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Legend of Korra |OT| - Saturday Mornings Just Got Better

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I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right picture, but the one I found has Arabic text below that says انا ابوك written from left to right for some reason (Arabic is written right to left), which means 'I am your father', if it's a nightmare it's Tenzin's.

PS: Are people comfortable with us discussing this here or should we stop? I'm not sure on the rules
I think spoiler discussion is okay, so long as it's all correctly tagged and labelled so people have a vague idea of what will be spoiled if they choose to click. Basically, don't be ambiguous about it, and certainly don't be a dick. But if a number of you are uncomfortable with us posting about leaked spoilers in this thread, I'll happily stop. Though I'm sure those who don't want to be spoiled can exercise the self-control required to not click the tags...

Mega leaked pic spoilers:
Yep, we're talking about the same picture. In which case, it's probably Tenzin's nightmare. Or actually Aang (but that's ridiculous, see my last post on the matter). Maybe Tenzin has fears and/or insecurities about who Amon is himself, since he strongly believes only Avatars can do what Amon does.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Aaand, that's it for this thread until I can just post to say how awesome a new episode is.

Way, way to tempting to look up the pic/ spoilers about it. Not mention half the theories thrown around about Amon fit so well I already feel like I have been spoiled.

See yah!
I think spoiler discussion is okay, so long as it's all correctly tagged and labelled so people have a vague idea of what will be spoiled if they choose to click. Basically, don't be ambiguous about it, and certainly don't be a dick. But if a number of you are uncomfortable with us posting about leaked spoilers in this thread, I'll happily stop. Though I'm sure those who don't want to be spoiled can exercise the self-control required to not click the tags...

Mega leaked pic spoilers:
Yep, we're talking about the same picture. In which case, it's probably Tenzin's nightmare. Or actually Aang (but that's ridiculous, see my last post on the matter). Maybe Tenzin has fears and/or insecurities about who Amon is himself, since he strongly believes only Avatars can do what Amon does.


Mega leaked pic spoilers:
I was thinking Aang but how they would explain that (his hit from Azula fucked up the cycle?) and why would he leave Katara like that since she really does seem to miss him. But when you add some of the stuff that has happening it would be interesting if it was him (Amon commenting on the Avatar's early arrival, being a close source for knowledge of chi blocking, the slight air movements the chi blockers did in the Korra and Mako fight, etc).

Or if you want to go really crazy and add Koh in this maybe Aang finally got caught and Koh somehow gave the person known as Amon Aang's face :p

I also notice the background showing the city looks distorted so it could be a nightmare Tenzin is having for the reasons you explained

or its all fake and everything we know in this world is a lie :O


I will stop as well if a lot of people are uncomfortable but its gonna be pretty crazy now with these fucked up expectations :(


Aaand, that's it for this thread until I can just post to say how awesome a new episode is.

Way, way to tempting to look up the pic/ spoilers about it. Not mention half the theories thrown around about Amon fit so well I already feel like I have been spoiled.

See yah!

First the culling came because of shippers. Then more left because of spoilers.

We are few we who remain.
The leak is bullshit or the writers jumped the shark. I would prefer to think it's bullshit, so that's what I'm going with for now.

I mean that voice just wouldn't match. Can you imagine Steve Blum's voice coming out of that mug?


You know, I hope Nick gets around to airing The Last Airbender reruns again.
Seriously, I need to quell my weekday boredom.


I've said all I want to on the leaked pics. I don't buy any of the crazy theories. If it can be mocked, it's probably not real. I trust DiMartino and Konietzko enough to not fuck it up.

So it's either fake, or what I said (non-character related minor spoiler):
It's a dream/nightmare.
If that's the case, then it makes the spoiler not so bad when you think about it. I imagine we'll see it in the next episode or two.
I've said all I want to on the leaked pics. I don't buy any of the crazy theories. If it can be mocked, it's probably not real. I trust DiMartino and Konietzko enough to not fuck it up.

So it's either fake, or what I said (non-character related minor spoiler):
It's a dream/nightmare.
If that's the case, then it makes the spoiler not so bad when you think about it. I imagine we'll see it in the next episode or two.
No matter what, it's not what it looks like.

That or the writers jumped the shark, of course.


You know, on reflection it's really bizarre to me that the majority of footage released has been from the first three episodes only. So much more stuff.


You know, on reflection it's really bizarre to me that the majority of footage released has been from the first three episodes only. So much more stuff.

I'm really glad myself. I think some of us were expecting that some of those scenes were going to be coming from episodes later in the season, too.
The leak is bullshit or the writers jumped the shark. I would prefer to think it's bullshit, so that's what I'm going with for now.

I mean that voice just wouldn't match. Can you imagine Steve Blum's voice coming out of that mug?

It is fake. The eyes are different. Amon had gold hawk-like eyes and has a look of pure hatred in his eyes.


It is fake. The eyes are different. Amon has gold hawk-like eyes and doesn't look like he's a nice guy.
Like the others have suggested, it could be real but misleading. Either way it's not what it looks like so no matter.

LOVE TRIANGE RAGE. let the Makosumi shippers start!


She's going to turn out to be an antagonist, calling it now. Nothing will stop the contrived cliche train that is the Makorra official pairing.


Ahhh, Korra has competition! The shippers will go mental. Mental!

I'd love it if Mako actually hooks up with her instead of Korra. Imagine all the meltdowns.
I'd love it if Mako actually hooks up with her instead of Korra.


There are only two things that are certain in this world, death and the main couple getting together in children's shows. It will never happen for the same reason that Zutara was never going to happen.

But honestly I'd take Korra hooking up with anyone except the walking, Firebending cliche so go Asami I guess.
Is that the race car driving chick?

Is that the character they said was inspired by Lust (FMA character)?

Looks like it. And i expected her and Mako since they love the shipping stuff lol

and i also see its getting heated in here :p

Ahhh, Korra has competition! The shippers will go mental.Mental!

I'd love it if Mako actually hooks up with her instead of Korra. Imagine all the meltdowns.



Great Golden Cabbage the allure of the black bars on this page is ..... terrifying. I will not highlight though. But I must reaffirm the plea made above that any and all spoilers be properly warned when posted. This must remain a thread of peace.

Jintor there's no shame in leaving the tumblr!


Great Golden Cabbage the allure of the black bars on this page is ..... terrifying. I will not highlight though. But I must reaffirm the plea made above that any and all spoilers be properly warned when posted. This must remain a thread of peace.

Jintor there's no shame in leaving the tumblr!

The only shame found in tumblr is at the door.
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