they keep fighting me in jungle in large group. It was going damn great and victory was in sight. Then my ping jumps up to 500. I've not had issues with League and my ping for damn near 2 years now. I disconnected adapter and reconnected. Closed League and re-opened. No better. Then I ran a speed test and I was 127 megs, so it was something between myself and League. We ended up losing because I couldn't accomplish shit anymore.

What a crummy way to end the night.


Overwatch skins are absolute trash. You'd think a company as big as Blizzard could at least create decent skins. The only good thing about Overwatch is that YOU AREN'T GATED ON NEEDED FEATURES DURING THE LEVELLING PROCESS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


again, it becomes a matter of opinion when you start arguing which skins you think are better.
nope, that's like saying i painted my white ceiling green, and i like green and it meshes well with the rest of the house, so then my green ceiling is better than the sixteenth chapel

no, your green ceiling is just a different color

your green ceiling is lame af
nope, that's like saying i painted my white ceiling green, and i like green and it meshes well with the rest of the house, so then my green ceiling is better than the sixteenth chapel

no, your green ceiling is just a different color

your green ceiling is lame af

did you seriously compare league skins to the sixteenth chapel

yah no league skins suck.
I'll agree that the skins in League are better than Overwatch...for now.

The first 5 skins for every Overwatch hero are basically Chromas, meaning that they're nothing to write home about. The epics and legendary skins are pretty awesome tho. I'm sure that they'll start making better skins over time.

I wouldn't mind seeing Riot add in golden weapons for champions like the ones in OW that can be bought with currency obtained from ranked wins.


0/0/16 - Sivir win.

Best statline or bestest stat line? There should be an achievement for this shit.

Oh, you think ADC is your role. But you merely adopted the role; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see kills until It was already a surrender, by then it was nothing to me but a standard ADC in 2K17 game.





singed is so obnoxious lol

I'll agree that the skins in League are better than Overwatch...for now.

The first 5 skins for every Overwatch hero are basically Chromas, meaning that they're nothing to write home about. The epics and legendary skins are pretty awesome tho. I'm sure that they'll start making better skins over time.

I wouldn't mind seeing Riot add in golden weapons for champions like the ones in OW that can be bought with currency obtained from ranked wins.
the best skins in overwatch are model swaps, which is definitely cool but it doesn't hold a candle to league's skins which have amazing splash arts, special vfx, special recall animations and often times completely different set of animations and dialogue (say, dragon trainer trist). a few skins have special vfx but not to the degree of league

i love that elf tracer skin (ofc that one is 3000 blizz dollars), but if that were in league that'd be 750

it's really disappointing that league puts overwatch to shame as hard as this, not only because overwatch skins are pretty bad (easily 75% of them are palette swaps so even if t.racer is super cool they're still bad, and OMG goth zayra is old eve skins level of shit taste), but because league is so miles ahead of anyone else it's not even funny

league artists are fucking legend


I won a 4v5 ranked placement game. The support apparently had computer problems. We managed to end in 35 minutes or so because they didn't have tanks and we had Garen + Twitch.

It was all rather silly.


Playing first ranked game this season today, wish me luck! I'm a total bronzie and last season was put with silvers during promos, so this should be fun. =)


I've gotten repeats in chests, just letting you know >_>; For skins. I also own all the champions in league(A 7 year process) so it stops becoming feasible through the 4 chest cooldown and the S rank requirement for the other 100 chests. Not to mention the keys are random. Not to mention that the hextech chests will give you skins or champions you already own.

However, the random skin you can get from crafting skin shards is guaranteed to be a skin you don't own for a champ you do, whereas in OW I keep getting sprays, voice lines and 50-coin stacks, the few skins I get are for characters I don't even play, and duplicate skins only refund me a measly amount of coins upon getting them. The crafting is slow and annoying in League, but at least you have two ways to dispose of duplicates, as opposed to merely getting a small refund.

Rather than chest cooldowns, my main gripe with League's system is that you can only get one chest per champ. Being a relatively new player, not only do I not have all that many champs to unlock chests on, but I'm also limited in which of them I can play well enough to get a S- rank on. I've already earned a chest with all my support picks outside of Morg and Blitz, so I'll probably end up hoarding chest drops without being able to get any of them after that (unless I git gud at top and start racking up chests there).


First game went... poorly. Morgana support. Started off pretty well, but my Jinx was crazy aggressive and couldnl't keep her alive. =(

Quickly spiraled downwards.

On to game 2!

hmm.. best not talk about game 2.

On to game 3!


I tend to do fairly well in the beginning, and then the death spiral begins. I'm playing as Morgana and I think my ADCs have been thinking I'm going all in when I stun someone. I'm just harassing, being annoying, but they dive in and I can't keep them alive.

Gonna switch to heal instead of exhaust and see if that helps.

Edit: worst part? they're putting me against mostly bronze, and i'm still losing. It felt a little nicer losing to silver players.


Has nightblue always been so annoying or has he gotten worse recently? I don't remember him being as obnoxious as he currently is.


Has nightblue always been so annoying or has he gotten worse recently? I don't remember him being as obnoxious as he currently is.

He used to be a pretty good educational streamer, but then he found out he earned more money if he was obnoxious as fuck.


I tend to do fairly well in the beginning, and then the death spiral begins. I'm playing as Morgana and I think my ADCs have been thinking I'm going all in when I stun someone. I'm just harassing, being annoying, but they dive in and I can't keep them alive.

Gonna switch to heal instead of exhaust and see if that helps.

Edit: worst part? they're putting me against mostly bronze, and i'm still losing. It felt a little nicer losing to silver players.

I'd recommend that you try and establish some way to let them know when you want to all-in (ie: pinging a target) or use warning pings more often when you see they're about to do something reckless, but failing that you could just pick a more poke-oriented champ that doesn't lead your adc into thinking they should go all in with impunity only to die shortly afterwards, such as Karma or Lulu.

Still, if you see your adc going in, then you probably should retaliate against the enemy adc, if only because you'll be getting in free damage (they can't focus both players at once) and that might force them to back off, saving your carry in the process. Just be aware of their cooldowns to make sure they can't turn the tables on you, but most of the time fleeing and leaving your rambo adcs for dead is a worse idea than keeping up with them and fighting back (as long as the fight is reasonable).

Personally, I'm enjoying playing Malz because he's really powerful when both poking and retaliating (staying in place against your voidlings often equals suicide), so rambo adcs often work as bait for my combos as bronze players often misjudge Malz's burst damage. If, on the other hand, they get overly cautious of your E and W, you can just proceed to zone them with relative impunity (just rememer to keep wards up to prevent ganks).


I'd recommend that you try and establish some way to let them know when you want to all-in (ie: pinging a target) or use warning pings more often when you see they're about to do something reckless, but failing that you could just pick a more poke-oriented champ that doesn't lead your adc into thinking they should go all in with impunity only to die shortly afterwards, such as Karma or Lulu.

Still, if you see your adc going in, then you probably should retaliate against the enemy adc, if only because you'll be getting in free damage (they can't focus both players at once) and that might force them to back off, saving your carry in the process. Just be aware of their cooldowns to make sure they can't turn the tables on you, but most of the time fleeing and leaving your rambo adcs for dead is a worse idea than keeping up with them and fighting back (as long as the fight is reasonable).

Personally, I'm enjoying playing Malz because he's really powerful when both poking and retaliating (staying in place against your voidlings often equals suicide), so rambo adcs often work as bait for my combos as bronze players often misjudge Malz's burst damage. If, on the other hand, they get overly cautious of your E and W, you can just proceed to zone them with relative impunity (just rememer to keep wards up to prevent ganks).

I do fight along with them, but that often is a double kill for enemy. I'll try to ping more and when I get enough points I'll give Malz a try.

It seems like I need to cross my fingers and hope the other team feeds. 'cause somebody gonna feed. =)

sometimes it's me =(


Does anyone want to do a last-minute fantasy league? If I can get at least 2 more people who will be around to draft in the next 2 hours, I'll make one even if it's a 4-person league. Newt said he'd join.


Oh yeah I completely forgot about Fantasy league. Me and my mates always used to do it, then they all stopped playing League.

they were all shit anyway
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