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League of Legends: Season 2 - World Championship | Grand Finals is LIVE!

Kinda favoring CLG.eu comp right now. So much poke, and Maokai to reduce damage once fight goes all out.

Karthus wall ->Alistar WQ can break that though.


Hmm, CLG is choosing a champion...maybe it'll be someone interesting, unusual, unexpected.

Who's that Pokémon? It's...



Azubu Frost is getting crushed kind of like M5 was, and have only managed to take two turrets. Gold difference is only 4-5k versus 12k with M5 however.

Classic evil empire Soraka + Ezreal to win soon, Yorick to lose yet again soon.

*edit* There it goes, relatively efficient 36-minute Nexus kill.


I still can't believe this is the same TPA I saw earlier this year that was losing to 4Not and MTW. Must have been a bad series of games I saw, haha. Night and day difference, so well played.

was it lan or online ?
latency between eu and asia is massive (+300)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
How does Renekton do against Jayce? He seems like he'd be alright given his stun and natural lifesteal.
Most laners do fine against Jayce. Reneketon is an okay choice because of the stun but without a real slow you'd want to rush Frozen Mallet. There are still better choices to counter Jayce like Yorick. The only real top laner who is actually out of control right now is Rengar.

You still want to be careful what you pick into Jayce though.
Most laners do fine against Jayce. Reneketon is an okay choice because of the stun but without a real slow you'd want to rush Frozen Mallet. There are still better choices to counter Jayce like Yorick. The only real top laner who is actually out of control right now is Rengar.

You still want to be careful what you pick into Jayce though.

Maybe this Tournament has made it seem otherwise but there's probably a heap of champions that could wipe Jayce but none of them are getting picked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Maybe this Tournament has made it seem otherwise but there's probably a heap of champions that could wipe Jayce but none of them are getting picked.
Irelia would have probably shown up last game but she was banned. Rengar isn't available. I think Lee Sin was banned too. Other champions that do okay against him are simply out of style when it comes to these team comps.

Just avoid like Darius and Olaf and you'll be okay picking into Jayce.


game 1 clg eu had 2 carries, if it was bruiser jayce i would have agreed that it was op but it was ad carry jayce which made since with his damage.

it all came down to the first 2 ganks in the beginning which gave jayce a huge lead.
Not sure how CLG.EU is gonna turtle the hell out of this. They're down a lot and Ahri got a Dfg at 10 minutes. =/ Not looking good at all for CLG.EU.
They got Baron. Protect the Kog'maw strat doesn't work when the lead is this big. Bullied in every lane.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Not sure how CLG.EU is gonna turtle the hell out of this. They're down a lot and Ahri got a Dfg at 10 minutes. =/ Not looking good at all for CLG.EU.
They got Baron. Protect the Kog'maw strat doesn't work when the lead is this big. Bullied in every lane.
Game is long over.


This is a bit of a turnaround, AZF ahead by 14k gold, 7 kills to 0, and CLGeu only has one turret kill. Looks like team Ezreal will win again.


Search your heart, Boken. This AZF and CLG.eu series is the only one that truly matters. And in this series, Ezreal win rate is 100%!

It is interesting when you consider though. If a champion is played a lot but only wins 37.5% of matches...do they still deserve heavy nerfs? (as far as I know his win rate is higher in non-tournament matches however)


Sona is good vs Nunu. She has range, decent early damage and healing. Nunu lanes don't have high burst so she won't die 2 v 2.

Sona is bad against kill lanes - champs like Taric, Leona, etc. But nobody is picking those.
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